
Content for  TS 23.280  Word version:  19.3.1

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10.8.5  Remote change of affiliationp. 174  Remote change of affiliation for groups defined in primary MC systemp. 174  Authorized user remotely changes another MC service user's affiliated MC service group(s) - mandatory modep. 174
The procedure for an authorized user to remotely change another MC service user's affiliated MC service group(s) for a single MC service without requiring the target user's approval is described in Figure
  1. The MC service client 1 (authorized user 1) has already been provisioned (statically or dynamically) with the target MC service user's information and its group information, that target MC service user 2 is allowed to be affiliated or de-affiliated;
  2. The primary MC service server may have retrieved the user profile or group policy from the group configuration e.g. information regarding user(s) authorization to affiliate or to de-affiliate to MC service group(s), priority, and other related configuration data; and
  3. The group management server has subscribed to the MC service server within the MC system where the group is defined for affiliation status updates.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Remotely change MC service group affiliation - mandatory mode
Step 1.
When an authorized user requires one or more MC service users to change the affiliation to an MC service group or set of MC service groups, the MC service client 1 of the authorized user 1 sends MC service group affiliation change request with the indication of mandatory mode to the primary MC service server. The information used to indicate the change of the affiliation relationship between the target MC service user 2 and the MC service group(s) shall be included.
Step 2.
The primary MC service server shall check if the MC service user 1 is authorized to initiate the change of the affiliation relationship between the target user 2 and the MC service group(s). The primary MC service server shall check if the target MC service user(s) are authorized for the requested affiliation relationship based on the user profile. The primary MC service server also performs the check for the maximum limit on the total number (N2) of MC service groups that the user can be affiliated to simultaneously.
Step 3a.
The primary MC service server checks if the group policy is locally cached. If the group policy is not locally cached on the MC service server, then, the MC service server subscribes to the group policy from the group configuration from the group management server.
Step 3b.
The primary MC service server receives the group policy from the group configuration from the group management server via notification and locally caches the group policy from the group configuration.
Step 4.
Based on the group policy, the primary MC service server checks if the target MC service user 2 is authorized to affiliate or de-affiliate to the MC service group(s).
Step 5.
If the target MC service user 2 is authorized to affiliate or de-affiliate to the MC service group(s) then the primary MC service server stores the new requested affiliation status of the target MC service user 2 for the MC service group(s).
Step 6.
If the requested affiliation status is a change from the current affiliation status, then the primary MC service server updates the group management server with the affiliation status of the MC service user 2 for the MC service group(s).
Step 7a.
If the requested affiliation status is a change the primary MC service server sends the MC service group affiliation change request with the indication of mandatory mode to MC service client 2 of the target MC service user 2. The target MC service user 2 receives the latest information about the affiliated MC service groups. The MC service client 2 may subscribe to the affiliated MC service groups information with the group management server.
Step 7b.
The MC service user 2 provides a response to the primary MC service server by sending an MC service group affiliation change response.
Step 8.
The primary MC service server sends the MC service group affiliation change response to MC service client 1. If the requested affiliation status was not changed (see 7a), then the MC service server creates an appropriate (accept) MC service group affiliation change response to send to MC service client 1.
Up  Authorized user remotely changes another MC service user's affiliated MC service group(s) - negotiated modep. 175
The procedure for the authorized user to remotely change another MC service user's affiliated MC service group(s) for a single MC service with the target MC service user's approval is described in Figure
  • The MC service client 1 (authorized user 1) has already been provisioned (statically or dynamically) with target MC service user's information and its group information, that target MC service user 2 is allowed to be affiliated or de-affiliated;
  • The primary MC service server may have retrieved the user profile or group policy from the group configuration e.g. information regarding user(s) authorization to affiliate or to de-affiliate to MC service group(s), priority, and other related configuration data.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Remotely change MC service group affiliation - negotiated mode
Step 1.
When an authorized user requires one or more MC service users to change the affiliation to an MC service group or set of MC service groups, the MC service client 1 of the authorized user 1 sends MC service group affiliation change request to the primary MC service server. The information (i.e. target MC service user(s) ID, MC service group(s) ID, requested affiliation status) used to indicate the change of the affiliation relationship between the target MC service user 2 and the MC service group(s) shall be included.
Step 2.
The primary MC service server checks if the MC service user 1 is authorized to initiate the change of the affiliation relationship between the target user 2 and the MC service group(s). The primary MC service server checks if the target MC service user(s) are authorized for the requested affiliation relationship based on the user profile and the group policy from the group configuration (i.e. if not available, the primary MC service server obtains the group policy from the group configuration from the group management server). The primary MC service server also performs the check for the maximum limit on the total number (N2) of MC service groups that the user can be affiliated to simultaneously.
Step 3.
If the target MC service user 2 is authorized to accept the changes to its affiliated MC service group(s), then the primary MC service server sends the MC service group affiliation change request to the MC service client 2 of the target MC service user 2.
Step 4.
If the requested affiliation status is different from the current affiliation status, then the MC service client 2 notifies the MC service group affiliation change request to the target MC service user 2 to receive the approval from the user on the proposed changes to the affiliated MC service group(s).
Step 5.
If the target MC service user 2 provides a response (accept or reject) to the notification, then the MC service client 2 sends an MC service group affiliation change response to the primary MC service server. A response indicating target user 2's acceptance to the requested affiliation change by authorized user 1, triggers the affiliation or de-affiliation procedures at the primary MC service server (see subclause or subclause as per the MC service user 1's requested changes to the target user 2's affiliated group(s).
Step 6.
The primary MC service server sends the MC service group affiliation change response to the MC service client 1. If the requested affiliation status was not changed (see 4), then the MC service server creates an appropriate (accept) MC service group affiliation change response to send to MC service client 1.
Up  Remote change of affiliation for groups defined in partner MC systemp. 177  Authorized user remotely changes another MC service user's affiliated MC service group(s) defined in partner MC system - mandatory modep. 177
The procedure for the authorized user to remotely change another MC service user's affiliated MC service group(s) defined in partner MC systems for a single MC service without requiring the target user's approval is described in Figure
  1. The MC service client 1 (authorized user) has already been provisioned (statically or dynamically) with the target MC service user 2's information and group information, that the target MC service user 2 is allowed to be affiliated or de-affiliated;
  2. The MC service client 1 (authorized user 1), MC service client 2 (target MC service user 2), and the primary MC service server belong to the same MC system;
  3. The partner MC service server may have retrieved the group related information from the group management server;
  4. The primary MC service server may have retrieved the user policy e.g. user related information regarding user(s) authorization to affiliate or to de-affiliate to MC service group(s), priority, and other related configuration data; and
  5. The partner group management server has subscribed to the MC service server within the MC system where the group is defined for affiliation status updates.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Remote change MC service group affiliation defined in partner MC system - mandatory mode
Step 1.
When an authorized user requires one or more MC service users to change the affiliation to an MC service group or set of MC service groups, the MC service client 1 of the authorized user 1 sends MC service group affiliation change request with the indication of mandatory mode to the primary MC service server. The information (i.e. target MC service user(s) ID, MC service group(s) ID, requested affiliation status) used to indicate the change of the affiliation relationship between the target MC service user 2 and the MC service group(s) shall be included.
Step 2.
The primary MC service server shall check if the MC service user 1 is authorized to initiate the change of the affiliation relationship between the target user 2 and the MC service group(s). The primary MC service server shall check if the target MC service user(s) are authorized for the requested affiliation relationship based on the user profile. The primary MC service server also performs the check for the maximum limit on the total number (N2) of MC service groups that the user can be affiliated to simultaneously.
Step 3.
Based on the MC service group information included in the request, the primary MC service server determines to send MC service group affiliation change request to the corresponding partner MC service server (group host server).
Step 4a.
The partner MC service server checks if the group policy is locally cached. If the group policy is not locally cached on the partner MC service server then the partner MC service server subscribes to the group policy from the group configuration from the group management server.
Step 4b.
The partner MC service server receives the group policy from the group configuration from the group management server via notification and locally caches the group policy from the group configuration.
Step 5.
Based on the group policy, the partner MC service server checks if the target MC service user 2 is authorized to affiliate to the MC service group(s). It is possible that the target MC service user 2 affiliates to one or more MC service groups and also de-affiliates from one or more MC service groups.
Step 6.
If the target MC service user 2 is authorized to affiliate or de-affiliate to the MC service group(s) and if the requested affiliation status is different to the current affiliation status, then the partner MC service server stores the new affiliation status of the target MC service user 2 for the MC service group(s).
Step 7.
The partner MC service server sends the MC service group affiliation change response to the primary MC service server.
Step 8.
The partner MC service server updates the group management server with the affiliation status of the target MC service user 2 for the MC service group(s).
Step 9.
If the requested affiliation status is different to the current affiliation status, then the primary MC service server stores the new affiliation status of the target MC service user 2 for the MC service group(s).
Step 10a.
If the requested affiliation status is different to the current affiliation status, then the primary MC service server sends the MC service group affiliation change request with the indication of mandatory mode to MC service client 2 of the target MC service user 2. The target MC service user 2 receives the latest information about the affiliated MC service groups. Further the MC service client 2 may subscribe for the affiliated MC service groups information with the group management server.
Step 10b.
The target MC service client 2 provides an MC service group affiliation change response to the MC service server.
Step 11.
The primary MC service server sends the MC service group affiliation change response to MC service client 1 (authorized user). If the requested affiliation status was not changed (see 10a), then the MC service server creates an appropriate (accept) MC service group affiliation change response to send to MC service client 1.

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