
Content for  TS 27.007  Word version:  18.5.0

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1…   4…   5…   6…   6.10…   6.20…   7…   7.10…   7.20…   7.30…   7.40…   8…   8.10…   8.20…   8.30…   8.40…   8.50…   8.55   8.56…   8.60…   8.70…   8.80…   9…   10…   10.1.3…   10.1.10…   10.1.20…   10.1.30…   10.1.40…   10.1.50…   10.1.60…   10.1.70…   10.1.80…   10.2…   11…   12…   13…   14…   15…   16…   17…   18…   19…   A   B   C…   E   F   G…


G  Voice call examplep. 453

Figure G.1 illustrates the possible transitions in both MT and MO TS 11 calls. Responses and result codes generated by TA are in bold face.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 27.007, Fig. G.1: TS 11 calls

$  Change historyp. 454

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