
Content for  TS 23.288  Word version:  18.6.0

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6.9  QoS Sustainability Analyticsp. 214

6.9.1  Generalp. 214

The consumer of QoS Sustainability analytics may request the NWDAF analytics information regarding the QoS change statistics for an Analytics target period in the past in a certain area or the likelihood of a QoS change for an Analytics target period in the future in a certain area. The consumer can request either to subscribe to notifications (i.e. a Subscribe-Notify model) or to a single notification (i.e. a Request-Response model).
The service consumer may be a NF (e.g. AF).
The request includes the following parameters:
  • Analytics ID = "QoS Sustainability";
  • Target of Analytics Reporting: any UE;
  • Analytics Filter Information:
    • QoS requirements (mandatory):
      • 5QI (standardized or pre-configured) and applicable additional QoS parameters and the corresponding values (conditional, i.e. it is needed for GBR 5QIs to know the GFBR); or
      • the QoS Characteristics attributes including Resource Type, PDB, PER and their values;
    • Location information (mandatory): an Area Of Interest or a path of interest. The location information could reflect a list of waypoints:
      • if the location information is an Area Of Interest, the area can be either described in a coarse granularity as list of TAIs or Cell IDs, or in a fine granularity as geographical area (that can be smaller than a cell), or both (coarse and fine granularity); if both granularities are provided, the NWDAF understands that the area of interest is the intersection between the fine granularity location and the list of TAIs or Cell IDs.
      • if the location information is a path of interest, the area can be either described in a coarse granularity as list of TAIs or Cell IDs, or in a fine granularity as a list of waypoints (expressed as longitude and latitude in geographical coordinates) and combined with a radius value, or both (coarse and fine granularity); if both granularities are provided, the NWDAF understands that the path of interest is the intersection between the fine granularity location and the list of TAIs or Cell IDs.
      • Threshold linear distance: The distance travelled by the UE before reporting subsequent location as described in TS 23.273.
    • S-NSSAI (optional);
  • Optional maximum number of objects;
  • Optional UE Device and Context Information: which may contain one or more of the following:
    • Speed range, which is a range of UE speeds for which analytics is requested, where the speed range is indicated as a range of Velocity Estimate, as in clause of TS 29.572;
    • Device information, which may contain one of the following:
  • Analytics target period: relative time interval, either in the past or in the future, that indicates the time period for which the QoS Sustainability analytics is requested;
  • Optionally, Spatial granularity size and Temporal granularity size;
  • Reporting Threshold(s), which apply only for subscriptions and indicate conditions on the level to be reached for the reporting of the analytics, i.e. to discretize the output analytics and to trigger the notification when the threshold(s) provided in the analytics subscription are crossed by the expected QoS KPIs.
    • A matching direction may be provided such as crossed (default value), below, or above.
    • An acceptable deviation from the threshold level in the non-critical direction (i.e. in which the QoS is improving) may be set to limit the amount of signalling.
      The level(s) relate to value(s) of the QoS KPIs defined in TS 28.554, for the relevant 5QI:
      • for a 5QI of GBR resource type, the Reporting Threshold(s) refer to the QoS flow Retainability KPI;
      • for a 5QI of non-GBR resource type, the Reporting Threshold(s) refer to the RAN UE Throughput KPI and/or delay in RAN KPI as defined in TS 28.554.
  • In a subscription, the Notification Correlation Id and the Notification Target Address.
To derive the QoS Sustainability analytics when the location information is an area of interest with coarse granularity (i.e. TAIs or Cell IDs):
  • The NWDAF collects the corresponding statistics information on the QoS KPI for the relevant 5QI of interests from the OAM, i.e. the QoS flow Retainability or the RAN UE Throughput or delay in RAN as defined in TS 28.554 and average GTP metrics as defined in TS 28.552.
To derive the QoS Sustainability analytics when the location information is an area of interest with fine granularity (i.e. geographical area that can be smaller than a cell):
  • The NWDAF derives the UE list for the area of interest with fine granularity by two steps, firstly based on an initial selection of the UE list in the corresponding coarse area from AMF, secondly based on finer granularity location data using LCS as described in clause 6.2.12, e.g. NWDAF can collect finer granularity location data of a UE using LCS and identify whether this UE is inside of the area of interest with fine granularity area, input data as defined in Table 6.9.2-2.
  • The NWDAF can then collect the corresponding UE level information on the QoS KPI for the relevant 5QI of interests from the 5GC NF/OAM, i.e. input data as defined in Table 6.9.2-2.
  • NWDAF derives QoS sustainability statistics or predictions for the area of interest with fine granularity by averaging these input data for all the UEs that are in the UE list.
To improve QoS Sustainability analytics, the NWDAF may additionally collect GTP metrics defined in Table 6.9.2-3.
If the Analytics target period refers to the past:
  • The NWDAF verifies whether the triggering conditions for the notification of QoS change statistics are met and if so, generates for the consumer one or more notifications.
  • The analytics feedback contains the information on the location and the time for the QoS change statistics and the Reporting Threshold(s) that were crossed.
If the Analytics target period is in the future:
  • The NWDAF detects the need for notification about a potential QoS change based on comparing the expected values for the KPI of the target 5QI against the Reporting Threshold(s) provided by the consumer in any cell in the requested area for the requested Analytics target period. The expected KPI values are derived from the statistics for the 5QI obtained from OAM. OAM information may also include planned or unplanned outages detection and other information that is not in scope for 3GPP to discuss in detail.
  • The analytics feedback contains the information on the location and the time when a potential QoS change may occur and what Reporting Threshold(s) may be crossed.

6.9.2  Input datap. 216

To derive the QoS Sustainability analytics for a path of interest or for an area of interest with coarse granularity (i.e. TAIs or Cell IDs), the input data is listed in Table 6.9.2-1.
Information Source Description
RAN UE ThroughputOAM TS 28.554Average UE bitrate in the cell (Payload data volume on RLC level per elapsed time unit on the air interface, for transfers restricted by the air interface), per timeslot, per cell, per 5QI and per S-NSSAI.
QoS flow RetainabilityOAM TS 28.554Number of abnormally released QoS flows during the time the QoS Flows were used per timeslot, per cell, per 5QI and per S-NSSAI.
Delay in RANOAM TS 28.554Average Uplink and downlink packet transmission delay through RAN part to the UE, per timeslot, per cell, per 5QI and per S-NSSAI.
To derive the QoS Sustainability analytics for an area of interest with fine granularity (i.e. geographical area that can be smaller than a cell), additional input data is listed in Table 6.9.2-2.
Information Source Description
TimestampLCS (NOTE 1)A time stamp associated with the collected information.
UE IDLCS, AMF (NOTE 1)(list of) SUPI(s).
Finer granularity location dataLCS (NOTE 1)UE position in the area of interest.
SpeedLCS (NOTE 1)Current UE speed.
SMF infoAMFSMF address for the SMF serving the UE
UPF infoSMFAddress for the UPF serving the UE.
5QISMF5G QoS Identifier.
PEIUDMPermanent Equipment Identifier, as described in clause 5.9.3 of TS 23.501.
Equipment typeGSMA IMEI database or OAMEquipment Type such as smartphone, tablet, dongle, etc. as described in GSMA TS.06 [38].
The procedure to collect location data using LCS is described in clause 6.2.12.
Additionally, the NWDAF collects the following input (Table 6.9.2-3) according to measurements defined in clause 5.33.3 QoS Monitoring to Assist URLLC Service of TS 23.501 and IP-layer section capacity definition from ITU-T Y.1540 [40] between UE, NG-RAN and UPF at GTP level. The UL/DL available GTP capacity between UPF and UE will also be used as inputs for the QoS Sustainability analytics. The NWDAF calculates this value by implementation, e.g. by subtracting the UL/DL traffic volume from the maximum value of the GTP capacity.
Information Source Description
UL/DL packet delay GTPOAM
TS 28.552
UL/DL packet delay measurement round trip on GTP path on N3 for non-GBR traffic.
UL/DL capacity GTP between UPF and NG-RAN OAM
TS 28.552
TS 28.554
Maximum achievable UL/DL capacity measurement from UPF to NG-RAN based on GTP path. The capacity measurement corresponds to the IP-layer section capacity definition from ITU-T Y.1540 [40]. It also corresponds to the descriptions in clause 5.1 (DL GTP Capacity) and clause 5.4 (UL GTP Capacity) of TS 28.552 and clause 6.3 of TS 28.554.
UL/DL capacity GTP between UPF and UEOAM
TS 28.552
TS 28.554
Maximum achievable UL/DL capacity measurement from UE to UPF based on GTP path. The capacity measurement corresponds to the IP-layer section capacity definition from ITU-T Y.1540 [40]. It also corresponds to the descriptions in clause 5.4 of TS 28.552 and clause 6.3 of TS 28.554.
Refer to clause 5.1 of TS 28.552 for the performance measurement in NG-RAN and clause 5.4 of TS 28.552 for the performance measurement in UPF. In addition, Annex A of TS 28.552 describes various performance measurements, especially, clause A.61 "Monitoring of one way delay between PSA UPF and NG-RAN" indicates that the measurements on the one way DL and UL delay between PSA UPF and NG-RAN can be used to evaluate and optimize the DL and UL user plane delay performance between 5GC and NG-RAN.

6.9.3  Output analyticsp. 217

The NWDAF outputs the QoS Sustainability analytics. Depending on the Analytics target period, the output consists of statistics or predictions. The detailed information provided by the NWDAF is defined in Table 6.9.3-1 for statistics and Table 6.9.3-2 for predictions.
Information Description
List of QoS sustainability Analytics (1..max)
>Applicable Area (NOTE 1)A list of TAIs or Cell IDs or a geographical area in a fine granularity (e.g. smaller than a cell) within the Location information that the analytics applies to. If a Spatial granularity size was provided in the request or subscription, the number of elements of the list is smaller than or equal to the Spatial granularity size.
>Applicable Time PeriodThe time period within the Analytics target period that the analytics applies to. If a Temporal granularity size was provided in the request or subscription, the duration of the Applicable Time Period is greater than or equal to the Temporal granularity size.
>Crossed Reporting Threshold(s)The Reporting Threshold(s) that are met or exceeded or crossed by the statistics value or the expected value of the QoS KPI.
The Applicable Area may be described as geographical area in a fine granularity (e.g. smaller than a cell) within the Location information when the location information is an area of interest with finer granularity or a path of interest expressed with a list of waypoints and a radius value. How to determine the geographical area is up to NWDAF implementation.
Information Description
List of QoS sustainability Analytics (1..max)
>Applicable Area (NOTE 1)A list of TAIs or Cell IDs or a geographical area in a fine granularity (e.g. smaller than a cell) within the Location information that the analytics applies to. If a Spatial granularity size was provided in the request or subscription, the number of elements of the list is smaller than or equal to the Spatial granularity size.
>Applicable Time PeriodThe time period within the Analytics target period that the analytics applies to. If a Temporal granularity size was provided in the request or subscription, the duration of the Applicable Time Period is greater than or equal to the Temporal granularity size.
>Crossed Reporting Threshold(s)The Reporting Threshold(s) that are met or exceeded or crossed by the statistics value or the expected value of the QoS KPI.
>ConfidenceConfidence of the prediction.
The Applicable Area may be described as geographical area in a fine granularity (e.g. smaller than a cell) within the Location information when the location information is an area of interest with finer granularity or a path of interest expressed with a list of waypoints and a radius value. How to determine the geographical area is up to NWDAF implementation.
The number of QoS sustainability analytics entries is limited by the maximum number of objects provided as part of Analytics Reporting Information.

6.9.4  Proceduresp. 218  Procedure for Qos Sustainability in a coarse granularity area |R18|p. 218

Figure depicts a procedure for "QoS Sustainability" analytics in a coarse granularity area provided by NWDAF.
The NWDAF shall not activate the measurements for QoS Monitoring. If QoS Monitoring is already activated, the measurements will be triggered according to QoS Monitoring procedures (see clause 5.33.3 of TS 23.501).
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.288, Fig. "QoS Sustainability" analytics provided by NWDAF in a coarse granularity area
Step 1.
The consumer requests or subscribes to analytics information on "QoS Sustainability" provided by NWDAF. The parameters included in the request are described in clause 6.9.1.
The consumer may include multiple sets of parameters in order to provide different combinations of "Location information" and "Analytics target period" when requesting QoS Sustainability analytics.
Step 2.
The NWDAF collects the data specified in clause 6.9.2 from the OAM, following the procedure captured in clause
Step 3.
The NWDAF verifies whether the triggering conditions are met and derives the requested analytics. The NWDAF can detect the need for notification based on comparing the requested analytics of the target 5QI against the Reporting Threshold(s) provided by consumer in any cell over the requested Analytics target period.
Step 4.
The NWDAF provides response or notification on "QoS Sustainability" to the consumer.
Up  Procedure for QoS Sustainability in a fine granularity area |R18|p. 219

Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.288, Fig. Procedure for "QoS Sustainability" analytics in a fine granularity area
Step 1.
The NF consumer requests or subscribes to analytics information on "QoS Sustainability" provided by the NWDAF. The parameters included in the request are defined in clause 6.9.1 of TS 23.288. The NF can request statistics or predictions or both.
The consumer provides the "Location information" as defined in clause 6.9.1 when requesting QoS Sustainability analytics. If the AF doesn't provide TAIs or Cell IDs, the NWDAF as an 5GC internal NF needs to determine which cells are related to the fine granularity area.
The consumer may optionally provide UE Context or Subscription information such as one or more of the following: device speed or speed range, IMEI or IMEISV or TAC range, equipment type.
Step 2a.
If the request is authorized and in order to provide the requested analytics, the NWDAF decides the AMF(s) based on the TAIs/Cell IDs and obtains the UE list in the TAs/Cells from AMF by invoking Namf_EventExposure_Subscribe service operation using event ID "Number of UEs present in a geographical area" as described in TS 23.502.
Step 2b.
The NWDAF invokes Namf_EventExposure_Subscribe service operation to get the update of the UE list using event ID "UE moving in or out of Area of Interest" as described in TS 23.502.
Step 3.
The NWDAF obtains location information using LCS by initiating the LCS Service Request to the GMLC to get the location and optionally the speed of UEs from UE list provided by the AMF in step 2.
Step 4.
The GMLC initiates the UE location service procedure and gets the location of the UEs as described in TS 23.273.
Step 5.
The GMLC provides location information for each UE in the UE list to the NWDAF.
Step 6.
From the list of UE locations returned by the GMLC, the NWDAF identifies the UEs located in fine granularity area by comparing the UEs' locations to the fine granularity area, provided in step 1.
Step 7.
The NWDAF invokes Namf_EventExposure_Subscribe service operation to get the serving SMF for the UE.
Step 8.
Based on the serving SMF in step 7, the NWDAF invokes Nsmf_EventExposure_Subscribe service operation to get the UPF information and 5QI for the UE.
Step 9.
The NWDAF may collect QoS information either from the UPF directly, or subscribe to the UPF via the SMF. The QoS information may include the bandwidth, packet delay for the UE and the information on the serving UPF node id.
Step 10.
Optionally, the NWDAF may collect additional information for the UE Context or UE Subscription from the UDM such as PEI (if available). PEI may be used to retrieve, from GSMA database, additional information such as IMEI or IMEISV or TAC range, equipment type. Such additional information may be used by NWDAF to add more information to the collected measurements and filter those measurements that are applicable to the UE Device and Context Information for which analytics are requested by the service consumer.
Step 11.
The NWDAF verifies whether the triggering conditions are met and derives the requested analytics. The NWDAF can detect the need for notification based on comparing the requested analytics of the target 5QI against the Reporting Threshold(s) provided by the consumer in any cell over the requested Analytics target period.
Step 12.
The NWDAF provides the response or notification on "QoS Sustainability" to the NF consumer.

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