
Content for  TS 23.280  Word version:  19.3.1

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7.5  Reference pointsp. 45

7.5.1  General reference point principlep. 45

The protocols on any reference point that is exposed for MC service interoperability with other SIP core or other IMS entities in other systems shall be compatible with the protocols defined for the corresponding reference point defined in TS 23.002.

7.5.2  Application planep. 45  Generalp. 45

The reference points for the application plane of an MC service are described in the following subclauses.  Reference point CSC-1 (between the identity management client and the identity management server)p. 46

The CSC-1 reference point, which exists between the identity management client and the identity management server, provides for the authentication of the common services core to the MC service client and subsequent authentication of the user to the common services core on behalf of applications within the application plane.
CSC-1 is specified in TS 33.180.  Reference point CSC-2 (between the group management client and the group management server for configuration while UE is on-network)p. 46

The CSC-2 reference point, which exists between the group management client and the group management server, is used for MC service signalling for MC service data management of the MC service.
The CSC-2 reference point supports:
  • Configuration of group related data at the group management client by the group management server; and
  • Configuration of group related data at the group management server by the group management client.
The CSC-2 reference point shall use the HTTP-1 and HTTP-2 reference points for transport and routing of non-subscription/notification related signalling. The CSC-2 reference point shall use SIP-1 and SIP-2 reference points for transport and routing of subscription/notification related signalling.
Up  Reference point CSC-3 (between the MC service server and the group management server)p. 46

The CSC-3 reference point, which exists between the MC service server and the group management server, provides for the MC service server to obtain group information corresponding to the MC service. The CSC-3 reference point shall use HTTP-1 and HTTP-2 reference points for transport and routing of non-subscription/notification related signalling. The CSC-3 reference point shall use SIP-2 and SIP-3 reference points for transport and routing of subscription/notification related signalling. The SIP-3 reference point is used when a MC service server and the group management server, are served by different SIP cores.
Up  Reference point CSC-4 (between the configuration management client and the configuration management server for configuration while UE is on-network)p. 46

The CSC-4 reference point, which exists between the configuration management client and the configuration management server, provides the configuration information required for MC services while the MC service client is on-network.
The CSC-4 reference point supports:
  • configuration of the MC service UE by the MC service; and
  • configuration of the MC service application with the MC service related information that is not part of group management (e.g. policy information) by the MC service UE.
The CSC-4 reference point shall use the HTTP-1 and HTTP-2 reference points for transport and routing of non-subscription/notification related signalling. The CSC-4 reference point shall use SIP-1 and SIP-2 reference points for transport and routing of subscription/notification related signalling.
Up  Reference point CSC-5 (between the MC service server and the configuration management server)p. 46

The CSC-5 reference point, which exists between the MC service server and the configuration management server, provides for the MC service server to obtain non-group MC service related information (e.g. policy information). The CSC-5 reference point shall use HTTP-1 reference point and HTTP-2 reference point for transport and routing of non-subscription/notification related signalling. The CSC-5 reference point shall use SIP-2 and SIP-3 reference points for transport and routing of subscription/notification related signalling. The SIP-3 reference point is used when a MC service server and the configuration management server, are served by different SIP cores.
Up  Reference point CSC-7 (between the group management servers)p. 47

The CSC-7 reference point, which exists between group management servers, allows group management servers to handle group management related signalling in the same security domain. The CSC-7 reference point shall use the HTTP-1, HTTP-2 and HTTP-3 reference points for transport and routing of non-subscription/notification related signalling. The CSC-7 reference point shall use SIP-2 and SIP-3 reference points for transport and routing of subscription/notification related signalling. The SIP-3 reference point is used when a pair of group management servers, are served by different SIP cores.
Up  Reference point CSC-8 (between the key management server and the key management client)p. 47

The CSC-8 reference point, which exists between the key management server and the key management client, provides a means for the key management server to provide security related information (e.g. encryption keys) to the key management client.
The CSC-8 reference point shall use the HTTP-1 and HTTP-2 reference points for transport and routing of security related information to the key management client.
CSC-8 is specified in TS 33.180.
Up  Reference point CSC-9 (between the key management server and the MC service server)p. 47

The CSC-9 reference point, which exists between the key management server and the MC service server, provides a means for the key management server to provide security related information (e.g. encryption keys) to the MC service server.
The CSC-9 reference point shall use the HTTP-1 and HTTP-2 reference points for transport and routing of security related information to the MC service server.
CSC-9 is specified in TS 33.180.  Reference point CSC-10 (between the key management server and the group management server)p. 47

The CSC-10 reference point, which exists between the key management server and the group management server, provides a means for the key management server to provide security related information (e.g. encryption keys) to the group management server.
The CSC-10 reference point shall use the HTTP-1 and HTTP-2 reference points and may use the HTTP-3 reference point for transport and routing of security related information to the group management server.
CSC-10 is specified in TS 33.180.
Up  Reference point CSC-11 (between the configuration management client and the configuration management server for configuration while UE is off-network)p. 47

The CSC-11 reference point, which exists between the configuration management client and the configuration management server, provides the configuration information required for MC services while the MC service client is off-network.
The CSC-11 reference point is the same as CSC-4 reference point except that CSC-11 does not support subscription/notification and therefore does not require the use of SIP-1 and SIP-2 reference points.  Reference point CSC-12 (between the group management client and the group management server for configuration while UE is off-network)p. 48

The CSC-12 reference point, which exists between the group management client and the group management server, is used for MC service application signalling for data management of the MC service.
The CSC-12 reference point is the same as CSC-2 reference point except that CSC-12 does not support subscription/notification and therefore does not require the use of SIP-1 and SIP-2 reference points.  Reference point CSC-13 (between the configuration management server and the MC service user database)p. 48

The CSC-13 reference point, which exists between the MC service user database and the configuration management server, is used for:
  • the configuration management server to store the user profile data in the specific MC service user database; and
  • the configuration management server to obtain the user profile from the specific MC service user database for further configuration in the MC service UE.  Reference point CSC-14 (between the location management client and the location management server)p. 48

The CSC-14 reference point, which exists between the location management client and the location management server, is used by the location management server to receive location information report from location management client.
The CSC-14 reference point uses SIP-1 and SIP-2 reference points for transport and routing of subscription/notification related signalling. The CSC-14 reference point uses the HTTP-1 and HTTP-2 reference points for transport and routing of non-subscription/notification related signalling.
Up  Reference point CSC-15 (between the location management server and the MC service server)p. 48

The CSC-15 reference point, which exists between the location management server and the MC service server, is used by the MC service server to request and receive location information from location management server.
The CSC-15 reference point uses SIP-1 and SIP-2 reference points for transport and routing of subscription/notification related signalling. The CSC-15 reference point uses the HTTP-1 and HTTP-2 reference points for transport and routing of non-subscription/notification related signalling.
Up  Reference point CSC-16 (between group management servers in different MC systems) |R15|p. 48

The CSC-16 reference point, which exists between two group management servers in different MC systems in different security domains, is used by the group management servers to share group configuration information for MC service groups that can take part in interconnected MC service group calls.
The CSC-16 reference point uses the HTTP-1, HTTP-2 and HTTP-3 reference points for transport and routing of non-subscription/notification related signalling. The CSC-16 reference point uses SIP-2 and SIP-3 reference points for transport and routing of subscription/notification related signalling.
Up  Reference point CSC-17 (between configuration management servers in different MC systems) |R15|p. 48

The CSC-17 reference point, which exists between configuration management servers in different MC systems in different security domains, is used by the configuration management servers to share user configuration information for MC service users who are permitted to migrate between the MC systems.
The CSC-17 reference point uses the HTTP-1, HTTP-2 and HTTP-3 reference points for transport and routing of non-subscription/notification related signalling.  Reference point MCX-1 (between MC service servers) |R15|p. 49

The MCX-1 reference point is defined between MC service servers, between MC service servers and MC gateway servers and between MC gateway servers. The MC service servers and MC gateway servers may be located within one MC system or in separate MC systems. Furthermore, the MC service servers may be of the same type or different types.
This MCX-1 reference point is used by MC service servers' coordination procedures (e.g. priority coordination). This reference point is not part of the common service core functionality.
Up  Reference point CSC-19 (between group management server and MC gateway server) |R16|p. 49

The CSC-19 reference point, which exists between the group management server and MC gateway server is used by the group management server for subscription and notification signalling related to group configuration information that is shared between MC systems to permit interconnection of MC service group calls.
The CSC-19 reference point uses the SIP-2 and SIP-3 reference points for transport and routing of subscription/notification related signalling. The SIP-3 reference point is used when a group management server and an MC gateway server, are served by different SIP cores.
Up  Reference point CSC-20 (between configuration management server and MC gateway server) |R16|p. 49

The CSC-20 reference point, which exists between configuration management server and MC gateway server is used by the configuration management server for subscription and notification signalling related to user configuration information that is shared between MC systems to permit migration between MC systems.
The CSC-20 reference point uses the SIP-2 and SIP-3 reference points for transport and routing of subscription/notification related signalling. The SIP-3 reference point is used when a configuration management server and an MC gateway server, are served by different SIP cores.
Up  Reference point CSC-21 (between MC gateway servers in different MC systems) |R16|p. 49

The CSC-21 reference point, which exists between MC gateway servers in different MC systems in different security domains, is used to share subscription and notification related signalling for group configuration, user configuration management, administrative configuration management and location management to permit interconnection and migration between MC systems.
The CSC-21 reference point uses the SIP-3 reference point for transport and routing of subscription/notification related signalling.  Reference point CSC-22 (between location management servers in different MC systems) |R18|p. 49

The CSC-22 reference point, which exists between location management servers in different MC systems, is used to share location information and non-subscription/notification related signalling for location management for interconnected MC systems.
The CSC-22 reference point uses the HTTP-1, HTTP-2 and HTTP-3 reference points for transport and routing of non-subscription/notification related signalling.  Reference point CSC-23 (between location management server and MC gateway server) |R18|p. 50

The CSC-23 reference point, which exists between location management server and MC gateway server, is used to handle location management related signalling.
The CSC-23 reference point uses SIP-2 and SIP-3 reference points for transport and routing of subscription/notification related signalling.  Reference point CSC-24 (between the Location management server and the configuration management server) |R18|p. 50

The CSC-24 reference point, which exists between the location management server and the configuration management server, to allow the location management server to obtain non-group configuration related information for location service (e.g. policy information). The CSC-24 reference point shall use HTTP-1 reference point and HTTP-2 reference point for transport and routing of non-subscription/notification related signalling. The CSC-24 reference point shall use SIP-2 reference point for transport and routing of subscription/notification related signalling.
Up  Reference point ACM-1 (between administrative configuration management client and administrative configuration management server) |R19|p. 50

The ACM-1 reference point, which exists between the administrative configuration management client and the administrative configuration management server, provides exchange of administrative configuration data between interconnected MC systems while the administrative configuration management client is on-network.
The ACM-1 reference point supports:
  • retrieving the administrative management configuration client user configuration data for authorization
  • sending requests for exchanging administrative configuration data with an partner MC system
  • receiving responses from partner MC system upon requests sent
  • receiving requests of administrative configuration management client of partner MC system for exchanging administrative configuration data
  • decision taking on how to handle received requests and to reply with status response to the requestor of the partner MC system
The ACM-1 reference point shall use the HTTP-1 and HTTP-2 reference points for transport and routing of non-subscription/notification related signalling. The ACM-1 reference point shall use SIP-1 and SIP-2 reference points for transport and routing of subscription/notification related signalling.
Up  Reference point ACM-2 (between ACM server of primary MC system and ACM server of partner MC system) |R19|p. 50

The ACM-2 reference point, which exists between the administrative configuration management servers in different security domains, is used by administrative configuration management servers to exchange administrative configuration data between interconnected MC systems.
The ACM-2 reference point uses the HTTP-2 and HTTP-3 reference points for transport and routing of non-subscription/notification related signalling. The ACM-2 reference point uses SIP-2 and SIP-3 reference points for transport and routing of subscription/notification related signalling.
Up  Reference point ACM-3 (between ACM server and MC gateway server) |R19|p. 51

The ACM-3 reference point, which exists between administrative configuration management server and MC gateway server is used for signalling related to administrative configuration management that is shared to provide preconditions for the cooperation between interconnected MC systems.
The ACM-3 reference point uses SIP-2 and SIP-3 reference points for transport and routing of signalling. The SIP-3 reference point is used when an administrative configuration management server and a MC gateway server are served by different SIP cores.

7.5.3  Signalling control planep. 51  Generalp. 51

The reference points for the SIP and HTTP signalling are described in the following subclauses.  Reference point SIP-1(between the signalling user agent and the SIP core)p. 51

The SIP-1 reference point, which exists between the signalling user agent and the SIP core for establishing a session in support of MC service, shall use the Gm reference point as defined in TS 23.002 (with necessary enhancements to support MC service requirements and profiled to meet the minimum requirements for support of MC service). The SIP-1 reference point fulfils the requirements of the GC1 reference point specified in TS 23.468. The SIP-1 reference point is used for:
  • SIP registration;
  • authentication and security to the service layer;
  • event subscription and event notification;
  • communication of the TMGI for multicast operation;
  • overload control;
  • session management; and
  • media negotiation.
Up  Reference point SIP-2 (between the SIP core and the SIP AS)p. 51

The SIP-2 reference point, which exists between the SIP core and the SIP AS for establishing a session in support of MC service, shall use the ISC and Ma reference points as defined in TS 23.002. The SIP-2 reference point is used for:
  • notification to the MC service server(s) of SIP registration by the MC service UE;
  • authentication and security to the service layer;
  • event subscription and event notification;
  • communication of the TMGI for multicast operation;
  • session management; and
  • media negotiation.
Up  Reference point SIP-3 (between the SIP core and SIP core)p. 51

The SIP-3 reference point, which exists between one SIP core and another SIP core for establishing a session in support of MC service, shall use the Mm and ICi reference points as defined in TS 23.002. The SIP-3 reference point is used for:
  • event subscription and event notification;
  • session management; and
  • media negotiation.  Reference point HTTP-1 (between the HTTP client and the HTTP proxy)p. 52

The HTTP-1 reference point exists between the HTTP client and the HTTP proxy. Between the MC service UE and the HTTP proxy, the HTTP-1 reference point shall use the Ut reference point as defined in TS 23.002 (with necessary enhancements to support specific MC service requirements). The HTTP-1 reference point is based on HTTP (which may be secured using e.g. SSL, TLS).  Reference point HTTP-2 (between the HTTP proxy and the HTTP server)p. 52

The HTTP-2 reference point, which exists between the HTTP proxy and the HTTP server, is based on HTTP (which may be secured using e.g. SSL, TLS).  Reference point HTTP-3 (between the HTTP proxy and HTTP proxy)p. 52

The HTTP-3 reference point, which exists between the HTTP proxy and another HTTP proxy in a different network, is based on HTTP (which may be secured using e.g. SSL, TLS).  Reference point AAA-1 (between the SIP database and the SIP core)p. 52

The AAA-1 reference point, which exists between the SIP database and the SIP core, is used by the SIP core to retrieve signalling plane data from the SIP database. The AAA-1 reference point utilises the Cx reference point as defined in TS 23.002.
In some deployment scenarios the registrar and SIP database are located in the MC service provider's network while the registrar finder is in the PLMN operator's network and the AAA-1 reference point is an inter-network interface.
Up  Reference point AAA-2 (between the SIP core and Diameter proxy) |R15|p. 52

The AAA-2 reference point, which exists between the SIP core / IMS and Diameter proxy for SIP registration during migration, shall use the Cx reference point as defined in TS 23.002. The AAA-2 reference point is used for:
  • authentication and security to the service layer for migration;

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