
Content for  TS 23.282  Word version:  19.3.0

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7.5  File distributionp. 96

7.5.1  Generalp. 96

File distribution (mandatory and non-mandatory download) is enabled for both one-to-one and group.

7.5.2  File distribution for on-networkp. 96  Information flows for file distributionp. 96  MCData upload data requestp. 96
Table describes the information flow for the MCData upload data request sent from the media storage client to the MCData content server.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user uploading data
Content (see NOTE)OContent to upload
Content reference (see NOTE)OURL reference of the content stored in the MCData message store account of the MCData user
Emergency indicatorOIndicates that the data request is for MCData emergency communication
Either the Content or the Content reference shall be present but not both.
Up  MCData upload data responsep. 96
Table describes the information flow for the MCData upload data response sent from the MCData content server to the media storage client.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user requesting to upload data
Upload confirmationMAn indication whether the upload to the content storage is successful or not
Content referenceOURL reference of the content stored (see NOTE).
Content reference shall be present when the upload confirmation is successful.
Up  MCData download data requestp. 97
Table describes the information flow for the MCData download data request sent from the MCData media storage client to the MCData content server.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user downloading data
Content referenceMURL reference to the content to download
Emergency indicatorOIndicates that the data request is for MCData emergency communication
Up  MCData download data responsep. 97
Table describes the information flow for the MCData download data response sent from the MCData content server to the media storage client.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user requesting to download data
Content (see NOTE)ORequested content to download
ResultMIndicates success or failure of MCData download data request
Content shall be present when the result of the MCData download data request indicates success.
Up  MCData FD request (using HTTP)p. 97
Table describes the information flow for the MCData FD request (in subclause sent from the MCData client to the MCData server.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending the file
Functional aliasOThe functional alias associated with MCData user sending the file
MCData ID (see NOTE)OThe identity of the MCData user receiving the file
Functional alias (see NOTE)OThe associated functional alias of the MCData user identity towards which the data is sent.
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation
Transaction IdentifierMIdentifies the MCData transaction
Reply IdentifierOIdentifies the original MCData transaction to which the current transaction is a reply to
Disposition indicationOIndicates whether file download completed report is expected or not
Download indicationOIndicates mandatory download
Application metadata containerOImplementation specific information that is communicated to the recipient
Content referenceMURL reference to the content and file metadata information
Emergency indicatorOIndicates that the data request is for MCData emergency communication
Deposit file indicationOIndicates whether the file to be stored into the MCData message store account of the MCData user
Location InformationOLocation Information of the Originating MCData user sending the FD message
At least one identity shall be present. If both are present the MCData ID shall be used to route the request and the functional alias is just for information.
Table describes the information flow for the MCData FD request (in clause sent from an MCData server to a partner MCData server.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending the file
Functional aliasOThe associated functional alias of the MCData user sending the file.
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user receiving the file
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation
Transaction IdentifierMIdentifies the MCData transaction
Reply IdentifierOIdentifies the original MCData transaction to which the current transaction is a reply to
Disposition indicationOIndicates whether file download completed report is expected or not
Download indicationOIndicates mandatory download
Application metadata containerOImplementation specific information that is communicated to the recipient
Content referenceMURL reference to the content and file metadata information
Emergency indicatorOIndicates that the data request is for MCData emergency communication
Location InformationOLocation information of the Originating MCData user sending the FD message
Table describes the information flow for the MCData FD request (in clause sent from the MCData server to the MCData client.
Information element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending the file
Functional aliasOThe associated functional alias of the MCData user sending the file
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user receiving the file
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation
Transaction IdentifierMIdentifies the MCData transaction
Reply IdentifierOIdentifies the original MCData transaction to which the current transaction is a reply to
Disposition indicationOIndicates whether file download completed report is expected or not
Download indicationOIndicates mandatory download
Application metadata containerOImplementation specific information that is communicated to the recipient
Content referenceMURL reference to the content and file metadata information
Emergency indicatorOIndicates that the data request is for MCData emergency communication
Location InformationOLocation information of the Originating MCData user sending the FD message
Up  MCData FD response (using HTTP)p. 98
Table describes the information flow for the MCData FD response (in subclause sent from the MCData client to the MCData server, from the MCData server to another MCData client and from an MCData server to a partner MCData server.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending FD request
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending response
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation
ResultOIndicates if the request is accepted or not
Up  MCData download completed reportp. 99
Table describes the information flow for the MCData download completed report sent from the MCData client to the MCData server, from the MCData server to another MCData client and from an MCData server to a partner MCData server.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending FD request
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending response
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation
Transaction IdentifierMIdentifies the MCData transaction
Reply IdentifierMIdentifies the original MCData transaction to which the current transaction is a reply to
Disposition confirmationMAn indication that the client has completed downloading file
Up  MCData aggregated download completed report |R17|p. 99
Table describes the information flow for the MCData aggregated download completed report sent from the MCData server to the MCData client, indicating the result of a request for a file delivery to an MCData group.
Information element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user that sent the FD request
Number of Aggregated ReportsMTotal number of received individual completed reports
Number of Successful DeliveriesONumber of received individual completed reports indicating success
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation
Transaction IdentifierMIdentifies the MCData transaction
Reply IdentifierMIdentifies the original MCData transaction which the current transaction is a reply to
Successful MCData ID listO (NOTE)List, partial or full, of MCData users who successfully received the file delivery
Unsuccessful MCData ID listO (NOTE)List, partial or full, of MCData users who reported failure to fully receive the file delivery successfully
No more than one of these information elements may be present.
Up  MCData FD request (using media plane)p. 99
Table describes the information flow for the MCData FD request (in subclause sent from the MCData client to the MCData server and from the MCData server to another MCData client.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending the file
Functional aliasOThe functional alias associated with MCData user sending the file
MCData ID (see NOTE 1)OThe identity of the MCData user receiving the file
Functional alias (see NOTE 1)OThe associated functional alias of the MCData user identity towards which the data is sent.
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation
Transaction IdentifierMIdentifies the MCData transaction
Reply IdentifierOIdentifies the original MCData transaction to which the current transaction is a reply to
Disposition indicationOIndicates whether file download completed report is expected or not
Download indicationOIndicates mandatory download. (i.e. auto accept this media plane setup request)
Application metadata containerOImplementation specific information that is communicated to the recipient
SDP offer (see NOTE 2)MMedia parameters offered
Requested priorityOApplication priority level requested for this communication session
Emergency indicatorOIndicates that the data request is for MCData emergency communication
At least one identity shall be present. If both are present the MCData ID shall be used to route the request and the functional alias is just for information.
Includes file metadata.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending the file
Functional aliasOThe associated functional alias of the MCData user identity sending the file
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user receiving the file
Functional aliasOThe associated functional alias of the MCData user identity towards which the data is sent.
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation
Transaction IdentifierMIdentifies the MCData transaction
Reply IdentifierOIdentifies the original MCData transaction to which the current transaction is a reply to
Disposition indicationOIndicates whether file download completed report is expected or not
Download indicationOIndicates mandatory download (i.e. auto accept this media plane setup request)
Application metadata containerOImplementation specific information that is communicated to the recipient
SDP offer (see NOTE)MMedia parameters offered
Requested priorityOApplication priority level requested for this communication session
Emergency indicatorOIndicates that the data request is for MCData emergency communication
Includes file metadata.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending the file
Functional aliasOThe associated functional alias of the MCData user identity sending the file.
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user receiving the file
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation
Transaction IdentifierMIdentifies the MCData transaction
Reply IdentifierOIdentifies the original MCData transaction to which the current transaction is a reply to
Disposition indicationOIndicates whether file download completed report is expected or not
Download indicationOIndicates mandatory download (i.e. auto accept this media plane setup request)
Application metadata containerOImplementation specific information that is communicated to the recipient
SDP offer (see NOTE)MMedia parameters offered
Requested priorityOApplication priority level requested for this communication session
Emergency indicatorOIndicates that the data request is for MCData emergency communication
Includes file metadata.
Up  MCData FD response (using media plane)p. 101
Table describes the information flow for the MCData FD response (in subclause sent from the MCData client to the MCData server and from the MCData server to another MCData client.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending FD request
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending response
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation
SDP answerMMedia parameters selected
Establishment reasonOReason for establishment or rejection
Up  MCData group standalone FD request (using HTTP)p. 101
Table describes the information flow for the MCData group standalone FD request (in subclause sent from the MCData client to the MCData server.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending the file
Functional aliasOThe functional alias associated with MCData user sending the file
MCData group IDMThe MCData group ID to which the file is to be sent
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation
Transaction IdentifierMIdentifies the MCData transaction
Reply IdentifierOIdentifies the original MCData transaction to which the current transaction is a reply to
Disposition indicationOIndicates whether file download completed report is expected or not
Download indicationOIndicates mandatory download
Application metadata containerOImplementation specific information that is communicated to the recipient
Content referenceMURL reference to the content and file metadata information
Emergency indicator (see NOTE 1)OIndicates that the data request is for MCData emergency communication
Alert indicator (see NOTE 2)OIndicates whether an emergency alert is to be sent
Imminent peril indicator (see NOTE 1)OIndicates that the data request is for MCData imminent peril communication
If used, only one of these information elements shall be present.
This information element may be present only when Emergency indicator is present.
Table describes the information flow for the MCData group standalone FD request (in subclause sent from the MCData server to the MCData client.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending the file
Functional aliasOThe functional alias associated with MCData user sending the file
MCData group IDMThe MCData group ID to which the file is to be sent
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user receiving the file
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation
Transaction IdentifierMIdentifies the MCData transaction
Reply IdentifierOIdentifies the original MCData transaction to which the current transaction is a reply to
Disposition indicationOIndicates whether file download completed report is expected or not
Download indicationOIndicates mandatory download
Application metadata containerOImplementation specific information that is communicated to the recipient
Content referenceMURL reference to the content and file metadata information
Emergency indicator (see NOTE 1)OIndicates that the data request is for MCData emergency communication
Alert indicator (see NOTE 2)OIndicates whether an emergency alert is to be sent
Imminent peril indicator (see NOTE 1)OIndicates that the data request is for MCData imminent peril communication
If used, only one of these information elements shall be present.
This information element may be present only when Emergency indicator is present.
Up  MCData group standalone FD response (using HTTP or MBMS download delivery method)p. 103
Table describes the information flow for the MCData group standalone FD response (in subclause sent from the MCData client to the MCData server and from the MCData server to another MCData client.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending FD request
MCData group IDMThe MCData group ID to which the file is to be sent
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending response
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation
ResultMIndicates if the request is accepted or not

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