
Content for  TS 29.502  Word version:  18.7.0

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6.1.4  Custom Operations without associated resourcesp. 130


6.1.5  Notificationsp. 130  Generalp. 130

This clause specifies the notifications provided by the Nsmf_PDUSession service.
The delivery of notifications shall be supported as specified in clause 6.2 of TS 29.500 for Server-initiated communication.
Notification Callback URI HTTP method or custom operation Description
(service operation)
SM Context Status Notification{smContextStatusUri} (NF Service Consumer provided callback reference)POSTNotify SM Context Status
Up  SM Context Status Notificationp. 131  Descriptionp. 131
If the NF Service Consumer (e.g AMF) has provided the callback URI for getting notified about change of SM context status, the SMF shall notify the NF Service Consumer when the SM context status information is updated.  Notification Definitionp. 131
The POST method shall be used for SM context status notification and the URI shall be the callback reference provided by the NF Service Consumer during the subscription to this notification.
Callback URI:
Support of URI query parameters is specified in Table
Name Data type P Cardinality Description
Support of request data structures is specified in Table, and support of response data structures and response codes is specified in Table
Data type P Cardinality Description
SmContextStatusNotificationM1Representation of the SM context status notification.
Data type P Cardinality Response codes Description
n/a204 No ContentSuccessful notification of the SM context status change
RedirectResponseO0..1307 Temporary RedirectTemporary redirection. (NOTE 2)
RedirectResponseO0..1308 Permanent RedirectPermanent redirection. (NOTE 2)
The mandatory HTTP error status codes for the POST method listed in Table of TS 29.500 other than those specified in the Table above also apply, with a ProblemDetails data type (see clause 5.2.7 of TS 29.500).
RedirectResponse may be inserted by an SCP, see clause of TS 29.500.
Name Data type P Cardinality Description
LocationstringM1A URI pointing to the endpoint of NF service consumer to which the notification should be sent. For the case when a request is redirected to the same target resource via a different SCP, see clause in TS 29.500.
3gpp-Sbi-Target-Nf-IdstringO0..1Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which the notification is redirected.
Name Data type P Cardinality Description
LocationstringM1A URI pointing to the endpoint of NF service consumer to which the notification should be sent. For the case when a request is redirected to the same target resource via a different SCP, see clause in TS 29.500.
3gpp-Sbi-Target-Nf-IdstringO0..1Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which the notification is redirected.

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