
Content for  TS 22.261  Word version:  20.0.0

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6  Basic capabilitiesp. 21

6.1  Network slicingp. 21

6.1.1  Descriptionp. 21

Network slicing allows the operator to provide customised networks. For example, there can be different requirements on functionality (e.g. priority, charging, policy control, security, and mobility), differences in performance requirements (e.g. latency, mobility, availability, reliability and data rates), or they can serve only specific users (e.g. MPS users, Public Safety users, corporate customers, roamers, or hosting an MVNO).
A network slice can provide the functionality of a complete network, including radio access network functions, core network functions (e.g. potentially from different vendors) and IMS functions. One network can support one or several network slices.

6.1.2  Requirementsp. 21  General |R16|p. 21

The serving 5G network shall support providing connectivity to home and roaming users in the same network slice.
In shared 5G network configuration, each operator shall be able to apply all the requirements from this clause to their allocated network resources.
The 5G system shall be able to support IMS as part of a network slice.
The 5G system shall be able to support IMS independent of network slices.
For a UE authorized to access multiple network slices of one operator which cannot be simultaneously used by the UE (e.g. due to radio frequency restrictions), the 5G system shall be able to support the UE to access the most suitable network slice in minimum time (e.g. based on the location of the UE, ongoing applications, UE capability, frequency configured for the network slice).
5G system shall minimize signalling exchange and service interruption time for a network slice, e.g. when restrictions related to radio resources change (e.g., frequencies, RATs).
For a roaming UE activating a service/application requiring a network slice not offered by the serving network but available in the area from other network(s), the HPLMN shall be able to provide the UE with prioritization information of the VPLMNs with which the UE may register for the network slice.
The 5G system shall be able to minimize power consumption of a UE (e.g. reduce unnecessary cell measurements), in an area where no authorized network slice is available.
When a UE moves out of the service area of a network slice for an active application, the 5G system shall be able to minimize impact on the active applications (e.g., providing early notification).
The 5G system shall support a mechanism for a UE to select and access network slice(s) based on UE capability, ongoing application, radio resources assigned to the slice, and policy (e.g., application preference).
The 5G system shall support a mechanism to optimize resources of network slices (e.g., due to operator deploying different frequency to offer different network slices) based on network slice usage patterns and policy (e.g., application preference) of a UE or group of UEs
For UEs that have the ability to obtain service from more than one VPLMN simultaneously, the following requirements apply:
  • When a roaming UE with a single PLMN subscription requires simultaneous access to multiple network slices and the network slices are not available in a single VPLMN, the 5G system shall enable the UE to:
  • be registered to more than one VPLMN simultaneously; and
  • use network slices from more than one VPLMN simultaneously
  • The HPLMN shall be able to authorise a roaming UE with a single PLMN subscription to be registered to more than one VPLMN simultaneously in order to access network slices of those VPLMNs.
  • The HPLMN shall be able to provide a UE with permission and prioritisation information of the VPLMNs the UE is authorised to register to in order to use specific network slices.
Up  Management |R16|p. 22

The 5G system shall allow the operator to create, modify, and delete a network slice.
The 5G system shall allow the operator to define and update the set of services and capabilities supported in a network slice.
The 5G system shall allow the operator to configure the information which associates a UE to a network slice.
The 5G system shall allow the operator to configure the information which associates a service to a network slice.
The 5G system shall allow the operator to assign a UE to a network slice, to move a UE from one network slice to another, and to remove a UE from a network slice based on subscription, UE capabilities, the access technology being used by the UE, operator's policies and services provided by the network slice.
The 5G system shall support a mechanism for the VPLMN, as authorized by the HPLMN, to assign a UE to a network slice with the needed services or to a default network slice.
The 5G system shall enable a UE to be simultaneously assigned to and access services from more than one network slice of one operator.
Traffic and services in one network slice shall have no impact on traffic and services in other network slices in the same network.
Creation, modification, and deletion of a network slice shall have no or minimal impact on traffic and services in other network slices in the same network.
The 5G system shall support scaling of a network slice, i.e. adaptation of its capacity.
The 5G system shall enable the network operator to define a minimum available capacity for a network slice. Scaling of other network slices on the same network shall have no impact on the availability of the minimum capacity for that network slice.
The 5G system shall enable the network operator to define a maximum capacity (e.g., number of UEs, number of data sessions) for a network slice.
The 5G system shall enable the network operator to define a priority order between different network slices in case multiple network slices compete for resources on the same network.
The 5G system shall support means by which the operator can differentiate policy control, functionality and performance provided in different network slices.
Up  Network slice constraints |R16|p. 22

The 5G system shall support a mechanism to prevent a UE from trying to access a radio resource dedicated to a specific private slice for any purpose other than that authorized by the associated third-party.
The 5G system shall support a mechanism to configure a specific geographic area in which a network slice is accessible, i.e. a UE shall be within the geographical area in order to access the network slice.
The 5G system shall support a mechanism to limit a UE to only receiving service from an authorized slice.
For a UE authorized to access to multiple network slices of one operator which cannot be simultaneously used by the UE (e.g. due to radio frequency restrictions), the 5G system shall minimize service interruption time when the UE changes the access from one network slice to another network slice. (e.g. based on changes of active applications).
For traffic pertaining to a network slice offered via a relay node, 5G system shall use only radio resources (e.g. frequency band) allowed for the network slice.
The 5G system shall support a mechanism to prevent a UE from registering with a network slice when the maximum number of UEs for that slice are registered.
The 5G system shall support a mechanism to prevent a UE from establishing a new data session within a network slice when the maximum number of data sessions for that slice are established.
Up  Cross-network slice coordination |R16|p. 23

The 5G system shall support a mechanism to provide time stamps with a common time base at the monitoring API, for services that cross multiple network slices and 5G networks.
The 5G system shall provide suitable APIs to coordinate network slices in multiple 5G networks so that the selected communication services of a non-public network can be extended through a PLMN (e.g. the service is supported by a slice in the non-public network and a slice in the PLMN).
The 5G system shall provide a mechanism to enable an MNO to operate a hosted non-public network and private slice(s) of its PLMN associated with the hosted non-public network in a combined manner.

6.2  Diverse mobility managementp. 23

6.2.1  Descriptionp. 23

A key feature of 5G is support for UEs with different mobility management needs. 5G will support UEs with a range of mobility management needs, including UEs that are
  • stationary during their entire usable life (e.g. sensors embedded in infrastructure),
  • stationary during active periods, but nomadic between activations (e.g. fixed access),
  • mobile within a constrained and well-defined space (e.g. in a factory), and
  • fully mobile.
Moreover, some applications require the network to ensure seamless mobility of a UE so that mobility is hidden from the application layer to avoid interruptions in service delivery while other applications have application specific means to ensure service continuity. But these other applications can still require the network to minimize interruption time to ensure that their application-specific means to ensure service continuity work effectively.
With the ever-increasing multimedia broadband data volumes, it is also important to enable the offloading of IP traffic from the 5G network onto traditional IP routing networks via an IP anchor node close to the network edge. As the UE moves, changing the IP anchor node can be needed in order to reduce the traffic load in the system, reduce end-to-end latency and provide a better user experience.
The flexible nature of a 5G system will support different mobility management methods that minimize signalling overhead and optimize access for these different types of UEs.

6.2.2  General requirementsp. 24

The 5G network shall allow operators to optimize network behaviour (e.g. mobility management support) based on the mobility patterns (e.g. stationary, nomadic, spatially restricted mobility, full mobility) of a UE or group of UEs.
The 5G system shall enable operators to specify and modify the types of mobility support provided for a UE or group of UEs.
The 5G system shall optimize mobility management support for a UE or group of UEs that use only mobile originated communications.
The 5G system shall support inter- and/or intra- access technology mobility procedures within 5GS with minimum impact to the user experience (e.g. QoS, QoE).

6.2.3  Service continuity requirementsp. 24

The 5G system shall enable packet loss to be minimized during inter- and/or intra- access technology changes for some or all connections associated with a UE.
The 5G system shall minimize interruption time during inter- and/or intra- access technology mobility for some or all connections associated with a UE.
For applications that require the same IP address during the lifetime of the session, the 5G system shall enable maintaining the IP address assigned to a UE when moving across different cells and access technologies for connections associated with a UE.
The 5G system shall enable minimizing impact to the user experience (e.g. minimization of interruption time) when changing the IP address and IP anchoring point for some or all connections associated with a UE.
The 5G system shall support service continuity for a remote UE, when the remote UE changes from a direct network connection to an indirect network connection and vice-versa.
The 5G system shall support service continuity for a remote UE, when the remote UE changes from one relay UE to another and both relay UEs use 3GPP access to the 5G core network.
For a 5G system with satellite access, the following requirements apply:
Satellite access related service continuity requirements are covered in clause 6.46.3.

6.2.4  Roaming related requirements |R17|p. 24

Satellite access related roaming requirements are covered in clause 6.46.4.

6.3  Multiple access technologiesp. 24

6.3.1  Descriptionp. 24

The 5G system will support 3GPP access technologies, including one or more NR and E-UTRA as well as non-3GPP access technologies. Interoperability among the various access technologies will be imperative. For optimization and resource efficiency, the 5G system will select the most appropriate 3GPP or non-3GPP access technology for a service, potentially allowing multiple access technologies to be used simultaneously for one or more services active on a UE. New technology such as satellite and wide area base stations will increase coverage and availability. This clause provides requirements for interworking with the various combinations of access technologies.

6.3.2  Requirementsp. 24  Generalp. 24

Based on operator policy, the 5G system shall enable the UE to select, manage, and efficiently provision services over the 3GPP or non-3GPP access.
Based on operator policy, the 5G system shall support steering a UE to select certain 3GPP access network(s).
Based on operator policy, the 5G system shall be able to dynamically offload part of the traffic (e.g. from 3GPP RAT to non-3GPP access technology), taking into account traffic load and traffic type.
Based on operator policy, the 5G system shall be able to provide simultaneous data transmission via different access technologies (e.g. NR, E-UTRA, non-3GPP), to access one or more 3GPP services.
When a UE is using two or more access technologies simultaneously, the 5G system shall be able to optimally distribute user traffic over the access technologies in use, taking into account e.g. service, traffic characteristics, radio characteristics, and UE's moving speed.
The 5G system shall be able to support data transmissions optimized for different access technologies (e.g. 3GPP, non-3GPP) and accesses to local data networks (e.g. local traffic routing) for UEs that are simultaneously connected to the network via different accesses.
Based on operator policy, the 5G system shall be able to add or drop the various access connections for a UE during a session.
The 5G system shall be able to support mobility between the supported access networks (e.g. NG-RAN, WLAN, fixed broadband access network, 5G satellite access network).
The 5G system shall support UEs with multiple radio and single radio capabilities.
The 5G system shall support dynamic and static network address allocation of a common network address to the UE over all supported access types.
The 5G system shall support a set of identities for a single user in order to provide a consistent set of policies and a single set of services across 3GPP and non-3GPP access types.
The 5G system shall support the capability to operate in licensed and/or unlicensed bands.
Up  E-UTRA accessp. 25

The 5G system shall be able to support seamless handover between NR and E-UTRA.
The 5G system shall support UEs with dual radio capability (i.e. a UE that can transmit on NR and E-UTRA simultaneously) as well as UEs with single radio capability (i.e. a UE that cannot transmit on NR and E-UTRA simultaneously).  Satellite access |R17|p. 25

The 5G system shall be able to provide services using satellite access.  Fixed broadband access |R16|p. 25

The 5G system shall be able to efficiently support connectivity using fixed broadband access.
The 5G system shall support use of a relay UE that supports multiple access types (e.g. 5G RAT, WLAN access, fixed broadband access).
The 5G system shall support use of a home base station that supports multiple access types (e.g. 5G RAT, WLAN access, fixed broadband access).

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