
3GPP (GSM only) 41-series — Requirements

The technical specifications (TS) are displayed in blue, while the reports (TR) are shown in green.  TS that have been discontinued in earlier releases are indicated with a light blue color.  TR in the '9' range that have been stopped are highlighted in light green.  TS or TR with a yellow background indicate those updated at the latest  Q3-2024  Plenary Meetings.  The new ones are displayed with a single red dotted overline.
the left border in green means that the full text and graphic content are available online for this TS/TR
TR 41.031 REL  4 → 18 FIGS — Service Requirements
TR 41.033 REL  4 → 12 Lawful Interception Requirements for GSM
TS 41.061 REL  4 GPRS Ciphering Algorithm Requirements
TS 41.101 REL  4 → 18 for a GERAN-based 3GPP System
