
Content for  TS 23.280  Word version:  19.3.1

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10.1.5  MC service group configuration managementp. 86  Store group configurations at the group management serverp. 86

The procedure for store group configurations at the group management server is described in Figure
  • The group management server may have some pre-configuration data which can be used for online group configuration validation;
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Store group configurations at group management server
Step 1.
The group configurations are received by the group management client of an authorized user.
Step 2.
The received group configurations are sent to the group management server for storage using a store group configuration request.
Step 3.
The group management server may validate the group configurations before storage.
Step 4.
The group management server stores the group configurations.
Step 5.
The group management server provides a store group configuration response indicating success or failure. If any validation or storage fails, the group management server provides a failure indication in the store group configuration response.
Up  Retrieve group configurations at the group management clientp. 86

The procedure for retrieve group configurations at the group management client is described in Figure This procedure can be used following service authorisation when the configuration management client has received the list of groups and the group management client needs to obtain the group configurations, or following a notification from the group management server that new group configuration information is available.
  • The group management server has received configuration data for groups, and has stored this configuration data;
  • The MC service UE has registered for service and the group management client needs to download group configuration data applicable to the current user.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Retrieve group configurations at group management client
Step 1.
The group management client requests the group configuration data.
Step 2.
The group management server provides the group configuration data to the client.
Step 3.
The group management client stores the group configuration information.  Subscription and notification for group configuration data at group management clientp. 87

The procedure for subscription for group configuration data as described in Figure is used by the group management client to indicate to the group management server that it wishes to receive updates of group configuration data for groups for which it is authorized.
  • The group management server has some group configurations stored.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Subscription for group configurations at group management client
Step 1.
The group management client subscribes to the group configuration information stored at the group management server using the subscribe group configuration request.
Step 2.
The group management server provides a subscribe group configuration response to the group management client indicating success or failure of the request.
The procedure for notification of group configuration data as described in Figure is used by the group management server to inform the group management client that new group configuration data is available. It can also be used by the group management server to provide new group related key material to the group management client.
  • The group management client has subscribed to the group configuration information
  • The group management server has received and stored new group configuration information, or the group management server has generated and stored new key material, or both of these have occurred.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Notification of group configurations to group management client
Step 1.
The group management server provides the notification to the group management client, who previously subscribed for the group configuration information. Optionally, the notify group configuration request may contain group related key material for the group management client.
Step 2.
The group management client provides a notify group configuration response to the group management server.
Step 3.
If the group management server had provided group related key material to the group management client, the group management client stores the key material.
If the group management server has notified the group management client about new group configuration information through this procedure, the group management client may then follow the procedure described in subclause in order to retrieve that group configuration information.
Up  Subscription and notification for group policy at MC service server |R17|p. 88

The procedure for subscription for group configuration data as described in Figure is used by the MC service server to indicate to the group management server that it wishes to receive updates of group configuration data for groups for which it is authorized.
  • The group management server has some group configurations stored.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Subscription for group policy at MC service server
Step 1.
The MC service server subscribes to the group policy from the group configuration stored at the group management server using the subscribe group policy request.
Step 2.
The group management server provides a subscribe group policy response to the MC service server indicating success or failure of the request.
The procedure for notification of group policy as described in Figure is used by the group management server to inform the MC service server that new group policy is available.
  • The MC service server has subscribed to the group policy information from group management server.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Notification of group policy to MC service server
Step 1.
The group management server provides the notification to the MC service server, who previously subscribed for the group policy from the group configuration.
Step 2.
The MC service server provides a notify group policy response to the group management server.  Structure of group configuration datap. 89

The group configuration data contains group configuration data common to all MC services and group configuration data specific to each MC service. All group configuration data is specified in Annex A.4 of the present document.  Dynamic data associated with a groupp. 89  Dynamic data associated with a group in MC service server |R16|p. 89
There may be dynamic data associated with a group. The following dynamic data is known to the MC service server and provided when requested:
Parameter description
Status i.e. indication of potential emergency or in-peril status of the group, together with the identification of the user who has performed the last modification of this status.
Affiliation status of each MC service ID of the group corresponding to the MC service and the Contact URI(s) from which the user affiliated.
Contact URIs used for designation of the group e.g. aliases of group broadcast, group regroup group URIs.
Media description for group media, including transport and multiplexing information.
Group call ongoing.
Regroup status of group where regrouping using a preconfigured group is used, e.g. whether group is regrouped, MC service group identity of regroup group.
Functional alias binding information for each user within the group.
Up  Dynamic data associated with a group in group management server |R16|p. 89
The group management server may require (e.g., for regrouping) subscribe to a subset of dynamic data including affiliation status, regroup status and emergency status in the MC service server listed in Table
The affiliation status in the form of a list of MC service IDs of affiliated group members corresponding to the MC service for that group is available in group management server. The group management server can subscribe to this information from the MC service server in Table Table describes the affiliation status contained in the group management server.
Parameter description
MC service group ID
List of affiliated group members
> MCVideo
>> MCVideo ID
> MCData
>> MCData ID
The regroup status of a group in the form of a list of MC service group IDs of the group being regrouped is available in group management server. The group management server can subscribe to this information from the MC service server in Table Table describes the regroup status contained in the group management server.
Parameter description
List of MC service groups being regrouped into a new group
> MC service group ID (Constituent MC service group)
> Corresponding regrouped group information
>> MC service group ID
The emergency status of a group in the form of a list of MC service group IDs of the group in emergency state is available in group management server. The group management server can subscribe to this information from the MC service server in Table Table describes the emergency status contained in the group management server.
Parameter description
List of MC service groups in emergency state
> MC service group ID
Up  Subscription and notification for dynamic data associated with a group |R15|p. 90  General |R17|p. 90
An authorized user can request the current dynamic data for an MC service group on request. The dynamic data is described in subclause
The group management server can subscribe for affiliation status, regroup status and emergency status associated with a group at the MC service server. The affiliation status, regroup status and emergency status in the group management server is described in subclause
Up  Information flows for subscription and notification for dynamic data associated with a groupp. 91  Subscribe group dynamic data requestp. 91
Table describes the information flow subscribe group dynamic data request from the MC service client to the MC service server and from the group management server to the MC service server.
Information element Status Description
MC service group IDMThe MC service group ID for which dynamic data is requested.
List of group dynamic data type (see NOTE)OThe type of group dynamic data requested, e.g., affiliated status, regroup status, emergency status
If the Group dynamic data type IE is not present, all types of group dynamic data is requested. This IE shall be present from when the request is sent from the group management server.
Up  Subscribe group dynamic data responsep. 91
Table describes the information flow subscribe group dynamic data response from the MC service server to the MC service client and from the MC service server to the group management server. This information flow from the MC service server to the MC service client is sent individually addressed on unicast or multicast.
Information element Status Description
MC service group IDMThe MC service group ID for which dynamic data is requested.
StatusMSuccess or failure of the request
Up  Notify group dynamic data requestp. 91
Table describes the information flow notify group dynamic data response from the MC service server to the MC service client and from the MC service server to the group management server. This information flow from the MC service server to the MC service client may be sent individually addressed or group addressed on unicast or multicast (see subclause
Information element Status Description
MC service group IDMThe MC service group ID for which dynamic data is requested.
Group dynamic dataMDynamic data associated with the group as per the requested group dynamic data type(s)
Up  Notify group dynamic data responsep. 91
Table describes the information flow notify group dynamic data response from the MC service client to the MC service server and from the group management server to the MC service server.
Information element Status Description
MC service group IDMThe MC service group ID for which dynamic data was received
Up  Procedure for subscription and notification for dynamic data associated with a group by the MC service clientp. 92
The procedure for subscription for dynamic data associated with an MC service group is described in Figure and is used by the MC service client of the authorized user to obtain the dynamic data from the MC service server.
  • The MC service server holds dynamic data associated with the MC service group.
  • The MC service client is authorized to request the dynamic data associated with the MC service group.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Subscription for group dynamic data
Step 1.
The MC service client subscribes to the group dynamic data stored in the MC service server using the subscribe group dynamic data request.
Step 2.
The MC service server checks that the MC service client is authorized to receive dynamic data associated with the MC service group.
Step 3.
The MC service server provides a subscribe group dynamic data response to the MC service client indicating success or failure of the request.
The procedure for notification of group dynamic data as shown in Figure is used by the MC service server to inform the MC service client about new group dynamic data.
  • The MC service client has subscribed to the group dynamic data
  • The MC service server has new group dynamic data available.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Notification of group dynamic data
Step 1.
The MC service server provides the notification to the MC service client, who previously subscribed for the group dynamic data.
Step 2.
The MC service client provides a notify group dynamic data response to the MC service server.  Procedure for subscription and notification for dynamic data associated with a group by the group management server |R16|p. 92
The procedure for subscription for affiliation status regroup status and emergency status associated with an MC service group by the group management server is described in Figure and is used by the group management server to obtain the affiliation status (implicit and explicit), regroup status and emergency status from the MC service server.
  • The MC service server is the MC service server within the MC system where the group is defined.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Subscription for dynamic data associated with a group
Step 1.
The group management server subscribes to the dynamic data associated with a group stored in the MC service server using the subscribe group dynamic data request.
Step 2.
The MC service server provides a subscribe group dynamic data response to the group management server indicating success or failure of the request by specifying the list of group dynamic data type. The group dynamic data type indicates the group affiliation status, regroup status or emergency status to be subscribed.
The procedure for notification of group affiliation status, regroup status or emergency status as shown in Figure is used by the MC service server to inform the group management server about the updates to the group affiliation status, regroup status or emergency status.
  • The group management server has subscribed to the affiliation status, regroup status or emergency status in the MC service server.
  • The affiliation status, regroup status or emergency status associated with a group subscribed to by the group management server has been updated at the MC service server.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Notification of dynamic data associated with a group
Step 1.
The MC service server provides either or all of the affiliation status, regroup status and emergency status via a notification to the group management server based on the list of group dynamic data type which has subscribed.
Step 2.
The group management server provides a notify group dynamic data response to the MC service server.

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