
Content for  TS 31.102  Word version:  18.5.0

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4.2.52  EFTHRESHOLD (Maximum value of START)p. 68

This EF contains the maximum value of STARTCS or STARTPS. This value is used to control the lifetime of the keys (see TS 33.102).
Identifier: '6F5C'Structure: transparentMandatory
SFI: '10'
File size: 3 bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to 3Maximum value of STARTCS or STARTPSM3 bytes
Maximum value of STARTCS or STARTPS

4.2.53  EFOPLMNwAcT (Operator controlled PLMN selector with Access Technology)p. 68

If service No. 42 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains the coding for n PLMNs where n is determined by the operator. This information is determined by the operator and defines the preferred PLMNs in priority order. The first record indicates the highest priority and the nth record indicates the lowest. The EF also contains the Access Technologies for each PLMN in this list. (see TS 23.122)
Identifier: '6F61'Structure: transparentOptional
SFI: '11'
File size: 5n bytes , (n ≥ 8)Update activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to 31st PLMN (highest priority)M3 bytes
4 to 51st PLMN Access Technology IdentifierM2 bytes
36 to 388th PLMNM3 bytes
39 to 408th PLMN Access Technology IdentifierM2 bytes
41 to 439th PLMNO3 bytes
44 to 459th PLMN Access Technology IdentifierO2 bytes
(5n-4) to (5n-2)Nth PLMN (lowest priority)O3 bytes
(5n-1) to 5nNth PLMN Access Technology IdentifierO2 bytes
Mobile Country Code (MCC) followed by the Mobile Network Code (MNC).
according to TS 24.008.
Access Technology Identifier
See EFPLMNwAcT for coding.

4.2.54  EFHPLMNwAcT (HPLMN selector with Access Technology)p. 69

If service No. 43 is "available", this file shall be present.
The HPLMN Selector with access technology data field shall contain the HPLMN code, or codes together with the respected access technology (see TS 23.122).
Identifier: '6F62'Structure: TransparentOptional
SFI: '13'
File size: 5n (n ≥ 1) bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to 31st PLMNM3 bytes
4 to 51st PLMN Access Technology IdentifierM2 bytes
6 to 82nd PLMNO3 bytes
9 to 102nd PLMN Access Technology IdentifierO2 bytes
(5n-4) to (5n-2)nth PLMNO3 bytes
(5n-1) to 5nnth PLMN Access Technology IdentifierO2 bytes
Mobile Country Code (MCC) followed by the Mobile Network Code (MNC).
according to TS 24.008.
Access Technology
The Access Technology of the HPLMN that the ME will assume when searching for the HPLMN. No priority is defined for the preferred access technology and the priority is an implementation issue, but this file may be used to optimise the procedure.
See EFPLMNwAcT for coding.

4.2.55  EFARR (Access Rule Reference)p. 70

This EF contains the access rules for files located under the USIM ADF in the UICC. If the security attribute tag '8B' is indicated in the FCP it contains a reference to a record in this file.
Structure of EFARR at ADF-level
Identifier: '6F06'Structure: Linear fixedMandatory
SFI: '17'
Record Length: X bytes, (X > 0)Update activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to XAccess Rule TLV data objectsMX bytes
This EF contains one or more records containing access rule information according to the reference to expanded format as defined in ISO/IEC 7816-4 [20]. Each record represents an access rule. Unused bytes in the record are set to 'FF'.
If the card cannot access EFARR , any attempt to access a file with access rules indicated in this EFARR shall not be granted.


4.2.57  EFNETPAR (Network Parameters)p. 71

This EF contains information concerning the cell frequencies
Network Parameter storage may reduce the extent of the terminal search of FDD, TDD or GSM carriers when selecting a cell. The network parameters stored in the USIM shall be in accordance with the procedures specified in this clause.
The RF carrier frequency information is stored on 2 bytes and coded on 16 bits starting from 0,0 MHz. Each increment of the 16 bit value is an increment of 200 kHz in frequency. This allows the exact channel frequency to be stored in this data field making it independent of any band information. It is up to the terminal to associate the indicated frequency with a particular band, e.g. GSM 900, GSM 1800 etc. This means that a range from 0 to 13,1 GHz can be covered, with the resolution of 200 kHz. The frequency indicated is always the terminal receiver carrier frequency.
The EF provides a minimum storage capacity of 46 bytes in order to provide the capability of storing at least two cell information TLV objects, e.g. GSM/FDD or FDD/TDD in its minimum configuration, i.e. the terminal can rely on the required memory space for storing at least two cell information lists offering 8 GSM neighbour carrier frequencies and 8 Intra/Inter frequencies, respectively. In what configuration the available memory actually is being used is up to the terminal.
A terminal shall ignore a TLV object or the value of a carrier frequency which is beyond its capabilities, i.e. an FDD only terminal shall ignore the GSM related frequency information. When updating this file, the terminal shall update it with the current values available in the terminal. Updating of this file shall start from the beginning of the file. The terminal need not respect the structure of any information previously stored, i.e. an FDD only terminal may overwrite the GSM parameters stored in this file by another terminal.
The GSM cell information constructed TLV object contains the information of the BCCH channel frequency that the terminal is currently camped on, indicated by tag '80'. The constructed TLV object also contains an indication of up to 32 neighbour BCCH carrier frequencies indicated by tag '81'. In order to store a complete set of GSM network parameters, a total of 72 bytes is required. The terminal shall convert the BCCH channel information, as specified in TS 44.018, received from the network into the corresponding frequency before storing it in the USIM.
The FDD cell information constructed TLV object contains the scrambling code information for the intra frequency carrier, tag '80', and the inter frequency scrambling codes, tag '81'. The intra frequency carrier information may contain up to 32 scrambling codes (m) while there is a limitation of the number of inter frequency scrambling codes (n1, n2, n3). The number of inter frequencies that can be indicated is limited to three and the total amount of scrambling codes for the inter frequencies is limited to 32 (n1+n2+n3 ≤ 32), i.e. if only one inter frequency carrier is indicated, it can contain up to 32 scrambling codes. If two or more inter frequency carriers are indicated, a total of 32 scrambling codes can be provided. How the information is split between the inter frequency carriers is determined by the terminal. In order to store a complete set of FDD cell information a total of 146 bytes is required. The terminal shall convert the UARFCN information, as specified in TS 25.101, received from the network into the corresponding frequency before storing it in the USIM.
The TDD cell information constructed TLV object has the same structure as the FDD cell information TLV object.
Identifier: '6FC4'Structure: transparentMandatory
File size: X bytes, (X ≥ 46)Update activity: high
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to XTLV object(s) containing GSM/FDD/TDD cell informationOX
  • EFNETPAR Cell Information tags
    Description Value Information Element size bytes
    GSM Cell Information Tag'A0'1
    Camping Frequency Tag
    Camping Frequency Information
    Neighbour Frequency Tag
    Neighbour Frequency Information
    (8 ≤ m ≤ 32)
    FDD Cell Information Tag'A1'1
    Intra Frequency Information Tag
    Scrambling code Information
    (8 ≤ m ≤ 32)
    Inter Frequency Information Tag
    Scrambling code information
    (8 ≤ n1+n2+n3 ≤ 32)
    TDD Frequency information Tag'A2'1
    Intra Frequency Information Tag
    Cell parameters ID
    (8 ≤ m ≤ 32)
    Inter Frequency Information Tag
    Cell parameters ID
    (8 ≤ n1+n2+n3 ≤ 32)
  • GSM Cell Information, if tag 'A0' is present in this EF the content of this TLV is as follows:
    Description Value M/O Length
    GSM Cell Information Tag'A0'M1
    Length'4+ (2+2*m) (≤70)'M1
    Current camped cell BCCH frequency information tag'80'M1
    Current camped BCCH frequencyM2
    Neighbour Cell BCCH Frequency information tag'81'O1
    Length2*m (=< 32)O1
    Neighbour BCCH carrier frequenciesO2*m
    (8 ≤ m ≤ 32)
  • FDD Cell Information. If tag 'A1' is present in this EF the content of this TLV is as follows:
    Description Value M/O Length
    FDD Cell Information Tag'A1'M1
    Length4+(2*m)+(4+2*n1)+(4+2*n2)+(4+2*n3) (≤144)M1
    FDD Intra Frequency information tag'80'M1
    Intra Frequency carrier frequencyM2
    Intra Frequency scrambling codesM2*m
    (8 ≤ m ≤ 32)
    FDD Inter Frequency information tag (see NOTE 1)'81'O1
    Length2+2*n (NOTE 2)O1
    Inter Frequency carrier frequenciesO2
    Inter Frequency scrambling codesO2*n (NOTE 2)
    NOTE 1:
    This TLV object may occur up to 3 times within the constructed TLV object depending how many inter frequencies are indicated
    NOTE 2:
    n is in this case n1, n2 or n3, 8 ≤ (n1+n2+n3)≤32
  • TDD Cell Information: If tag 'A2' is present in this EF the content of this TLV is as follows:
    Description Value M/O Length
    TDD Cell Information Tag'A2'M1
    Length4+(2*m)+(4+2*n1)+(4+2*n2)+(4+2*n3) (≤144)M1
    TDD Intra Frequency information tag'80'M1
    Intra Frequency carrier frequencyM2
    Intra Frequency scrambling codesM2*m
    (8 ≤ m ≤ 32)
    TDD Inter Frequency information tag (see NOTE 1)'81'O1
    Length2+2*n (NOTE 2)O1
    Inter Frequency carrier frequenciesO2
    Inter Frequency scrambling codesO2*n (NOTE 2)
    NOTE 1:
    This TLV object may occur up to 3 times within the constructed TLV object depending how many inter frequencies are indicated
    NOTE 2:
    n is in this case n1, n2 or n3, 8 ≤ (n1+n2+n3)≤32

4.2.58  EFPNN (PLMN Network Name)p. 73

If service No. 45 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains the full and short form versions of the network name for the registered PLMN. The ME shall use these versions in place of its own versions of the network name for the PLMN (stored in the ME's memory list), and also in place of the versions of the network name received when registered to the PLMN, as defined by TS 24.008.
This file may also contain PLMN additional information to be displayed to the user during the Manual Network Selection procedures as defined in TS 23.122.
If the UE is registered in NG-RAN and EFOPL5G is not present, or if the UE is registered in other technologies and EFOPL is not present, then the first record in this EF is used for the default network name when registered in the HPLMN (if the EHPLMN list is not present or is empty) or an EHPLMN (if the EHPLMN list is present).
Identifier: '6FC5'Structure: linear fixedOptional
SFI: '19'
Record length: X bytes; X ≥ 3Update activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to XNetwork name TLV objectsMX bytes
Network name TLV objects
The content and coding (Full name for network and Short name for network) is defined below, where the fields within the objects are defined in TS 24.008:
Coding of the Network name TLV objects
Length Description Status
1 byteFull name for network IEI: '43'
(This shall be the same as that used in the MM/GMM INFORMATION message).
1 byteLength of Full name for network Name contentsM
Y bytesFull name for network contents (Octets 3 to n of network name information element)M
1 byteShort name for network IEI: '45'
(This shall be the same as that used in the MM/GMM INFORMATION message).
1 byteLength of Short name for networkC1
Z bytesShort name for network contents (Octets 3 to n of network name information element)C1
1 bytePLMN Additional Information tag ('80')O
1 byteLength of PLMN Additional InformationC2
W bytesPLMN Additional Information (coded using one of the UCS2 code options as defined in TS 31.101).C2
this field shall be present if the short name for network IEI is present
this field shall be present if the PLMN Additional Information tag is present Unused bytes shall be set to 'FF'

4.2.59  EFOPL (Operator PLMN List)p. 74

If service No. 46 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains a prioritised list of Location Area Information (LAI) or Tracking Area Identity (TAI) identities that are used to associate a specific operator name contained in EFPNN or EFPNNI with the LAI/TAI. The ME shall use this EF in association with the EFPNN in place of any network name stored within the ME's internal list and any network name received when registered to the PLMN, as defined by TS 24.008 or TS 24.301. The PLMN Network Name may also be provided in a graphical format in EFPNNI. The ME shall use the text format or the graphical format or both to display the service provider name according to the rules defined in clause 4.2.89.
Identifier: '6FC6'Structure: linear fixedOptional
SFI: '1A'
Record length: X bytes, (X ≥ 8)Update activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to 7Location Area Identity/Tracking Area IdentityM7 bytes
8PLMN Network Name Record IdentifierM1 byte
Location Area Identity/Tracking Area Identity
Location Area Information, this comprises of the MCC, MNC and LAC
Tracking Area Identity, this comprises of the MCC, MNC and TAC
according to TS 24.008/TS 24.301
A BCD value of 'D' in any of the MCC and/or MNC digits shall be used to indicate a "wild" value for that corresponding MCC/MNC digit
according to TS 24.008/TS 24.301
Two values for the LAC/TAC are stored in order to allow a range of LAC/TAC values to be specified for a given PLMN. A value of '0000' stored in bytes 4 to 5 and a value of 'FFFE' stored in bytes 6 to 7 shall be used to indicate the entire range of LACs/TACs for the given PLMN. In the case where only a single LAC/TAC value is to be specified then the value stored in bytes 4 to 5 shall be identical to the value stored in bytes 6 to 7 for the given PLMN. If a range of LAC/TAC values are to be specified, then the value stored in bytes 4 to 5 shall be the start of the LAC/TAC range and the value stored in bytes 6 to 7 shall be the end of the LAC/TAC range for the given PLMN.
PLMN Network Name Record Identifier
Identifier of operator name to be displayed
A value of '00' indicates that the name is to be taken from other sources, see TS 22.101
A value in the range '01' to 'FE' indicates the record number in EFPNN that shall be displayed as the registered PLMN name. It also indicates the record number in EFPNNI that may be displayed as the registered PLMN name icon.

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