
Content for  TS 23.222  Word version:  19.2.0

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D  CAPIF relationship with external API frameworksp. 130

This Annex provides the relationship of CAPIF with the OMA Network APIs and the ETSI MEC API framework. The relationship of CAPIF with these external API frameworks is illustrated in the Table D-1. "Yes" means that the external API framework supports the CAPIF functionality, "No" means that the API framework does not support the CAPIF functionality, and "Partial" means that it provides a mechanism that partially supports the CAPIF functionality.
CAPIF functionalities OMA Network APIs ETSI MEC API framework
Supported Reference Supported Reference
Publish and discover service API informationPartial
(see NOTE)
OMA-TS-NGSI_Registration_and_Discovery [11]YesETSI GS MEC 011 [7]
Topology hiding of the serviceYesIndividual API exposing functionYesIndividual API exposing function
API invoker authentication to access service APIsPartialOMA-ER_Autho4API [9]PartialETSI GS MEC 009 [8]
API invoker authorization to access service APIsPartialOMA-ER_Autho4API [9]PartialETSI GS MEC 009 [8]
Charging on invocation of service APIsNoNo
Lifecycle management of service APIsNoNo
Monitoring service API invocationsNoNo
Logging API invoker onboarding and service API invocationsNoNo
Auditing service API invocationsNoNo
Onboarding API invoker to CAPIFNoNo
CAPIF authentication of API invokersNoNo
Service API access controlPartialOMA-ER_Autho4API [9]PartialETSI GS MEC 009 [8]
Secure API communicationYesOMA-ER_Autho4API [9]YesETSI GS MEC 009 [8]
Policy configurationNoNo
API protocol stack modelPartialfor REST: OMA-TS_REST_NetAPI_Common [10]Partialfor REST: ETSI GS MEC 009 [8]
API security protocolPartialOMA-ER_Autho4API [9]PartialETSI GS MEC 009 [8]
CAPIF support for service APIs from multiple providersNoNo
OMA-TS-NGSI_Registration_and_Discovery [11] is only applicable to a specific type of web services (OWSER using UDDI and WSDL).

E (Normative)  Configuration data for CAPIFp. 131

The configuration data is stored in the CAPIF core function and provided by the CAPIF administrator.
The configuration data for CAPIF is specified in Table E-1.
Reference Parameter description
Subclause 4.2.2 List of published service API discovery restrictions
> Service API identification
> API invoker identity information
Subclause 4.7.2 List of service API log storage durations
> Service API identification
> Service API log storage duration (in hours) (see NOTE)
Subclause 4.7.4 List of API invoker interactions log storage durations
> Service API identification
API invoker interactions log storage duration (in hours) (see NOTE)
Subclause 4.10 List of access control policy per API invoker and optionally per network slice
> Volume limit on service API invocations (total number of invocations allowed)
> Time limit on service API invocations (The time range of the day during which the service API invocations are allowed)
> Rate limit on service API invocations (allowed service API invocations per second)
> Service API identification
> API invoker identity information
> Network Slice Info
If no value is set for the duration, the duration is assumed to be unlimited.

$  Change historyp. 132

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