
Content for  TS 23.434  Word version:  19.2.0

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14.3  Procedures and information flows for network resource managementp. 166

14.3.1  Generalp. 166

The procedures related to the network resource management are described in the following subclauses.

14.3.2  Information flowsp. 166  Network resource adaptation requestp. 166

Table describes the information flow network resource adaptation request from the VAL/SEALDD server to the NRM server.
Information Element Status Description
Requester IdentityMThe identity of the VAL server performing the request
List of VAL UE IDsO
(see NOTE)
List consisting of one or more VAL UE IDs for whom the network resource adaptation occurs
VAL group IDO
(see NOTE)
The VAL group ID for whom the network resource adaptation occurs
Resource adaptation requirementMThe resource adaptation requirement corresponds to the VAL service QoS requirements as applied for a UE or group of UEs (E.g. bandwidth, resource)
BDT Reference IDOIndicates the Background data transfer Reference ID provided by the 3GPP network
Either of the information elements should be present.
Up  Network resource adaptation responsep. 167

Table describes the information flow network resource adaptation response from the NRM server to the VAL server.
Information Element Status Description
ResultMResult includes success or failure of the network resource adaptation with the underlying network. The response can also include an updated value for some of the parameters included in the network resource adaptation request (e.g. negotiation of resource offering)
Up  MBMS bearer announcementp. 167

Table describes the information flow MBMS bearer announcement from the NRM server to the NRM client.
Information Element Status Description
TMGIMTMGI information
Alternative TMGIOA list of additional alternative TMGI may be included and used in roaming scenarios
QCIOQCI information used by the ProSe UE-Network Relay to determine the ProSe Per-Packet Priority value to be applied for the multicast packets relayed to Remote UE over PC5
List of service area identifierMA list of service area identifier for the applicable MBMS broadcast area
FrequencyOIdentification of frequency if multi carrier support is provided
SDP informationMSDP with media and application control information applicable to groups that can use this bearer (e.g. codec, protocol id, FEC information)
Monitoring stateOThe monitoring state is used to control if the client is actively monitoring the MBMS bearer quality or not
Announcement acknowledgmentOIndicate if the NRM server requires an acknowledgement of the MBMS bearer announcement
Unicast statusOAn indication that the listening status of the unicast bearer is requested
ROHC informationOIndicate the usage of ROHC and provide the parameters of the ROHC channel to signal to the ROHC decoder
When MBMS bearer announcement is done on a MBMS bearer all attributes above are optional except the TMGI.
Up  MBMS listening status reportp. 168

Table describes the information flow for the MBMS listening status report from NRM client to NRM server.
Information Element Status Description
VAL user ID or VAL UE IDMThe identity of the VAL user or VAL UE who wants to report the MBMS listening status
TMGI(s)MTMGI(s) information
MBMS listening status(s)MThe MBMS listening status per TMGI
MBMS reception quality levelOThe reception quality level per TMGI (see NOTE)
Unicast listening statusOThe unicast listening status
The set of quality levels helps service continuity in MBMS scenarios. A reception quality level may help to make an efficient switching decision to another bearer. How these levels are used is implementation specific.
Up  MBMS suspension reporting instructionp. 168

Table describes the information flow for the MBMS suspension reporting instruction from NRM server to NRM client in a unicast bearer for MBMS suspension reporting.
Information Element Status Description
VAL user ID or VAL UE IDMThe identity of the VAL user or VAL UE
Suspension reportingMEnables or disable the suspension reporting for a specific NRM client
Table describes the information flow for the MBMS suspension reporting instruction from NRM server to NRM client in a multicast bearer for MBMS suspension reporting.
Information Element Status Description
Suspension reporting client subsetMContains a uniquely defined subset of NRM clients that shall report MBMS suspension
Up  Resource requestp. 169

Table describes the information flow for the resource request from VAL server to NRM server for unicast resources.
Information Element Status Description
Requester IdentityMThe identity of the VAL server performing the request
VAL user ID or VAL UE IDMThe identity of the VAL user or VAL UE
VAL service requirement information (see NOTE)OVAL service requirements for unicast resource (e.g. VAL service ID, Bitrate)
When this information element is not included, the NRM server considers default VAL service requirement for the unicast resources.
Up  Resource responsep. 169

Table describes the information flow for the resource response from NRM server to VAL server for unicast resources.
Information Element Status Description
ResultMThe result indicates success or failure of the resource request operation
Up  Resource modification requestp. 169

Table describes the information flow for the resource modification request from VAL server to NRM server for unicast resources.
Information Element Status Description
Requester IdentityMThe identity of the VAL server performing the request
VAL user ID or VAL UE IDMThe identity of the VAL user or VAL UE
VAL service requirement informationMVAL service requirements for unicast resource (e.g. VAL sevice ID, Bitrate)
Up  Resource modification responsep. 169

Table describes the information flow for the resource modification response from NRM server to VAL server for unicast resources.
Information Element Status Description
ResultMThe result indicates success or failure of the resource modification operation
Up  MBMS bearers requestp. 170

Table describes the information flow for the MBMS bearers request from VAL server to NRM server.
Information Element Status Description
Requester IdentityMThe identity of the VAL server performing the request
VAL group IDMThe identity of the group that the MBMS bearer is requested for
Service announcement modeMIndicates whether the request is sent by NRM server or by the VAL server
QoSMIndicates the requested QoS for the bearer
Broadcast areaOIndicate the area where the MBMS bearer is requested for
Endpoint informationMInformation of the endpoint of the VAL server to which the user plane notifications have to be sent
Local MBMS information
(see NOTE)
> MB2-U informationOIP address, UDP port number of the MB2-U interface
> xMB-U informationOIP address, UDP port number of the xMB-U interface
> M1 interface informationOM1 interface information for local MBMS
Local MBMS activation indication
(see NOTE)
OIndicates whether to request the NRM server to use Local MBMS information
The VAL server may provide either the Local MBMS information or the Local MBMS activation indication. This IE is present when the local MBMS is required for VAL services like V2X service.
Up  MBMS bearers responsep. 170

Table describes the information flow for the MBMS bearers response from NRM server to VAL server.
Information Element Status Description
ResultMThe result indicates success or failure of the MBMS bearers request operation
(see NOTE 1)
TMGI information
User plane addressM
(see NOTE 2)
BM-SC user plane IP address and port
Service descriptionO
(see NOTE 2)
Indicates MBMS bearer related configuration information as defined in TS 26.346 (e.g. radio frequency and MBMS Service Area Identities)
TMGI may not be required if the service announcement mode indicates that the request is sent by the NRM server.
If the Result Information element indicates failure then the values of the other information elements have no meaning.
Up  User plane delivery modep. 170

Table describes the information flow for the user plane delivery mode from NRM server to VAL server.
Information Element Status Description
Delivery modeMIndicates whether to deliver the user data to the UE(s) via unicast mode or multicast mode
MBMS media stream identifierMIndicates the MBMS media stream to be used to deliver the media currently over unicast, or the MBMS media stream currently being used
Unicast media stream identifier(s)MIndicates the unicast media stream to be used to deliver the media currently over multicast, or the unicast to be stopped and switched to multicast
Up  end-to-end QoS management request |R17|p. 171

Table describes the information flow end-to-end QoS management request from the NRM client to the NRM server.
Information Element Status Description
List of VAL UEs or VAL Group IDMList of VAL UEs or the group of VAL UEs for whom the end-to-end QoS management occurs.
> VAL UE/user IDMIdentity of the VAL UE.
> IP addressOIP address of the VAL UE.
VAL service IDOThe VAL service identity for whom the end-to-end QoS management occurs.
End-to-end QoS requirementsOThe application QoS requirements / KPIs (latency, error rate, ..) for the end-to-end session.
This may optionally include information which will support the NRM server to identify the per session QoS requirements (e.g. a flag indicating the use of HD video for assisting the end-to-end session, a video resolution/encoding required for the HD video).
Service areaOThe area where the QoS management request applies. This can be geographical area, or topological area.
Time validityOThe time of validity of the requirement.
Up  end-to-end QoS management response |R17|p. 171

Table describes the information flow end-to-end QoS management response from the NRM server to the NRM client.
Information Element Status Description
ResultMThe positive or negative result of the end-to-end QoS management request.
QoS report configurationOThe configuration of the NRM client's report triggering by NRM server (e.g. setting thresholds for reporting a QoS downgrade / notifications based on channel loss great than threshold value)
Up  QoS downgrade indication |R17|p. 172

Table describes the information flow QoS downgrade indication from the NRM client to the NRM server.
Information Element Status Description
VAL UE IDMThe identifier of the VAL UE which indicates the QoS downgrade.
QoS downgrade reportMThe report including the expected or actual QoS / QoE parameters which were downgraded (i.e. latency, throughput, reliability, jitter). This report may be configured by the end-to-end QoS management response message.
Up  Application QoS change notification |R17|p. 172

Table describes the information flow Application QoS change notification from the NRM server to the NRM clients (which are involved at the end-to-end session).
Information Element Status Description
NRM server IDMThe identifier of the NRM server which provides the notification.
Requested QoS parametersMThe updated requested QoS parameters for the end-to-end session (NRM server to source VAL UE or NRM server to target VAL UE), based on the QoS change on one or both links involved in the network-assisted end-to-end communication.
Up  Monitoring Events Subscription Request |R17|p. 172

Table describes the information flow from the VAL server to the NRM server for monitoring events subscription request.
Information Element Status Description
Identities listO
(see NOTE 1)
List of VAL users or VAL UEs whose events monitoring is requested.
VAL group IDO
(see NOTE 1)
VAL group ID of the VAL UE group of target UEs.
VAL service IDOVAL service ID.
Monitoring profile IDO
(see NOTE 2)
The monitoring profile ID, which identifies a list of monitoring and/or analytics events.
Validity conditionsOThe temporal and/or spatial conditions applied for the events to be considered as valid.
Event DetailsO
(see NOTE 2)
List of monitoring and/or analytics events that the VAL server is interested in.
For identifying the target UE(s), either a list of VAL users/UEs or a group of VAL UEs shall be provided.
Either Event Details or Monitoring profile ID is present.
Up  Monitoring Events Subscription Response |R17|p. 172

Table describes the information flow from the NRM server to the VAL server for Monitoring Events Subscription response.
Information Element Status Description
Subscription statusMIt indicates the subscription result
Monitoring profile IDOIt indicates the monitoring profile identifier. It is present when Subscription status is success and Event Details are provided in the Monitoring Events Subscription request.
Up  Monitoring Events Notification message |R17|p. 173

Table describes the information flow from the NRM server to the VAL server on notification of monitoring events.
Information Element Status Description
EventDetailsList of events related to VAL UE(s).
> identityMVAL UE for which the events are related to.
> eventsMList of Monitoring and Analytics events related to the VAL UE.
TimestampOThe timestamp for the monitoring and analytics events

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