
Content for  TS 27.007  Word version:  19.0.0

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6.20  Voice hangup control +CVHUp. 51

Command Possible response(s)
+CVHU? +CVHU: <mode>
+CVHU=? +CVHU: (list of supported <mode>s)
Set command selects whether ATH or "drop DTR" shall cause a voice connection to be disconnected or not. By voice connection is also meant alternating mode calls that are currently in voice mode. (See clause 6.6).
Read command returns the current value of <mode>.
Test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type
0 (default)
"Drop DTR" ignored but OK response given. ATH disconnects.
"Drop DTR" and ATH ignored but OK response given.
"Drop DTR" behaviour according to &D setting. ATH disconnects.

6.21  CCITT V.120 [36] rate adaption protocol +CV120p. 52

Command Possible response(s)
+CV120? +CV120: <rah>,<mfm>,<mode>,<llineg>,<assign>,<negtype>
+CV120=? +CV120: (list of supported <rah>s),(list of supported <mfm>s),(list of supported <mode>s),(list of supported <llineg>s),(list of supported <assign>s),(list of supported <negtype>s)
Set command sets the values of the V.120 protocol parameters (defined in CCITT Recommendation V.120 [36]) that are carried in the GSM BC and/or LLC information elements.
Read command returns current settings for the V.120 parameters.
Test command returns values supported as compound values.
Defined values
integer type
rate adaption header not included
1 (default)
rate adaption header included (mandatory for protocol sensitive modes).
integer type
multiple frame establishment not supported, only UI frames allowed
1 (default)
multiple frame establishment supported, both I and UI frames allowed.
integer type
bit transparent mode of operation
1 (default)
protocol sensitive mode of operation.
integer type
0 (default)
no negotiation, LLI = 256 only
negotiation allowed.
integer type
0 (default)
message originator is "default assignee"
message originator is "assignor only".
integer type
0 (default)
negotiation is done using logical link zero
negotiation is done with USER INFORMATION messages on a temporary signalling connection.
All possible modes of V.120 operation are not supported. However, in order to accommodate possible future additions, the complete set of parameters is included in the command.
The permitted values are: 1, 1 or 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.
A recommended set of default values is: 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0.
Mandatory, if the MT supports V.120 interworking.

6.22  Settings date format +CSDFp. 53

Command Possible response(s)
+CSDF=[[<mode>][,<auxmode>]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CSDF? +CSDF: <mode>[,<auxmode>]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CSDF=? +CSDF: (list of supported <mode>s) [,(list of supported <auxmode>s)]
+CME ERROR: <err>
This command sets the date format via MMI of the date information presented to the user, which is specified by use of the <mode> parameter. The <mode> affects the date format on the phone display and doesn't affect the date format of the AT command serial interface. The command also sets the date format of the TE-TA interface, which is specified by use of the <auxmode> parameter (e.g. the <auxmode> affects the <time> of +CCLK and +CALA). If the parameter is omitted ("+CSDF=","+CSDF=<mode>","+CSDF=,<auxmode>"), then this sets the default value. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns the current settings.
Test command returns values supported as compound values.
Defined values
integer type
Manufacturer specific
integer type
1 (default)
all other values are reserved by the present document.

6.23  Silence command +CSILp. 54

Command Possible response(s)
+CSIL=[<mode>] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CSIL? +CSIL: <mode>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CSIL=? +CSIL: (list of supported <mode>s)
+CME ERROR: <err>
Set command enables/disables the silent mode. When the phone is in silent mode, all sounds from MT are suppressed except voice. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command reads the current setting.
Test command lists the supported modes as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type. The default value is manufacturer specific.
Silent mode off
Silent mode on

6.24  Settings time format +CSTFp. 55

Command Possible response(s)
+CSTF=[<mode>] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CSTF? +CSTF: <mode>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CSTF=? +CSTF: (list of supported <mode>s)
+CME ERROR: <err>
Set command sets the time format of the time information presented to the user. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command reads the current setting.
Test command reads the supported <modes>s as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type. The default value is manufacturer specific.
HH:MM (24 hour clock)
HH:MM a.m./p.m.
Manufacturer specific

6.25  ITU-T Recommendation V.250 [14] call control commandsp. 56

Command Clause Impl. Used in the present document
D[<dial_string>][;]6.3.1mand.originates a call
T6.3.2mand.ignored (select tone dialling)
P6.3.3mand.ignored (select pulse dialling)
A6.3.5mand.answer a call
H[<value>]6.3.6mand. hang-up a single mode call; for alternate mode call refer to clause "Hangup call +CHUP" (only value equal to zero needed)
O[<value>]6.3.7mand.returns TA to online data state from online command mode (only value equal to zero needed)
S0=[<value>]6.3.8mand.sets the number of call indications (rings) before automatically answering the call; value equalling zero disables automatic answering and is the default
S6=[<value>]6.3.9mand.ignored (pause before blind dialling)
S7=[<value>]6.3.10mand.sets number of seconds to wait for completion of call answering or originating procedure before giving up and disconnecting
S8=[<value>]6.3.11mand.sets number of seconds to wait when comma dial modifier encountered in dial string of D command (default is 2 seconds)
S10=[<value>]6.3.12mand.sets number of tenths of seconds to wait before disconnecting after TA has indicated the absence of received line signal
L[<value>]6.3.13mand.ignored (monitor speaker loudness)
M[<value>]6.3.14mand.ignored (monitor speaker mode)
Implementation of commands marked as mandatory is mandatory only if call control functionality is supported.

6.26  ITU-T Recommendation V.250 [14] data compression commandsp. 56

Command Clause Impl. Used in the present document
+DS=[<dir>[,<neg>[,<P1>[,<P2>]]]]6.6.1mand. when V.42biscontrols ITU-T Recommendation V.42bis data compression functions; for subparameter defaults refer TS 24.022
+DR=[<value>]6.6.2mand. when V.42bisdetermines whether the use of V.42bis is informed using intermediate result code +DR: <type> before going online data state after call answering or originating

6.27  Initiate eCall +CECALLp. 56

Command Possible response(s)
+CECALL? +CECALL: [<type_of_eCall>[,<format>,<msd_data_length>,<msd_data>[,<format>,<msd_data>,[...]]]]
+CECALL=? +CECALL: (list of supported <type_of_eCall>s)[,(list of supported <format>s)]
Set command is used to trigger an eCall to the network or to provide an updated MSD to the network during an ongoing eCall. Based on the configuration selected, it can be used to either trigger a test call, a reconfiguration call, a manually initiated eCall or an automatically initiated eCall. The parameters <format>, <msd_data_length> and <msd_data> are included if the MSD is provided by the application. If the parameters are not included, the MSD is provided to the network by the MT.
Read command returns the <type_of_eCall> that is currently in progress, if any. The MT may also return the <format>s and the <msd_data>s of the eCall as provided to the network. The parameters of the response to the read command will be cleared when the eCall in progress is terminated.
Test command returns the supported values as compound values.
Defined values
integer type. Indicates the type of eCall.
test call
reconfiguration call eCall
manually initiated eCall
automatically initated eCall
integer type. Indicates the format of the provided eCall MSD.
binary format
integer type. Indicates the number of octets of the <msd_data> information element.
string type. Minimum set of data, see CEN EN 15722:2015 [157]. The type of string is in the format specified by <format>. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.

6.28  eCall Notification +CECN |R8|p. 57

Command Possible response(s)
+CECN? +CECN: <n>
+CECN=? +CECN: (list of supported <n>s)
Set command is used to control the presentation of an unsolicited result code +CECN: <data_type> when <n>=1 and the network requests an updated MSD during an eCall. As a result of the unsolicited result code +CECN, the AT-command +CECALL can be used to provide an updated MSD for the eCall.
Read command returns the status of result code presentation <n>.
Test command returns the supported values as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type. Enables or disables reporting of unsolicited result code +CECN.
disable presentation of the unsolicited result code
enable presentation of the unsolicited result code
integer type. Indicates the type of additional data for the eCall.
updated MSD for the eCall is provided to the network by the MT
request for updated MSD

6.29  Informative examples |R14|p. 58

The alternating mode call handling (voice and fax, or voice and data) and the data call setup commands are defined such that the dialling command of ITU-T Recommendation V.250 [14] (D) still always originates a call. The purpose is to support all current TE applications using the dialling command as default. Fax calls are controlled following the rules of ITU-T Recommendation T.31 [11] and ITU-T Recommendation T.32 [12] standards.
An example where a voice call is originated:
ATD+1 812 555673I; (type of address defaults to 145, CLI presentation is restricted for this call)
OK (call setup was successful)
An example where a voice call is attempted from a phonebook:
ATD>"Doe Joe"G; (enable CUG control for this call)
+CME ERROR: 22 (entry "Doe Joe" is not found)
Also supplementary services can be controlled using dial command according to TS 22.030. An example of call forwarding on no reply for telephony with the adjustment of the no reply condition timer on 25 seconds:
OK (modification was successful)
Two new commands are created for controlling the alternating mode calls. First one, Call Mode (+CMOD), selects between single and alternating mode. Because this is a crucial command, it is defined that the value is set back to zero (single mode) after every successfully originated alternating mode call. Also on power-up and factory or user resets, the value is set to zero. The second new command, Hangup Call (+CHUP), is not a replacement of ITU-T Recommendation V.250 [14] command H, but a command which reliably disconnects the call in GSM/UMTS network. This is defined because the H command is used to switch from fax or data mode to voice mode.
The setting of GSM/UMTS bearer service (data circuit duplex asynchronous and synchronous, PAD access circuit asynchronous, or data packet duplex synchronous), is done with Select Bearer Service Type (+CBST). It chooses one of the four mentioned bearer services, the data rate of the service (or actually the modulation when modem IWFs are used), and enables or disables RLP. Command Radio Link Protocol (+CRLP) is used to set the RLP parameters in the radio path.
Service Reporting Control command (+CR) is defined similarly as the reporting of modulation, V.18, error control, and data compression which are ITU-T Recommendation V.250 [14] features used to show information about the type of the established connection before the CONNECT intermediate result code. +CR command has one subparameter which specifies whether the intermediate result code +CR: <serv> is returned or not. The result code is typically returned before any ITU-T Recommendation V.250 [14] reporting result codes. An example of setting up an asynchronous 9600 bit/s modem connection with service reporting:
AT+CBST=7,0,1 (asynchronous modem 9600 bit/s and RLP)
AT+CR=1 (enable reporting)
As GSM/UMTS network offers more information about the reason of the failure in call originating and answering than normal PSTN, it is useful to add an extra command to return this information to the TE. This information should not be returned always after unsuccessful call originating or answering, because many TE applications look for just the regular NO CARRIER, BUSY, NO ANSWER and CONNECT messages. Action command Extended Error Report (+CEER) does not have any subparameters, and it returns the cause of the latest call setup failure. This information can be the textual presentation of the GSM/UMTS network failure code (refer TS 24.008 Annex H), or some other information defined by the TA manufacturer.

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