
Content for  TS 23.203  Word version:  18.0.0

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S (Normative)  Fixed Broadband Access |R12|p. 242

S.1  Generalp. 242

This Annex specifies the enhancement to PCC framework for supporting policy and charging control in the fixed broadband access network in the convergent scenario where a single operator is deploying both the fixed broadband access network and the Evolved Packet Core (EPC).
The scope of this Annex is to define requirements for the convergent scenario where the PCRF controls directly the network element(s) in the fixed broadband access without the mediation of a different policy server, such as the BPCF defined in Annex P.
Policy and charging control is provided for both Non-seamless WLAN offload traffic from a 3GPP UE and fixed devices.
The work in this Annex takes the fixed broadband accesses as specified by BroadBand Forum in TR-300 [37] as a reference.
This Annex is a realization of the main specification body for the Fixed Broadband Access IP-CAN. It describes only the exceptions and additions in respect to the main specification body, therefore, if not explicitly mentioned, the main specification body is applicable.

S.2  Definitionsp. 242

The definitions in the following are relevant for this Annex only.
UE local IP address:
Defined as either the public IP address assigned to the UE by the Broadband Forum domain in the no-NAT case, or the public IP address assigned by the Broadband Forum domain to the NATed RG.
IP-CAN session:
For fixed broadband access, the IP-CAN session can also be identified primarily by an IP address(es). The term UE corresponds to the device that access the services provided by the network (i.e. either RG, or 3GPP UE or fixed end-device), the PDN identifies the IP network where the device gets IP connectivity and the UE identity information may be the IMSI, the user-name or the access line identifier (if available). In a Fixed Broadband Access an IP-CAN session corresponds to a Subscriber IP Session defined in TR-146 [36].

S.3  High Level Requirementsp. 242

S.3.0  Generalp. 242

The same requirements as defined in clause 4 4 to support usage monitoring and clause 4.5 to support application detection and control applies.

S.3.1  General Requirementsp. 242

The same requirements as defined in clause 4 applies with the following exception and addition:
  • For Fixed devices the policy and charging control shall be possible only in non- roaming scenario.
  • For Fixed Broadband Access, PCC decisions shall be based on subscription information for both fixed device and/or fixed access line.
  • PCRF shall control directly the PCEF in the IP-Edge in the fixed broadband access without the mediation of the BPCF defined in TS 23.139.
  • An IP-CAN session shall be established on the IP-Edge per IPv4 address and/or IPv6 address or IPv6 prefix known in the IP-Edge.
    PCC shall be supported for both the IP-CAN session established for the RG and for each IP-CAN session created for every device (i.e. fixed device or 3GPP UE) behind the RG that is visible in the IP-Edge/PCEF.

S.3.2  Charging Related Requirementsp. 243

The same requirements as defined in clauses 4.2.1, 4.2.2 and 4.2.2.a apply, with the exception and addition listed in the following:
  • The architecture shall provide charging for traffic exchanged by fixed devices and NSWO traffic to/from 3GPP UEs in the following scenarios:
    • 3GPP IP-Edge based charging with PCEF located in the fixed broadband access network;
    • Traffic Detection Function (TDF)-based charging;
    • AAA-based charging,
  • The requirements for the AAA-based charging solution are described in clause S.8.
Charging interaction per device (i.e. fixed device or 3GPP UE) is possible only when an IP-CAN session exists for the 3GPP UE or fixed device connected behind a RG.
Inter operator settlements are assumed to ensure support of the case of an UE receiving NSWO over a Fixed Broadband Access (FBA), when the HPLMN and the FBA Service Provider support different charging options.
It shall be possible for the charging system to select the applicable rate based on:
  • home/visited IP-CAN;
  • QoS provided for the service;
  • Time of day;
  • Location of the subscriber.
  • Subscriber identifier.
Home/visited IP-CAN is not applicable for charging of fixed devices.

S.3.3  Policy Control Requirementsp. 244

The same requirements as defined in clause 4.3 applies with the exception and addition listed below:
  • The PCEF in the IP-Edge shall be able to enforce policies and to perform the appropriate mapping from QoS parameters it receives from the PCRF to Broadband Forum specific parameters.
  • PCC shall provide QoS control on a service data flow/detected application traffic basis, for IP traffic exchanged by fixed devices and for NSWO traffic exchange by 3GPP UEs in the fixed broadband access.
  • Requirements for QoS control at IP-CAN bearer level defined in clause are not applicable for Fixed Broadband Access.

S.4  Architecture model and reference pointsp. 244

S.4.1  Reference architecturep. 244

S.4.1.1  Generalp. 244

The reference architecture described in clause 5.1 and shown in Figure S.4.1.2-1 and Figure S.4.1.3-1 applies with the exception and addition listed in the following:
  • PCEF resides in the IP-Edge in the Broadband Forum access network;
  • Gxx reference point is not used.

S.4.1.2  Reference architecture - Non-Roamingp. 245

Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 23.203, Fig. S.4.1.2-1: PCC Reference architecture for Fixed Broadband Access convergence when SPR is used

S.4.1.3  Reference architecture - Roamingp. 246

Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 23.203, Fig. S.4.1.3-1: PCC Reference architecture for Fixed Broadband Access convergence (roaming) when SPR is used

S.4.2  Reference pointsp. 246

S.4.2.1  Gx Reference Pointp. 246

This reference point corresponds to the Gx which resides between the PCEF in the IP-Edge and the PCRF.
The same functionality as defined in clause 5.2.2 with the following exceptions:
  • No provisioning of IP flow mobility routing information from PCEF to PCRF is performed.
  • Negotiation of IP-CAN bearer establishment mode (UE-only or UE/NW) does not apply.
In addition, for the purpose of convergence between 3GPP access and Broadband Forum access network, the Gx reference point enables the transfer of PCC rules for an IP-CAN session that exists in the PCEF for a fixed device or for a 3GPP UE.

S.4.2.2  Sp Reference Pointp. 247

For the purpose of policy and charging control convergence between 3GPP and Broadband Forum access network, the Sp reference point allows the PCRF to request subscription information from the SPR based on a subscriber ID that is defined in clause S.5.2.1. When the subscriber Id is an IMSI, the PDN identifier is the NSWO-APN. When the subscriber Id is used to identify a fixed device no PDN identifier is applicable.

S.4.2.3  Ud Reference Pointp. 247

For the purpose of convergence between 3GPP access and Broadband Forum access network, the Ud reference point provides the same functionality as the Sp reference point described in clause S.4.2.2.

S.4.2.4  Gy/Gz Reference Pointp. 247

These reference points provide the same functionality as defined in the clauses 5.2.4 and 5.2.5 respectively.
For the purpose of convergence between 3GPP access and BBF access network, the functions of credit management and reporting is defined in clause S.5.1.6.
The Gz and Gy interfaces are specified in TS 32.240 and the functionalities required across the Gz and Gy reference point are defined in TS 32.251.

S.4.2.5  Gyn/Gzn Reference Pointp. 247

These reference points provide the same functionality as defined in the clause 5.2.10 and 5.2.11 respectively.
In addition for the purpose of convergence between 3GPP and BBF access network, the functions of credit management and reporting are defined in clause S.5.1.6.
The Gzn and Gyn interfaces are specified in TS 32.240 and the functionalities required across the Gzn and Gyn reference point are defined in TS 32.251.

S.4.2.6  Sd Reference Pointp. 247

For the purpose of convergence between 3GPP and Broadband Forum access network, the Sd reference point allows PCRF to have dynamic control over the application detection and control behaviour at a TDF for a fixed device or for a 3GPP UE. The Sd reference point enables the signalling of ADC decision, which governs the ADC behaviour. The Sd reference point provides the same functionality as the Sd described in clause 5.2.8.

S.5  Functional descriptionp. 247

S.5.1  Overall descriptionp. 247

The purpose of PCC convergence is to enable the policy and charging control for NSWO traffic from 3GPP UE connected to the fixed broadband access network and for the traffic from fixed devices with where the PCRF controls directly the network element(s) in the fixed broadband access without the mediation of a different policy server, such as the BPCF defined in TS 23.139. In this release, EPC-routed traffic from 3GPP UE connected to connected fixed broadband access network is considered outside the scope.
The binding mechanism, credit management, reporting, usage monitoring, termination actions, service data flow prioritization, ADC Rule definition and operations, PCC Rule definition and operations and standardized QoS characteristics as defined in clause 6.1 shall apply.
Handling of packet filters provided to the UE by the PCEF as defined in clause 6.1.9 is not applicable for Fixed Broadband Access.

S.5.1.1  IP-CAN Sessionp. 248

For routed mode RG with NAT, one IP-CAN session shall be established for each corresponding Subscriber IP session on the IP-Edge for the IPv4 address and/or IPv6 address or IPv6 prefix assigned to the RG.
In case of routed mode RG when the PPP pass-through feature is enabled (see requirement R-10 in TR 124 Issue 3 [34b]) an IP-CAN session shall be established for the each single fixed device starting the PPP session. In this case the 3GPP UE does not have Subscriber IP session in IP-Edge.
For bridged mode RG, one IP-CAN session shall be established for each corresponding Subscriber IP session on the IP-Edge for each IPv4 address and/or IPv6 address or IPv6 prefix assigned to the fixed device or 3GPP UE which established a Subscriber IP session in fixed broadband network.
For routed mode RG with IPv6 when stateless IPv6 address autoconfiguration is used by the end-device behind the RG, one IP-CAN session shall be established for each corresponding Subscriber IP session on the IP-Edge for the IPv6 prefix assigned to the RG. When stateful IPv6 address configuration is used by the end-devices, one IP-CAN session may be established for each end-device.
For routed mode RG, the successful completion of 3GPP-based access authentication and assignment of IP address to the 3GPP UE shall not result in any IP-CAN session establishment if the IP address assignment does not result in a new Subscriber IP Session in the IP-Edge. In this case the pre-existent IP-CAN session for the RG is used.
A device connected to the RG (e.g. VoIP phones) may also initiate a Subscriber IP session when the RG is configured in bridge mode or when the PPP pass-through feature is enabled on the Routing RG (see requirement R-10 in TR 124 Issue 3 [34b]).

S.5.1.2  Subscriber Identifierp. 248

The Subscriber ID represents the identity of the User.
For the 3GPP UE the Subscriber ID is the IMSI.
The Subscriber ID used by fixed device at establishment of Subscriber IP session in fixed broadband access network can be the Access Line Identifier (physical and logical circuit ID) or the username, for example when the Subscriber IP session is a PPP Session. For the RG and fixed device based on Broadband Forum specification, the Subscriber ID is defined in Broadband Forum WT 134 [31] specification.

S.5.1.3  Event triggersp. 248

The fixed broadband access network in the convergent scenario supports the Event triggering mechanisms described in clause 6.1.4. The event triggers applicable are listed in the following:
Event trigger Description Reported from Condition for reporting
QoS changeThe QoS of the Default Access Profile in AAA has changedPCEFPCRF
Out of credit (see note 1)Credit is no longer available.PCEF, TDFPCRF
Enforced ADC rule requestTDF is performing an ADC rules request as instructed by the PCRF.TDFPCRF
Usage reportThe IP-CAN/TDF session or the Monitoring key specific resources consumed by a UE either reached the threshold or needs to be reported for other reasons.PCEF, TDFPCRF
Start of application traffic detection and Stop of application traffic detection (see note 2)The start or the stop of application traffic has been detected.PCEF, TDFPCRF
Credit management session failure (see note 1)Transient/Permanent Failure as specified by the OCSPCEF, TDFAlways set
This event may apply only when Gy and/or Gyn are deployed.
This event may only be triggered by a PCEF enhanced with ADC.



S.5.1.6  Credit managementp. 249

For the purpose of credit management of an IP-CAN session for a fixed devices or a 3GPP UE using NSWO, the description in clause 6.1.3 applies with the following exceptions: the subscription identity is provided by PCEF or TDF to the OCS as defined in clause S.5.1.2 and the applicable credit-reauthorization triggers are defined in the Table S.5.1.6-1:
Credit re-authorization trigger Description Applicable for
Credit authorisation lifetime expiry (see note 1)The OCS has limited the validity of the credit to expire at a certain time.PCEF, TDF
Idle timeout (see note 1)The service data flow identified by a PCC Rules or the application identified by an ADC Rule has been empty for a certain time.PCEF, TDF
QoS changesThe QoS of the access network profile has changed.PCEF
This credit reauthorization triggers apply only when Gy and/or Gyn are deployed.

S.5.2  Policy and charging Controlp. 249

S.5.2.1  Policy and charging control rulep. 249

The definition of PCC rule and PCC Rule operations in clauses 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 are applicable, except:
  • PS to CS session continuity;
  • User Location Report.

S.5.2.1a  IP CAN session related policy informationp. 250

Table 6.4 applies with the following exceptions:
  • Authorized QoS per bearer and authorized MBR per QCI are not applicable for Fixed Broadband Access.
  • Charging characteristics profile for 3GPP UE is not available at the PCEF/IP-Edge.
  • No Charging Characteristics profile is defined for fixed devices.



S.5.4  Reflective QoSp. 250

The Fixed Broadband Network received the PCC rules from Gx reference point and as described in clauses S.3.3 and S.6.1.2 performs the appropriated mapping to Fixed Broadband access parameters. The mapping is outside the scope of 3GPP network and defined in TR-300 [37]. Fixed Broadband Access network currently supports the DSCP marking as specified in BBF TR-092 [40] for BRAS, in BBF TR-101 [35] for Access Nodes and Aggregation Nodes and in BBF TR-124 Issue 3 [34b] for the RG.
The solution is based on DSCP marking of packets traversing the Fixed Broadband Access network. The solution assumes functionality in the BBF domain, all these functions are out-of-scope for 3GPP; also, these functions may or may not be implemented depending on the agreement between 3GPP and Fixed Broadband Access operator, these functions are described for information only.
The downlink QoS treatment of the traffic in the PCEF is defined in clause S.6.1.2 and in TR-300 [37].
For the QoS treatment of the IP flow traffic from the UE to the IP-Edge, DSCP marking may be performed by the 3GPP UE by means of reflective QoS as defined in TS 23.139, in particular:
  • How to inform the UE, as part of 3GPP access authentication signalling, that reflective QoS shall be applied on all the traffic in the attached network as defined in clause 6.3.1 of TS 23.139.
  • How the UE creates a 5-tuple rule for uplink traffic as defined in clause 6.3.3 of TS 23.139. How the RG or the IP-Edge may implement protective measurements (e.g. per UE-bandwidth limitations in the RG or in the IP-Edge) as defined in clause 6.3.1 of TS 23.139.

S.5.5  Policy Controlp. 250

Policy control functionalities listed in clause 6.1.5: binding, gating control, event reporting, QoS control and Redirection are applicable for Fixed Broadband Access. There is no support for NW initiated or UE initiated bearer establishment procedures; policy control is performed locally at the PCEF or at the TDF.
If the PCRF provides authorized QoS for both, the IP-CAN session and PCC rule(s), the enforcement of authorized QoS of the individual PCC rules shall take place first.

S.5.5.1  Default QoS Controlp. 251

The BBF AAA may provide a default Access Profile QoS for the IP-CAN session that may contain QoS information.
The PCRF may provide dynamically the default QoS for the IP-CAN session to the PCEF over Gx or alternatively may provide a default QoS profile name for those cases when the default QoS profile is provisioned in the IP-Edge/PCEF. The PCEF enforces the default QoS or the default QoS profile for the IP-CAN session provisions over Gx. The PCEF does not enforce the default Access Profile QoS provided by BBF AAA for the IP-CAN session if PCRF is deployed.
The default QoS consists of a QCI and MBR.
The IP-Edge/PCEF shall be able to convert default QoS into Fixed Broadband Access QoS attribute values. In the IP-Edge, the QCI and optionally the ARP priority level is used to determine the DSCP code value or other transport specific information element and the MBR is used for bandwidth limitation for the DSCP code value. The PCEF/IP-Edge shall enforce first the QoS for the packets that matches a service data flow template in an installed PCC Rule for which specific QoS enforcement actions are provided then the IP-Edge/PCEF shall enforce the default QoS for all downlink and uplink traffic for the IP-CAN session.

S.6  Functional Entitiesp. 251

The functional entities listed in clause 6.2 apply, except BBERF. Those functional entities that have specific values or specific functionality for Fixed Broadband Access are described in this clause.

S.6.1  Policy Control and Charging Rules Function (PCRF)p. 251

S.6.1.1  Generalp. 251

The PCRF functionality defined in clause shall apply, with the following exceptions:
  • No negotiation of IP-CAN bearer establishment mode applies.
  • No subscription to changes of IP-CAN type, RAT type or Access Network Information applies to the PCEF.
  • No event triggers that the TDF can subscribe to need to be monitored by the PCRF.
  • Usage Monitoring Control as defined in clause 6.6 applies with the following exceptions:
    • In the routed RG with NAT mode, the IP-CAN session is per RG in the PCEF/IP-Edge, the PCRF retrieves the usage monitoring related information from the SPR using the subscriber-id provided over Gx. The PCRF decides how to allocate a usage threshold to each existing IP-CAN session and/or MK.
    • In the bridge RG mode and in routed RG mode without NAT there may be a separate fixed subscriber session (i.e. IP-CAN session) for the each device behind the RG. The PCRF retrieves usage monitoring related information from the SPR using the subscriber-id and, if the request is for a 3GPP UE, the NSWO APN provided over Gx. The PCRF decides how to allocate a usage threshold to each existing IP-CAN session and/or Monitoring Key.
S.  Input for PCC decisionsp. 251
The PCEF may provide a subset of the information listed in clause with the following fixed broadband specific values:
  • Subscriber Identifier in the form of an IMSI, MSISDN for a 3GPP UE or in the form of a user-name or Access Line Identifier (physical and logical circuit ID) for fixed device or RG;
  • Location of the subscriber; that may include Access line id (physical and logical circuit ID), SSID of the AP, BSSID of the AP;
  • PLMN id of the PCEF located in the IPEdge, if available;
  • IPv4/IPv6 address or IPv6 prefix of the UE;
  • Type of IP-CAN (i.e. Fixed Broadband Access);
  • A PDN ID in the form of the NSWO-APN for a 3GPP UE.
The SPR may provide the information listed in clause for a UE and optionally for NSWO-APN.
The OCS may provide the information listed in clause for a UE.
The TDF may provide the information listed in clause for a UE and optionally for NSWO-APN.
The AF, if involved, may provide the information listed in clause with the following Fixed Broadband Access Specific values:
  • Subscriber Identifier;
  • IPv4/IPv6 address or IPv6 prefix of the UE.

S.6.1.2  Policy and Charging Enforcement Function (PCEF)p. 252

The PCC requirements for the PCEF is located in the Fixed Broadband Access are defined in TR-300 [37]. The PCEF performs the following Fixed Broadband specific functions:
QoS enforcement:
  • The PCEF shall be able to convert a QoS parameters sent from PCRF to Fixed Broadband Access to specific QoS attribute and determine the QoS parameters sent to PCRF from the PCEF from a set of Fixed Broadband Access specific QoS attribute.
Application Detection:
  • The support of Application Detection functionality is considered a network operator choice in Fixed Broadband Access. If supported, the functionality defined in clause applies.
In addition, the following functions are not supported:
  • No UE and/or NW initiated bearer procedures and no enforcement of the authorized QoS for an IP-CAN bearer is supported for Fixed Broadband Access.

S.6.1.3  Application Function (AF)p. 252

The AF functionality defined in clause 6.2.3 shall apply, except for the following functionality:
  • No subscription to changes of IP-CAN type, RAT type or Access Network Information applies.

S.6.1.4  Subscriber Profile Repository (SPR)p. 252

The SPR functionality defined in clause 6.2.4 shall apply. For Fixed Broadband Access the SPR may provide the subscription profile information per subscriber and PDN in case of a 3GPP UE or per subscriber in case of a fixed device or RG:
  • Subscriber Identifier in the form of an IMSI, MSISDN for a 3GPP UE or in the form of a user-name or Access Line Identifier (physical and logical circuit ID) for fixed device or RG;
  • A PDN ID in the form of the NSWO-APN.

S.6.1.5  Online Charging System (OCS)p. 252

The OCS functionality defined in clause 6.2.5 shall apply.
For Fixed Broadband Access the PCEF provides the Subscriber Identifier that may be e.g. IMSI for a 3GPP UE or a user name or Access line identifier for a fixed devices or RG to the OCS. The PCEF or TDF also sends Access line id (physical and logical circuit ID) to the OCS when the subscriber ID identifies a 3GPP UE or a fixed device behind the RG.

S.6.1.6  Offline Charging System (OFCS)p. 253

The OCS functionality defined in clause 6.2.6 shall apply.
For Fixed Broadband Access the PCEF provides the Subscriber Identifier that may be e.g. IMSI for a 3GPP UE or a user name or Access line identifier for a fixed devices or RG to the OFCS. The PCEF or TDF also sends Access line id (physical and logical circuit ID) to the OFCS when the subscriber ID identifies a 3GPP UE or a fixed device behind the RG.

S.6.1.7  User Data Repository (UDR)p. 253

The SPR data listed in clause 6.2.3 are stored in the UDR, the subscriber identifier and the PDN ID defined in S.6.1.4 applies.

S.6.1.8  Traffic Detection Function (TDF)p. 253

The TDF functionality defined in clause 6.2.9 shall apply. For Fixed Broadband Access, the TDF does not subscribe to event triggers indication from the PCRF at any IP-CAN session procedure.

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