
Content for  TS 23.280  Word version:  19.2.0

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A (Normative)  Configuration data for MC servicesp. 363

A.1  Generalp. 363

This Annex provides information about the static data needed for configuration for MC services, which belong to one of the following categories:
For each configuration category, data is split between configuration data that is applicable to both on-network and off-network, configuration data that is applicable to on-network only, and configuration data that is applicable to off-network only. The configuration data in each configuration category corresponds to a single instance of the category type i.e. the MC service UE, MC service group, MC service user and MC service configuration data refers to the information that will be stored against each MC service UE, MC service group, MC service user and MC service. This means that the three separate tables (on-network and off-network, on-network only, off-network only) for each configuration category represent the complete set of data for each configuration data category element.
The columns in the tables have the following meanings:
  • Reference: the reference of the corresponding requirement in TS 22.280 or TS 22.281 or TS 22.282 or TS 22.179 or the corresponding subclause from the present document.
  • Parameter description: A short definition of the semantics of the corresponding item of data, including denotation of the level of the parameter in the configuration hierarchy.
  • When it is not clear to which functional entities the parameter is configured, then one or more columns indicating this are provided where the following nomenclature is used:
    • "Y" to denote "Yes" i.e. the parameter denoted for the row needs to be configured to the functional entity denoted for the column.
    • "N" to denote "No" i.e. the parameter denoted for the row does not need to be configured to the functional entity denoted for the column.
Parameters within a set of configuration data have a level within a hierarchy that pertains only to that configuration data. The hierarchy of the configuration data is common across all the three tables of on-network and off-network, on-network only and off-network only. The level of a parameter within the hierarchy of the configuration data is denoted by use of the character ">" in the parameter description field within each table, one per level. Parameters that are at the top-most level within the hierarchy have no ">" character. Parameters that have one or more ">" characters are child parameters of the first parameter above them that has one less ">" character. Parent parameters are parameters that have one or more child parameters. Parent parameters act solely as a "grouping" of their child parameters and therefore do not contain an actual value themselves i.e. they are just containers for their child parameters.
Each parameter that can be configured online shall only be configured through one online reference point. Each parameter that can be configured offline shall only be configured through one offline reference point. The most recent configuration data made available to the MC service UE shall always overwrite previous configuration data, irrespective of whether the configuration data was provided via the online or offline mechanism.

A.2  MC service UE configuration datap. 364

MC service UE configuration data has to be known by an MC service UE after MC service authorization. The CSC-4 reference point is used for configuration between the configuration management server and the configuration management client on the MC service UE when the MC service UE is on-network.
MC service UE configuration data can be configured offline using the CSC-11 reference point.
MC service UE configuration data is specific to each MC service and is specified as follows:
  • MCPTT UE configuration data is specified in TS 23.379;
  • MCVideo UE configuration data is specified in TS 23.281; and
  • MCData UE configuration data is specified in TS 23.282.
Within each MC service, the MC service UE configuration data can be the same or different across MC service UEs.

A.3  MC service user profile configuration datap. 364

The MC service user profile configuration data is stored in the MC service user database. The configuration management server is used to configure the MC service user profile configuration data to the MC service user database (CSC-13) and MC service UE (CSC-4).
MC service user profile configuration data can be configured offline using the CSC-11 reference point.
MC service user profile configuration data is specific to each MC service and is specified as follows:
  • MCPTT user profile configuration data is specified in TS 23.379;
  • MCVideo user profile configuration data is specified in TS 23.281;
  • MCData user profile configuration data is specified in TS 23.282; and
  • Location user profile configuration data is specified in clause A.8.

A.4  Group configuration datap. 364

The group configuration data is stored in the group management server. The group management server is used to configure the group configuration data to the MC service UE (CSC-2) and the MC service server (CSC-3).
A single group can support one or multiple MC service configurations. Hence, the MC service group configuration data is divided into common group configuration data and MC service specific group configuration data.
The group configuration data can be configured offline using the CSC-12 reference point.
The common group configuration data are specified in Table A.4-1. Table A.4-1 and Table A.4-2 contain the group configuration required to support the use of on-network MC service. Table A.4-1 and Table A.4-3 contain the group configuration required to support the use of off-network MC service.
The MC service related group configuration data specific to each MC service is specified as follows:
  • MCPTT related group configuration data is specified in TS 23.379;
  • MCVideo related group configuration data is specified in TS 23.281; and
  • MCData related group configuration data is specified in TS 23.282;
Reference Parameter description MC service UE MC service Server Group management server
[R-6.9-004] and
[R-5.1.3-002] of TS 22.280
MC service group IDYYY
[R-6.4.3-002] and
[R-6.9-004] of TS 22.280
Group Alias (Contact URIs)YYY
List of group members (see NOTE 1) (see NOTE 8)
[R-6.4.5-005] and
[R-6.4.5-006] of TS 22.280
>> MCPTT ID (see NOTE 2) NYY
3GPP TS 33.180 >> KMSUri for security domain of the MCPTT ID (see NOTE 3) NYY
[R-6.2.2-001] and
[R-7.6-007] of TS 22.280
>> User priority for the group NYY
[R-5.1.3-001] of TS 22.280 >> Participant type for the group (group membership information). The particpant type values are defined and configured by the Mission Critical Organisation (e.g.first responder, second responder, dispatcher, dispatch supervisor, MC service administrator). NYY
[R-6.4.5-005] and
[R-6.4.5-006] of TS 22.280
> MCVideo
>> MCVideo ID (see NOTE 2) NYY
3GPP TS 33.180 >> KMSUri for security domain of the MCVideo ID (see NOTE 3) NYY
[R-6.2.2-001] and
[R-7.6-007] of TS 22.280
>> User priority for the group NYY
[R-5.1.3-001] of TS 22.280 >> Participant type for the group (group membership information). The particpant type values are defined and configured by the Mission Critical Organisation (e.g.first responder, second responder, dispatcher, dispatch supervisor, MC service administrator). NYY
[R-6.4.5-005] and
[R-6.4.5-006] of TS 22.280
> MCData
>> MCData ID (see NOTE 2) NYY
3GPP TS 33.180 >> KMSUri for security domain of the MCData ID (see NOTE 3) NYY
[R-6.2.2-001] and
[R-7.6-007] of TS 22.280
>> User priority for the group NYY
[R-5.1.3-001] of TS 22.280 >> Participant type for the group (group membership information). The particpant type values are defined and configured by the Mission Critical Organisation (e.g.first responder, second responder, dispatcher, dispatch supervisor, MC service administrator). NYY
[R-5.16.2-001] and
[R-5.16.2-002] of TS 22.280
Group's owner (Mission Critical Organisation) YYY
Subclause 8.3.2, 10.2.3 MC service specific configuration (see NOTE 4)
> MCPTT configuration (see NOTE 5)
> MCVideo configuration (see NOTE 6)
> MCData configuration (see NOTE 7)
List of subordinate groups
[R-5.2.2-002] of TS 22.280 > MC service group ID NYY
Group broadcast information
[R-5.2.2-001] of TS 22.280 Level within group hierarchy NYY
[R-5.2.3-001] of TS 22.280 Level within user hierarchy NYY
Subclause of TS 23.379 Group is a preconfigured regroup group YYY
[R-5.2.1-002] of TS 22.280 Group is a broadcast group YYY
The list of group members is provided to an authorized user only upon request and not by default.
MC service IDs for all configured MC services shall be provided for the configured group member.
If this parameter is absent, the KMSUri shall be that identified in the initial MC service UE configuration data (on-network) configured in Table A.6-1.
An MC service specific configuration shall be provided for all of the MC services for which the group is enabled. At least one MC service shall be enabled for a group.
This parameter is a parent parameter whose child parameters are defined in TS 23.379.
This parameter is a parent parameter whose child parameters are defined in TS 23.281.
This parameter is a parent parameter whose child parameters are defined in TS 23.282.
The list of group members comprises all group members in primary and in partner MC systems of the MC service group.
Reference Parameter description MC service UE MC service Server Group management server
[R-6.1-001] of TS 22.280 Maximum number of group members (Nc6) NYY
[R-6.1-003] of TS 22.280 Enabled/disabled group (basic status) YYY
[R-6.6.1-006] of TS 22.280 Temporary group indication YYY
[R-6.4.5-005] of TS 22.280 List of authorised users who can request the list of members of an MC service group YYY
> MCVideo IDs Y
> MCData IDs Y
MC service specific configuration
> MCPTT configuration (see NOTE 1)
> MCVideo configuration (see NOTE 2)
> MCData configuration (see NOTE 3)
[R-6.4.9-006] of TS 22.280 Geographic area within which affiliation to the group is permitted (see NOTE 4) YYY
[R-6.4.9-006] of TS 22.280 Geographic area outside which de-affiliation from the group is mandatory (see NOTE 4) YYY
Subclause 10.2.5 List of authorised users who can retrieve the group information
> MCVideo IDs Y
> MCData IDs Y
Subclause 5.2.3 Associated relay service code (as specified in TS 23.303) YNY
Subclause 5.2.9 of TS 23.280 List of partner MC systems from which interconnection is permitted for the group
Subclause 5.2.9 of TS 23.280 > Identity of partner MCPTT system YY
Subclause 5.2.9 of TS 23.280 > Identity of partner MCVideo system YY
Subclause 5.2.9 of TS 23.280 > Identity of partner MCData system YY
[R-6.4.4-003] of TS 22.280 List of functional aliases which prevents de-affiliating
> Functional alias NYY
[R-6.4.4-004] of TS 22.280 List of functional aliases which prevents de-affiliating, if only one user has bound the functional alias to the group
> Functional alias NYY
This parameter is a parent parameter whose child parameters are defined in TS 23.379.
This parameter is a parent parameter whose child parameters are defined in TS 23.281.
This parameter is a parent parameter whose child parameters are defined in TS 23.282.
The geographic area may consist of a union of regions that are non-contiguous or contain holes.
Reference Parameter description MC service UE MC service server Group management server
Subclause ProSe layer-2 group ID (as specified in TS 23.303)YNY
Subclause ProSe group IP multicast address (as specified in TS 23.303)YNY
Subclause Indication of whether the UE shall use Ipv4 or Ipv6 for the MC service group (as specified in TS 23.303)YNY
MC service specific configuration
> MCPTT configuration (see NOTE 1)
> MCVideo configuration (see NOTE 2)
> MCData configuration (see NOTE 3)
This parameter is a parent parameter whose child parameters are defined in TS 23.379.
This parameter is a parent parameter whose child parameters are defined in TS 23.281.
This parameter is a parent parameter whose child parameters are defined in TS 23.282.

A.5  MC service configuration datap. 369

The MC service configuration data is stored in the MC service server. The configuration management server is used to configure the MC service configuration data to the MC service server (CSC-5) and the MC service UE (CSC-4).
The MC service configuration data can be configured offline using the CSC-11 reference point.
The MC service configuration data is specific to each MC service and hence the detailed list of MC service configuration data is listed as follows:
  • MCPTT service configuration data is specified in TS 23.379;
  • MCVideo service configuration data is specified in TS 23.281; and
  • MCData service configuration data is specified in TS 23.282;

A.6  Initial MC service UE configuration datap. 369

The initial MC service UE configuration data is essential to the MC service UE to successfully connect to the MC system. The initial MC service UE configuration data can be the same or different across MC service UEs.
Data in Table A.6-1 is provided to the MC service UE's clients (e.g. MC service client, group management client, configuration management client, identity management client, key management client) during the bootstrap process (see subclause 10.1.1), and can be configured on the MC service UE offline using the CSC-11 reference point or via other means e.g. as part of the MCPTT client's provisioning on the UE, using a device management procedure.
Reference Parameter description
Subclause 10.1.1 PDN connectivity information
> HPLMN ID and optionally VPLMN ID to which the data pertains
> MC services PDN
>> APN
>> PDN access credentials
> MC common core services PDN
>> APN
>> PDN access credentials
> MC identity management service PDN
>> APN
>> PDN access credentials
Subclause 10.1.1 Application plane server identity information
> Identity management server
>> Server URI
> Configuration management server
>> Server URI
> Key management server
>> Server URI (also known as KMSUri for security domain managed by KMS)
> Indication of whether the UE shall use Ipv4 or Ipv6 for on-network MCPTT
> MCPTT Server
>> Server URI
> Indication of whether the UE shall use Ipv4 or Ipv6 for on-network MCData
> MCData Server
>> Server URI
> Indication of whether the UE shall use Ipv4 or Ipv6 for on-network MCVideo
> MCVideo Server
>> Server URI
> Location management server
>> Server URI
Subclause 10.1.1 Operational information
> MC service UE label (see NOTE)
The MC service UE label is optional.

A.7  Initial MC gateway UE configuration data |R18|p. 371

The initial MC gateway UE configuration data is essential to the MC gateway UE to successfully connect MC clients to the MC system. The initial MC gateway UE configuration data can be the same or different across MC gateway UEs.
Data in Table A.7-1 is provided to the MC gateway UE during the bootstrap process and can be configured on the MC gateway UE offline using the CSC-11 reference point or via other means.
Reference Parameter description
Subclause 5.15 of TS 22.280List of permitted GW MC service IDs for MCPTT
> GW MC service ID
Subclause 5.15 of TS 22.280List of permitted GW MC service IDs for MCVideo
> GW MC service ID
Subclause 5.15 of TS 22.280List of permitted GW MC service IDs for MCData
> GW MC service ID

A.8  Location user profile configuration data |R18|p. 371

The location user profile configuration data is stored in the location user database. The location management server obtains the location user profile configuration data via the configuration management server (CSC-24).
Table A.8-1 contains the location user profile configuration required to support the use of on-network location service. Data in Table A.8-1 can be configured offline using the CSC-11 reference point.
Reference Parameter description Location UE Location Server Configuration management server Location user database
[R-5.11-007] of TS 22.280
Authorization to set a trigger at a LMC
> List of MC service IDs for which a trigger is authorized to be setYYYY
>> MCVideo ID (see NOTE 1)YYYY
>> MCData ID (see NOTE 1)YYYY
[R-5.11-008] of TS 22.280Authorization to cancel a trigger at a LMC
> List of MC service IDs for which a trigger is authorized to be cancelledYYYY
>> MCVideo ID (see NOTE 1)YYYY
>> MCData ID (see NOTE 1)YYYY
Authorization to subscribe to location information for an MC user
> List of MC service IDs for which subscription and subscription cancellation is authorizedYYYY
>> MCVideo ID (see NOTE 1)YYYY
>> MCData ID (see NOTE 1)YYYY
Authorization to obtain location information for an MC user
> List of MC service IDs for which obtaining location information is authorizedYYYY
>> MCVideo ID (see NOTE 1)YYYY
>> MCData ID (see NOTE 1)YYYY
Authorization to modify the location user profile of an MC user
> Modification to the location user profile is permanent/temporaryYNYY
>> Duration of time for temporary modificationYNYY
> List of MC service IDs for which modifying the location reporting configuration is authorizedYNYY
>> MCVideo ID (see NOTE 1)YNYY
>> MCData ID (see NOTE 1)YNYY
There can be zero or more.
The default authorization applies to all MC users not listed as specifically authorized or not authorized. The intent of this parameter is to avoid having to list all MC users as specifically authorized or not authorized and allowing the administrator to only indicate specific authorization statuses.

A.9  ACM client user profile configuration data |R19|p. 373

The ACM client user profile configuration data is stored at the MC system's ACM server and at the Configuration management server. The authorisations of requesting ACM clients will be verified based on valid entries in Table A.9-1.
Reference Parameter description ACMC ACMS Configuration management server
Subclause 5.16.4 of TS 22.280Authorised to perform ACM transactionsYYY
Subclause 5.16.4 of TS 22.280List of permitted partner MC systems
> Identity of partner MC service systemYYY
Subclause 5.16.4 of TS 22.280>> Access information for ACMSYYY
Subclause 5.16.4 of TS 22.280>> List of authorized actions
>>> ActionYYY

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