
Content for  TS 27.007  Word version:  18.7.0

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10.1.70  5GS ATSSS Rules read dynamic parameters +C5GATSSSRRDP |R16|p. 354

Command Possible response(s)
+C5GATSSSRRDP[=<cid>][+C5GATSSSRRDP: <cid>[,<ATSSS_rule-l>,<ATSSS_rule-c>]]
[<CR><LF>+C5GATSSSRRDP: <cid>[,<ATSSS_rule-l>,<ATSSS_rule-c>]
+C5GATSSSRRDP=? +C5GATSSSRRDP: (list of <cid>s associated with QoS flows)
The execution command returns the ATSSS rules <ATSSS_rule-l> and <ATSSS_rule-c> of the QoS flow of the default QoS rule associated to the provided context identifier <cid>.
If the parameter <cid> is omitted, the ATSSS parameters for all QoS flows are returned.
The test command returns a list of <cid>s associated with all QoS flows.
Defined values
integer type; specifies a particular QoS flow definition, Traffic Flows definition and a PDP Context definition (see the +CGDCONT and +CGDSCONT commands).
integer type; indicates the length in octets of the <ATSSS_rule-c>.
string type; coded as defined in clause of TS 24.193. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.
Optional. This AT-cmd is appliccable to UEs that support ATSSS.

10.1.71  5GS network steering functionalities information read dynamic parameters +C5GNSFIRDP |R16|p. 355

Command Possible response(s)
+C5GNSFIRDP[=<cid>][+C5GNSFIRDP: <cid>[,<NSFI-l>,<NSFI-c>]]
[<CR><LF>+ C5GNSFIRDP: <cid>[,<NSFI-l>,<NSFI-c>]
+C5GNSFIRDP=? +C5GNSFIRDP: (list of <cid>s associated with QoS flows)
The execution command returns the network steering functionalities information <NSFI-l> and <NSFI-c> of the QoS flow of the default QoS rule associated with the provided context identifier <cid>.
If the parameter <cid> is omitted, the network steering functionalities information for all QoS flows are returned.
The test command returns a list of <cid>s associated with all QoS flows.
Defined values
integer type; specifies a particular QoS flow definition, Traffic Flows definition and a PDP Context definition (see the +CGDCONT and +CGDSCONT commands).
integer type; indicates the length in octets of the <NSFI-c>.
string type; coded as defined in clause of TS 24.193. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.

10.1.72  Context State Change Request +CCSTATEREQ |R17|p. 355

Command Possible response(s)
+CCSTATEREQ=<state>[,<cid>[,<cid>[,...]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CCSTATEREQ?[+CCSTATEREQ: <cid>,<state>] [<CR><LF>+CCSTATEREQ: <cid>,<state> [...]]
+CCSTATEREQ=? +CCSTATEREQ: (list of supported <state>s)
The execution command is used to activate the specified PDP context(s) or to request for the specified QoS flow. The command is also used to deactivate the context or to delete the QoS flow. The command returns with the response depending upon whether the request is successfully sent to the lower layers or not.
The actual result for the PDU session establishment from the network will be displayed through the unsolicited result code +CCSTATEREQU: <result>, <cid> once the indication is received from the network.
The request for a specific QoS flow will be answered by the network by a PDU session establishment accept message or a PDU session modification command message. This PDU establishment procedure may require several sessions of request-response of EAP authentication messages between the MT and the network to complete the procedure (see the +C5GPDUAUTHR and +C5GPDUAUTHS commands), see clause 6.3.1 of TS 24.501.
For EPS, if an attempt is made to disconnect the last PDN connection, then the MT responds with ERROR or, if extended error responses are enabled, a +CME ERROR.
For EPS, the activation request for an EPS bearer resource will be answered by the network by either an EPS dedicated bearer activation or EPS bearer modification request. The request must be accepted by the MT before the PDP context can be set in to established state.
If the MT is not PS attached when the request for QoS flow command is executed, the MT first performs a PS attach and then attempts to activate the context or request the specific QoS flow.
If no <cid>s are specified, the activation form of the command activates all defined non-emergency contexts.
If no <cid>s are specified, the deactivation form of the command deactivates all active contexts.
The read command returns the current activation states for all the defined PDP contexts. The state displayed for each context is the previous state until the next state is completely accespted by the MT.
The test command is used for requesting information on the supported PDP context activation states.
Defined values
integer type; specifies a particular QoS flow definition (see the +CGDCONT and +CGDSCONT commands).
integer type; indicates the state of PDP context activation.
integer type; indicates the final result for PDU session establishment procedure.
Successfully established.
Failed to establish.

10.1.73  5G PDU Session Authentication Setting +C5GPDUAUTHS |R17|p. 356

Command Possible response(s)
+C5GPDUAUTHS=? +C5GPDUAUTHS: (list of supported <n>s)
The set command controls the presentation of an unsolicited result code +C5GPDUAUTHU: <cid>, <len>, <eap_msg> which will be displayed on receiving an authentication message in the form of Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) message from network during or after a UE-requested non-emergency PDU establishment request has been sent. The purpose of the PDU session authentication and authorization is to enable the data network (DN) to authenticate and authorize the upper layers of UE. This procedure happens through EAP as specified in RFC 3748 and clause 6.3.1 of TS 24.501.
There can be several sessions of exchange of an EAP-request and EAP-response message for the DN to complete the authentication and authorization of the request for a PDU session. The network shall start a timer (T3590) once the EAP-request message has been sent and expects the EAP-response message from UE to stop the timer. On expiry of the timer, network shall re-transmit the message after restarting the timer. This can be retransmitted for four times.
Read command returns the current setting of value <n>.
Test command returns the range of supported <n>.
Defined values
integer type. Enables or disables reporting of authentication indication from network consisting of the EAP-message for a particular <cid>.
disable reporting.
enable reporting.
integer type, specifies a particular QoS flow definition (see the +CGDCONT and +CGDSCONT commands).
integer type, indicates the length of the EAP message content. It can be of max 1500 according to clause of TS 24.501.
string type in hexadecimal format, consists of the EAP message from network, as defined in RFC 3748, RFC 4187 and RFC 5448. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.

10.1.74  5G PDU Session Authentication Response +C5GPDUAUTHR |R17|p. 357

Command Possible response(s)
+C5GPDUAUTHR=<cid>,<len>,<eap_msg> +CME ERROR: <err>
Execution command allows the UE to send the EAP-response message to the EAP-request made by network for a particular PDU session. The EAP-request message is received through the unsolicited result code +C5GPDUAUTHU. The authentication request is sent by the network to authenticate and authorize the upper layers of UE when a UE-requested non-emergency PDU session establishment request is sent. The response to the execution command only indicates if the EAP-response message has been successfully sent to lower layers or not.
Defined values
integer type, specifies a particular QoS flow definition (see the +CGDCONT and +CGDSCONT commands).
integer type, indicates the length of the EAP message content. It can be of max 1500 according to clause of TS 24.501.
string type in hexadecimal format, consists of the EAP message from network as defined in RFC 3748, RFC 4187 and RFC 5448. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.

10.1.75  5GS URSP query +C5GURSPQRY |R17|p. 358

Command Possible response(s)
+C5GURSPQRY=[<APPID>][,<OSID&APPID>][,<DNNs>][,<FQDN>][,<Connection_capabilities>][,<remote_ipv4_address_and_mask>][,<remote_ipv6_address_and_prefix_length>][,<protocol number (ipv4)/next header (ipv6)>][,<single_remote_port>][,<remote port range>][,<security para index>][,<type of service (tos) (ipv4) and mask / traffic class (ipv6) and mask>][,<flow label>][,<ether_type>][,<destination_mac_address>][,<cTagVid>][,<sTagVid>][,<cTagPcpDei>][,<sTagPcpDei>][,<Regular_expression>][,<PIN ID>][,<Connectivity group ID>] +C5GURSPQRY: [<ursp_rule_type>],[<ursp_rule_precedence>],[<route_selection_descriptor_precedence>],[<SSC_mode>],[<NSSAI>],[<DNNs>],[<pdp_type>],[<preferred_access_type>],[<Non-seamless_non-3GPP_offload_indication>],[<Location_criteria_type>],[<Time_window_type>]
[<CR><LF>+C5GURSPQRY: [<ursp_rule_type>],[<ursp_rule_precedence>],[<route_selection_descriptor_precedence>],[<SSC_mode>],[<NSSAI>],[<DNNs>],[<pdp_type>],[<preferred_access_type>],[<Non-seamless_non-3GPP_offload_indication>],[<Location_criteria_type>],[<Time_window_type>]
+C5GURSPQRY? +C5GURSPQRY: [<ursp_rule_type>],[<ursp_rule_precedence>],[<APPID>],[<OSID&APPID>],[<DNNs>],[<FQDN>],[<Connection_capabilities>],[<remote_ipv4_address_and_mask>],[<remote_ipv6_address_and_prefix_length>],[<protocol number (ipv4)/next header (ipv6)>],[<single_remote_port>],[<remote port range>],[<security para index>],[<type of service (tos) (ipv4) and mask / traffic class (ipv6) and mask>],[<flow label>],[<ether_type>],[<destination_mac_address>],[<cTagVid>],[<sTagVid>],[<cTagPcpDei>],[<sTagPcpDei>],[<Regular_expression>],[<PIN ID>],[<Connectivity group ID>],[<route_selection_descriptor_precedence>],[<SSC_mode>],[<NSSAI>],[<DNNs>],[<pdp_type>],[<preferred_access_type>],[<Non-seamless_non-3GPP_offload_indication>],[<Location_criteria_type>],[<Time_window_type>]
[<CR><LF>+C5GURSPQRY: [<ursp_rule_type>],[<ursp_rule_precedence>],[<APPID>],[<OSID&APPID>],[<DNNs>],[<FQDN>],[<Connection_capabilities>],[<remote_ipv4_address_and_mask>],[<remote_ipv6_address_and_prefix_length>],[<protocol number (ipv4)/next header (ipv6)>],[<single_remote_port>],[<remote port range>],[<security para index>],[<type of service (tos) (ipv4) and mask / traffic class (ipv6) and mask>],[<flow label>],[<ether_type>],[<destination_mac_address>],[<cTagVid>],[<sTagVid>],[<cTagPcpDei>],[<sTagPcpDei>],[<Regular_expression>],[<route_selection_descriptor_precedence>],[<SSC_mode>],[<NSSAI>],[<DNNs>],[<pdp_type>],[<preferred_access_type>],[<Non-seamless_non-3GPP_offload_indication>],[<Location_criteria_type>],[<Time_window_type>]
+C5GURSPQRY=? +C5GURSPQRY: (list of supported<Connection_capabilities>s),(list of supported <remote_ipv4_address_and_mask>s),(list of supported <remote_ipv6_address_and_prefix_length>s),(list of supported <protocol number (ipv4) / next header (ipv6)>s),(list of supported<single_remote_port>s),(list of supported<remote port range>s),(list of supported<security para index>s),(list of supported< type of service (tos) (ipv4) and mask / traffic class (ipv6) and mask>s),(list of supported<flow label>s),(list of supported<ether_type>s),(list of supported<destination_mac_address>s),(list of supported<cTagVid>s),(list of supported<sTagVid>s),(list of supported<cTagPcpDei>s),(list of supported<sTagPcpDei>s),list of supported<PIN ID>s),list of supported<connectivity group ID>s)
The set command is used to request the MT to return all the route selection descriptors for the URSP rules with different precedence values matching the traffic descriptor indicated by the input parameters in <APPID>,<OSID&APPID>,<DNNs>,<FQDN>,<Connection_capabilities>,<remote_ipv4_address_and_mask>,<remote_ipv6_address_and_prefix_length>,<protocol number (ipv4)/next header (ipv6)>,<single_remote_port>,<remote port range>,<security para index>,<type of service (tos) (ipv4) and mask / traffic class (ipv6) and mask>,<flow label>,<ether_type>,<destination_mac_address>,<cTagVid>,<sTagVid>,<cTagPcpDei>,<sTagPcpDei>,<Regular_expression>,<PIN ID>,<Connectivity group ID>.
A special form of the set command can be given as +C5GURSPQRY=. This form can be used as Match-all type to request the MT to return the default URSP rule.
The read command is used to return all of the URSP rules stored at MT.
Test command returns values supported as compound values.
Defined values
string type. Indicates an application.
string type. Indicates an operating system and an associated application.
string type. The string can be separated by semicolon(s), indicates the list of <DNN> referred in clause 10.1.57.
string type. Indicates a fully qualified Domain Name.
integer type. A decimal value indicates the connection's supported services according to Table 5.2.1 of TS 24.526.
string type. The string is given as dot-separated numeric (0-255) parameters which indicates a remote IPv4 address and the associated mask, on the form of "a1.a2.a3.a4.m1.m2.m3.m4".
string type. The string is given as dot-separated numeric (0-255) parameters which indicates a remote IPv6 address and the associated length of the prefix, on the form of "a1.a2.a3.a4.a5.a6.a7.a8.a9.a10.a11.a12.a13.a14.a15.a16. m1.m2.m3.m4.m5.m6.m7.m8.m9.m10.m11.m12.m13.m14.m15.m16".
When +CGPIAF is supported, its settings can influence the format of this parameter returned with the read form of +C5GURSPQRY.
<protocol number (ipv4) / next header (ipv6)>
integer type. Value range is from 0 to 255.
integer type. Value range is from 0 to 65535.
<remote port range>
string type. The string is given as dot-separated numeric (0-65535) parameters on the form "f.t".
<security para index>
numeric value in hexadecimal format. Value range is from 00000000 to FFFFFFFF.
<type of service (tos) (ipv4) and mask/traffic class (ipv6) and mask>
string type. The string is given as dot-separated numeric (0-255) parameters on the form "t.m".
<flow label>
numeric value in hexadecimal format. The value range is from 00000 to FFFFF. Valid for IPv6 only.
integer type. Value range is from 0 to 65535
string type, on the form of "a1.a2.a3.a4.a5.a6".
integer type. See IEEE 802.1Q [181].
integer type. See IEEE 802.1Q [181].
integer type. See IEEE 802.1Q [181].
integer type. See IEEE 802.1Q [181].
string type. Indicates a PIN.
<Connectivity group ID>
string type. Indicates a connectivity group configured in the 5G-RG.
string type. The regular expression value field shall take the form of Extended Regular xpressions (ERE) as defined in chapter 9 in IEEE 1003.1-2004 Part 1 [182].
integer type. Indicates if the type of the URSP rule.
non-default URSP rule
default URSP rule
integer type. Indicates the precedence of the URSP rule.
Indicates the precedence of the route selection descriptor.
integer type. Indicates the session and service continuity (SSC) mode for the PDU session in 5GS, see TS 23.501.
indicates that the PDU session is associated with SSC mode 1
indicates that the PDU session is associated with SSC mode 2
indicates that the PDU session is associated with SSC mode 3
string type in hexadecimal character format. Dependent of the form, the string can be separated by dot(s), semicolon(s) and colon(s). The <NSSAI> is coded as a list of <S-NSSAI>s separated by colons. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS. The <S-NSSAI> has one of the forms:
only slice/service type (SST) is present
SST and mapped configured SST are present
SST and slice differentiator (SD) are present;mapped_sst
SST, SD and mapped configured SST are present;mapped_sst.mapped_sd
SST, SD, mapped configured SST and mapped configured SD are present
string type. Indicates the type of the PDU session. Specifies the type of packet data protocol.
Internet Protocol (IETF STD 5 [103]). Indicates that the PDU session type is IPv4 only
Internet Protocol, version 6 (see RFC 2460). Indicates that the PDU session type is IPv6 only
Virtual <PDP_type> introduced to handle dual IP stack UE capability. (See TS 24.301). Indicates that the PDU session type is IPv4v6
Transfer of Unstructured data to the Data Network via N6 (see TS 23.501). Indicatesthat the PDU session type is Unstructured only
Ethernet protocol (IEEE 802.3). Indicates that the PDU session type is Ethernet only
integer type. Indicates the preferred access type for the PDU session in 5GS, see TS 24.526.
indicates that the preferred access type is 3GPP access
indicates that the preferred access type is non-3GPP access
integer type.
indicates that the non-seamless non-3GPP offload is invalid
indicates that the non-seamless non-3GPP offload is valid
string type. The route selection descriptor component value field may contain one or more types of location area and is encoded as shown in Figure 5.2.5 and Table 5.2.2 of TS 24.526.
string type. The Time window type value field shall be encoded as a sequence of a Starttime field followed by a Stoptime field. The Starttime field is represented by the number of seconds since 00:00:00 on 1 January 1970 and is encoded as the 64-bit NTP timestamp format defined in RFC 5905, where binary encoding of the integer part is in the first 32 bits and binary encoding of the fraction part in the last 32 bits. The encoding of the Stoptime field is the same as the Starttime field. The Starttime field and the Stoptime field are separated by a dot.

10.1.76  NAS connection release +CNASCREL |R17|p. 362

Command Possible response(s)
This command triggers the MUSIM capable UE to request the network to release the NAS signalling connection for 3GPP access in EPS (see clause and clause 5.6.1 of TS 24.301), or 5GS (see clause 5.5.1 and clause 5.6.1 of TS 24.501) due to activity on another USIM. When the TE sends this command to MT, the MT immediately returns OK and triggers the release of the NAS signalling connection.
Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

10.1.77  Reject paging +CREJPAG |R17|p. 362

Command Possible response(s)
+CREJPAG=[<n>[,<rejpage_pgcause_unknown>[,<rejpage_pgcause_not_voice>[,<rejpage_pgcause_voice>]]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
when <n>=2 and command successful
+CREJPAG: <rejpage_pgcause_unknown>,<rejpage_pgcause_not_voice>,<rejpage_pgcause_voice>
+CREJPAG? +CREJPAG: <n>,<rejpage_pgcause_unknown>,<rejpage_pgcause_not_voice>,<rejpage_pgcause_voice>
+CREJPAG=? +CREJPAG: (list of supported <n>s),(list of supported <rejpage_pgcause_unknown>s),(list of supported <rejpage_pgcause_not_voice>s),(list of supported <rejpage_pgcause_voice>s)
The set command controls the presentation of unsolicited result code +CREJPAG: <paging_cause> when <n>=1 reporting the paging cause indication for which the MUSIM capable UE has received a page. The following cases are applicable in EPS (see clause 5.5.1 of TS 24.301) and 5GS (see clause 5.5.1 of TS 24.501).
  1. UE receives page from a network that does not support paging cause indication for voice services; or
  2. UE receives page from a network that supports paging cause indication for voice services and page is not related to voice service; or
  3. UE receives page from a network that supports paging cause indication for voice services and page is related to voice service.
When <n>=2, a special form of the set command +CREJPAG: <rejpage_pgcause_unknown>,<rejpage_pgcause_not_voice>,<rejpage_pgcause_voice> enables the MUSIM capable UE to reject the paging request from the network in EPS (see clause 5.6.1 of TS 24.301), and 5GS (see clause 5.6.1 of TS 24.501). The TE sends this command (when <n>=2) to the MT in anticipation of MT receiving indication of paging from the network.
The read command returns the current settings of <n> and indicates whether currently the paging request received from the network is set to be rejected or not for the different cases described above.
Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
The test command returns values of supported <n>s.
Defined values
integer type
Disable presentation of unsolicited result code +CREJPAG: <paging_cause>
Enable presentation of unsolicited result code +CREJPAG: <paging_cause>
Reject paging request from the network. There will be no change in the current setting of <n>, enabling or disabling of unsolicited result code +CREJPAG: <paging_cause>
integer type; indicates the paging cause.
Page is received from a network that does not support paging cause indication for voice services
Page is received from a network that supports paging cause indication for voice services and page is not related to voice service
Page is received from a network that supports paging cause indication for voice services and page is related to voice service
integer type; indicates whether the paging request is set to be rejected when the UE receives page from a network that does not support paging cause indication for voice services.
Paging request is not set to be rejected
Paging request is set to be rejected
integer type; indicates whether the paging request is set to be rejected when the UE receives page from a network that supports paging cause indication for voice services and page is not related to voice service.
Paging request is not set to be rejected
Paging request is set to be rejected
integer type; indicates whether the paging request is set to be rejected when the UE receives page from a network that supports paging cause indication for voice services and page is related to voice service.
Paging request is not set to be rejected
Paging request is set to be rejected

10.1.78  Paging restrictions +CPAGRES |R17|p. 364

Command Possible response(s)
+CPAGRES=<n>[,<paging_restrictions>[,<number_of_restricted_cid>[,<cid>[,<cid>[,<cid>[,<cid>[,…]]]]]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CPAGRES? +CPAGRES: <n>,<paging_restrictions>[, <number_of_restricted_cid>[,<cid>[,<cid>[,<cid>[,<cid>[,…]]]]]]
+CPAGRES=? +CPAGRES: (list of supported <n>s),(list of supported <paging_restrictions>s), (list of supported <number_of_restricted_cid>s),(list of supported <cid>s)
The set command controls the presentation of unsolicited result code +CPAGRES: <paging_restrict_result> when <n>=1 reporting that the paging restriction preferences specified by the MUSIM capable UE have been accepted by the network or not. When <n>=2, a special form of the set command enables the MUSIM capable UE to specify the paging restriction preferences to the network for 3GPP access in EPS (see clause and clause 5.6.1 of TS 24.301) and 5GS (see clause 5.5.1 and clause 5.6.1 of TS 24.501). The paging restriction preferences can be set or removed.
Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
The read command returns the current settings of <n> and paging restrictions.
The test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type
0 (default)
Disable presentation of unsolicited result code +CPAGRES: <paging_restrict_result>
Enable presentation of unsolicited result code +CPAGRES: <paging_restrict_result>
Reject paging request from the network. There will be no change in the current setting of <n>, enabling or disabling of unsolicited result code +CPAGRES: <paging_restrict_result>
integer type; indicates whether the requested paging restriction preferences of the UE are accepted or not, see clause of TS 24.301.
0 (default)
indicates that paging restriction is rejected
indicates that paging restriction is accepted
integer type; indicates the paging restriction preferences of the UE, see clause of TS 24.301, and clause of TS 24.501.
0 (default)
indicates that paging is not restricted
indicates that all paging is restricted
indicates that all paging is restricted except for voice service
indicates that all paging is restricted except for specified PDN connection(s) in EPS or PDU session(s) in 5GS
indicates that all paging is restricted except for voice service and specified PDN connection(s) in EPS or PDU session(s) in 5GS
integer type; indicates the number of <cid>s for which paging is restricted
integer type; A numeric parameter which specifies a particular EPS bearer context or a 5GS QoS flow. The <cid> parameter is local to the TE-MT interface and identifies only EPS bearer contexts or 5GS QoS flows which have been setup via AT command (see the +CGDCONT and +CGDSCONT commands).

10.1.79  Paging timing collision control +CPAGTCC |R17|p. 365

Command Possible response(s)
+CPAGTCC=<n>[,<IMSI_offset>] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CPAGTCC? +CPAGTCC: <n>,<mobile_identity> [,<IMSI_offset>]
+CPAGTCC=? +CPAGTCC: (list of supported <n>s),(list of supported <mobile_identity>s),(list of supported <IMSI_offset>s)
The set command controls the presentation of unsolicited result code +CPAGTCC: <mobile_identity>[,<IMSI_offset>] when <n>=1 reporting the mobile identity of the UE and the negotiated alternative IMSI value offset that have been specified by the network for a MUSIM capable UE that supports paging timing collision control. When <n>=2, a special form of the set command enables the MUSIM capable UE to specify the requested alternative IMSI offset value to the network for 3GPP access in EPS (see clause and clause of TS 24.301). When the TE sends this command to MT, the MT immediately returns OK.
Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
The read command returns the current settings of <n>, <mobile_identity> and <IMSI_offset>.
The test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type
0 (default)
Disable presentation of unsolicited result code +CPAGTCC: <mobile_identity>[,<IMSI_offset>]
Enable presentation of unsolicited result code +CPAGTCC: <mobile_identity>[,<IMSI_offset>]
Specify the requested IMSI offset <IMSI_offset> to the network in case of EPS. There will be no change in the current setting of <n>, enabling or disabling of unsolicited result code +CPAGTCC: <mobile_identity>[,<IMSI_offset>]
indicates the mobile identity information of the UE in EPS (see clause of TS 24.301) and 5GS (see clause of TS 24.501).
indicates a value that is used for calculating an alternative IMSI offset value that is used for deriving the paging occasion (see clause of TS 24.301).

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