
Content for  TS 23.280  Word version:  19.4.0

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10.9  Location management (on-network)p. 181

10.9.1  Generalp. 181

Location information of MC service user shall be provided by the location management client to the location management server. The location information reporting triggers are based on the location reporting configuration. Different type of location information can be provided.
The location management client can be configured to store location information while not reporting location information to the location management server. The location management client may report stored location information to the location management server.
In the information flows of clause 10.9.2, and procedures of clause 10.9.3:
  • the term "requesting MC service user" is used to refer to the MC service user which sends a request to subscribe to location information reports, to trigger a location information report or to modify existing location information triggers from another MC service user;
  • the term "requested MC service user" is used to refer to the MC service user whose location information is requested or existing location information triggers are to be modified; and
  • the term "reporting MC service user" is used to refer to the MC service user which provides location related information based on on-demand request or trigger criteria.

10.9.2  Information flows for location informationp. 181  Location reporting configurationp. 181

Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the location management client for the location reporting configuration.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user to which the location reporting configuration is targeted.
Requested non-emergency location informationO (see NOTE 1)Identifies what location information is requested, except for emergency or imminent peril calls or emergency alerts
Requested emergency location informationO (see NOTE 1)Identifies what location information is requested, for emergency or imminent peril calls or emergency alerts
Triggering criteria in non-emergency casesO (see NOTE 1)Identifies when the location management client will send the location report in non-emergency cases
Handling criteria in not reporting location information casesOIdentifies when the location management client will store location information (e.g. never, off-network, IOPS)
Triggering criteria in not reporting location information casesO (see NOTE 2)Identifies the causes when the location management client will generate location information
Minimum time between consecutive reportsO (see NOTE 1)Defaults to 0 if absent and 0 for emergency calls, imminent peril calls and emergency alerts
Triggering criteria in emergency casesO (see NOTE 1)Identifies when the location management client will send the location report in emergency cases
If none of the information elements is present, this represents a cancellation for location reporting based on Triggering criteria in emergency and non-emergency cases, if configured.
If not present, location information is generated based on Triggering criteria in emergency and non-emergency cases, if configured.
Up  Location information reportp. 182

Table describes the information flow from the location management client to the location management server for the location information reporting.
Information element Status Description
Set of MC service IDsMSet of identities of the reporting MC service user on the MC service UE (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
MC service ID (see NOTE 4)OIdentity of the requesting MC service user.
Functional alias(es) (see NOTE 1)OFunctional alias that corresponds to the MC service ID.
Functional aliasOFunctional alias that corresponds to the requesting MC service user (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
MC service UE label (see NOTE 5)OGeneric name of the reporting MC service UE
Triggering event (see NOTE 3)MIdentity of the event that triggered the sending of the report
Location Information (see NOTE 2)MLocation information of the individual MC service user
Each functional alias corresponds to an individual MC service ID.
This may contain multiple sets of elements for the MC service user. The following elements shall accompany the location information elements: time of measurement and optional accuracy. The following location information elements shall be optional (configurable) present: longitude, latitude, speed, bearing, altitude, ECGI, MBMS SAIs, with at least one provided.
An on-demand request may be the triggering event.
In case of an on-demand request of an MC service user the MC service ID shall be provided. In case of an MC service server request or an event-triggered report, no MC service ID is provided.
This information element shall be present in case the "MC service UE label" parameter in the initial MC service UE configuration data has a non-null value.
Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the location management client for location information reporting.
Information element Status Description
Set of MC service IDsMSet of identities of the reporting MC service user on the MC service UE (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
MC service IDMIdentity of the requesting MC service user.
Functional alias(es) (see NOTE 1)OFunctional alias that corresponds to the reporting MC service ID.
Functional aliasOFunctional alias that corresponds to the requesting MC service user (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
MC service UE label (see NOTE 4)OGeneric name of the reporting MC service UE
Triggering event (see NOTE 3)MIdentity of the event that triggered the sending of the report
Location Information (see NOTE 2)MLocation information of the individual MC service user
Each functional alias corresponds to an individual MC service ID.
This may contain multiple sets of elements for the MC service user. The following elements shall accompany the location information elements: time of measurement and optional accuracy. The following location information elements shall be optional (configurable) present: longitude, latitude, speed, bearing, altitude, ECGI, MBMS SAIs, with at least one provided.
An on-demand request may be the triggering event.
This information element shall be present in case the "MC service UE label" parameter in the initial MC service UE configuration data has a non-null value.
Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the MC service server for location information reporting.
Information element Status Description
Set of MC service IDsMSet of identities of the reporting MC service user on the MC service UE (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
Functional alias(es) (see NOTE 1)OFunctional alias that corresponds to the MC service ID.
Triggering event (see NOTE 3)MIdentity of the event that triggered the sending of the report
Location Information (see NOTE 2)MLocation information of the individual MC service user
Each functional alias corresponds to an individual MC service ID.
This may contain multiple sets of elements for the MC service user. The following elements shall accompany the location information elements: time of measurement and optional accuracy. The following location information elements shall be optional (configurable) present: longitude, latitude, speed, bearing, altitude, ECGI, MBMS SAIs, with at least one provided.
An on-demand request may be the triggering event.
Table describes the information flow to support the handling of location information across MC systems.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the reporting MC service user at partner MC system
Functional aliasO (see NOTE 1)Functional alias of the reporting MC service user at partner MC system
MC service IDM (see NOTE 2)Identity of the requesting MC service user at primary MC system
Functional aliasO (see NOTE 2)Functional alias of the requesting MC service user at primary MC system
MC service UE label (see NOTE 5)OGeneric name of the reporting MC service UE at partner MC system
Triggering event (see NOTE 3)MIdentity of the event that triggered the sending of the report
Location Information (see NOTE 4)MLocation information of the individual MC service user at partner MC system
It shall be present if used with the Functional alias associated request.
Only present, if provided with the associated request.
An on-demand request may be the triggering event.
This may contain multiple sets of elements for the MC service user. The following elements shall accompany the location information elements: time of measurement and optional accuracy. The following location information elements shall be optional (configurable) present: longitude, latitude, speed, bearing, altitude, ECGI, MBMS SAIs, with at least one provided.
This information element shall be present in case the "MC service UE label" parameter in the initial MC service UE configuration data has a non-null value.
Up  Location information requestp. 183

Table, Table and Table describe the information flow from the MC service server to the location management server and from the location management server to the location management client and from location management client to location management server respectively for requesting an immediate location information report.
Information element Status Description
MC service ID listO (see NOTE)List of MC service users whose location information is requested
Functional aliasO (see NOTE)Location information of MC service users who have activated this functional alias is requested
Either the MC service ID list or the functional alias must be present.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of MC service user whose location information is requested
MC service IDOIdentity of the requesting MC service user (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
Functional aliasOFunctional alias that corresponds to the requested MC service user (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
Functional aliasOFunctional alias that corresponds to the requesting MC service user (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the requesting authorized MC service user (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
MC service ID listO (see NOTE)List of MC service users whose location information is requested
Functional aliasOFunctional alias that corresponds to the requesting MC service user (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
Functional aliasO (see NOTE)Functional alias that corresponds to the requested MC service user(s) (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
Either the MC service ID list or the functional alias must be present.
Table describes the information flow to support the handling of location information across MC systems.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDM (see NOTE 1)Identity of the requesting authorized MC service user at primary MC system
Functional aliasO (see NOTE 1)Functional alias that corresponds to the requesting MC service user at primary MC system
MC service ID listO (see NOTE 2)List of identities of those MC service users at partner MC system whose location information are requested
Functional aliasO (see NOTE 2)Functional alias of those MC service users at partner MC system whose location information are requested
Only present if Location information client has initiated the request.
Either the MC service ID list or the functional alias must be present.
Up  Location reporting triggerp. 185

Table describes the information flow from the location management client to the location management server for triggering a location reporting procedure.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDM (see NOTE 1)Identity of the requesting authorized MC service user (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
Functional aliasOFunctional alias that corresponds to the requesting MC service user (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
MC service IDO (see NOTE 1) (see NOTE 3)Identity of the requested MC service user (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
Functional aliasO (see NOTE 3)Functional alias that corresponds to the requested MC service user (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID).
Immediate Report IndicatorO (see NOTE 2)Indicates whether an immediate location report is required
Requested non-emergency location informationO (see NOTE 2)Identifies what location information is requested, except for emergency or imminent peril calls or emergency alerts
Requested emergency location informationO (see NOTE 2)Identifies what location information is requested, for emergency or imminent peril calls or emergency alerts
Triggering criteria in non- emergency casesO (see NOTE 2)Identifies when the client will send the location report in non-emergency cases
Triggering criteria in emergency casesO (see NOTE 2)Identifies when the client will send the location report in emergency cases
Minimum time between consecutive reportsO (see NOTE 2)Defaults to 0 if absent and 0 for emergency calls, imminent peril calls and emergency alerts
The identity of the requesting MC service user and the requested MC service user shall belong to the same MC service. E.g. if requesting MC service user is using a MCPTT ID, then the requested MC service user identity shall be an MCPTT ID.
At least one of these rows shall be present.
Either the MC service ID or the functional alias must be present.
Up  Location information subscription requestp. 185

Table describes the information flow from the MC service server to the location management server for location information subscription request.
Information element Status Description
MC service ID listMList of MC service users whose location information is requested
Time between consecutive reportsM (see NOTE)Indicates the interval time between consecutive reports. The provided time is to be used for all MC service IDs provided in the MC service ID list.
If the interval time has a value of zero then the location management server will send the Location information notification immediately the location information report is received from the MC service user in the MC service ID list.
Table describes the information flow from the location management client to the location management server for location information subscription request.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the requesting MC service user
MC service ID listMList of MC service users whose location information is requested
Time between consecutive reportsM (see NOTE)Indicates the interval time between consecutive reports. The provided time is to be used for all MC service IDs provided in the MC service ID list.
If the interval time has a value of zero then the location management server will send the Location information notification immediately the location information report is received from the MC service user in the MC service ID list.
Table describes the information flow from the location management server in the primary MC system to the location management server in the partner MC system for the location information subscription request.
Information element Status Description
MC service ID (see NOTE 1)MIdentity of the requesting MC service user in the primary MC system
MC service ID listMList of the identities of MC service users in the partner MC system whose location information are requested
Time between consecutive location notifications (see NOTE 2)MIndicates the interval time between consecutive location notifications
This element is only present when the request is originated by an MC service client.
If the interval time has a value of zero then the location management server will send the location information notification immediately after the location information update is received from the MC service user in the MC service ID list.
Up  Location information subscription responsep. 186

Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the MC service server or location management client and from the location management server in the partner MC system to the location management server in the primary MC system for the location information subscription response.
Information element Status Description
MC service ID (see NOTE 1)MIdentity of the requesting MC service user
Subscription status (see NOTE 2)MIndicates the subscription result
This element is only present when the associated request was originated by an MC service client.
The subscription status provides the status for each MC service ID listed with the associated request.
Up  Location information notificationp. 186

Table and Table describe the information flows from the location management server to the MC service server and from the location management server to the location management client.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user whose location information is being notified
Triggering eventMIdentity of the event that triggered the sending of the notification
Location Information (see NOTE)MLocation information
This may contain multiple sets of elements for the MC service user. The following elements shall accompany the location information elements: time of measurement and optional accuracy. The following location information elements shall be optional (configurable) present: longitude, latitude, speed, bearing, altitude, ECGI, MBMS SAIs, with at least one provided.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user whose location information is being notified
Functional aliasOFunctional alias that corresponds to the MC service user whose location information is being notified
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user subscribed to location information
Triggering eventMIdentity of the event that triggered the sending of the notification
Location Information (see NOTE 1)MLocation information
MC service UE label (see NOTE 2)OGeneric name of the reporting MC service UE
This may contain multiple sets of elements for the MC service user. The following elements shall accompany the location information elements: time of measurement and optional accuracy. The following location information elements shall be optional (configurable) present: longitude, latitude, speed, bearing, altitude, ECGI, MBMS SAIs, with at least one provided.
This information element shall be present in case the "MC service UE label" parameter in the initial MC service UE configuration data has a non-null value.
Table describes the information flow from the location management server in the partner MC system to the location management server in the primary MC system.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user whose location information is being notified
Functional aliasOFunctional alias that corresponds to the MC service user whose location information is being notified
Triggering eventMIdentity of the event that triggered the sending of the notification
Location Information (see NOTE 1)MLocation information
MC service UE label (see NOTE 2)OGeneric name of the reporting MC service UE
This may contain multiple sets of elements for the MC service user. The following elements shall accompany the location information elements: time of measurement and optional accuracy. The following location information elements shall be optional (configurable) present: longitude, latitude, speed, bearing, altitude, ECGI, MBMS SAIs, with at least one provided.
This information element shall be present in case the "MC service UE label" parameter in the initial MC service UE configuration data has a non-null value.
Up  Location information cancel subscription request |R16|p. 186

Table describes the information flow from the MC service server to the location management server for location information cancel subscription request.
Information element Status Description
MC service ID listMList of identities of the MC service users for whom location information is no longer required
Table describes the information flow from the location management client to the location management server for location information cancel subscription request.
Information element Status Description
MC service ID (see NOTE 1)MIdentity of the requesting MC service user
MC service ID (see NOTE 2)OIdentity of the MC service user, whose subscription is to be cancelled
MC service ID listMList of identities of the MC service users for whom location information is no longer required
Authorized or subscribed MC service user.
Only used with the authorized MC service user.
Table describes the information flow from the location management server in the primary MC system to the location management server in the partner MC system for the location information cancel subscription request.
Information element Status Description
MC service ID (see NOTE 1)MIdentity of the requesting MC service user in the primary MC system
MC service ID (see NOTE 2)OIdentity of the MC service user in the partner MC system, whose subscription is to be cancelled
MC service ID listMList of the identities of MC service users in the partner MC system for whom location information is no longer required
Authorized or subscribed MC service user and only present when the request was originated by an MC service client.
Only used with the authorized MC service user.
Up  Location information cancel subscription response |R16|p. 187

Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the MC service server for location information cancel subscription response.
Information element Status Description
MC service ID listMList of identities of MC service users, whose subscription has been requested to be cancelled
Subscription cancel responseMIndicates the cancel subscription result
Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the location management client for location information cancel subscription response.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the requesting MC service user
MC service ID (see NOTE)OIdentity of the MC service user, whose subscription has been requested to be cancelled
MC service ID listMList of identities of MC service users for whom location information is no longer required
Subscription cancel responseMIndicates the cancel subscription result
Only used with the authorized MC service user. Must be present, if used with the associated request.
Table describes the information flow from the location management server in the partner MC system to the location management server in the primary MC system for location information cancel subscription response.
Information element Status Description
MC service ID (see NOTE 1)MIdentity of the requesting MC service user in the primary MC system
MC service ID (see NOTE 2)OIdentity of the MC service user in the partner MC system, whose subscription has been requested to be cancelled
MC service ID listMList of identities of MC service users in the partner MC system for whom location information is no longer required
Subscription cancel response (see NOTE 3)MIndicates the cancel subscription result
This element is only present when the associated request was originated by an MC service client.
Only used with the authorized MC service user. Must be present, if used with the associated request.
Provides the status for each MC service ID listed with the associated request.
Up  Location report response |R16|p. 189

Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the requesting location management client for the location information reporting when using functional alias.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the reporting MC service user whose location information is requested
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user who requested the location information based on a provided functional alias
Functional aliasOFunctional alias that corresponds to the MC service ID of the reporting MC service user
Triggering eventMIdentity of the event that triggered the sending of the report
Location Information (see NOTE)MLocation information for the corresponding functional alias and its MC service ID
MC service UE labelOGeneric name of the reporting MC service UE
This may contain multiple sets of elements for the MC service user. The following elements shall accompany the location information elements: time of measurement and optional accuracy. The following location information elements shall be optional (configurable) present: longitude, latitude, speed, bearing, altitude, ECGI, MBMS SAIs, with at least one provided.
Up  Location information history status request |R17|p. 190

Table describes the information flow from the location management client to the location management server to request the status of stored location information, following a return to report location information to the location management server.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user from whom status is requested
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user, who has requested the status
Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the location management client to request the status of stored location information, following a return to report location information to the location management server.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user from whom status is requested
Table describes the information flow from the MC service server to the location management server to request the status of stored location information, following a return to report location information to the location management server.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user from whom status is requested
MC service IDOIdentity of the MC service user, who has requested the status
Up  Location information history status report |R17|p. 190

The location management client stored location information, while not reporting location information to the location management server, and subsequently the reporting may start following the reestablishment of a communication link between the location management client and the location management server.
Table describes the information flow from the location management client to the location management server to report the status of stored location information.
Information element Status Description
MC service ID listMList of identities (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCData ID, MCVideo ID) of the MC service user who reports the status
Number of stored reportsOIndicates either zero or the number of available reports
Start timeOFirst time of measurement of the available reports
End timeOLast time of measurement of the available reports
Triggered event list (see NOTE)MIdentifies the criteria when the location management client generated location information, while not reporting location information
Each triggered criterion is shown once with either the associated Number of stored reports, or with the associated Start time, or with the associated Start time and End time or with the associated End time.
Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the location management client to report the status of stored location information.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user who reports the status
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user to receive the status report
Number of stored reportsOIndicates either zero or the number of available reports
Start timeOFirst time of measurement of the available reports
End timeOLast time of measurement of the available reports
Triggered event list (see NOTE)MIdentifies the criteria when the location management client generated location information, while not reporting location information
Each triggered criterion is shown once with either the associated Number of stored reports, or with the associated Start time, or with the associated Start time and End time or with the associated End time.
Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the MC service server to report the status of stored location information.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user who reports the status
Number of stored reportsOIndicates either zero or the number of available reports
Start timeOFirst time of measurement of the available reports
End timeOLast time of measurement of the available reports
Triggered event list (see NOTE)MIdentifies the criteria when the location management client generated location information, while not reporting location information
Each triggered criterion is shown once with either the associated Number of stored reports, or with the associated Start time, or with the associated Start time and End time or with the associated End time.
Up  Location information history request |R17|p. 191

The location management client stored location information, while not reporting location information to the location management server, and subsequently the reporting may start following the reestablishment of a communication link between the location management client and the location management server. Either all or a subset of the stored location information may be requested prior to the location information history reporting.
Table describes the information flow from the location management client to the location management server for the location information history request of stored location information.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user from whom reports are requested
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user who requests location information
Number of stored reports (see NOTE)OIndicates the number of requested reports
Start time (see NOTE)OIndicates to send reports having this time of measurement and newer
End time (see NOTE)OIndicates to send reports having this time of measurement and older
Triggered event list (see NOTE)OIdentifies the criteria when the location management client generated location information, while not reporting location information
Minimum time between consecutive reportsODefaults to 0 if absent
If none of these information elements is present, all stored location information shall be reported. Information elements may combined to request a subset of the available location information.
Table describes the information flow from location management server to the location management client for the location information history request of stored location information.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user from whom reports are requested
Number of stored reports (see NOTE)OIndicates the number of requested reports
Start time (see NOTE)OIndicates to send reports having this time of measurement and newer
End time (see NOTE)OIndicates to send reports having this time of measurement and older
Triggered event list (see NOTE)OIdentifies the criteria when the location management client generated location information, while not reporting location information
Minimum time between consecutive reportsODefaults to 0 if absent
If none of these information elements is present, all stored location information shall be reported. Information elements may combined to request a subset of the available location information.
Table describes the information flow from the MC service server to the location management server for the location information history request of stored location information.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user from whom reports are requested
Number of stored reports (see NOTE)OIndicates the number of requested reports
Start time (see NOTE)OIndicates to send reports having this time of measurement and newer
End time (see NOTE)OIndicates to send reports having this time of measurement and older
Triggered event list (see NOTE)OIdentifies the criteria when the location management client generated location information, while not reporting location information
Minimum time between consecutive reportsODefaults to 0 if absent
If none of these information elements is present, all stored location information shall be reported. Information elements may combined to request a subset of the available location information.
Up  Location information history report |R17|p. 193

The location management client stored location information, while not reporting location information to the location management server, and subsequently the reporting may start following the reestablishment of a communication link between the location management client and the location management server.
Table describes the information flow from the location management client to the location management server for the location information history reporting of stored location information.
Information element Status Description
MC service ID listMList of identities of the reporting MC service user (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCData ID, MCVideo ID)
Triggered eventMIdentifies the criterion when the location management client generated location information, while not reporting location information
Location Information (see NOTE 1)MLocation information
MC service UE label (see NOTE 3)OGeneric name of the reporting MC service UE
History report (see NOTE 2)OLocation information history report indicator
This may contain multiple sets of elements for the MC service user. The following elements shall accompany the location information elements: time of measurement and optional accuracy. The following location information elements shall be optional (configurable) present: longitude, latitude, speed, bearing, altitude, ECGI, MBMS SAIs, with at least one provided.
Only present, if triggering criteria in emergency cases or triggering criteria in non-emergency cases used.
This information element shall be present in case the "MC service UE label" parameter in the initial MC service UE configuration data has a non-null value.
Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the location management client for the location information history reporting of stored location information.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the reporting MC service user
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user, who has requested location information
Triggered eventMIdentifies the criterion when the location management client generated location information, while not reporting location information
Location Information (see NOTE 1)MLocation information
MC service UE label (see NOTE 3)OGeneric name of the reporting MC service UE
History report (see NOTE 2)OLocation information history report indicator
This may contain multiple sets of elements for the MC service user. The following elements shall accompany the location information elements: time of measurement and optional accuracy. The following location information elements shall be optional (configurable) present: longitude, latitude, speed, bearing, altitude, ECGI, MBMS SAIs, with at least one provided.
Only present, if triggering criteria in emergency cases or triggering criteria in non-emergency cases used.
This information element shall be present in case the "MC service UE label" parameter in the initial MC service UE configuration data has a non-null value.
Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the MC service server for the location information history reporting of stored location information.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the reporting MC service user
Triggered eventMIdentifies the criterion when the location management client generated location information, while not reporting location information
Location Information (see NOTE 1)MLocation information
History report (see NOTE 2)OLocation information history report indicator
This may contain multiple sets of elements for the MC service user. The following elements shall accompany the location information elements: time of measurement and optional accuracy. The following location information elements shall be optional (configurable) present: longitude, latitude, speed, bearing, altitude, ECGI, MBMS SAIs, with at least one provided.
Only present, if triggering criteria in emergency cases or triggering criteria in non-emergency cases used.
Up  Location information history cancel request |R17|p. 194

Table describes the information flow from the location management client to the location management server for the cancellation request of location information history reporting.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the reporting MC service user
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user, who has requested the cancellation
Cancellation typeOType of cancellation (e.g. from reporting LMC, from LMS, from LMC and LMS)
Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the location management client for the cancellation request of location information history reporting.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the reporting MC service user
Table describes the information flow from the MC service server to the location management server for the cancellation request of location information history reporting.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the reporting MC service user
MC service IDOIdentity of the MC service user, who has requested the cancellation
Up  Location information history cancel response |R17|p. 195

Table describes the information flow from the location management client to the location management server for the cancellation response of location information history reporting.
Information element Status Description
MC service ID listMList of identities (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCData ID, MCVideo ID) of the reporting MC service user
Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the location management client for the cancellation response of location information history reporting.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the reporting MC service user
ResponseMConfirm cancellation from reporting LMC, from LMS or from reporting LMC and LMS
Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the MC service server for the cancellation response of location information history reporting.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the reporting MC service user
Up  Location reporting temporary configuration request |R18|p. 195

Table describes the information flow from the location management client and location management server in the primary MC system to the location management server and location management client in the partner MC system for the location reporting temporary configuration request.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the authorized and configuring MC service user located in the primary MC system
Functional aliasOFunctional alias that corresponds to the authorized and configuring MC service user located in the primary MC system
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user located in the partner MC system whose location reporting has to be configured
Functional aliasOFunctional alias that corresponds to MC service user located in the partner MC system whose location reporting has to be configured
MC service UE labelOGeneric name of the to be configured MC service UE
Temporary location reporting configuration (see NOTE 1)MProvides set of location reporting parameters to be used temporarily.
Configuration expiration criteria (see NOTE 2)OCriteria for restoration of original location reporting parameters (e.g. timer).
All or a subset of the location reporting parameters described in clause of the present document are used. If empty the original location reporting parameters are used, immediately.
Ignored with an empty Temporary location reporting configuration.
Up  Location reporting temporary configuration response |R18|p. 196

Table describes the information flow from the location management client and location management server in the partner MC system to the location management server and location management client in the primary MC system for the location reporting temporary configuration response.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the authorized and configuring MC service user located in the primary MC system
Functional aliasOFunctional alias that corresponds to the authorized and configuring MC service user located in the primary MC system
MC service IDMIdentity of the MS service user located in the partner MC system whose location reporting has been configured
Functional aliasOFunctional alias that corresponds to the MS service user located in the partner MC system whose location reporting has been configured
MC service UE labelOGeneric name of the configured MC service UE
ResultMIndicates the status of each configuration parameter
Up  Restrict location information dissemination request |R18|p. 196

Table describes the information flow from the location management client to the location management server for restricting the location information dissemination further.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the requesting MC service user (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
Restrict Location Information DisseminationMIndicates to enable or disable the location information dissemination
List of users
(see NOTE 1, NOTE 2)
OIndicates that the restriction of the location information dissemination is applicable for the list of users.
Functional Alias
(see NOTE 1, NOTE 2, NOTE 3)
OIndicates that the restriction of the location information dissemination is applicable for the list of users who have activated this functional alias.
If not present, restricting of the location information dissemination is applicable to any users. Dissemination restriction to a particular set of users is not possible if the LMC client applies local restrictions to stop providing location information per local policies.
Either the MC service ID list or the functional alias must be present.
The LMS track the users activating and de-activating functional alias so that associated restriction record can be updated accordingly.
Up  Restrict location information dissemination response |R18|p. 197

Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the location management client for response to restricting the location information dissemination request.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the requesting MC service user (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
Restrict Location Information Dissemination statusMIndicates the result of restricting the location information dissemination
Up  Restrict location information dissemination notification |R18|p. 197

Table and Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the location management client and from the location management server to the MC service server for notifying about restricting the location information dissemination of another location management client.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user whose location information dissemination retriction information is being notified (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user subscribed to location information
Location Information Dissemination informationMIndicates whether the dissemination of another MC service user's location information is enabled or disabled
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMIdentity of the MC service user whose location information dissemination retriction information is being notified (e.g. MCPTT ID, MCVideo ID, MCData ID)
Location Information Dissemination informationMIndicates whether the dissemination of another MC service user's location information is enabled or disabled

10.9.3  Procedurep. 198  Event-triggered location reporting procedurep. 198

The location management server provides location reporting configuration to the location management clients, indicating what information the location management server expects and what events will trigger the sending of this information to the location management server. The decision to report location information can be triggered at the location management client by different conditions. The conditions could include, for example, the reception of the location reporting configuration, initial registration, distance travelled, elapsed time, cell change, MBMS SAI change, MBMS session change, leaving a specific MBMS bearer service area, tracking area change, PLMN change, call initiation, or other types of events such as emergency alert, emergency call or imminent peril calls. The location report can include information described as time of measurement, accuracy, longitude, latitude, speed, bearing, altitude, ECGI, MBMS SAIs.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Event-triggered location reporting procedure
Step 1.
The location management server sends location reporting configuration message to the location management client(s) containing the initial configuration (or a subsequent update) for reporting the location of the MC service UE. This message can be sent over a unicast bearer to a specific location management client or as a group message over an MBMS bearer to update the location reporting configuration for multiple location management clients at the same time.
Step 2.
A location reporting event occurs, triggering step 3.
Step 3.
The location management client sends a location information report to the location management server, containing location information identified by the location management server and available to the location management client.
Step 4.
Upon receiving the report, the location management server updates location of the reporting location management client. If the location management server does not have location information of the reporting location management client before, then just stores the reporting location information for that location management client. If the location information report contains an optional MC service UE label, the location management server stores it together with the location information for the reporting location management client.
Up  On-demand location reporting procedurep. 199

The location management server can request MC service UE location information at any time by sending a location information request to the location management client, which may trigger location management client to immediately send the location report.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. On-demand location information reporting procedure
Step 1.
Based on configurations such as periodical location information timer, or location information request from other entities (e.g., another location management client of an authorized user, MC service server), location management server initiates the immediate request of location information to be sent from the location management client.
Step 2.
The location management server sends a location information request to the location management client.
Step 3.
The location management client immediately responds to the location management server with a report containing location information identified by the location management server and available to the location management client.
Step 4.
Upon receiving the report, the location management server updates location of the reporting location management client. If the location management server does not have location information of the reporting location management client, the location management server just stores the reporting location information for that location management client. If the location information report contains an optional MC service UE label, the location management server stores it together with the location information for the reporting location management client.
Up  Client-triggered location reporting procedurep. 200

Figure illustrates the high level procedure of client-triggered location reporting.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Client-triggered location reporting procedure
Step 1.
Location management client 2 (authorized MC service user) sends a location reporting trigger to the location management server to activate a location reporting procedure for obtaining the location information of location management client 1.
Step 2.
Location management server checks whether location management client 2 is authorized to send a location reporting trigger for location management client 1's location information. Depending on the information specified by the location reporting trigger, location management server initiates an on-demand location reporting procedure or an event-triggered location reporting procedure for the location of location management client 1.
Up  Location reporting cancel procedurep. 201

The location reporting cancel procedure reuses the information flow of location reporting configuration.
  • The location management client has been provided with location reporting configuration information.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Location reporting cancel procedure
Step 1.
The location management server sends location reporting configuration without any information element to the location management client to stop location reporting from the MC service UE.
Step 2.
The location management client stops sending location information reports to the location management server.  Location information subscription procedurep. 202

Figure illustrates the high level procedure of location information subscription request. The same procedure can be applied for location management client and other entities that would like to subscribe to MC service user location information.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Location information subscription request procedure
Step 1.
MC service server or location management client sends a location information subscription request to the location management server to subscribe location information of one or more MC service users.
Step 2.
The location management server checks if the location management client is authorized to initiate the location information subscription request.
Step 3.
The location management server replies with a location information subscription response indicating the subscription status.
Up  Usage of location information procedurep. 202  Event-trigger location information notification procedurep. 202
Figure illustrates the high level procedure of event-trigger usage of location information. The same procedure can be applied for location management client and other entities that would like to subscribe to location information of MC service user.
  1. The MC service server or location management client has subscribed to the location information of a target MC service user.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Event-trigger usage of location information procedure
Step 1.
Based on configuration, e.g., subscription, periodical location information timer, the location management server is triggered to report the latest user location information of the target MC service user to the subscribed MC service server or subscribed location management client. The location management server has verified that the subscribed MC service server or subscribed location management client is authorized to receive the user location information of the target MC service user.
Step 2.
The location management server sends the location information notification including the latest location information of one MC service user to the MC service server or to the location management client. The latest location information is derived from the location report procedure as described in clause, or from PLMN operator (e.g. LCS network).If the optional MC service UE label is present, the location management server sends it, as part of the location information notification, to the MC service user.
Up  On-demand usage of location information procedurep. 203
The MC service server or the location management client can request location information at any time by sending a location information request to the location management server, which may trigger location management server to send the location information report immediately.
Figure illustrates the high level procedure of on-demand usage of location information. The same procedure can be applied for other entities that would like to subscribe to location information at the location management server of an MC service user.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. On-demand usage of location information procedure
Step 1.
MC service server or location management client send a location information request to the location management server.
Step 2.
The location management server checks if the location management client is authorized to request the location information.
Step 3.
The location management server acquires the latest location of the MC service clients being requested, by triggering an on-demand location report procedure as described in clause, or from PLMN operator (e.g. LCS network).
Step 4.
Then, location management server immediately sends the location information report including the latest location information acquired of one MC service user to the MC service server or to the location management client. If the optional MC service UE label is present, the location management server sends it, as part of the location information report, to the MC service user.
Up  Location information cancel subscription procedure |R16|p. 203

Figure illustrates the high level procedure of location information cancel subscription request. The MC service server or the location management client can request the cancellation of location information subscriptions at any time from the location management server.
  • The authorized MC service user is in possession of the MC service ID of the MC service user as well as the location information subscriptions of this MC service ID.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Location information cancel subscription request procedure
Step 1.
MC service server or location management client sends a location information cancel subscription request to the location management server to cancel the subscription for location information of one or more MC service users.
Step 2.
The location management server checks the authorization of this request.
Step 3.
The location management server replies with a location information cancel subscription response indicating the cancel subscription status.
Up  Location management using functional alias |R16|p. 205  Client-triggered one-time location information reportp. 205
Figure illustrates the procedure when a location management client requests one-time location information from other location management clients for location information reporting using functional alias, which can be shared between several MC service users. Under this condition, the actual location of all MC service users sharing the same functional alias are reported.
  1. MC service client 2 and MC service client 3 share the same functional alias.
  2. MC service client 2 and MC service client 3 activated the functional alias.
  3. MC service client 1 may have an activated functional alias.
  4. The location management server has subscribed to the functional alias controlling MC service server within the MC system for functional alias activation/de-activation updates.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. One-time location information report for shared functional alias
Step 1.
Location management client 1 sends a location reporting trigger, limited to one MC service at the time, to the location management server to activate a one-time location report procedure which shall retrieve the location information of the MC service users that may share the contained functional alias. Location management client 1 may include its own activated functional alias.
Step 2.
Location management server checks whether location management client 1 is authorized to send a location reporting trigger for location information of location management clients 2 and 3.
Step 3.
The location management server uses on-demand location reporting procedures. The location information request contains the functional alias provided by the location management client 1 to address location management client 2 and location management client 3.
Step 4.
Upon receiving the report, the location management server updates location of the reporting location management clients. If the location management server does not have location information of a reporting location management client before, then just stores the reporting location information for that location management client.
Step 5.
The location management server sends location report responses to location management client 1 containing the provided location information for each location management client using the given functional alias. If the optional MC service UE label is present, the location management server sends it, as part of the location report response to location management client 1. If not all location management clients immediately respond to the location management server, i.e. other reports some time later, subsequent location reporting responses may be sent.
Up  Client-triggered periodic location information reportp. 206
Figure illustrates the procedure when a location management client requests periodic location information from other location management clients for location information reporting using functional aliases which may be shared between several MC service users. Under this condition, the actual location of all MC service users sharing the same functional alias are reported.
  1. MC service client 2 and MC service client 3 share the same functional alias.
  2. MC service client 2 and MC service client 3 activated the functional alias.
  3. MC service client 1 may have an activated functional alias.
  4. The location management server has subscribed to the functional alias controlling MC service server within the MC system for functional alias activation/de-activation updates.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Periodic location information report for shared functional alias
Step 1.
Location management client 1 sends a location reporting trigger, limited to one MC service at the time, to the location management server to activate a periodic location reporting procedure which shall retrieve the location information of the MC service users sharing the contained functional alias. Location management client 1 may include its own activated functional alias.
Step 2.
Location management server checks whether location management client 1 is authorized to send a location reporting trigger for location information for location management clients that have activated the functional alias.
Step 3.
Depending on the information given by the location reporting trigger, the location management server uses event-triggered location information procedure and immediately send location information request to the location management clients that contains the functional alias requested by the location management client 1.
Step 4.
Upon receiving the reports, the location management server updates location of the reporting location management clients.
Step 5.
The location management server checks whether location management client 1 is authorized to receive location information for all location management clients that have activated the functional alias.
Step 6.
Based on the received location information reports, the location management server will periodically issue location report responses, one at a time for each location management client for which location management client 1 is authorized to receive location information, encompassing the MC service ID, the associated functional alias, the individual location information of the addressed MC service ID and the optional MC service UE label, if present.

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