
Content for  TS 23.434  Word version:  19.2.0

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Table describes the information flow from the VAL server to the location management server for VAL service area configuration request.
Information element Status Description
IdentityMIdentity of the requesting VAL server
List of VAL service area informationMList of one or more VAL service area identifiers.
> VAL service area IDMThe VAL service area identifier.
> Geographical location listMList of one more geographical locations (e.g., co-ordinates) corresponding to the VAL service area ID.
Up  VAL service area configuration response |R18|p. 59

Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the VAL server for VAL service area configuration response.
Information element Status Description
VAL Service area configuration statusMIt indicates the result of VAL service area configuration request.
List of VAL service area IDsOList of VAL service area IDs.
This IE shall be present only if the configuration status is set to success.
Up  Location service registration request |R18|p. 59

Table describes the information flow from the location management client to the location management server for registration of the location service.
Information element Status Description
IdentityMIdentity of the VAL user or identity of the VAL UE.
VAL service IDOIdentity of the VAL service for which the location service is registered.
Location capabilityOThe information of location capability of VAL UE for which the location service is registered.
>Location access type
(NOTE 2)
(NOTE 1)
Identifies the available location access type of the VAL UE. E.g. as described in TS 23.273 and TS 29.572.
>Positioning methodO
(NOTE 1)
Identifies the available positioning methods of the VAL UE. E.g. as described in TS 23.273 and TS 29.572.
At least one of these rows shall be present.
The non-3GPP access as defined in TS 23.273 and TS 29.572 is out of scope of the present specification.
Up  Location service registration response |R18|p. 60

Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the location management client for the location service registration response.
Information element Status Description
Registration statusMIt indicated the registration result.
Up  Location reporting configuration cancel response |R18|p. 60

Table describes the location reporting configuration cancel response information flow from the location management server to the location management client or from the location management client to the location management server.
Information element Status Description
Cancel statusMIt indicates the cancelled result.
Up  VAL service area obtain request |R18|p. 60

Table describes the information flow from a VAL server to a location management server for obtain VAL service area identifiers at the LM server.
Information element Status Description
IdentityMIndicates the VAL server identity.
VAL service area IDsMIndicates the list of the requested VAL service area identifiers.
Up  VAL service area obtain response |R18|p. 60

Table describes the information flow from a location management server to the VAL server for obtain VAL service area identifiers at the LM server.
Information element Status Description
ResultMIndicates the success or failure for the operation.
List of VAL service area informationO
(see NOTE)
List of one or more VAL service area identifiers.
> VAL service area IDMThe VAL service area identifier.
> Geographical locations listMList of one more geographical locations (e.g., co-ordinates) corresponding to the VAL service area ID.
This information element shall be present only if the obtain VAL service area identifier(s) is successful.
Up  VAL service area update request |R18|p. 61

Table describes the information flow from a VAL server to a location management for update VAL service area identifiers at the LM server.
Information element Status Description
IdentityMIndicates the VAL server identity.
List of VAL service area informationMList of one or more VAL service area identifiers that shall be updated.
> VAL service area IDMIndicates the VAL service area identifier.
> Geographical locationsMIndicates the list of the updated geographical locations (e.g., the geographical coordinates) corresponding to the VAL service area ID.
Up  VAL service area update response |R18|p. 61

Table describes the information flow from a location management server to the VAL server for update VAL service area identifiers at the LM server.
Information element Status Description
ResultMIndicates the success or failure for the operation.
VAL service area IDsO
(see NOTE)
Indicates the list of the updated VAL service area identifiers.
This information element shall be present only if the update VAL service area identifier(s) is successful.
Up  VAL service area delete request |R18|p. 61

Table describes the information flow from a VAL server to a location management for delete VAL service area identifiers at the LM server.
Information element Status Description
IdentityMIndicates the VAL server identity.
List of VAL service IDsMList of one or more VAL service area identifiers that shall be deleted.
Up  VAL service area delete response |R18|p. 61

Table describes the information flow from a location management server to the VAL server for delete VAL service area identifiers at the LM server.
Information element Status Description
ResultMIndicates the success or failure for the operation.
VAL service area IDsO
(see NOTE)
Indicates the list of the deleted VAL service area identifiers.
This information element shall be present only if the delete VAL service area identifier(s) is successful.
Up  Location information unsubscribe request |R18|p. 62

Table describes the information flow from the VAL server or location management client to the location management server for location information unsubscribe request.
Information element Status Description
Requestor IDMIdentity of the VAL server or VAL UE's requesting ID.
Up  Location information unsubscribe response |R18|p. 62

Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the VAL server or location management client for location information unsubscribe response.
Information element Status Description
Request statusMIt indicates the unsubscribe request result.
Up  Monitor location unsubscribe request |R18|p. 62

Table describes the information flow from the VAL server to the LM server for monitor location unsubscribe request.
Information element Status Description
Requestor IDMIdentity of the VAL server's requesting ID.
Up  Monitor location unsubscribe response |R18|p. 62

Table describes the information flow from LM server to the VAL server for monitor location unsubscribe response.
Information element Status Description
Request statusMIt indicates the unsubscribe request result.
Up  Location service registration update request |R18|p. 62

Table describes the information flow from the location management client to the location management server for update the registered location service.
Information element Status Description
IdentityMIdentity of the VAL user or identity of the VAL UE.
VAL service IDOIdentity of the VAL service for which the location service is updated.
Location capabilityOThe information of location capability of VAL UE for which the location service is updated.
> Location access type
(NOTE 2)
(NOTE 1)
Identifies the updated location access type of the VAL UE. E.g. as described in TS 23.273 and TS 29.572.
> Positioning methodO
(NOTE 1)
Identifies the updated positioning methods of the VAL UE. E.g. as described in TS 23.273 and TS 29.572.
At least one of these rows shall be present.
The non-3GPP access as defined in TS 23.273 and TS 29.572 is out of scope of the present specification.
Up  Location service registration update response |R18|p. 63

Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the location management client for the location service registration update response.
Information element Status Description
Update statusMIt indicated the update result.
Up  Location service deregistration request |R18|p. 63

Table describes the information flow from the location management client to the location management server for deregistration of the location service.
Information element Status Description
IdentityMIdentity of the VAL user or the VAL UE.
Up  Location service deregistration response |R18|p. 63

Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the location management client for the location service deregistration response.
Information element Status Description
Deregistration statusMIt indicated the deregistration result.
Up  Location reporting configuration update request |R18|p. 63

Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the location management client for the location reporting configuration update when LM server needs to deliver the new or update location reporting configuration to LM client if the LM server received the new requests/parameters from other entities (e.g. the VAL server or other LM client). This information flow may be sent individually addressed or group addressed on unicast or multicast.
Information element Status Description
IdentityMIdentity of the VAL user or VAL group to which the location reporting configuration is targeted or identity of the VAL UE.
Requested location informationO
(see NOTE 1)
Identifies what location information is requested.
Requested location access type
(see NOTE 2)
(see NOTE 1)
Identifies the location access type for which the location information is requested, e.g. as described in TS 23.273 and TS 29.572.
Requested positioning methodO
(see NOTE 1)
Identifies the positioning method for which the location information is requested, e.g. as described in TS 23.273 and TS 29.572.
Triggering criteriaO
(see NOTE 1)
Identifies when the location management client will send the location report as specified in Table The triggering may be e.g., SAI changes, ECGI changes, RAT changes.
Minimum time between consecutive reportsO
(see NOTE 1)
Defaults to 0 if absent otherwise indicates the time interval between consecutive reports.
If none of the information element is present, this represents a cancellation for location reporting.
The non-3GPP access as defined in TS 23.273 and TS 29.572 is out of scope of the present specification.
Up  Location reporting configuration update response |R18|p. 64

Table describes the information flow from the location management client to the location management server for the location reporting configuration update response. This information flow may be sent individually addressed or group addressed on unicast or multicast.
Information element Status Description
Update statusMIt indicates the update result.
Up  VAL service area subscription request |R18|p. 64

Table describes the information flow from a SEAL server to a location management server to subscribe VAL service area identifier update events or update an existing subscription at the LM server.
Information element Status Description
IdentityMIndicates the SEAL server identity (see NOTE).
List of the subscribed eventsMIndicates the list of the requested events.
> Event typeMIndicates the subscribed event (e.g., update/deletion of the VAL service area ID).
> VAL service area IDsOIndicates the list of the VAL service area identifiers. This information element shall be provided when the requested event type is update or delete VAL service area ID.
Notification Target URIMTarget URI where the VAL server wishes to receive the notifications about VAL service area update events.
Subscription durationOIt indicates the subscription duration.
This information element shall not be updated via the update VAL service area subscription request.
Up  VAL service area subscription response |R18|p. 65

Table describes the information flow from a location management server to a SEAL server for VAL service area subscription response or update VAL service area subscription response.
Information element Status Description
Subscription statusMIt indicates the subscription result.
Up  VAL service area notification |R18|p. 65

Table describes the information flow for VAL service area notification from a location management server to a SEAL server.
Information element Status Description
List of eventsMIndicates the list of the occurred events.
> Event typeMIndicates the subscribed event (e.g., update/deletion of the VAL service area ID).
> List of VAL service area informationMList of one or more VAL service area identifiers.
>> VAL service area IDMThe VAL service area identifier.
>> Geographical locations listMList of one more geographical locations (e.g., co-ordinates) corresponding to the VAL service area ID.
Up  VAL service area unsubscribe request |R18|p. 65

Table describes the information flow from a SEAL server to a location management server for VAL service area unsubscribe request.
Information element Status Description
IdentityMIndicates the SEAL server identity.
Up  VAL service area unsubscribe response |R18|p. 65

Table describes the information flow from the location management server to the SEAL server for VAL service area unsubscribe response.
Information element Status Description
Request statusMIt indicates the unsubscribe request result.

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