
Content for  TS 23.273  Word version:  19.1.0

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7  Information storagep. 160

7.1  UDMp. 160

For each UE subscriber the UDM stores LCS related data as part of the Subscriber Data Management (SDM) service as defined in clause of TS 23.502.
The privacy profile data is defined in Table 7.1-1 containing data for the privacy classes for which location of the target UE is permitted. For the meaning of each LCS privacy profile data type and included data, refer to clause 5.4.2.
Privacy Profile Data Type Presence UDM data
Location Privacy IndicationM Indication of one of the following mutually exclusive global settings:
  • Location is disallowed.
  • Location is allowed (default).
OTime period when the Location Privacy Indication is valid.
Call/session Unrelated ClassMFor any LCS client or AF not in the external LCS client list or otherwise identified for the Call/session Unrelated Class, the following data may be present:
  • One of the following mutually exclusive options:
    • Location not allowed (default case)
    • Location allowed with notification
    • Location with notification and privacy verification; location allowed if no response
    • Location with notification and privacy verification; location restricted if no response
  • Time period when positioning is allowed
  • Geographical area where positioning is allowed
  • Indication that codeword shall be checked in UE or one or more codeword values to be checked in GMLC
O External LCS client list: a list of zero or more LCS clients, AFs and LCS Client groups with the following data for each entry:
  • One of the following mutually exclusive options:
    • Location allowed without notification (default case).
    • Location allowed with notification.
    • Location with notification and privacy verification; location allowed if no response.
    • Location with notification and privacy verification; location restricted if no response.
  • Time period when positioning is allowed.
  • Geographical area where positioning is allowed.
O Service types list: a list of one or more service types for which the LCS client is allowed to locate the particular UE. The possible service types are defined in TS 22.071. The following data may be present for each service type in the list:
  • One of the following mutually exclusive options:
    • Location allowed without notification (default case).
    • Location allowed with notification.
    • Location with notification and privacy verification; location allowed if no response.
    • Location with notification and privacy verification; location restricted if no response.
  • Time period when positioning is allowed.
  • Geographical area where positioning is allowed.
  • Indication that codeword shall be checked in UE or one or more codeword values to be checked in GMLC.
PLMN Operator ClassO LCS client list: a list of one or more generic classes of LCS client that are allowed to locate the particular UE. The following classes are distinguished:
  • LCS client broadcasting location related information.
  • O&M LCS client in the HPLMN.
  • O&M LCS client in the VPLMN.
  • LCS client recording anonymous location information.
  • LCS Client supporting a bearer service, teleservice or supplementary service to the target UE.
  • NWDAF in the HPLMN (when the UE is currently being served by the HPLMN).
  • NWDAF in the VPLMN.
User Plane Connection between UE and LCS Client or AFO Indication of one of the following mutually exclusive global settings:
  • UE is allowed to report periodic or triggered location events via user plane to an LCS Client or AF.
  • UE is not allowed to report periodic or triggered location events via user plane to an LCS Client or AF (default).
Event report expected areaOPresents a geographical area generated by UE, which is used by GMLC to determine event report allowed area for the UE.
Area usage indicationOIndication of one of the following mutually exclusive global settings on using event report allowed area:
  • Inside reporting (default).
  • Outside reporting.
GMLC address listOAddresses of GMLC located in local network(s) which are allowed to be used for the UE positioning. The GMLC address is used to identify the local network for verification of location service in PNI-NPN.
The Mobile Originating data is defined in Table 7.1-2 containing the LCS MO-LR services that a UE can receive.
MO-LR Data Presence UDM data
Mobile Originated dataM List of MO-LR services allowed for a UE subscriber:
  • Basic Self Location (UE can receive its own location).
  • Autonomous Self Location (UE can receive location assistance data).
  • Transfer to Third Party.
List of Assistance Data Types for MO-LROA list of one or more types of location assistance data that may be provided to the UE in the MO-LR procedure.
The LCS broadcasting data is defined in Table 7.1-3 containing a list of assistance data types for which ciphering keys should be provided to the UE if requested by the UE.
Broadcasting Data Presence Description
List of Assistance Data TypesOA list of one or more types of location assistance data for which ciphering keys should be provided to the UE if requested by the UE when the assistance data is broadcast using ciphering.
Other UE LCS subscriber data is defined in Table 7.1-4 containing UE's subscription data related with LCS.
UE LCS subscriber data Presence Description
PRU indicationOWhen present, it is used to indicate that the UE is allowed to serve as a PRU.
LPHAP indicationOWhen present, it indicates a UE requires low power and high accuracy positioning.
LMF IDOAn LMF ID which presents an LMF deployed in local network to support location service for the UE.
Indication of user plane positioning between UE and LMFOWhen present, it indicates that the UE is allowed to use the user plane positioning between UE and LMF.

7.2  GMLCp. 163

7.2.1  Information for an LCS Clientp. 163

The GMLC holds information for external LCS clients which are permitted to request location information for UE subscribers. Table 7.2.1-1 shows the information which may be stored in the GMLC for an external LCS Client.
LCS Client Information Status Description
LCS Client TypeM Identifies the type of LCS client from among the following:
  • Emergency Services
  • Value Added Services
  • PLMN Operator Services
  • Lawful Intercept Services
External identifierO A list of one or more identifiers used to identify an external LCS client. The identifier may be used for a 5GC-MT-LR and/or 5GC-MO-LR. The format of the identifier is an international E.164 address, ITU-T Recommendation E.164 [23].
Authentication dataMO Data employed to authenticate an external LCS client if the authentication is not done by a security gateway - details are outside the scope of the present document
Internal identifierO Identifies the sub-type of a PLMN operator services LCS Client from among the following:
  • LCS client broadcasting location related information
  • O&M LCS client in the HPLMN
  • O&M LCS client in the VPLMN
  • LCS client recording anonymous location information
  • LCS Client supporting a bearer service, teleservice or supplementary service to the target UE
Client nameO An address string which is associated with the LCS client's external identity (i.e. E.164 address).
Client name typeO Indication of the type of the LCS client name. The type of the LCS client name can be one of the following:
Privacy Override IndicationO Indication of whether the LCS client possesses the POI capability (only applicable to lawful intercept and emergency services clients)
Authorized UE ListO A list of SUPIs and/or groups of SUPI for which the LCS client may issue a request for a 5GC-MT-LR for immediate or deferred location.
PriorityO The priority of the LCS client
QoS parametersM The default QoS requirements for the LCS client, comprising:
  • Accuracy
  • Response time
  • LCS QoS Class
Service CoverageO A list of E.164 country codes for geographic areas, ITU-T Recommendation E.164 [23] where the LCS client is permitted to request and receive UE location information.
Allowed LCS Request TypesM Indicates which of the following are allowed:
  • Request of current immediate location
  • Request of current or last known immediate location
  • Request of deferred location for the UE available event
  • Request of deferred location for UE periodic events
  • Request of deferred location for the Area Event
  • Request of deferred location for the Motion Event
Local Co-ordinate SystemO Definition of the co-ordinate system(s) in which a location estimate shall be provided - details are outside the scope of the present document
Access Barring List(s)O List(s) of SUPIs or groups of SUPI for which a location request is barred
Service typesO List of service type allowed for the LCS client.
Maximum Target UE NumberO The maximum number of the Target UEs in one LCS request. For a specific LCS Client, this parameter may have different values for different service types.
User Plane location reportingO Indicates whether or not the LCS Client is allowed to request event reporting for a periodic or triggered MT-LR over user plane.
Default user plane address for event reporting over user plane.
Default security information for event reporting over user plane.
Correlated LMF IDOAn LMF ID correlated with the LCS client, and/or
An LMF ID correlated with a group ID and the LCS client.

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