
Content for  TS 29.502  Word version:  18.7.0

Top   Top   Up   Prev   Next  Type: QosFlowItemp. 225
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
qfiQfiM1This IE shall contain the QoS Flow Identifier.
causeCauseO0..1When present, this IE shall contain cause information.
currentQosProfileIndexIntegerC0..1When present, this IE shall indicate the index of the currently fulfilled alternative QoS profile. This IE shall not be present if the nullQoSProfileIndex IE is present.
nullQoSProfileIndexbooleanC0..1 This IE shall be present and set to "true" if the NG-RAN cannot even fulfil the lowest alternative QoS profile. This IE shall not be present if the currentQosProfileIndex IE is present.
ngApCauseNgApCauseC0..1The V-SMF or I-SMF shall include this IE if it is available and, for a HR PDU session, if this information is permitted to be sent to the H-SMF operator according to the V-SMF operator's policy. When present, this IE shall indicate the NGAP cause for the requested QoS Flow setup or modification failure.
Up  Type: QosFlowSetupItemp. 226
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description Applica­bility
qfiQfiM1This IE shall contain the QoS Flow Identifier.
qosRulesBytesM1This IE shall contain the QoS Rule(s) associated to the QoS flow to be sent to the UE. It shall be encoded as the Qos rules IE specified in clause of TS 24.501 (starting from octet 4).
protocolDescriptionBytesO0..1When present, this IE shall contain the protocol description for PDU Set handling associated with the QoS Rule(s) to be sent to the UE. It shall be encoded as the Protocol description IE specified in clause of TS 24.501 (starting from octet 4).
ebiEpsBearerIdC0..1This IE shall be included when an EPS Bearer ID is allocated for the QoS Flow for interworking with EPS. When present, this IE shall contain the allocated EPS Bearer ID.
qosFlowDescriptionBytesO0..1When present, this IE shall contain the description of the QoS Flow level Qos parameters to be sent to the UE. It shall be encoded as the Qos flow descriptions IE specified in clause of TS 24.501 (starting from octet 1), encoding one single Qos flow description for the QoS flow to be set up.
qosFlowProfileQosFlowProfileO0..1When present, this IE shall contain the description of the QoS Flow level Qos parameters.
associatedAnTypeQosFlowAccessTypeO0..1This IE may be present if the QoS Flow belongs to MA PDU session.
When present, this IE shall contain the indicated access type associated with the QoS Flow.
defaultQosRuleIndbooleanC0..1This IE shall be present if available.
When present, it shall be set as follows:
  • true: QoS Flow is associated with the default QoS Rule.
  • false: QoS Flow is not associated with the default QoS Rule.
ecnMarkingCongestInfoReqEcnMarkingCongestionInfoReqO0..1When present, this IE shall indicate that ECN marking for the L4S or QoS monitoring for congestion information is requested in the NG-RAN.
Anchor SMF implementations complying with earlier versions of the specification may not support setting this Indication. If the attribute is absent, the I-SMF or V-SMF can determine whether the QoS Rule is the default QoS Rule by decoding the available qosRules IE. The absence of the attribute shall not be interpreted as meaning that the QoS flow is not associated with the default QoS Rule.
Up  Type: QosFlowAddModifyRequestItemp. 227
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description Applica­bility
qfiQfiM1This IE shall contain the QoS Flow Identifier.
ebiEpsBearerIdC0..1This IE shall be included when the EPS Bearer ID associated with a QoS Flow is modified. When present, this IE shall contain the EPS Bearer ID.
qosRulesBytesO0..1When present, this IE shall contain the QoS Rule(s) to be sent to the UE. It shall be encoded as the Qos rules IE specified in clause of TS 24.501 (starting from octet 4).
protocolDescriptionBytesO0..1When present, this IE shall contain the protocol description for PDU Set handling associated with the QoS Rule(s) to be sent to the UE. It shall be encoded as the Protocol description IE specified in clause of TS 24.501 (starting from octet 4).
qosFlowDescriptionBytesO0..1When present, this IE shall contain the description of the QoS Flow level Qos parameters to be sent to the UE. It shall be encoded as the Qos flow descriptions IE specified in clause of TS 24.501 (starting from octet 1), encoding one single Qos flow description for the QoS flow to be added or modified.
qosFlowProfileQosFlowProfileO0..1When present, this IE shall contain the description of the QoS Flow level QoS parameters.
When modifying a QoS flow, the IE shall only contain the QoS Flow profile's attributes which are modified.
associatedAnTypeQosFlowAccessTypeO0..1This IE may be present if the QoS Flow belongs to MA PDU session.
When present, this IE shall contain the indicated access type associated with the QoS Flow.
ecnMarkingCongestInfoReqEcnMarkingCongestionInfoReqO0..1When present, this IE shall indicate that ECN marking for the L4S or QoS monitoring for congestion information is requested in the NG-RAN.
tscaiUlTscAssistanceInformationO0..1When present, this IE shall indicate TSCAI input parameters at the uplink flow direction.
tscaiDlTscAssistanceInformationO0..1When present, this IE shall indicate TSCAI input parameters at the downlink flow direction.
Up  Type: QosFlowReleaseRequestItemp. 227
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
qfiQfiM1This IE shall contain the QoS Flow Identifier.
qosRulesBytesO0..1When present, this IE shall contain the QoS Rule(s) to be sent to the UE. It shall be encoded as the Qos rules IE specified in clause of TS 24.501 (starting from octet 4).
qosFlowDescriptionBytesO0..1When present, this IE shall contain the description of the QoS Flow level Qos parameters to be sent to the UE. It shall be encoded as the Qos flow descriptions IE specified in clause of TS 24.501 (starting from octet 1), encoding one single Qos flow description for the QoS flow to be released.
Up  Type: QosFlowProfilep. 228
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
5qi5QiM1This IE shall contain the 5G QoS Identifier (5QI) of the QoS flow.
nonDynamic5QiNonDynamic5QiC0..1When present, this IE shall indicate the QoS Characteristics for a standardized or pre-configured 5QI for downlink and uplink.
See NOTE 1.
dynamic5QiDynamic5QiC0..1When present, this IE shall indicate the QoS Characteristics for a Non-standardised or not pre-configured 5QI for downlink and uplink.
See NOTE 1.
arpArpC0..1This IE shall be present when establishing a QoS flow; it may be present when modifying a QoS flow. When present, this IE shall contain the Allocation and Retention Priority (ARP) assigned to the QoS flow.
gbrQosFlowInfoGbrQosFlowInformationC0..1This IE shall be present when establishing a GBR QoS flow or if the GBR QoS flow information is modified.
rqaReflectiveQoSAttributeO0..1This IE may be present for a non-GBR QoS flow and it shall be ignored otherwise. When present, it shall indicate whether certain traffic on this QoS flow may be subject to Reflective QoS.
additionalQosFlowInfoAdditionalQosFlowInfoO0..1This IE may be present for a non-GBR QoS flow. When present, this IE indicates that traffic for this QoS flow is likely to appear more often than traffic for other flows established for the PDU session. See clause of TS 38.413.
qosMonitoringReqQosMonitoringReqO0..1 This IE may be present to indicate the measurement of UL, or DL, or both UL/DL delays for the associated QoS flow. This IE may also be used to indicate the stop of corresponding measurement, by setting the value to "NONE". See clause of TS 38.413.
qosRepPeriodDurationSecO0..1This IE should be present if QoS monitoring is required.
When present, this IE shall indicate the reporting period. See clause of TS 23.502.
pduSetQosDlPduSetQosParaO0..1This IE should be present if PDU Set based QoS handling is enabled on the QoS flow for the DL direction. See clause 5.37.5 of TS 23.501.
When present, this IE shall contain the PDU Set QoS parameters for the DL direction.
pduSetQosUlPduSetQosParaO0..1This IE should be present if PDU Set based QoS handling is enabled on the QoS flow. See clause 5.37.5 of TS 23.501.
When present, this IE shall contain the PDU Set QoS parameters for the UL direction.
Either the nonDynamic5Qi IE or the dynamic5Qi IE may be present when establishing a QoS flow. Either the nonDynamic5Qi IE or the dynamic5Qi IE may be present when modifying a QoS flow; when present, the received nonDynamic5Qi IE or dynamic5Qi IE shall replace any value received previously for this IE.
Up  Type: GbrQosFlowInformationp. 229
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
maxFbrDlBitRateM1This IE shall contain the Maximum Bit Rate in Downlink. See TS 23.501.
maxFbrUlBitRateM1This IE shall contain the Maximum Bit Rate in Uplink. See TS 23.501.
guaFbrDlBitRateM1This IE shall contain the Guaranteed Bit Rate in Downlink. See TS 23.501.
guaFbrUlBitRateM1This IE shall contain the Guaranteed Bit Rate in Uplink. See TS 23.501.
notifControlNotificationControlO0..1When present, this IE shall indicate whether notifications are requested from the RAN when the GFBR can no longer (or again) be fulfilled for a QoS flow during the lifetime of the QoS flow. See TS 23.501.
maxPacketLossRateDlPacketLossRateO0..1When present, this IE shall indicate the maximum rate for lost packets that can be tolerated in the downlink direction. See TS 23.501.
maxPacketLossRateUlPacketLossRateO0..1When present, this IE shall indicate the maximum rate for lost packets that can be tolerated in the Uplink direction. See TS 23.501.
alternativeQosProfileListarray(AlternativeQosProfile)O0..NWhen present, this IE shall indicate alternative QoS profiles for the QoS flow. An empty array shall be interpreted as a request to delete any list of alternative QoS profiles associated with this QoS flow.
Up  Type: QosFlowNotifyItemp. 229
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
qfiQfiM1This IE shall contain the QoS Flow Identifier.
currentQosProfileIndexIntegerC0..1When present, this IE shall indicate the index of the currently fulfilled alternative QoS profile. This IE shall not be present if the nullQoSProfileIndex IE is present.
nullQoSProfileIndexbooleanC0..1 This IE shall be present and set to "true" if the NG-RAN cannot even fulfil the lowest alternative QoS profile. This IE shall not be present if the currentQosProfileIndex IE is present.

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