
Content for  TS 29.502  Word version:  18.7.0

Top   Top   Up   Prev   Next  Resource: Individual SM contextp. 107  Descriptionp. 107
This resource represents an individual SM context created in the SMF.
This resource is modelled with the Document resource archetype (see clause C.1 of TS 29.501).  Resource Definitionp. 108
Resource URI:
This resource shall support the resource URI variables defined in Table
Name Data type Definition
apiRootstringSee clause 6.1.1.
smContextRefstringSM context reference assigned by the SMF during the Create SM Context service operation.
Up  Resource Standard Methodsp. 108
None.  Resource Custom Operationsp. 108  Overviewp. 108
Operation Name Custom operation URI Mapped HTTP method Description
modify{resourceUri}/modifyPOSTUpdate SM Context service operation
release{resourceUri}/releasePOSTRelease SM Context service operation
retrieve{resourceUri}/retrievePOSTRetrieve SM Context service operation
send-mo-data{resourceUri}/send-mo-dataPOSTSend MO Data service operation
Up  Operation: modifyp. 108  Descriptionp. 108
Void.  Operation Definitionp. 108
This custom operation updates an individual SM context resource and/or provide N1 or N2 SM information received from the UE or the AN, for a given PDU session, towards the SMF, or in V-SMF in HR roaming scenario.
This operation shall support the request data structures specified in Table and the response data structure and response codes specified in Table
Data type P Cardinality Description
SmContextUpdateDataM1Representation of the updates to apply to the SM context.
Data type P Cardinality Response codes Description
SmContextUpdatedDataC0..1200 OKSuccessful update of the SM context, when the SMF needs to return information in the response.
n/a204 No ContentSuccessful update of the SM context, when the SMF does not need to return information in the response.
RedirectResponseO0..1307 Temporary RedirectTemporary redirection. (NOTE 2)
RedirectResponseO0..1308 Permanent RedirectPermanent redirection. (NOTE 2)
SmContextUpdateErrorM1400 Bad Request The "cause" attribute shall be set to one of the errors defined in Table of TS 29.500.
ProblemDetailsO0..1400 Bad RequestThis error shall only be returned by an SCP for errors it originates. As an exception, this error may also be returned by an SMF, with an empty content, for a protocol error other than those specified for the SMF PDUSession service logic (e.g. protocol error found by the HTTP stack).
SmContextUpdateErrorM1403 Forbidden The "cause" attribute shall be set to one of the following application errors:
See Table for the description of these errors.
ProblemDetailsO0..1403 ForbiddenThis error shall only be returned by an SCP for errors it originates. As an exception, this error may also be returned by an SMF, with an empty content, for a protocol error other than those specified for the SMF PDUSession service logic (e.g. protocol error found by the HTTP stack).
SmContextUpdateErrorM1404 Not Found The "cause" attribute shall be set to one of the following application error:
See Table for the description of these errors.
ExtProblemDetailsO0..1413 Content Too Large
ExtProblemDetailsO0..1415 Unsupported Media Type
ExtProblemDetailsO0..1429 Too Many Requests
SmContextUpdateErrorM1500 Internal Server Error The "cause" attribute shall be set to one of the errors defined in Table of TS 29.500.
ProblemDetailsO0..1500 Internal Server ErrorThis error shall only be returned by an SCP for errors it originates. As an exception, this error may also be returned by an SMF, with an empty content, for a general server error other than those specified for the SMF PDUSession service logic.
SmContextUpdateErrorM1503 Service Unavailable The "cause" attribute shall be set to one of the errors defined in Table of TS 29.500 or to one of the following application errors:
See Table for the description of these errors.
ProblemDetailsO0..1503 Service UnavailableThis error shall only be returned by an SCP for errors it originates. As an exception, this error may also be returned by an SMF, with an empty content, for a general server error other than those specified for the SMF PDUSession service logic.
SmContextUpdateErrorM1504 Gateway Timeout The "cause" attribute shall be set to one of the following application error:
See Table for the description of these errors.
The mandatory HTTP error status codes for the POST method listed in Table of TS 29.500 other than those specified in the Table above also apply, with a ProblemDetails data type (see clause 5.2.7 of TS 29.500).
RedirectResponse may be inserted by an SCP, see clause of TS 29.500.
Name Data type P Cardinality Description
LocationstringM1An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative service instance within the same SMF or SMF (service) set.
For the case when a request is redirected to the same target resource via a different SCP, see clause in TS 29.500.
3gpp-Sbi-Target-Nf-IdstringO0..1Identifier of the target SMF (service) instance ID towards which the request is redirected
Name Data type P Cardinality Description
LocationstringM1An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative service instance within the same SMF or SMF (service) set.
For the case when a request is redirected to the same target resource via a different SCP, see clause in TS 29.500.
3gpp-Sbi-Target-Nf-IdstringO0..1Identifier of the target SMF (service) instance ID towards which the request is redirected
Up  Operation: releasep. 111  Descriptionp. 111
Void.  Operation Definitionp. 111
This custom operation releases an individual SM context resource in the SMF, or in V-SMF in HR roaming scenario
This operation shall support the request data structures specified in Table and the response data structure and response codes specified in Table
Data type P Cardinality Description
SmContextReleaseDataC0..1Representation of the data to be sent to the SMF when releasing the SM context.
Data type P Cardinality Response codes Description
SmContextReleasedDataM1200 OKSuccessful release of an SM context, when information needs to be returned to the NF Service Consumer (NOTE 2).
n/a204 No ContentSuccessful release of an SM context.
RedirectResponseO0..1307 Temporary RedirectTemporary redirection. (NOTE 3)
RedirectResponseO0..1308 Permanent RedirectPermanent redirection. (NOTE 3)
The mandatory HTTP error status codes for the POST method listed in Table of TS 29.500 other than those specified in the Table above also apply, with a ProblemDetails data type (see clause 5.2.7 of TS 29.500).
The support for 200 OK shall be dependent on the support of the indicated feature.
RedirectResponse may be inserted by an SCP, see clause of TS 29.500.
Name Data type P Cardinality Description
LocationstringM1An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative service instance within the same SMF or SMF (service) set.
For the case when a request is redirected to the same target resource via a different SCP, see clause in TS 29.500.
3gpp-Sbi-Target-Nf-IdstringO0..1Identifier of the target SMF (service) instance ID towards which the request is redirected
Name Data type P Cardinality Description
LocationstringM1An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative service instance within the same SMF or SMF (service) set.
For the case when a request is redirected to the same target resource via a different SCP, see clause in TS 29.500.
3gpp-Sbi-Target-Nf-IdstringO0..1Identifier of the target SMF (service) instance ID towards which the request is redirected
Up  Operation: retrievep. 112  Descriptionp. 112
Void.  Operation Definitionp. 112
This custom operation retrieves an individual SM context resource from the SMF, from the V-SMF in HR roaming scenario or from the I-SMF.
This operation shall support the request data structures specified in Table and the response data structure and response codes specified in Table
Data type P Cardinality Description
SmContextRetrieveDataO0..1Optional parameters used to retrieve the SM context, e.g. target MME capabilities, SM context type.
Data type P Cardinality Response codes Description
SmContextRetrievedDataM1200 OKSuccessful retrieval of the SM context.
RedirectResponseO0..1307 Temporary RedirectTemporary redirection. (NOTE 2)
RedirectResponseO0..1308 Permanent RedirectPermanent redirection. (NOTE 2)
ProblemDetailsM1403 Forbidden The "cause" attribute shall be set to one of the following application error:
See Table for the description of these errors.
ProblemDetailsO0..1504 Gateway Timeout The "cause" attribute may be set to one of the following application errors:
See Table for the description of these errors.
The mandatory HTTP error status codes for the POST method listed in Table of TS 29.500 other than those specified in the Table above also apply, with a ProblemDetails data type (see clause 5.2.7 of TS 29.500).
RedirectResponse may be inserted by an SCP or SEPP, see clause of TS 29.500.
Name Data type P Cardinality Description
LocationstringM1An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative service instance within the same SMF or SMF (service) set.
For the case when a request is redirected to the same target resource via a different SCP or SEPP, see clause in TS 29.500.
3gpp-Sbi-Target-Nf-IdstringO0..1Identifier of the target SMF (service) instance ID towards which the request is redirected.
Name Data type P Cardinality Description
LocationstringM1An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative service instance within the same SMF or SMF (service) set.
For the case when a request is redirected to the same target resource via a different SCP or SEPP, see clause in TS 29.500.
3gpp-Sbi-Target-Nf-IdstringO0..1Identifier of the target SMF (service) instance ID towards which the request is redirected.
Up  Operation: send-mo-data p. 113  Descriptionp. 113
Void.  Operation Definitionp. 113
This custom operation enables to send mobile originated data received over NAS, for a given PDU session, towards the SMF, or the V-SMF for HR roaming scenarios, or the I-SMF for a PDU session with an I-SMF.
This operation shall support the request data structures specified in Table and the response data structure and response codes specified in Table
Data type P Cardinality Description
SendMoDataReqDataM1Representation of the content of a Send MO Data Request.
Data type P Cardinality Response codes Description
n/a204 No ContentSuccessful MO data transfer
RedirectResponseO0..1307 Temporary RedirectTemporary redirection. (NOTE 2)
RedirectResponseO0..1308 Permanent RedirectPermanent redirection. (NOTE 2)
ExtProblemDetailsO0..1400 Bad Request
ExtProblemDetailsO0..1401 Unauthorized
ExtProblemDetailsO0..1403 Forbidden
ExtProblemDetailsO0..1404 Not Found
ExtProblemDetailsO0..1413 Content Too Large
ExtProblemDetailsO0..1415 Unsupported Media Type
ExtProblemDetailsO0..1429 Too Many Requests
ExtProblemDetailsO0..1500 Internal Server Error
ExtProblemDetailsO0..1503 Service Unavailable
The mandatory HTTP error status codes for the POST method listed in Table of TS 29.500 other than those specified in the Table above also apply, with a ProblemDetails data type (see clause 5.2.7 of TS 29.500).
RedirectResponse may be inserted by an SCP, see clause of TS 29.500.
Name Data type P Cardinality Description
LocationstringM1An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative service instance within the same SMF or SMF (service) set.
For the case when a request is redirected to the same target resource via a different SCP, see clause in TS 29.500.
3gpp-Sbi-Target-Nf-IdstringO0..1Identifier of the target SMF (service) instance ID towards which the request is redirected.
Name Data type P Cardinality Description
LocationstringM1An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative service instance within the same SMF or SMF (service) set.
For the case when a request is redirected to the same target resource via a different SCP, see clause in TS 29.500.
3gpp-Sbi-Target-Nf-IdstringO0..1Identifier of the target SMF (service) instance ID towards which the request is redirected.

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