
Content for  TS 23.434  Word version:  19.2.0

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11.3  Procedures and information flows for configuration managementp. 136

11.3.1  Generalp. 136

The procedures related to the configuration management are described in the following subclauses.

11.3.2  Information flowsp. 136  Get VAL UE configuration requestp. 136

Table describes the information flow get VAL UE configuration request from the configuration management client to the configuration management server.
Information Element Status Description
VAL UE IDMIdentify of the VAL UE requesting the configuration information
VAL service IDO
(see NOTE 1)
Identify of the VAL service for which the configuration information is requested
VAL UE Information (see NOTE 2)OAdditional UE related information required to identify the configuration data (e.g. device type, device vendor, etc)
If the VAL service ID information element is not present, then the default service is service.
The VAL service provider can configure the VAL UE with different configuration data based on this IE.
Up  Get VAL UE configuration responsep. 136

Table describes the information flow get VAL UE configuration response from the configuration management server to the configuration management client.
Information Element Status Description
ResultMIndicates the success or failure of getting the configuration information
VAL UE configuration dataO
(see NOTE)
The VAL UE configuration data as specified in the corresponding VAL service specification and outside the scope of the present document
If the Result information element indicates failure then VAL UE configuration data information element is not included.
Up  Get VAL user profile requestp. 136

Table describes the information flow get VAL user profile request from the configuration management client or VAL server to the configuration management server.
Information Element Status Description
Requester IdentityMThe identity of the configuration management client or VAL server performing the request.
IdentityMThe VAL user ID of the VAL user or VAL UE ID.
Up  Get VAL user profile responsep. 137

Table describes the information flow get VAL user profile response from the configuration management server to the configuration management client or VAL server.
Information Element Status Description
VAL user profile dataM
(see NOTE)
One or more VAL user profiles associated with the VAL user ID or VAL UE ID provided in the associated get VAL user profile request
ResultMIndicates the success or failure for the operation
If the Result information element indicates failure then the value of VAL user profile data information element has no meaning.
Up  Notification for VAL user profile data updatep. 137

Table describes the information flow notification for VAL user profile data update from the configuration management server to the configuration management client.
Information Element Status Description
Pointer to modified VAL user profile dataMPointer to the modified VAL user profile data
Up  Get updated VAL user profile data requestp. 137

Table describes the information flow get updated VAL user profile data request from the configuration management client to the configuration management server.
Information Element Status Description
IdentityMThe VAL user ID of the originating VAL user or VAL UE ID
Pointer to modified VAL user profile dataMPointer to the modified VAL user profile data
Up  Get updated VAL user profile data responsep. 137

Table describes the information flow get updated VAL user profile data response from the configuration management server to the configuration management client.
Information Element Status Description
Updated VAL user profile dataM
(see NOTE)
VAL user profile data that has been modified
ResultMIndicates the success or failure for the operation
If the Result information element indicates failure then the value of Updated VAL user profile data information element has no meaning.
Up  Update VAL user profile data requestp. 137

Table describes the information flow update VAL user profile data request from the configuration management client to the configuration management server.
Information Element Status Description
IdentityMThe VAL user ID of the originating VAL user or VAL UE ID
Updated VAL user profile dataMThe contents of the user profile data to be updated
Up  Update VAL user profile data responsep. 138

Table describes the information flow update VAL user profile data response from the configuration management server to the configuration management client.
Information Element Status Description
ResultMIndicates the success or failure
Up  Updated user profile subscription requestp. 138

Table describes the information flow from the VAL server to the configuration management server for updated user profile subscription request.
Information Element Status Description
Requester IdentityMThe identity of the VAL server performing the request
Identities listMList of VAL users or VAL UEs whose updates on user profile is requested
Time between consecutive user profile updatesMIt indicates the interval time between consecutive user profile updates
Up  Updated user profile subscription responsep. 138

Table describes the information flow from the configuration management server to the VAL server for updated user profile subscription response.
Information Element Status Description
Subscription statusM
(see NOTE)
It indicates the subscription result
ResultMIndicates the success or failure for the operation
If the Result information element indicates failure then the value of the Subscription status information element has no meaning.
Up  Updated user profile notificationp. 138

Table describes the information flow updated user profile notification from the configuration management server to the VAL server.
Information Element Status Description
Identities listMList of VAL users or VAL UEs whose user profile is modified
Updated user profile dataMUser profile data that has been modified
Up  Get VAL service request |R18|p. 139

Table describes the information flow get VAL service request from the consumer (e.g. group management) server to the configuration management server.
Information element Status Description
Requester IdentityMThe identity of the entity performing the request.
Identity listO
(see NOTE)
The VAL user IDs or VAL UE IDs.
VAL service ID listO
(see NOTE)
The requested VAL service IDs for the identity list.
At least one of Identity list or VAL service ID list shall be included. With both Identity list and VAL service ID in the request, the response only contains common VAL services (as requested) for the requested VAL users or VAL UEs.
Up  Get VAL service response |R18|p. 139

Table describes the information flow get VAL service response from the configuration management server to the consumer (e.g. group management server).
Information element Status Description
A list of VAL service dataO
(see NOTE 1)
One or more VAL service data associated with the VAL user ID or VAL UE ID.
> IdentityMThe VAL user ID or VAL UE ID.
> VAL service IDsMThe supported VAL service IDs.
> VAL service specific informationO
(see NOTE 2)
Placeholder for VAL service specific information.
ResultMIndicates the success or failure for the operation.
It is valid when the Result information element indicates success.
The details of this information element are specified in VAL service specific specification and are out of scope of the present document.

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