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TS 22.084
MultiParty (MPTY)
supplementary service –
Stage 1

V18.0.1 (PDF)  2024/03  14 p.
V17.0.0  2022/03  14 p.
V16.0.0  2020/06  14 p.
V15.0.0  2018/06  14 p.
V14.0.0  2017/03  14 p.
V13.0.0  2015/12  14 p.
V12.0.0  2014/10  14 p.
V11.0.0  2012/09  14 p.
V10.0.0  2011/04  14 p.
V9.0.0  2009/12  14 p.
V8.0.0  2009/01  14 p.
V7.0.0  2007/06  14 p.
V6.0.0  2004/12  14 p.
V5.0.0  2002/07  14 p.
V4.1.0  2002/03  14 p.
V3.0.1  1999/10  14 p.
GSM Rel-98 v7.0.0  1999/06  13 p.
GSM Rel-97 v6.0.0  1998/10  13 p.
GSM Rel-96 v5.0.0  1996/10  14 p.
GSM Phase-2 v4.4.7  1995/10  15 p.
Dr. Swetina, Joerg
NEC Europe Ltd

Content for  TS 22.084  Word version:  18.0.1

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0  Scopep. 5

The present document describes the Supplementary Services belonging to the group MultiParty Supplementary Services.
The general aspects, including definitions and recommended provision, of the description of the Supplementary Services are given in TS 22.004.
The group of Supplementary Services MultiParty Supplementary Services consists of one Supplementary Service:

0.1  Referencesp. 5

The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.
  • References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific.
  • For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
  • For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document.
TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications"
TS 22.004: "General on Supplementary Services".
TS 22.030: "Man Machine Interface (MMI) of the Mobile Station (MS)".
TS 22.083: "Call Waiting (CW) and Call Hold (HOLD) Supplementary Services - Stage 1".
TS 22.085: "Closed User Group (CUG) Supplementary Services - Stage 1".

0.2  Abbreviationsp. 5

Abbreviations used in the present document are listed in TR 21.905.

1  MultiParty Service (MPTY)p. 5

1.1  Definitionp. 5

This Supplementary Service provides a mobile subscriber with the ability to have a multi-connection call, i.e. a simultaneous communication with more than one party.

1.2  Descriptionp. 5

1.2.1  Descriptionp. 5

A precondition for the multi-party service is that the served mobile subscriber is in control of one active call and one call on hold, both calls having been answered. In this situation the served mobile subscriber can request the network to begin the multiParty service.
Once a multiParty call is active, remote parties may be added, disconnected or separated (i.e. removed from the multiParty call but remain connected to the served mobile subscriber).
The maximum number of remote parties is 5.  Indication about multiParty statusp. 6

Notification shall be sent towards the served mobile subscriber and all the remote parties in a multiParty call at the invocation of this Supplementary Service. In addition, a notification shall always be sent towards all remote parties (i.e. not towards the served mobile subscriber) every time a new party is added to the multiParty call. Notifications shall also be sent to remote parties when they are put on hold and when they are retrieved in accordance with normal Call Hold procedures.
In the case where a previously private communication is added again to the multiParty call, a notification shall be sent towards all remote parties.

1.2.2  Applicability to telecommunication servicesp. 6

The applicability of this Supplementary Service is defined in TS 22.004.

1.2.3  Terminologyp. 6

Served Mobile Subscriber
During the invocation and active phase, the service is under the control of the served mobile subscriber, i.e. the one who has subscribed to the service.
Remote Party
Any participant in the multiParty call who is not the served mobile subscriber.

1.3  Normal procedures with successful outcomep. 6

1.3.1  Provisionp. 6

This Supplementary Service is provisioned for all Basic Services (BS) subscribed to and to which it is applicable, i.e. not to any subset of these BS.
The provision of the Call Hold Supplementary Service is also required.

1.3.2  Withdrawalp. 6

Withdrawal of the service is made by the service provider upon request by the subscriber or for service provider reasons.

1.3.5  Activationp. 6

The Supplementary Service shall be activated by the service provider as a result of provision.

1.3.6  Deactivationp. 6

The Supplementary Service shall be deactivated by the service provider as a result of withdrawal.

1.3.7  Invocationp. 6

Multi-Party service will be invoked by the served mobile subscriber by use of a control procedure, as defined in TS 22.030.

1.3.8  Normal operation with successful outcomep. 7

Only the served mobile subscriber shall be able to add remote parties to the multiParty call.  Beginning the multiParty callp. 7

When the served mobile subscriber invokes multiParty service from the precondition defined in Clause 1.2.1, the network joins the active call and the call on hold together into a multiParty call in which the served mobile subscriber and the remote parties can all communicate with one another.  Managing an active multiParty callp. 7

During an active multiParty call, the served mobile subscriber shall be able to:
Add another remote party, to which a private communication has been established using the same procedures as in Clause, if the number of remote parties does not then exceed the maximum number allowed, which results in an active multiParty call.
A "MPTY invoke" notification shall be sent towards all remote parties.
A Retrieve notification (according to TS 22.083) shall be sent towards all previously held remote parties.
Put the connection to multiParty call on hold, i.e. place her connection to the multiParty call on hold (and typically later retrieve it). The served mobile subscriber may make an enquiry call (e.g. to a potential new remote party) or process a Call Waiting request from this state. While the multiParty call is on hold the remaining remote parties in the multiParty call can have communication with each other.
As a result of this scenario, the enquiry call or the accepted waiting call can be added to the multiParty call or released. If the call is released by the served mobile subscriber or by the remote party, the served mobile subscriber is in control of a held multiParty call.
A Hold notification (according to TS 22.083) shall be sent towards all remote parties.
Separate a remote party:
Explicitly choose one remote party to have a private communication with. This results in that remote party being removed from the multiParty call which is placed on hold, and the conversation between the served mobile subscriber and the designated remote party being a normal active call (see NOTE 1). The remaining remote parties may have communication with each other in this state.
As a result of this scenario the private communication can be added again to the multiParty call or released. If the private call is released by the served mobile subscriber or by the remote party, the served mobile subscriber is in control of a held multiParty call.
A Hold notification (according to TS 22.083) shall be sent towards all remote parties, except the designated remote party to which a private communication was established.
Terminate the entire multiParty call. When the served mobile subscriber releases, this is interpreted as a request for termination of the entire multiParty call even if there are calls on hold.
No further notification shall be sent.
Disconnect a remote party:
Explicitly release the remote parties on a one at a time basis (see NOTE 1). In the case when no remote parties remain, the multiParty call is terminated.
The notification about the held multiparty call towards the served mobile subscriber is given by the MS, not by the network.
Up  Managing a held multiParty callp. 8

During a held multiParty call the served mobile subscriber shall be able to:
  1. Retrieve the held multiParty call, which results in an active multiParty call.
  2. Initiate a new call.
  3. Process a Call Waiting request.
  4. Disconnect the held multiParty call. All calls belonging to the multiParty call shall be released.
  5. Disconnect a single remote party.
During a held multiParty call the served mobile subscriber shall NOT be able to:
Retrieve a single remote party.  Managing a single call and a MPTYp. 8  Single active callp. 8
If the served mobile subscriber is connected to a single active call (regardless whether it is a private communication or a new initiated call) and has a MPTY on hold, she is able to:
  1. Disconnect the single active call.
  2. Disconnect the held MPTY.
  3. Disconnect both. All calls, even if they are on hold, shall be released.
  4. Join the single active call and the held MPTY together.
    This would result in an active MPTY, except if the number of remote parties exceeds the number allowed.
    A "MPTY invoke" notification shall be sent towards all remote parties.
    A Retrieve notification (according to TS 22.083) shall be sent towards the previously held remote party.
  5. Alternate between both calls.
Up  Active MPTY and held callp. 8
If the served mobile subscriber is connected to a active MPTY and has a single call on hold, she is able to:
  1. Disconnect the active MPTY.
  2. Disconnect the single held call.
  3. Disconnect both. All calls, even if they are on hold, shall be released.
  4. Join the single held call and the active MPTY together. This would result in an active MPTY, except if the number of remote parties exceeds the number allowed.
    A "MPTY invoke" notification shall be sent towards all remote parties.
    A Retrieve notification (according to TS 22.083) shall be sent towards all previously held remote parties.
  5. Alternate between both calls.
If the served mobile subscriber is connected to a active Multi Party call and has a single call on hold, a request for establishing a private communication will be rejected by the network. (Because this would lead to an active call and two calls on hold, which is not supported according to the Call Hold Supplementary Service).
An indication will be given to the served mobile subscriber with the reason for failure.
Up  Remote parties in a Multi-Party Callp. 9

Any of the remote parties shall be able to:
  1. Put her connection to the multiParty call on hold (and typically later retrieve it). The requirements of the Call Hold service then apply;
  2. Release from the multiParty call.
If a remote party releases and no remote party then remains, the requirements of the normal call release procedures then apply.

1.4  Exceptional procedures or unsuccessful outcomep. 9

If a served mobile subscriber attempts to invoke multiParty service and the network cannot accept that request, the request will be rejected and an indication will be given to the served mobile subscriber with a reason for denial. Some possible reasons for rejection are:
  • service not subscribed;
  • resources cannot be allocated;
  • conflicting situation with other Supplementary Services;
  • calls are not in appropriate state (e.g. one or more calls are not answered or are in the process of being cleared);
  • service not supported by the LPLMN.
If the service provider cannot satisfy the request to add a further remote party (e.g. if the multiParty call has been cleared or if the maximum number of remote parties allowed has already been reached) the served mobile subscriber shall receive an indication that the request is denied, with the reason for failure.
If the radio path of the served mobile subscriber is lost permanently for any reason, the multiParty call shall be released.

1.5  Alternate proceduresp. 9

None identified.

1.6  Interactions with other Supplementary Servicesp. 9

1.6.8x  -p. 9  Connected line identification presentationp. 9

Remote parties in an existing multiParty call who have subscribed to connected line number identification presentation will not receive a new remote party's number whenever a served mobile subscriber adds a new remote party to the multiParty call.  Call forwarding unconditionalp. 9

No interaction, the following text shall give a clarification.
Calling subscriber: If a calling subscriber attempts to establish a multiParty call to a subscriber with call forwarding unconditional active and operative, the forwarded-to subscriber will be alerted and can be added to the conference.
Forwarded-to subscriber: A forwarded-to subscriber can establish a multiParty call using an existing forwarded call as one of the multiParty connections.  Call forwarding on mobile subscriber Busyp. 9

No interaction, the following text shall give a clarification.
Calling subscriber: If a calling subscriber attempts to establish a multiParty call to a subscriber with call forwarding on mobile subscriber busy active and operative, and the forwarding condition is met, the forwarded-to subscriber will be alerted and can be added to the conference.
Forwarded-to subscriber: A forwarded-to subscriber can establish a multiParty call using an existing forwarded call as one of the multiParty connections.  Call forwarding on no replyp. 10

Same as the interaction between call forwarding on mobile subscriber busy and multiParty call.  Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber not reachablep. 10

Same as the interaction between call forwarding on mobile subscriber busy and multiParty call.  Call waitingp. 10

No interaction. The following text is included for clarification:
A user who is active on a multiParty call, either as the served mobile subscriber or as remote party, may receive an indication of a waiting call, provided that the maximum number of calls at the mobile equipment will not be exceeded.
After the multiParty call has been put on hold by this user, the waiting call may be accepted by the user.  Call holdp. 10

Any party involved in an active multiParty call (i.e. the served mobile subscriber or a remote party) may place the connection to the multiParty call on hold and later retrieve it.  Multi-party servicep. 10

It shall be possible for any remote party in a multiParty call to alternate between two different multiParty calls.
Served Mobile Subscriber:
The served mobile subscriber cannot control more than one multiParty call at a time.
It shall not be possible to invoke multiParty service if either or both of the initial calls are active parts of one or two other multiParty calls.
Multi-Party Call controlled by one of the remote parties:
The network will not be required to prevent that a leg to one of the other remote parties can be part of another multiParty call controlled by that remote party.
Up  Closed user groupp. 10

See TS 22.085.  Barring of all outgoing callsp. 10

If barring of all outgoing calls is activated after a multiParty call is invoked, any outgoing calls in progress within that multiParty call will not be barred. Any new outgoing call is barred.  Barring of outgoing international callsp. 10

Same as interworking between barring of all outgoing calls and multiParty service.  Barring of outgoing international calls except those directed to the home PLMN countryp. 11

Same as interaction between barring of all outgoing calls and multiParty service.  Barring of incoming callsp. 11

If barring of incoming calls is activated after a multiParty call is invoked, any incoming calls in progress within that multiParty call will not be barred. Any new incoming call is barred.  Barring of incoming calls when roaming outside the home PLMN countryp. 11

If barring of incoming calls when roaming outside the home PLMN country is made active and operative after a multiParty call is invoked, any incoming calls in progress within that multiParty call will not be barred. Any new incoming call is barred.

1.7  Interworking considerationsp. 11

Interworking with non-PLMN/ISDN:
If a remote party is neither a PLMN nor an ISDN subscriber, it is possible that she is not notified.
Mapping of notifications:
Direction ISDN to PLMN:
3PTY and CONF shall be mapped onto MPTY.
Direction PLMN to ISDN:
MPTY shall be mapped onto CONF.

$  Change historyp. 12

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