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7.17.7  Ad hoc group standalone file distribution using HTTP procedures |R19|p. 268  Information flowsp. 268  Ad hoc group standalone FD request (MCData client - MCData server)p. 268
Table describes the information flow for the Ad hoc group standalone FD request sent from the MCData client to the MCData server.
Information element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending the FD request.
Functional aliasOThe associated functional alias of the MCData user sending the FD request.
MCData ad hoc group ID (see NOTE 1)MThe MCData group ID of the ad hoc group to which the file is to be sent.
Preconfigured MCData group ID (see NOTE 2)OThe identity of the MCData group whose configuration (e.g. security related information) is to be applied for ad hoc group file distribution.
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation.
Transaction IdentifierMIdentifies the MCData transaction.
Emergency indicator (see NOTE 3)OIndicates that the standalone file distribution request is for emergency ad hoc group standalone file distribution service.
Imminent peril indicator (see NOTE 3)OIndicates that the standalone file distribution request is for imminent peril ad hoc group standalone file distribution service.
Disposition indicationOIndicates whether file download completed report is expected or not.
Download indicationOIndicates mandatory download.
LocationOLocation of the Originating MCData user sending the file.
Payload Destination TypeMIndicates whether the payload is for application consumption or MCData user consumption.
Application identifier (see NOTE 4)OIdentifies the application for which the payload is intended (e.g. text string, port address, URI).
Application metadata containerOImplementation specific information that is communicated to the recipient.
Content referenceMURL reference to the content and file metadata information.
Deposit file indicationOIndicates whether the file to be stored into the MCData message store account of the MCData user.
The MCData ad hoc group ID is determined prior to by using the Determine ad hoc group request.
If end-to-end encryption is required, then this element is included and the value is determined prior to by using the Determine ad hoc group request.
If used, only one of these information elements shall be present.
The application identifier shall be included only if the payload destination type indicates that the FD message is for application consumption.
Up  Ad hoc group standalone FD request (MCData server - MCData client)p. 269
Table describes the information flow for the Ad hoc group standalone FD request sent from the MCData server to the MCData client.
Information element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending the FD request.
Functional aliasOThe associated functional alias of the MCData user sending the FD request.
MCData ad hoc group IDMThe MCData group ID of the ad hoc group to which the file is to be sent.
Preconfigured MCData group ID (see NOTE 1)OThe identity of the MCData group whose configuration (e.g. security related information) is to be applied for ad hoc group file distribution.
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user towards which the FD request is sent.
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation.
Transaction IdentifierMIdentifies the MCData transaction.
Emergency indicator (see NOTE 2)OIndicates that the standalone file distribution request is for emergency ad hoc group standalone file distribution service.
Imminent peril indicator (see NOTE 2)OIndicates that the standalone file distribution request is for imminent peril ad hoc group standalone file distribution service.
Disposition indicationOIndicates whether file download completed report is expected or not.
Download indicationOIndicates mandatory download.
LocationOLocation of the Originating MCData user sending the file.
Payload Destination TypeMIndicates whether the payload is for application consumption or MCData user consumption.
Application identifier (see NOTE 3)OIdentifies the application for which the payload is intended (e.g. text string, port address, URI).
Application metadata containerOImplementation specific information that is communicated to the recipient.
Content referenceMURL reference to the content and file metadata information.
Time to liveOIndicates how long the ad hoc group is persisted and members can respond to the file distribution (e.g. duration for 5 mins or until certain future time).
If end-to-end encryption is required, then this element is included.
If used, only one of these information elements shall be present.
The application identifier shall be included only if the payload destination type indicates that the FD message is for application consumption.
Up  Ad hoc group standalone FD request return (MCData server - MCData client)p. 270
Table describes the information flow Ad hoc group standalone FD request return from the MCData server to the MCData client.
Information element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending the FD request.
Functional aliasOThe associated functional alias of the MCData user sending the FD request.
Authorization resultMIndicate if authorization is success or failure.
Up  Ad hoc group standalone FD response (MCData client - MCData server, MCData server - MCData client)p. 271
Table describes the information flow for the Ad hoc group standalone FD response sent from the MCData client to the MCData server and from the MCData server to another MCData client.
Information element Status Description
MCData ad hoc group IDMThe MCData group ID of the ad hoc group to which the file is to be sent.
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending FD response.
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation.
Time to liveOIndicates how long the ad hoc group is persisted and members can respond to the file distribution (e.g. duration for 5 mins or until certain future time).
ResultMIndicates if the request is accepted or not.
Up  Ad hoc group standalone file distribution using HTTP involving single MCData systemp. 271  Generalp. 271
The initiation of Ad hoc group standalone file distribution using HTTP results in ad hoc group members from single MCData system receiving the file data.  Procedurep. 271
The procedure in Figure describes the case where an MCData user is initiating ad hoc group standalone file distribution to multiple MCData users, with or without download completed report request from the MCData user.
  1. The MCData users on MCData clients 1 to n belong to the same MCData system and are already registered for receiving MCData service.
  2. Number of ad hoc group members receiving the file data is within the configured limit.
  3. The MCData client 1 may have an activated functional alias to be used.
  4. The file to be distributed is uploaded to the media storage function on the MCData content server using the procedures defined in subclause The ad hoc group identity and preconfigured group identity of preconfigured group from which the configurations to be used (e.g. security related information) are determined using the procedures defined in subclause
  5. The preconfigured group identity and preconfigured group configuration (e.g. security related information) to be used for an ad hoc group have been preconfigured in the MCData client 1 and other MCData clients of ad hoc group have also received the relevant security related information.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.282, Fig. Ad hoc group standalone file distribution involving single MCData system
Step 1.
The user at MCData client 1 wants to initiate ad hoc standalone file distribution to ad hoc group members from primary MCData system.
Step 2.
The MCData client 1 sends an Ad hoc group standalone FD request towards the MCData server. The request shall contain the MCData ad hoc group ID as determined in the subclause, the conversation identifier for message thread indication, may include additional implementation specific information in the application metadata container, and may include associated functional alias of the user at MCData client 1. If end-to-end encryption is required, the request shall contain the Preconfigured MCData group ID as determined in the subclause The request contains content payload in the form of file URL and may contain the file metadata information. If MCData user at MCData client 1 has requested to mandatory download at the recipient side, then the request contains mandatory download indication. The request may contain a download completed report indication if selected by the user at MCData client 1. If the MCData user at MCData client 1 has requested to deposit the file content into his/her MCData message store account, then the request contains deposit file indication set.
If the MCData user at MCData client 1 initiates an emergency ad hoc group standalone file distribution or the MCData emergency state is already set for the MCData client 1 (due to a previously triggered MCData emergency alert):
  1. the Ad hoc group standalone FD request shall contain an emergency indicator;
  2. if the MCData emergency state is not set already, MCData client 1 sets its MCData emergency state. The MCData emergency state is retained until explicitly cancelled; and
  3. once an emergency file distribution has been initiated, the ad hoc group is considered to be in an in-progress emergency state until file distribution is completed and the time to live value of ad hoc group expires.
If the MCData user at MCData client 1 initiates an imminent peril ad hoc group standalone file distribution:
  1. the Ad hoc group standalone FD request shall contain imminent peril indicator; and
  2. once an emergency file distribution has been initiated, the ad hoc group is considered to be in an in-progress imminent peril state until file distribution is completed and the time to live value of ad hoc group expires.
Step 3.
If the ad hoc group communication is supported, the MCData server checks whether the MCData user at MCData client 1 is authorized to send Ad hoc group standalone FD request. The MCData server checks whether any policy is to be asserted to limit certain types of message or content to certain members, for example, to location or user privilege. The MCData server also verifies whether the provided functional alias can be used and has been activated for the user.
Step 4.
The MCData server sends the Ad hoc group standalone FD request return to the MCData user at MCData client 1 containing the result of whether the Ad hoc group standalone FD request is authorized or not. If the Ad hoc group standalone FD request is not authorized, the MCData server and the MCData client 1 shall not proceed with the rest of the steps.
Step 5.
The MCData server considers the ad hoc group members as implicitly affiliated to the ad hoc group.
  1. If an emergency indicator is present in the received Ad hoc group standalone FD request and if the ad hoc group is not in the in-progress emergency state, the ad hoc group is considered to be in the in-progress emergency state until file distribution is completed and the time to live value of ad hoc group expires; and
  2. If an imminent peril indicator is present in the received Ad hoc group standalone FD request and if the ad hoc group is not in the in-progress imminent peril state, the ad hoc group is considered to be in the in-progress imminent peril state until file distribution is completed and the time to live value of ad hoc group expires.
Step 6.
The MCData server may verify whether the corresponding file is available in the MCData content server (not shown in the Figure) via the MCData-FD-5 reference point using the received file URL in the request. For that, the MCData server sends an MCData file availability request to the MCData content server. Upon the receipt of the request, the MCData content server provides an MCData file availability response to the MCData server. If the MCData server identifies that the file is not available in the MCData content server, the MCData server provides a response to the MCData client 1 indicating that the file distribution request cannot proceed due to the unavailability of the file in the MCData content server and skip rest of the steps. If the deposit file indication information element is set to true in the received request, the MCData server shall follow the procedure as defined in the subclause with the retrieve file indication element set to true while depositing this MCData communication to the MCData message store account of the user at MCData client 1.
Step 7.
The MCData server initiates the Ad hoc group standalone FD request towards each of the target MCData users. While sending the Ad hoc group standalone FD request, the MCData server shall remove the information elements that are not required to be conveyed to the target MCData clients (e.g. MCData ID list). The request should contain the ad hoc group ID, pre-configured group if end-to-end encryption is required and time to live value for the ad hoc group. The primary MCData server removes the ad hoc group information from the dynamic data once the time to live value is expired and thus the ad hoc group ceases to exist then the procedure stops. If the deposit file indication information element is set to true in the received MCData FD request, MCData server shall follow the procedure as defined in the subclause with the retrieve file indication element set to true while depositing this MCData communication to the MCData message store account of the user at MCData client 1.
Step 8.
The receiving MCData clients 2 to n notify the user about the incoming Ad hoc group standalone FD request (including file metadata, if present) which may be either accepted or rejected or ignored.
Step 9.
If the target MCData user on MCData clients 2 to n provides a response (accept or reject) to the notification, then respective MCData client sends the Ad hoc group standalone FD response to the MCData server. The MCData client 2 to n automatically sends accepted Ad hoc group standalone FD response when the incoming request included mandatory download indication.
Step 10.
The MCData server forwards the Ad hoc group standalone FD response to the MCData client 1.
Step 11.
The receiving MCData clients 2 to n download the file followed by providing download completed reports for reporting file download completed using the procedure as described in the step 9 to step 12 of subclause
Step 12.
On receiving download completed reports from MCData clients 2 to n or time to live value is expired, the MCData server removes the ad hoc group information from the dynamic data held in the MCData server and the ad hoc group ceases to exist.
Up  Ad hoc group standalone file distribution using HTTP involving multiple MCData systemp. 274  Generalp. 274
The initiation of Ad hoc group standalone file distribution using HTTP results in ad hoc group members from multiple MCData system receiving the file data.  Procedurep. 274
The procedure in Figure describes the case where an MCData user is initiating ad hoc group standalone file distribution to multiple MCData users, with or without download completed report request from the MCData user.
  1. The security aspects of sharing the user information between primary and partner MCData systems shall be governed as per the service provider agreement between them. In this case, it is considered that the partner MCData system share their users' information to the primary MCData system.
  2. MCData users on MCData clients 1 to M belong to the primary MCData system and MCData users on MCData clients 1 to N belong to the partner MCData system and are already registered for receiving MCData service.
  3. The MCData server of the primary MCData system is where the authorized MCData user/dispatcher creates the ad hoc group.
  4. Number of ad hoc group members receiving the file data is within the configured limit.
  5. The file to be distributed is uploaded to the media storage function on the MCData content server using the procedures defined in subclause The ad hoc group identity and preconfigured group identity of preconfigured group from which the configurations to be used (e.g. security related information) are determined using the procedures defined in subclause
  6. The preconfigured group identity and preconfigured group configuration (e.g. security related information) to be used for an ad hoc group have been preconfigured in the MCData client and other MCData users of ad hoc group have also received the relevant security related information.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.282, Fig. Ad hoc group standalone file distribution involving multiple MCData system
Step 1.
The user at MCData client 1 of the primary MCData system wants initiate ad hoc standalone file distribution to ad hoc group members from primary and partner MCData systems.
Step 2-6.
Same steps as described in the steps 2 to 6 of subclause
Step 7a-7b.
The MCData server of the primary MCData system initiates an Ad hoc group standalone FD request towards each of the target MCData users in the primary MCData system and the partner MCData system. While sending the Ad hoc group standalone FD requests, the MCData server of the primary MCData system shall remove the information elements that are not required to be conveyed to the target MCData clients (e.g. MCData ID list). The request should contain the ad hoc group ID, pre-configured group if end-to-end encryption is required and time to live value for the ad hoc group. The primary MCData server removes the ad hoc group information from the dynamic data once the time to live value is expired and thus the ad hoc group ceases to exist then the procedure stops.
Step 8a-8b.
The receiving MCData clients 2 to M and MCData clients 1 to N notify the user about the incoming Ad hoc group standalone FD request (including file metadata, if present) which may be either accepted or rejected or ignored.
Step 9a-9b.
If the target MCData user on MCData clients 2 to M and MCData clients 1 to N provides a response (accept or reject) to the notification, then respective MCData clients send the Ad hoc group standalone FD response to the MCData server. The MCData clients 2 to M and MCData clients 1 to N automatically sends accepted Ad hoc group standalone FD response when the incoming request included mandatory download indication.
Step 10a-10b.
The MCData server forwards the Ad hoc group standalone FD response to the MCData client 1.
Step 11a-11d.
The receiving MCData clients 2 to M and MCData clients 1 to N download the file followed by providing download completed reports for reporting file download completed using the procedure as described in the step 9 to step 12 of subclause

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