
Content for  TS 26.501  Word version:  18.6.0

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5.10.5  Procedures for Hybrid Services: 5GMS content delivery via 5G System and eMBMSp. 128  Generalp. 128

Hybrid services refer to the case for which a basic service is available on eMBMS and at the same time on unicast. The service on unicast may be richer and extended and may provide additional user experiences. For the hybrid use cases, the content is statically provisioned on different delivery networks.
Hybrid services predominantly refer to the case for which the delivery manifest differentiates between resources accessible on unicast via M4d and resources accessible through eMBMS, in this case through MBMS-API-U.
These resources are differentiated in the delivery manifest through different DNs, for example different Base URLs in DASH MPDs, or in HLS by providing different pathways. The 5GMS Client, in particular the Media Player in collaboration with the Media Session Handler and the MBMS Client, dynamically selects the delivery network from which to acquire media content according to reception conditions, user preferences or other policies. Content is provisioned such that the 5GMS Client is able to provide a seamless user experience when switching between different delivery networks.
The call flow in Figure 5.10.5-1, Figure 5.10.5-2 and Figure 5.10.5-3 extends that defined in clause 5.6.1 to address generic hybrid use cases. Specific additional use cases are presented in the remainder of clause 5.10.5.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 26.501, Fig. 5.10.5-1: High-level procedure for hybrid delivery of DASH content
Step 1.
The 5GMSd Application Provider triggers 5GMS provisioning and permits hybrid distribution of the media content.
Step 2.
As a consequence, the 5GMSd AF provisions MBMS delivery. The MBMS Delivery Session is set up.and the BM SC informs the 5GMS AF about the content ingest endpoints.
Step 3.
The 5GMSd AS modifies the Media Player Entry (typically a media presentation manifest) under the direction of the 5GMSd AF to indicate that content is available either on a the MBMS Client's local Media Server or on 5GMSd AS.
Step 4.
The modified presentation manifest and the ingest endpoints are provided to the 5GMSd Application Provider. The manifest may also be updated by the 5GMSd Application Service Provider.
Step 5.
The media content is announced to the 5GMSd-Aware Application and the application requests the entry points for the service.
Step 6.
The 5GMSd AS begins ingesting content from the 5GMSd Application Provider and the BM SC may, in turn, begin ingesting this content from the 5GMSd AS.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 26.501, Fig. 5.10.5-2: High-level procedure for hybrid delivery of DASH content (continued)
Step 7.
The BM SC starts one or more MBMS Delivery Sessions.
Step 8.
The media content is selected by the 5GMSd-Aware Application.
Step 9.
The application initiates the media streaming session through Media Session Handler.
Step 10.
The Media Session Handler initiates the MBMS streaming services.
Step 11.
The media session handler through the information from the MBMS Client informs the 5GMSd-Aware Application that the service is ready.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 26.501, Fig. 5.10.5-3: High-level procedure for hybrid delivery of DASH content (continued)
Step 12.
The 5GMSd-Aware Application starts media playback.
Step 13.
The Media Player Entry (typically a media presentation manifest ) is acquired by the Media Player. It may be available from the local Media Server (populated by the MBMS Client) or from the 5GMSd AS, or even from both.
Step 14.
The Media Player processes the Media Player Entry and identifies that content is available from different data networks (the local Media Server and the 5GMSd AS).
Step 15.
Under the control of the 5GMSd-Aware Application, the Media Player selects the content and different content options.
Step 16.
The Media Player continuously checks with the Media Session Handler - and possibly forwarded to the MBMS Client if the MBMS User Service data is available - how to use the different content. This depends on the hybrid scenario. Different policies may be considered.
Step 17.
The Media Player requests initialization information either from the local Media Server or from the 5GMSd AS. The Media Player repeats this step for each required initialization segment.
Step 18.
The Media Player receives the initialization information.
Step 19.
The Media Player requests media segments according to the Media Player Entry, either from the local Media Server or from the 5GMSd AS.
Step 20.
The Media Player receives media segments and puts the information into the appropriate media rendering pipeline.
Steps 13-20 are repeated according to the Media Player Entry information.
Up  Interactive servicep. 131

In a specific hybrid scenario, an interactive service may be provided via 5GMS while the main media content resources are delivered via eMBMS exclusively. In this case, the following instantiations apply:
  • In step 2, the media presentation manifest (MPD) only points to content in the local Media Server.
  • Step 13 as well as steps 17-20 are all terminated on the local Media Server.  Session continuityp. 131

In a specific hybrid scenario, the service is made available via both 5GMS and eMBMS delivery networks, but only one Representation of each Adaptation Set is provided via eMBMS. In this case, the following instantiations apply:
  • In step 2, one Representation of each Adaptation Set is distributed via eMBMS.
  • As long as the streaming service is accessible over eMBMS, the Media Player selects the media content in step 13 as well as steps 17-20 from the local Media Server; content is not available from the 5GMSd AS.
  • If the streaming service becomes unavailable via eMBMS, the Media Player switches to accessing the media content in step 13 as well as steps 17-20 from the 5GMSd AS.
  • Once the streaming service becomes available again via eMBMS, the Media Player switches back to accessing the media content in step 13 as well as steps 17-20 from the local Media Server.
Up  Time-shifted viewingp. 131

In a specific hybrid scenario, the service is made available via both 5GMS and eMBMS delivery networks, but only one Representation of each Adaptation Set is provided via eMBMS. The content is retained by the 5GMS AS for a period of time to support time shifted access. In this case, the following instantiations apply:
  • In step 2, one Representation is of each Adaptation Set is distributed via eMBMS.
  • If the streaming service is accessible via eMBMS and the user is consuming content at the live edge, the Media Player selects the media content in the step 13 as well as steps 17-20 from the local Media Server; content is not available from the 5GMSd AS.
  • If the user switches to time-shift viewing mode or streaming service becomes unavailable via eMBMS, the Media Player switches to accessing the media content in the step 13 as well as steps 17-20 from the 5GMSd AS.
  • Once the streaming service becomes available again via eMBMS and the user returns to the live edge, the Media Player switches back to accessing the media content in the step 13 as well as steps 17-20 from the local Media Server.
Up  Content or component replacementp. 131

In a specific hybrid scenario, the service is made available via both 5GMS and eMBMS delivery networks, but only one Representation of selected Adaptation Sets is provided via eMBMS. Some Adaptation Sets are only available via 5GMS. In another case, two or more content alternatives may exist for a period of time, but only one alternative is provided over eMBMS.
In this case, the following instantiations apply:
  • In step 2, the MPD is generated to define the different content alternatives.
  • If the streaming service is accessible over eMBMS and the user watches content available on broadcast, the Media Player selects the media content in step 13 as well as steps 17-20 from the local Media Server; content is not available from the 5GMSd AS.
  • If the user switches content or content components, the Media Player switches to accessing the media content in the step 13 as well as steps 17-20 from the 5GMSd AS. If only a component is replaced, the Media Player accesses media content from the local Media Server and the 5GMSd AS at the same time.

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