
Content for  TS 23.558  Word version:  19.2.0

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8.6.4  AC information exposure APIp. 133  Generalp. 133

AC information exposure enables EASs to obtain information about capabilities of ACs from the EESs. This information may facilitate communications between EASs and ACs, e.g. push notifications. The information shared is subject to access control as well as privacy and security mechanisms.  Proceduresp. 133  Generalp. 133
Void  Subscribep. 133
Figure illustrates the AC information subscription procedure between the EAS and the EES.
  1. The EAS is registered with the EES; and
  2. The AC Profiles of the ACs on the UE are available at the EEC on the UE.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.558, Fig. AC information subscription
Step 1.
The EAS sends an AC information subscription request to the EES. The request may contain filters to retrieve information about particular ACs e.g. AC profile parameters or parameter ranges to be matched, specific UE Identifiers, location ranges, etc.
Step 2.
Upon receiving the request from the EAS, the EES performs an authorization check to verify whether the EAS has authorization to perform the operation. The EES determines the matching AC information corresponding to the filter provided and composes a result. The EES stores the subscription information for future processing.
Step 3.
The EES sends an AC information subscription response to the EAS with the result composed in step 2.
Up  Notifyp. 134
Figure illustrates the AC information notification procedure between the EES and the EAS.
  1. The EAS subscribed for AC information at the EES.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.558, Fig. AC information notification
Step 1.
The EES is triggered for AC information updates, e.g. it receives an EEC registration request, it determines if it matches the filter provided by the EAS, e.g. if the AC Geographical Service Area is included in the EAS provided Geographical Service Area.
Step 2.
The EES sends an AC information notification to the EAS.  Subscription updatep. 134
Figure illustrates the AC information subscription update procedure between the EAS and the EES.
  1. The EAS has subscribed for AC information as described in clause
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.558, Fig. AC information subscription update
Step 1.
The EAS sends an AC information subscription update request to the EES. The request may contain updated filters to retrieve information about particular ACs e.g. AC profile parameters or parameter ranges to be matched, specific UE Identifiers, location ranges, etc.
Step 2.
Upon receiving the request from the EAS, the EES performs an authorization check to verify whether the EAS has authorization to perform the operation. If authorized, the EES updates the stored subscription information.
Step 3.
The EES sends an AC information subscription update response to the EAS.
Up  Unsubscribep. 135
Figure illustrates the AC information unsubscribe procedure between the EAS and the EES.
  1. The EAS has subscribed for AC information as described in clause
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.558, Fig. AC information unsubscribe
Step 1.
The EAS sends an AC information unsubscribe request to the EES.
Step 2.
Upon receiving the request from the EAS, the EES performs an authorization check to verify whether the EAS has authorization to perform the operation. If authorized, the EES cancels the subscription as requested in step 1.
Step 3.
The EES sends an AC information unsubscribe response to the EAS.  Information flowsp. 135  Generalp. 135
Void  AC information subscription requestp. 135
Table describes the information flow for an AC information subscription request from the EAS to the EES.
Information element Status Description
EASIDMThe identifier of the EAS.
Security credentialsMSecurity credentials of the EAS.
Subscription typeM Choice of "One time" or "Event based" determining the type of processing requested.
Notification Target AddressMThe Notification Target Address (e.g. URL) where the notifications destined for the EAS should be sent to.
FiltersO List of characteristics for discovery purposes, as detailed in Table
Event conditionsOParameters indicating notification event conditions e.g. number of notifications instances, subscription timeout, etc.
Trigger parametersOParameters indicating notification triggering conditions e.g. EEC registration, EAS discovery.
Information element Status Description
ACID(s)OList of identities of AC(s) to be matched
UE ID(s)OList of UE identifiers to be matched
AC Type(s)OList of categories or types of ACs (e.g. V2X) to be matched
ECSP ID(s)OIdentifier(s) for the ECSP associated with the EEC.
Operation ScheduleOEAS operation schedule (e.g. time windows) to be matched
Geographical Service AreaOEAS service area for identifying UEs with matching expected geographical location(s) (e.g. route). This geographic information can express a geographic point, polygon, route, signalling map, or waypoint set.
Topological Service AreaO EAS service area for identifying UEs with matching expected topological location(s). See possible formats in Table 8.2.7-1.
Maximum AC Service KPIs (NOTE)O Maximum value for identifying the ACs to be matched. Both Minimum required AC Service KPIs and Expected AC Service KPIs from the AC Profiles provided during registration (Table and/or discovery subscription (Table need to be lower than this value.
Min AC Service KPIs (NOTE)O Minimum value for identifying the ACs to be matched. Both Minimum required AC Service KPIs and Expected AC Service KPIs from the AC Profiles provided during registration (Table and/or discovery subscription (Table need to be greater than this value.
UE location(s)OList of locations (e.g. routes) of the UE(s) for which the request applies
EAS bundle indicationOIndicator for identifying ACs which include EAS bundle information in the AC Profile and the EAS bundle includes the requesting EAS. If Bundle ID or EAS bundle requirements filters are not included, the presence of this IE signifies that all ACs which include EAS bundle information in the AC Profile match.
> Bundle IDOA bundle ID as described in clause 7.2.10 for identifying ACs with EAS bundle information in the AC Profile and with matching bundle EAS identification information.
> Bundle typeOType of the EAS bundle as described in clause 7.2.10.
> EAS bundle requirementsOBundle requirements (as described in clause 8.2.10) for identifying ACs with EAS bundle information in the AC Profile and with matching bundle requirements.
> Partial EAS bundle determinationOIndicator for identifying ACs which include EAS bundle information in the AC Profile but for which only an EAS subset has been determined by EES.
Maximum and minimum AC Service KPIs values may be provided for any IEs from Table 8.2.3-1.
Up  AC information subscription responsep. 137
Table describes the information flow for the AC information subscription response from EAS to the EES.
Information element Status Description
Successful responseOIndicates that the subscription request was successful.
> Subscription IDMSubscription identifier corresponding to the subscription.
Failure responseOIndicates that the subscription request failed.
> CauseOIndicates the cause of subscription request failure
Up  AC information notificationp. 138
Table describes the information flow for an AC information notification from the EES to the EAS.
Information element Status Description
Subscription IdentifierMSubscription identifier for which the notification is generated.
List of clientsOList of clients matched based on the given filtering criteria, with elements listed below
>AC Profile(s)M Profiles of ACs as described in Table 8.2.2-1.
>UE ID(s)OUE identifier for the UE hosting the AC
>UE location(s)OUE location for the UE hosting the AC
Up  AC information subscription update requestp. 138
Table describes the information flow for an AC information subscription update request from the EAS to the EES.
Information element Status Description
Security credentialsMSecurity credentials of the EAS.
Subscription IDMSubscription identifier corresponding to the subscription.
FilterO List of characteristics for discovery purposes, as detailed in Table
Event conditionsOParameters indicating notification event conditions e.g. number of notifications instances, subscription timeout, etc.
Trigger parametersOParameters indicating notification triggering conditions e.g. EEC registration, EAS discovery.
Up  AC information subscription update responsep. 138
Table describes the information flow for the AC information subscription update response from EAS to the EES.
Information element Status Description
Successful responseOIndicates that the subscription update request was successful.
Failure responseOIndicates that the subscription update request failed.
> CauseOIndicates the cause of subscription update request failure
Up  AC information unsubscribe requestp. 139
Table describes the information flow for an AC information unsubscribe request from the EAS to the EES.
Information element Status Description
Security credentialsMSecurity credentials of the EAS
Subscription IdentifierMSubscription identifier for the corresponding subscription request.
Up  AC information unsubscribe responsep. 139
Table describes the information flow for the AC information unsubscribe response from EAS to the EES.
Information element Status Description
Successful responseOIndicates that the unsubscribe request was successful.
Failure responseOIndicates that the unsubscribe request failed.
> CauseOIndicates the cause of unsubscribe request failure
Up  APIsp. 139  Generalp. 139
Table illustrates the API for AC information exposure.
API Name API Operations Operation Semantics Consumer(s)
Eees_AppClientInformation SubscribeSubscribe/ NotifyEAS
Up  Eees_AppClientInformation_Subscribe operationp. 139
API operation name:
The consumer subscribes to receive an AC information.
See clause for details of usage of this operation.  Eees_AppClientInformation_Notify operationp. 139
API operation name:
The consumer is notified of an event by the EES.
See clause for details of usage of this operation.  Eees_AppClientInformation_UpdateSubscription operationp. 140
API operation name:
The consumer updates an existing subscription for AC information.
See clause for details of usage of this operation.  Eees_AppClientInformation_Unsubscribe operationp. 140
API operation name:
The consumer unsubscribes for the previously subscribed events.
See clause for details of usage of this operation.

8.6.5  UE Identifier APIp. 140  Generalp. 140

EES exposes UE Identifier API to the EAS and EEC in order to provide an identifier uniquely identifying a UE. This API is used by an EAS or EEC to obtain the identifier of the UE if the EAS or EEC does not have it (e.g. hasn't already cached). This identifier, called UE ID and defined in clause 7.2.6, is used by the EAS to invoke capability APIs specific to UEs over EDGE-3 and/or EDGE-7 depending on the UE ID type.
The EAS's direct invocation of the UE Identifier API of the EES may result in UE ID not found response (e.g. if the NATed UE's public IPv4 address can't be resolved by the core network). Under such circumstances, the EAS may choose to signal its AC to trigger the UE ID query onto the EEC over EDGE-5 (see clause In turn, the EEC would invoke the EES's UE Identifier API using the UE's CN assigned IP addresses (i.e. IPv4 and/or IPv6) which should result in return of the UE ID to the EEC and from thereon to the AC and the EAS.
Up  Procedurep. 140

Figure illustrates the interactions between the EES and the EAS or EEC.
  1. The EAS or EEC is authorized to discover and to use UE Identifier API provided by the EES.
  2. When the EEC is used to invoke the UE Identifier API with the UE IPv6 address as the input parameter, the UE IPv6 address may or may not be NATed. If NATed however, the IPv6 may not be reused (i.e. assigned to more than one UE simultaneously). If the EEC already has the UE ID (GPSI as per clause 7.2.6), and it needs the Edge UE ID to share with an AC/EAS, this procedure can still be used to retrieve Edge UE ID.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.558, Fig. UE Identifier API
Step 1.
The EAS or EEC invokes UE Identifier API exposed by the EES. If it is the EAS invoking the API and it recognizes that the UE's IP address is a public IP address, i.e., the UE is behind a NAT, the Port Number and associated IP address should be included in user information.
Step 2.
The EES uses the received user information in the step 1 (e.g. IP address) and obtains the UE identifier by interacting with NEF as specified in clause 4.15.10 of TS 23.502. If it is the EEC invoking the API with only UE IP address, it shall be interpreted by EES that EEC is requesting the UE ID for interaction with EES (hence EES shall use its own AF Identifier towards NEF and consequently the UE ID is EES specific). When the EES needs to interact with the NEF's Nnef_UEId_Get (seeclause 4.15.10 of TS 23.502 "AF specific UE ID retrieval") as per EAS request, the EES may use either its own AF Identifier or EASID as AF Identifier instead of its own AF Identifier.
Step 3.
The EES provides the UE identifier to the EAS or to EEC (i.e. whichever invoked the API). The UE identifier returned in the response which is referred to as UE ID may be the 3GPP Core Network assigned UE ID (aka AF-specific UE ID; see clause 4.15.10 of TS 23.502) or the EES-generated Edge UE ID as defined in clause 7.2.9. If UE ID (GPSI as per clause 7.2.6) is included in the request received from EEC, the EES can provide the Edge UE ID based on the received UE ID and step 2 can be skipped. For EEC requesting the UE ID for interaction with EES, the EES returns its 3GPP Core Network assigned UE ID (aka AF specific UE ID, which is a GPSI in the form of an External ID as per clause 7.2.6) to the EEC.
Step 4.
The EAS uses the UE ID received in step 3 to invoke capability exposure API(s) provided by the EES over EDGE-3 and/or EDGE-7 depending on the UE ID type. The EEC can use the UE ID which is EES specific received in step 3 to invoke API(s) provided by the EES over EDGE-1 reference point.
Up  Information flowsp. 141  Generalp. 141
The following information flows are specified for UE Identifier API:
  • UE Identifier request and response.  UE Identifier API requestp. 141
Table describes information elements for the UE Identifier API request from the EAS or EEC to the EES.
Information element Status Description
Requestor Identifier (NOTE 4)OIdentifier of the requestor (i.e. EASID or EECID).
User information (NOTE 1) (NOTE 3)OInformation about the User or UE available in the EAS or EEC, e.g. IP address.
UE ID (NOTE 2) (NOTE 3)OUE ID in the form of GPSI as per clause 7.2.6.
EAS ID list (NOTE 4)OIdentifier of the EAS(s) for which the UE IDs are requested for by EAS or EEC given the User information (e.g. IP address).
EAS Provider IDOIdentifier of the ASP that provides the EAS.
Application Port ID (NOTE 5)OApplication Port ID, as defined in TS 23.502, associated with the EAS.
Security CredentialsMSecurity credentials of the EAS or EEC.
This IE is Mandatory when EAS invoke the UE ID API. When EEC invokes the API, if available, this IE contains both UE's private IPv6 address (due to the existence of NAT66) and UE's private IPv4 address. When EAS invokes the API, it may recognize the UE IP address is a public IP address different from the actual UE IP address (private IP address), i.e., the UE is behind a NAT, and should therefore include the Port Number and associated IP address as part of the User information.
This IE is used when invoked by the EEC and if the EEC have the UE ID already in a form not desired to be shared with the EAS.
At least one of them shall be present.
This IE is Mandatory when EAS invoke the UE ID API.
This IE may only be present when EAS invoke the UE ID API.
Up  UE Identifier API responsep. 142
Information element Status Description
Successful responseOIndicates that the UE identifier request was successful.
> UE ID listMList of all the UE IDs Identifier uniquely identifying the UE(s).
>> UE IDMAF-specific UE ID or Edge UE ID.
>> UE ID typeMIndication whether the UE ID is CN assigned AF-specific UE ID or Edge UE ID.
>> EAS IDO It is present if the EAS ID was provided in the request (see EAS ID list in Table
Failure responseOIndicates that the UE identifier request failed.
> CauseOIndicates the cause of UE identifier request failure
Up  APIsp. 142  Generalp. 142
Table illustrates the APIs for UE Identifier.
API Name API Operations Operation Semantics Consumer(s)
Eees_UEIdentifierGetRequest/ ResponseEAS, EEC
Up  Eees_UEIdentifier_Get operationp. 142
API operation name:
The consumer requests identifier of a UE.
See clause for details of usage of this operation.

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