
Content for  TS 22.104  Word version:  19.2.0

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5.3  Aperiodic deterministic communicationp. 21

Aperiodic deterministic communication is without a pre-set sending time, but still with stringent requirements on timeliness and availability of the communication service. A description of aperiodic deterministic communication can be found in Clause 4.3 and Clause 4.4. Additional information on the underlying use cases of the sets of requirements in Table 5.3-1 can be found in Annex A. Further information on characteristic parameters and influence quantities used in Table 5.3-1 can be found in Annex C.
The 5G system shall be able to provide aperiodic deterministic communication with the service performance requirements for individual logical communication links that realise the communication services reported in Table 5.3-1.
Characteristic parameter (KPI) Influence quantity Remarks
Communi­cation service availabi­lity Communi­cation service reliabi­lity: mean time between failures Max Allowed End-to-end latency (note 1) (note 5) Service bit rate: user-expe­rienced data rate (note 5) Message size [byte] (note 5) Survival time UE speed (note 6) # of UEs Service Area (note 3)
> 99.999 9 %~ 1 week10 msUL: > 10 Mbit/s≤ 50 km/h≤ 2,000≤ 1 km²Mobile robots - video streaming (clause A.2.2.3)
99.999 9 % to 99.999 999 %~ 1 month< 30 ms> 5 Mbit/s< 8 km/h (linear movement)TBDTBDMobile control panels - parallel data transmission (clause A.2.4.1)
99.999 999 %1 day< 8 ms (note 8)250 kbit/s40 to 25016 msquasi-static; up to 10 km/h2 or more30 m x 30 mMobile Operation Panel: Emergency stop (emergency stop events) (clause A.2.4.1A)
99.999 9 %< 50 ms0,59 kbit/s
28 kbit/s
< 100stationary10 km² to 100 km²TBDSmart grid millisecond level precise load control (clause A.4.5)
> 99.9 %~ 1 month< 10 ms< 8 km/h (linear movement)≥ 320 m x 20 m x 4 mAugmented reality; bi-directional transmission to image processing server (clause A.2.4.2)
99.999 9 % to 99.999 999 %~ 10 years< 1 ms (note 4)25 Mbit/sstationary2 to 5100 m x 30 m x 10 mWired-2-wireless 100 Mbit/s link replacement (clause A.2.2.4)
99.999 9 % to 99.999 999 %~ 10 years< 1 ms (note 4)500 Mbit/sstationary2 to 5100 m x 30 m x 10 mWired-2-wireless 1 Gbit/s link replacement (clause A.2.2.4)
> 99.9 %DL: < 10 ms
UL:<1 s (rural)
DL: > 100 kbit/s
UL: > 5 Gbit/s (note 9)
stationary> 100Distributed energy storage; energy storage station video (clause A.4.6)
> 99.99 %< 100 ms (note 10)DL:<1 Mbit/sAdvanced metering (clause A.4.7)
> 99.999 %20 ms< 100 byteseveral km²Distributed automated switching for isolation and service restoration (clause A.4.4.1) (note 7)
> 99.999 9 %< 3 ms160 byteDistributed Energy Resources (DERs) and micro-grids (clause A.4.9) (note 7)
Unless otherwise specified, all communication includes 1 wireless link (UE to network node or network node to UE) rather than two wireless links (UE to UE).
Length x width x height.
Scheduled aperiodic traffic with transfer interval (max end-to-end allowed latency < transfer interval).
It applies to both UL and DL unless stated otherwise.
It applies to both linear movement and rotation unless stated otherwise.
Communication includes two wireless links (UE to UE).
The mobile operation panel is connected wirelessly to the 5G system. If the mobile robot/production line is also connected wirelessly to the 5G system, the communication includes two wireless links.
The service bit rate in one energy storage station can be calculated as follows: 12.5 Mbytes/s x 50 containers x 8 = 5 Gbit/s.
NOTE 10:
The maximum allowed end-to-end latency is for accuracy fee control. It is the delay for one-way communication between the backend system and the 5G IoT device. The distance between the two is 40 km or lower (city range).

5.4  Non-deterministic communicationp. 23

Non-deterministic communication subsumes all other traffic types than periodic/aperiodic deterministic communication. This includes periodic/aperiodic non-real-time traffic. A description of non-deterministic communication can be found in Clause 4.3 and Clause 4.4. Additional information on the underlying use cases of the sets of requirements in Table 5.4-1 can be found in Annex A. Further information on characteristic parameters and influence quantities used in Table 5.4-1 can be found in Annex C.
The 5G system shall be able to provide non-deterministic communication with the service performance requirements for individual logical communication links that realise the communication services reported in Table 5.4-1.
Characteristic parameter (KPI) Influence quantity Remarks
Communication service reliability: mean time between failures Service bit rate: user-experienced data rate UE speed (note 2) # of UEs Service area (note 1)
~ 1 monthDL: ≥ 1 Mbit/s~ 0 km/h ≤ 75 km/h≤ 10050 m x 10 m x 10 mMotion control - software updates (clause A.2.2.1)
UL: > 10 Mbit/s≤ 50 km/h (linear movement)≤ 2,000≤ 1 km²Mobile robots; real-time video stream (clause A.2.2.3)
Length x width x height
It applies to both linear movement and rotation unless stated otherwise.

5.5  Mixed trafficp. 24

Mixed traffic cannot be assigned to one of the other communication patterns exclusively. Additional information on the underlying use cases of the sets of requirements in Table 5.5-1 can be found in Annex A. Further information on characteristic parameters and influence quantities used in Table 5.5-1 can be found in Annex C.
The 5G system shall be able to provide mixed traffic communication with the service performance requirements for individual logical communication links that realise the communication services reported in Table 5.5-1.
Characteristic parameter (KPI) Influence quantity Remarks
Communi­cation service availabi­lity Communi­cation service reliabi­lity: mean time between failures Max Allowed End-to-end latency (note 1) (note 3) Service bit rate: aggregate user-expe­rienced data rate Message Size [byte] Survival time UE speed # of UEs Service Area
99.999 999 9 %~ 10 years16 msstationary< 1,000several km²Wind power plant - control traffic (clause A.5.2)
99.999 9 % to 99.999 99 %1 day(note 4)12 Mbit/s250 to 1,500quasi-static; up to 10 km/h2 or more30 m x 30 mMobile Operation Panel: Manufacturing data stream (clause A.2.4.1A)
Unless otherwise specified, all communication includes 1 wireless link (UE to network node or network node to UE) rather than two wireless links (UE to UE).
It applies to both UL and DL unless stated otherwise.
The mobile operation panel is connected wirelessly to the 5G system. If the mobile robot/production line is also connected wirelessly to the 5G system, the communication includes two wireless links.

5.6  Clock synchronisation requirementsp. 25

5.6.0  Descriptionp. 25

Clock synchronicity, or time synchronization precision, is defined between a sync master and a sync device. The requirement on the synchronicity budget for the 5G system is the time error contribution between ingress and egress of the 5G system on the path of clock synchronization messages.
Clock synchronisation requirements specific for direct device connection and indirect network connection are captured in clause 7.2.3 and clause 8.2.3.

5.6.1  Clock synchronisation service level requirementsp. 25

The 5G system shall support a mechanism to process and transmit IEEE 1588v2 / Precision Time Protocol messages to support 3rd-party applications which use this protocol.
The 5G system shall support a mechanism to synchronise the user-specific time clock of UEs with a global clock.
The 5G system shall support a mechanism to synchronize the user-specific time clock of UEs with a working clock.
The 5G system shall support two types of synchronization clocks, the global time domain and the working clock domains.
The 5G system shall support networks with up to 128 working clock domains (with different synchronization domain identifiers / domain numbers), including for UEs connected through the 5G network.
The 5G system shall be able to support up to four simultaneous synchronization domains on a UE.
The synchronicity budget for the 5G system within the global time domain shall not exceed 900 ns.
The synchronicity budget for the 5G system within a working clock domain shall not exceed 700 ns.
The 5G system shall provide a media dependent interface for one or multiple IEEE 802.1AS sync domains [22].
The 5G system shall provide an interface to the 5G sync domain which can be used by applications to derive their working clock domain or global time domain (Reference Clock Model).
The 5G system shall provide an interface at the UE to determine and to configure the precision and time scale of the working clock domain.
The 5G system shall be able to support arbitrary placement of sync master functionality and sync device functionality in integrated 5G / non-3GPP TSN networks.
The 5G system shall be able to support clock synchronization through the 5G network if the sync master and the sync devices are served by different UEs. (Flow of clock synchronization messages is in either direction, UL and DL.)
The 5G system shall provide a suitable means to support the management of the merging and separation of working clock domains, that is interoperable with the corresponding mechanisms of TSN and IEEE 802.1AS.
The 5G system shall provide a suitable means to support precise time distribution, clock synchronization and synchrophasor communication functionalities specific to smart grid applications, e.g.:

5.6.2  Clock synchronisation service performance requirementsp. 27

User-specific clock synchro­nicity accuracy level Number of devices in one communi­cation group for clock synchro­nisation 5GS synchro­nicity budget requirement (note 1) Service area Scenario
1Up to 300 UEs≤700 ns
(note 4)
≤ 100 m x 100 m
  • Motion control
  • Control-to-control communication for industrial controller
2Up to 300 UEs≤700 ns (note 4)≤ 1,000 m x 100 m
  • Control-to-control communication for industrial controller
3Up to 10 UEs< 10 μs≤ 2,500 m²
  • High data rate video streaming
3aUp to 100 UEs< 1 μs≤ 10 km²
  • AVProd synchronisation and packet timing
4Up to 100 UEs< 1 μs< 20 km²
  • Smart Grid: synchronicity between PMUs
4aup to 100 UEs< 250 ns to 1 μs< 20 km² Smart Grid: IEC 61850-9-2 Sampled Values
4bup to 100 UEs<10-20 μs< 20 km² Smart Grid: IEC 61850-9-2 Sampled Values - Power system protection in digital substation
4c54/km² (note 2)
78/km2 (note 3)
< 10 μsseveral km² Smart Grid: Intelligent Distributed Feeder Automation (clause A.4.4.3)
4dup to 100 UEs<1 ms< 20 km² Smart Grid: IEC 61850-9-2 Sampled Values - Event reporting and Disturbance recording
5Up to 10 UEs< 50 μs400 km
  • Telesurgery and telediagnosis
The clock synchronicity requirement refers to the clock synchronicity budget for the 5G system, as described in Clause 5.6.1.
When the distributed terminals are deployed along overhead line, about 54 terminals will be distributed along overhead lines in one square kilometre. The resulting power load density is 20 MW/km².
When the distributed terminals are deployed in power distribution cabinets, there are about 78 terminals in one square kilometre. The resulting power load density is 20 MW/km².
5GS synchronicity budget requirement refers to working clock domain for a localized set of UEs callaborating on a specific task or work function.

5.6A  Time-sensitive communication requirements |R17|p. 27

The 5G system shall support the fully distributed model for configuration of time-sensitive networking.
The 5G system shall support the fully distributed model for configuration of time-sensitive networking that is aligned with Multiple Stream Registration Protocol (MSRP, IEEE 802.1Q [19] clause 35.1), IEEE P802.1CS Link-local Registration Protocol (LRP) [24], and IEEE P802.1Qdd Resource Allocation Protocol (RAP) [25].
The 5G system shall support the user-network / network-network interface for the dynamic configuration of the fully distributed model for time-sensitive networking.

5.6B  5G Timing Resiliency |R18|p. 28

To enable support of many critical services within the 5G network, additional requirements and KPIs that enhance the 5G system with timing resiliency are specified in clause 6.36 of TS 22.261 and clause 7.8 of TS 22.261. Those enhancements enable use of the 5G system for time critical services in collaboration with or as a backup to other timing solution such as loss or degradation of GNSS reference timing.

5.6C  Support for infrastructure protection of electrical transmission |R18|p. 28

5.6C.1  Descriptionp. 28

Transmission infrastructure is a key component of the energy system. Communication enables protection of this infrastructure. The algorithms involved depend on certain constraints must be met, particularly concerning the end-to-end latency.

5.6C.2  Requirementsp. 28

The 5G system shall support an end-to-end latency of less than 5 ms or 10 ms, as requested by the UE initiating the communication.
The 5G system shall support communication channel symmetry in terms of end-to-end latency (latency from UE1 to UE2, and end-to-end latency from UE2 to UE1), with an asymmetry of < 2ms.

5.7  Positioning performance requirementsp. 28

5.7.1  General requirements |R18|p. 28

High accuracy positioning is becoming essential for Factories of the Future. The reason for this is that tracking of mobile devices as well as mobile assets is becoming increasingly important in improving processes and increasing flexibility in industrial environments.
The 5G system shall provide positioning information for a UE that is out of coverage of the network, with accuracy of < [1 m] relative to other UEs that are in proximity and in coverage of the network.
Table 5.7.1-1 below lists typical scenarios and the corresponding high positioning requirements for horizontal and vertical accuracy, availability, heading, latency, and UE speed.
Scenario Horizontal accuracy Vertical accuracy Availability Heading Latency for position estimation of UE UE speed Corresponding Positioning Service Level in TS 22.261
Mobile control panels with safety functions (non-danger zones)< 5 m< 3 m90 %n/a< 5 sn/aService Level 2
Process automation - plant asset management< 1 m< 3 m90 %n/a< 2 s< 30 km/hService Level 3
Flexible, modular assembly area in smart factories (for tracking of tools at the work-place location)< 1 m (relative positioning)n/a99 %n/a1 s< 30 km/hService Level 3
Augmented reality in smart factories< 1 m< 3 m99 %< 0.17 rad< 15 ms< 10 km/hService Level 4
Mobile control panels with safety functions in smart factories (within factory danger zones)< 1 m< 3 m99,9 %< 0.54 rad< 1 sn/aService Level 4
Flexible, modular assembly area in smart factories (for autonomous vehicles, only for monitoring purposes)< 50 cm< 3 m99 %n/a1 s< 30 km/hService Level 5
Inbound logistics for manufacturing (for driving trajectories (if supported by further sensors like camera, GNSS, IMU) of indoor autonomous driving systems))< 30 cm (if supported by further sensors like camera, GNSS, IMU)< 3 m99.9 %n/a10 ms< 30 km/hService Level 6
Inbound logistics for manufacturing (for storage of goods)< 20 cm< 20 cm99 %n/a< 1 s< 30 km/hService Level 7

5.7.2  Energy efficiency requirements for high accuracy positioning |R18|p. 29

The 5G system shall support low power high accuracy positioning mechanisms that allow a battery-constrained UE to sustain a long lifetime without changing battery. Some corresponding use cases and example scenarios are captured in Annex A.7.2.

5.8  Network operation requirements |R17|p. 29

For use by Industry 4.0, the 5G system needs to meet various operational options that are not typical in a traditional mobile operator setting. Additional system requirements that enable a 5G system to support those options are included in this clause.
5G system shall provide support for reliable communications when a UE serves as a TSN talker or listener so there is no single point of service failure.

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