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TS 29.176
IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) –
Media Function (MF) Services
Stage 3

V18.3.0 (PDF)2024/09  35 p.
Ms. Ji, Mengdi
Huawei Technologies France

full Table of Contents for  TS 29.176  Word version:  18.2.0

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1  Scopep. 7

The present document specifies the stage 3 protocol and data model for the Nmf Service Based Interface. It provides stage 3 protocol definitions and message flows, and specifies the API for each service offered by the Media Function (MF).
The 5G System stage 2 architecture and procedures are specified in TS 23.501 and TS 23.502.
The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Data Channel (DC) architecture and procedures are specified in Annex AC of TS 23.228.
The Technical Realization of the Service Based Architecture and the Principles and Guidelines for Services Definition are specified in TS 29.500 and TS 29.501.

2  Referencesp. 7

3  Definitions, symbols and abbreviationsp. 8

4  Overviewp. 8

5  Services offered by the MFp. 9

6  API Definitionsp. 13

6.1  Nmf_MRM Service APIp. 13

6.1.1  Introductionp. 13

6.1.2  Usage of HTTPp. 13

6.1.3  Resourcesp. 14

6.1.4  Custom Operations without associated resourcesp. 19

6.1.5  Notificationsp. 19

6.1.6  Data Modelp. 19

6.1.7  Error Handlingp. 24

6.1.8  Feature negotiationp. 25

6.1.9  Securityp. 25

6.1.10  HTTP redirectionp. 25

A (Normative)  OpenAPI specificationp. 26

A.1  Generalp. 26

A.2  Nmf_MRM APIp. 26

$  Change historyp. 32

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