+CPNER: (list of supported <reporting>s)
+CME ERROR: <err>
Set command enables and disables reporting of primary notification events when received from the network with unsolicited result code +CPNERU: <message_identifier>,<serial_number>,<warning_type>. Primary notification events are used for public warning systems like ETWS (Earthquake and Tsunami Warning Systems).
When <reporting>=1, duplicate primary notifications will be discarded by the UE.
Read command returns the current settings.
Test command returns supported values as a compound value.
Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Defined values
integer type, controlling reporting of primary notification events
0 (default)
Disable primary notification events.
Enable reporting of primary notification events without security information, unsolicited result code +CPNERU: <message_identifier>,<serial_number>,<warning_type>.
The set command controls the presentation of an unsolicited result code +CIREGU: <reg_info>[,<ext_info>] when there is a change in the MT's IMS registration information. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
The read command returns <n>, that shows whether reporting is enabled or disabled, <reg_info> that shows whether one or more of the public user identities are registered and optionally <ext_info>, that shows the status of the MT's IMS capabilities. For <ext_info>, all relevant values are always summarized and reported as a complete set of IMS capabilites in the unsolicited result code.
The test command returns the supported values for <n> as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type. Enables or disables reporting of changes in the MT's IMS registration information.
0 (default)
disable reporting.
enable reporting (parameter <reg_info>).
enable extended reporting (parameters <reg_info> and <ext_info>).
integer type. Indicates the IMS registration status. The UE is seen as registered as long as one or more of its public user identities are registered with any of its contact addresses, see TS 24.229.
not registered.
numeric value in hexadecimal format. The value range is from 1 to FFFFFFFF. It is a sum of hexadecimal values, each representing a particular IMS capability of the MT. The MT can have IMS capabilites not covered by the below list. This parameter is not present if the IMS registration status is "not registered".
RTP-based transfer of voice according to MMTEL, see TS 24.173. This functionality can not be indicated if the UE is not available for voice over PS, see TS 24.229.
RTP-based transfer of text according to MMTEL, see TS 24.173.
Set command informs the MT whether the UE is currently available for SMS using IMS (see TS 24.229). In EPS, the information can be used by the MT to determine the need to remain attached for non-EPS services, as defined in TS 24.301. In 5GS, the information can be used by the MT to determine whether to use SMS over IMS or SMS over NAS.
Read command returns the UE's SMS using IMS availability status, as stored in the MT.
Test command returns supported values as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type. The UE's SMS using IMS availability status.
0 (default)
when <n>=1 and command successful:
+CMCCS: (list of supported <x>s)
+CMCCS: <n>
+CMCCS: (list of supported <n>s)
This command activates or deactivates a call monitoring function in the ME. When this function is activated in the ME, the ME informs about events for calls with unsolicited result codes.
The purpose of the call monitoring function is to:
gather relevant information for the detected calls in a TE; and
make it possible for the TE to display call state information for ongoing calls.
The unsolicited result code+CMCCSI is used for basic call information.
+CMCCSI: <ccidx>,<dir>,<neg_status_present>,<neg_status>,<SDP_md>,<cs_mode>,<ccstatus>,<mpty>,<numbertype>,<ton>,<number>,<exittype>,<exitcause>
The unsolicited result code +CMCCSI is provided when <n>=2. For an originating call, the parameters <numbertype>, <ton> and <number> in +CMCCSI provide the number (line identity) information which has been dialled with +CDU or ATD. For a terminating call, the parameters <numbertype>, <ton> and <number> in +CMCCSI provide the number (line identity) information of the calling user.
The unsolicited result codes +CMCCSS<x> / +CMCCSSEND are used for supplementary service related information.
+CMCCSS1: <ccidx>,<dir>,<service>
[+CMCCSS2: <numbertype>,<ton>,<number>]
[+CMCCSS3: <CLI_validity>]
[+CMCCSS4: <name>]
[+CMCCSS5: <subaddr>,<satype>]
[+CMCCSS6: <priority>]
[+CMCCSS7: <CUG_index>]
[+CMCCSS8: <eCNAM_meta>]
The unsolicited result codes +CMCCSS<x> / +CMCCSSEND are used for supplementary service related information and are reported when <n>=3. For every supplementary service related event, the unsolicited result codes +CMCCSS<x> shall be given in consecutive order, and the sequence of unsolicited result codes shall be terminated by +CMCCSSEND. It is manufacturer specific when and if this additional service reporting will be issued. Whenever a service event is to be reported using these unsolicited result codes, the codes +CMCCSS1 and +CMCCSSEND are mandatory. +CMCCSS1 contains essential information that is always needed (for example <ccidx>) and +CMCCSSEND indicates the end of this particular set of unsolicited result codes. The other unsolicited result codes (+CMCCSS2 to +CMCCSSn) are optional, intended to provide information related to a given service. E.g. for the supplementary service CNAP, the unsolicited result code +CMCCSS4 (containing <name>) may be issued. It is implementation specific which of the unsolicited result codes +CMCCSS<x> / +CMCCSSEND that are supported and provided to the TE. The unsolicited result codes should be provided to the TE as soon as the information is available in the ME. The parameters <numbertype>, <ton> and <number> in +CMCCSS2 are, if applicable, normally the line identity information that is related to the parameter <service>.
A subset of the information provided by the call monitoring function can be provided by the command +CLCCS.
When the unsolicited result code +CMCCSI report that the <ccstatus>=1 (Idle), the call identification number is reset and the call identification number <ccidx> can be used by new calls. The logic for reuse of the parameter <ccidx> is implementation specific.
Read command returns the current value of <n>.
Test command returns the values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type
0 (default)
The call monitoring function is disabled
List the unsolicited result codes +CMCCSS<x> that are supported by the TE. The supported values for <x> are reported as a compound value, e.g. a TE supporting +CMCCSS1, +CMCCSS2 and +CMCCSS5 will report +CMCCS: (1,2,5) or +CMCCS: (1-2,5)
The call monitoring function is enabled for basic call information (unsolicited result code +CMCCSI)
The call monitoring function is enabled for basic call information and supplementary service information (unsolicited result codes +CMCCSI and +CMCCSS<x> / +CMCCSSEND)
integer type. <x> is the suffix in the unsolicited result codes +CMCCSS<x>.
integer type. Call identification number as described in clause of TS 22.030. This number can be used in +CHLD command operations. Value range is from 1 to N. N, the maximum number of simultaneous call control processes is implementation specific. The call identification number must not be reused until the unsolicited result code +CMCCSI has indicated that the <ccstatus>=1 (Idle).
integer type
mobile originated (MO) call
mobile terminated (MT) call
integer type. Indicates whether parameter <neg_status> has any valid information.
No valid information in parameter <neg_status>. Parameter <neg_status> is set to zero.
Valid information in parameter <neg_status>.
integer type as defined in the +CCMMD command.
The parameter <neg_status> has no valid content. Parameter <SDP_md> is set to an empty string ("").
The <SDP_md> parameter describes the active media in the call.
The <SDP_md> parameter describes a proposed but not yet active new set of media for the call.
A proposed new set of media for the call was accepted by the remote party. The <SDP_md> parameter describes the accepted media by the remote party. The accepted media can be same as proposed new set of media or a subset of proposed media.
A proposed new set of media for the call was rejected by the remote party. The <SDP_md> parameter will be set to an empty string ("").
string type represented with IRA characters. Media description as per the +CDEFMP command. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS. This parameter will be an empty string ("") if the call has no multimedia content.
integer type (bearer/teleservice). Applicable to CS calls only.
no relevant information about bearer/teleservice
voice followed by data, voice mode
alternating voice/data, voice mode
alternating voice/fax, voice mode
voice followed by data, data mode
alternating voice/data, data mode
alternating voice/fax, fax mode
integer type Indicating the state of the call.
Calling (MO); the call setup has been started
Connecting (MO); the call is in progress
Alerting (MO): an alert indication has been received
Alerting (MT); an alert indication has been sent
Active; the connection is established
Released; an outgoing (MO) call is released.
Released; an incoming (MT) call is released
User busy
User determined user busy
Call waiting (MO)
Call waiting (MT)
Call hold (MO)
Call hold (MT)
integer type
call is not one of multiparty (conference) call parties
call is one of multiparty (conference) call parties
integer type. Indicating type of information in parameter <number>.
No valid information in parameter <number>. <number> shall then be set to empty string ("").
Number in <number> according to URI including the prefix specifying the URI type (see command +CDU). Parameter <ton> has no relevant information and is set to zero.
type of number in integer format (refer to clause of TS 24.008). The parameter is also set to zero when it has no meaningful content, e.g. when <numbertype>=1.
string type phone number in format specified by <numbertype>. The used character set should be the one selected with command select TE character set +CSCS. When no number is available, <number> shall be set to empty string ("").
integer type. Indicating type of information in parameter <exitcause>.
integer type. Additional information provided if relevant. If there is no relevant cause to report, or if <exittype>=0 the exitcause is set to 0 (<exitcause>=0).
integer type. Indication of the indicated (supplementary) service. It is vendor specific which of the services that are provided. The related unsolicited result codes +CMCCSS<x> are provided as applicable for a given <service>, e.g. the +CMCCSS5: <subaddr>,<satype> can be omitted when it is not relevant for the service, but can also be omitted if this information is not provided for a relevant service or if a vendor does not support parameters <subaddr> and <satype>.
No service
Originating identification presentation - CLIP / OIP, refer TS 22.081 and TS 24.607
CLIP / OIP specific information can be provided in:
+CMCCSI (in parameters <numbertype>, <ton> and <number>)
Additional CLIP / OIP specific information can be provided in:
+CMCCSS1 (in parameter <service>)
+CMCCSS3 (in parameter <CLI_validity>, typically used when no <number> is available)
+CMCCSS5 (in parameters <subaddr> and <satype>, when applicable)
Terminating identification presentation - COLP / TIP, refer TS 22.081 and TS 24.608
COLP / TIP specific information can be provided in:
+CMCCSI (in parameters <numbertype>, <ton> and <number>)
Additional COLP / TIP specific information can be provided in:
+CMCCSS1 (in parameter <service>)
+CMCCSS5 (in parameters <subaddr> and <satype>, when applicable)
Called line presentation - CDIP
Additional CDIP specific information can be provided in:
+CMCCSS1 (in parameter <service>)
+CMCCSS2 (in parameters <numbertype>, <ton> and <number>)
+CMCCSS5 (in parameters <subaddr> and <satype>, when applicable)
Calling name presentation - CNAP, refer TS 22.096
Additional CNAP specific information can be provided in:
+CMCCSS1 (in parameter <service>)
+CMCCSS4 (in parameter <name>)
Communication forwarding unconditional - CFU, refer TS 22.082 and TS 24.604
Communication forwarding on busy user - CFB, refer TS 22.082 and TS 24.604
Communication forwarding on no reply - CFNR, refer TS 22.082 and TS 24.604
Communication forwarding on subscriber not reachable - CFNRc, refer TS 22.082 and TS 24.604
Communication forwarding on not logged-in - CFNL, refer TS 24.604
Communication diversion notification - CDIVN, refer TS 24.604
Communication waiting - CW, refer TS 22.083 and TS 24.615
Additional CW specific information can be provided in:
+CMCCSS1 (in parameter <service>)
+CMCCSS6 (in parameter <priority>)
enhanced multi-level precedence and pre-emption service - eMLPP, refer TS 22.067
Closed user group - CUG, refer TS 22.085 and TS 24.654
Additional CUG specific information can be provided in:
+CMCCSS1 (in parameter <service>)
+CMCCSS7 (in parameter <CUG_index>)
enhanced calling name - eCNAM, refer to TS 24.196 and TS 22.173.
eCNAM specific information can be provided in:
+CMCCSS1 (in parameter <service>)
Additional eCNAM specific information can be provided in:
+CMCCSS4 (in parameter <name>)
+CMCCSS8 (in parameter <eCNAM_meta>, when available)
256 - 511
Reserved for vendor specific services
integer type. This parameter can provide details why <number> does not contain a calling party BCD number (refer to clause of TS 24.008). The parameter is not relevant for MO call types.
CLI valid
CLI has been withheld by the originator (refer TS 24.008 table 10.5.135a/3GPP TS 24.008 code "Reject by user")
CLI is not available due to interworking problems or limitations of originating network (refer TS 24.008 table 10.5.135a/3GPP TS 24.008 code "Interaction with other service")
CLI is not available due to calling party being of type payphone (refer TS 24.008 table 10.5.135a/3GPP TS 24.008 code "Coin line/payphone")
CLI is not available due to other reasons (refer TS 24.008 table 10.5.135a/3GPP TS 24.008 code "Unavailable")
When CLI is not available (<CLI_validity>=2, <CLI_validity>=3 or <CLI_validity>=4), <number> shall be an empty string ("") and <ton> value will not be significant. The parameter <numbertype> will be set to 0. Nevertheless, TA may return the recommended value 128 for <ton> (TON/NPI unknown in accordance with clause of TS 24.008).
When CLI has been withheld by the originator, (<CLI validity>=1) and the CLIP is provisioned with the "override category" option (refer TS 22.081 and TS 23.081), <number> and <ton> is provided. Otherwise, TA shall return the same setting for <number> and <type> as if the CLI was not available. The parameter <numbertype> shall be set as applicable.
string type up to 80 characters long string containing the calling name.
string type subaddress of format specified by <satype>.
integer type indicating the eMLPP priority level of the call, values specified in TS 22.067.
string type. The parameter sets the CUG index for this <CUG_pointer>.
"0" ... "32767"
CUG index
no CUG index, indicated by empty string. Preferential CUG taken from subscriber data.
string type up to 1000 characters long. The string contains additional information about the caller (such as language, location or results of analytics and verification of the caller - refer to clause of TS 24.196 about additional information in Call-Info header fields).
Returns a list of current calls controlled by the MT for which the <ccidx> is allocated. The information returned is a subset of the information provided by the call monitoring function, see +CMCCS and its unsolicited result codes +CMCCSI and +CMCCSS<x> / +CMCCSSEND. For an originating call, the parameters <numbertype>, <ton> and <number> provide the number (line identity) information which has been dialled with +CDU or ATD. For a terminating call, the parameters <numbertype>, <ton> and <number> provide the number (line identity) information of the calling user. If no particular <ccidx> is included in the request, data for all allocated <ccidx> are returned. If the command succeeds but no <ccidx> is allocated, no information response is sent to the TE. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Defined values
integer type. Call identification number (see clause of TS 22.030). This number can be used in +CHLD command operations. Value range is from 1 to N. N, the maximum number of simultaneous call control processes is implementation specific.
integer type
mobile originated (MO) call
mobile terminated (MT) call
integer type. Indicates whether parameter <neg_status> has any valid information.
No valid information in parameter <neg_status>. Parameter <neg_status> is set to zero.
Valid information in parameter <neg_status>.
<neg_status>: integer type as defined in the +CCMMD command.
The parameter <neg_status> has no valid content. Parameter <SDP_md> is set to an empty string ("").
The <SDP_md> parameter describes the active media in the call.
The <SDP_md> parameter describes a proposed but not yet active new set of media for the call.
A proposed new set of media for the call was accepted by the remote party. The <SDP_md> parameter describes the active media in the call (if any).
A proposed new set of media for the call was rejected by the remote party. The <SDP_md> parameter describes the active media in the call (if any).
string type represented with IRA characters. SDP media description as per the +CDEFMP command. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS. This parameter will be an empty string ("") if the call has no multimedia content.
<cs_mode>: integer type (bearer/teleservice)
no relevant information about bearer/teleservice
voice followed by data, voice mode
alternating voice/data, voice mode
alternating voice/fax, voice mode
voice followed by data, data mode
alternating voice/data, data mode
alternating voice/fax, fax mode
integer type. Indicating the state of the call.
Calling (MO); the call setup has been started
Connecting (MO); the call is in progress
Alerting (MO): an alert indication has been received
Alerting (MT); an alert indication has been sent
Active; the connection is established
Released; an outgoing (MO) call is released.
Released; an incoming (MT) call is released
User Busy
User Determined User Busy
Call Waiting (MO)
Call Waiting (MT)
Call Hold (MO)
Call Hold (MT)
integer type
call is not one of multiparty (conference) call parties
call is one of multiparty (conference) call parties
integer type. Indicating type of information in parameter <number>.
No valid information in parameter <number>
Number in <number> according to URI including the prefix specifying the URI type (see command +CDU). Parameter <ton> has no relevant information and is set to zero.
type of number in integer format (refer to clause of TS 24.008). The parameter is also set to zero when it has no meaningful content, e.g. when <numbertype>=1.
string type phone number in format specified by <numbertype>. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.
integer type. Indicates whether parameter <priority> has any valid information.
No valid information in parameter <priority>. Parameter <priority> is set to zero.
Valid information in parameter <priority>.
integer type parameter indicating the eMLPP priority level of the call, values specified in TS 22.067.
integer type. Indicates whether parameter <CLI_validity> has any valid information.
No valid information in parameter <CLI_validity>. Parameter <priority> is set to zero.
Valid information in parameter <CLI_validity>.
integer type. This parameter can provide details why <number> does not contain a calling party BCD number (refer to clause of TS 24.008). The parameter is not relevant for MO call types.
CLI valid
CLI has been withheld by the originator (refer TS 24.008 table 10.5.135a/3GPP TS 24.008 code "Reject by user")
CLI is not available due to interworking problems or limitations of originating network (refer TS 24.008 table 10.5.135a/3GPP TS 24.008 code "Interaction with other service")
CLI is not available due to calling party being of type payphone (refer TS 24.008 table 10.5.135a/3GPP TS 24.008 code "Coin line/payphone")
CLI is not available due to other reasons (refer TS 24.008 table 10.5.135a/3GPP TS 24.008 code "Unavailable")
When CLI is not available (<CLI_validity>=2, <CLI_validity>=3 or <CLI_validity>=4), <number> shall be an empty string ("") and <type> value will not be significant. The parameter <numbertype> will be set to 0. Nevertheless, TA may return the recommended value 128 for <ton> (TON/NPI unknown in accordance with clause of TS 24.008).
When CLI has been withheld by the originator, (<CLI validity>=1) and the CLIP is provisioned with the "override category" option (refer TS 22.081 and TS 23.081), <number> and <type> is provided. Otherwise, TA shall return the same setting for <number> and <type> as if the CLI was not available. The parameter <numbertype> shall be set as applicable.
This command supports all types of numbers (including SIP URIs) and can replace +CLCC.
+CSRA: (indication of supported <GERAN-TDMA>s),(indication of supported <UTRAN-FDD> s),(indication of supported <UTRAN-TDD-LCR> s),(indication of supported <UTRAN-TDD-HCR> s),(indication of supported <UTRAN-TDD-VHCR> s),(indication of supported <E-UTRAN-FDD> s),(indication of supported <E-UTRAN-TDD> s,(indication of supported <NR-FDD> s),(indication of supported <NR-TDD> s))
+CME ERROR: <err>
Set command is used to configure the availability of the radio accesses inherently supported by the MT. E.g. in a GSM-only environment, other radio access technologies could be disabled to reduce power-consumption. Settings are persistent over a power-cycle. It is not supported to set all parameters to indicate "Radio access is disabled", this will cause the MT to return ERROR. +CSRA only configures the requested parameters; no change in the transmit and receive RF circuits takes place by using +CSRA. The actual execution of the configuration is obtained by using +CFUN=128.
Read command returns two lines of information text with two distinct prefixes:
a line prefixed with +CSRAC: displaying the currently configured +CSRA settings. These values are not activated until +CFUN=128 is executed, and this line does therefore not necessarily reflect the RATs currently activated on the radio interface; and
a line prefixed with +CSRAA: displaying the RATs currently activ on the radio interface.
Read command returns the current settings in the MT.
Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Test command returns values supported by the MT as compound values. The returned values do not reflect network capabilities.
Defined values
integer type. Indicates usage of radio access of type GERAN TDMA, see TS 45.001. The initial value is manufacturer specific.
Radio access is disabled
Radio access is enabled
integer type. Indicates usage of radio access of type UTRAN FDD, see TS 25.212. The initial value is manufacturer specific.
Radio access is disabled
Radio access is enabled
integer type. Indicates usage of radio access of type UTRAN 1.28 Mcps TDD low chip rate (TD-SCDMA), see TS 25.102. The initial value is manufacturer specific.
Radio access is disabled
Radio access is enabled
integer type. Indicates usage of radio access of type UTRAN 3.84 Mcps TDD high chip rate, see TS 25.102. The initial value is manufacturer specific.
Radio access is disabled
Radio access is enabled
integer type. Indicates usage of radio access of type UTRAN 7.68 Mcps TDD very high chip rate, see TS 25.102. The initial value is manufacturer specific.
Radio access is disabled
Radio access is enabled
integer type. Indicates usage of radio access of type E-UTRAN FDD, see TS 36.300. The initial value is manufacturer specific.
Radio access is disabled
Radio access is enabled
integer type. Indicates usage of radio access of type E-UTRAN TDD, see TS 36.300. The initial value is manufacturer specific.
Radio access is disabled
Radio access is enabled
integer type. Indicates usage of radio access of type NR-FDD, see TS 38.300. The initial value is manufacturer specific.
Radio access is disabled
Radio access is enabled
integer type. Indicates usage of radio access of type NR-TDD, see TS 38.300. The initial value is manufacturer specific.
Radio access is disabled
Radio access is enabled
Optional. Mandatory when +CFUN supports <fun>=128.
The set command is used to control circuit switched fallback (CSFB) operation. Reporting of CSFB related CS paging requests can be switched on or off. After reporting the command can be used to accept or reject the CSFB call. The command can also be used to control automatic acceptance/rejection of CSFB calls. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
CS paging requests are reported with unsolicited result code +CCSFBU in the format:
+CCSFBU: <numbertype>,<ton>,<number>[,<ss_code>[,<lcs_indicator>[,<lcs_client_identity>]]]
Read command returns the current value of <n>.
Test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type.
0 (default)
disable reporting of CSFB related CS paging requests and disable automatic acceptance/rejection of CSFB calls.
enable reporting of CSFB related CS paging requests and disable automatic acceptance/rejection of CSFB calls.
enable reporting of CSFB related CS paging requests and enable automatic acceptance of CSFB calls.
enable reporting of CSFB related CS paging requests and enable automatic rejection of CSFB calls.
disable reporting of CSFB related CS paging requests and enable automatic acceptance of CSFB calls.
disable reporting of CSFB related CS paging requests and enable automatic rejection of CSFB calls.
accept CSFB call. This value can be used only after having received the unsolicited result code +CCSFBU when automatic acceptance/rejection of CSFB calls has been disabled.
reject CSFB call. This value can be used only after having received the unsolicited result code +CCSFBU when automatic acceptance/rejection of CSFB calls has been disabled.
integer type. Indicating type of information in parameter <number>.
No valid information in parameter <number>. <number> shall then be set to empty string ("").
Number in <number> according to URI including the prefix specifying the URI type (see command +CDU). Parameter <ton> has no relevant information and is set to zero.
type of number in integer format (refer to clause of TS 24.008). The parameter is also set to zero when it has no meaningful content, e.g. when <numbertype>=1.
string type phone number in format specified by <numbertype>. The used character set should be the one selected with command select TE character set +CSCS. When no number is available, <number> shall be set to empty string ("").
This command returns the coverage enhancement status of the MT. The terminal can consider the coverage enhancement status prior to deciding to transmit data (see e.g. clause 10.1.43). Depending on the coverage enhancement status the terminal can refrain from transmitting data.
The coverage enhancement status is only provided by the MT if the access technology (mode) of the serving cell is E-UTRAN (WB-S1 mode), satellite E-UTRAN (WB-S1 mode) or satellite E-UTRAN (WB-S1 mode), EC-GSM-IoT, E-UTRAN (NB-S1 mode), E-UTRAN connected to a 5G CN (NB-N1 mode or WB-N1 mode). If the access technology (mode) of the serving cell is different, <Act>=0 is indicated.The access technology type parameter <Act>, should not be used in terminals capable of only one access technology.
Defined values
integer type; access technology (mode) of the serving cell.
Serving cell has no coverage enhancement
E-UTRAN (WB-S1 mode or WB-N1 mode)
EC-GSM-IoT (A/Gb mode) (see NOTE 1)
E-UTRAN (NB-S1 mode or NB-N1 mode) (see NOTE 2)
satellite E-UTRAN (NB-S1 mode) (see NOTE 3)
satellite E-UTRAN (WB-S1 mode)
integer type; Coverage Enhancement (CE) level of the MT in the serving cell. Applicable only if <Act>=1 (E-UTRAN (WB-S1 mode or WB-N1 mode)) or <Act>=3 (E-UTRAN (NB-S1 mode or NB-N1 mode)). The Coverage Enhancement levels are defined and specified in TS 36.331.
Coverage Enhancement not used by the MT in the serving cell
Coverage Enhancement level 0
Coverage Enhancement level 1
Coverage Enhancement level 2
Coverage Enhancement level 3
integer type; Uplink Coverage Class (CC) of the MT in the serving cell. Applicable only if <Act>=2 (EC-GSM-IoT). The Coverage Classes are defined and specified in TS 43.064.
Coverage Class not used by the MT in the serving cell
This command allows control of the application level measurement configuration according to TS 25.331 and TS 36.331. The set command controls the presentation of the unsolicited result code +CAPPLEVMC: <app-meas_service_type>,<start-stop_reporting>[,<app-meas_config_file_length>,<app-meas_config-file>] providing data for the configuration. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns the current value of <n>.
Test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type. Disable and enable presentation of the unsolicited result code +CAPPLEVMC to the TE.
0 (default)
Disable presentation of the unsolicited result code
Enable presentation of the unsolicited result code
integer type. Contains the indication of what application that is target for the application level measurement configuration.
QoE measurement collection for streaming services
QoE measurement collection for MTSI services
integer type. Indicates the start and stop of the application level measurement reporting for the application indicated by the <app-meas_service_type>.
start the application level measurement reporting
stop the application level measurement reporting
integer type. Indicates the number of octets of the <app-meas_config-file> parameter.
string of octets. Contains the application level measurement configuration file for the application indicated by the <app-meas_service_type>. The parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.
This command allows the MT to provide the application level measurement report according to TS 25.331 and TS 36.331. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Defined values
integer type. Contains the indication of what application that is providing the application level measurement report.
QoE measurement collection for streaming services
QoE measurement collection for MTSI services
integer type. Indicates the number of octets of the <app-meas_report> parameter.
string of octets. Contains the application level measurement report for the application indicated by the <app-meas_service_type>. The parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.