
Content for  TS 23.282  Word version:  19.3.0

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7.13  Operations on MCData message store |R16|p. 168

The MCData message store allows an MCData user to deposit his MCData communication information (i.e. messages or files) securely and permanently for later retrieval. During an active MCData communication, a message or a file with its associated metadata is deposited as an object in the MCData message store with an object identifier; this object identifier enabling a direct access to that object. The objects in the MCData message store are managed from both the MCData server and the message store client.
Each MCData user is allocated a dedicated and secured storage area (i.e. with a user account) in the MCData message store. All MCData communications of a MCData user can be stored in his dedicated storage area. The access to this secured storage area is possible only after successful authentication and authorization procedures. A message store client can create a local copy of the stored objects into the device by synchronizing with the MCData message store for the MCData user using the device.

7.13.1  MCData message store structurep. 169

MCData message store supports a tree like architecture to securely store MCData communications for the MCData users. Figure 7.13.1 below illustrates the high-level structure of a MCData message store:
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.282, Fig. 7.13.1: Message store structure
As illustrated in Figure 7.13.1 all MCData user storage areas are accessed only through the common root. The authorized MCData user shall only have the access to the MCData user's storage area after the successful authentication and authorization procedures. A MCData user shall not be able to access objects stored for other MCData users.
The MCData user shall manage his stored objects using message store client through the MCData-7 reference point. The MCData server shall use the MCData-8 reference point to deposit MCData communication information, during an active MCData communication, into the designated MCData user's storage area in the MCData message store.
One way to manage user stored objects is using folder hierarchy structure like the popular email system today. Annex D provides a simple example of how it will look like in deployment. When the user account is created in the MCData message store, a default folder (such as Inbox) is also created to capture all the objects during an active communication. To group relevant stored objects together and provide easier navigation interactively, a MCData user can create folders in his user account. Each folder is identified by its unique folder identifier that is composed with the location of the folder and the name of the folder. A folder may have child folders to further group the stored objects in more meaningful ways. For example, the folder identifier of the default Inbox folder is /MCDatamessagestore/­MCDatauser1/­Inbox. The folder identifier /MCDatamessagestore/­MCDatauser1/­Squad1/­20190225 points to a folder named 20190225 which is a child folder of Squad1 folder in the MCData user1 user account.

7.13.2  Authentication and authorizationp. 169

The MCData message store shall authenticate the credential of MCData server or the authorized MCData user before authorizing access to the MCData user's storage area. The success of authentication and authorization shall allow access to that MCData user's storage area only.

7.13.3  Manage MCData message storep. 170  Information flows for managing MCData message storep. 170  MCData retrieve a stored object requestp. 170
Table describes the information flow for the MCData retrieve a stored object request sent from the message store client to the MCData message store.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user
Object identifierMThe object identifier of the object stored in the MCData message store
Up  MCData retrieve a stored object responsep. 170
Table describes the information flow for the MCData retrieve a stored object response sent from the MCData message store to the message store client.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user
Stored objectMThe stored object identified by the object identifier in the request. This information element shall be returned as empty when there is no stored object can be identified by the object identifier in the request
Up  MCData search stored objects requestp. 170
Table describes the information flow for the MCData search stored objects request sent from the message store client to the MCData message store.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user
Search criteriaMAny part of the stored object can be the search criteria. Linking multiple parts of a stored object as the search criteria is possible
Up  MCData search stored objects responsep. 170
Table describes the information flow for the MCData search stored objects response sent from the MCData message store to the message store client.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user
Stored object(s)MThe stored object(s) that meets the search criteria. This information element shall be returned as empty when there is no stored object can be identified by the search criteria in the request
Up  MCData update a stored object requestp. 171
Table describes the information flow for the MCData update a stored object request sent from the message store client to the MCData message store.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user
Object identifierMThe object identifier of the object stored in the MCData message store
MetadataMThe metadata that will be updated
Up  MCData update a stored object responsep. 171
Table describes the information flow for the MCData update a stored object response sent from the MCData message store to the message store client.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user storage area in the MCData message store
ResultMThe result if the update is success or failure
Up  MCData delete a stored object requestp. 171
Table describes the information flow for the MCData delete a stored object request sent from the message store client to the MCData message store.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user
Object identifierMThe object identifier of the object stored in the MCData message store
Up  MCData delete a stored object responsep. 171
Table describes the information flow for the MCData delete a stored object response sent from the MCData message store to the message store client.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user storage area in the MCData message store
ResultMThe result if the delete is success or failure
Up  MCData synchronization requestp. 171
Table describes the information flow for the MCData synchronization request sent from the message store client to the MCData message store.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user
Synchronization typeMIndicates the type of synchronization is requested. It can be a full or partial synchronization
Filter criteria (see NOTE)OThe filter criteria indicate what kind of stored objects needs to be synchronized to the device local message store
Filter criteria information element shall be presented if the Synchronization type is partial.
Up  MCData synchronization responsep. 172
Table describes the information flow for the MCData synchronization response sent from the MCData message store to the message store client.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user
Stored objectsMThe stored objects that need to be synchronized with the device local message store. Empty information element means no stored objects need to be synchronized
Up  MCData create a user account requestp. 172
Table describes the information flow for the MCData create a user account request sent from the MCData server to the MCData message store.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user
Up  MCData create a user account responsep. 172
Table describes the information flow for the MCData create a user account response sent from the MCData message store to the MCData server.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user
ResultMThe result if the account creation is success or failure
Up  MCData deposit an object requestp. 172
Table describes the information flow for the MCData deposit an object request sent from the MCData server to the MCData message store.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user
Retrieve file indicationOFlag to instruct the MCData message store to retrieve the file to locally store in the MCData user's account
ObjectMThe object needs to be stored
Up  MCData deposit an object responsep. 173
Table describes the information flow for the MCData deposit an object response sent from the MCData message store to the MCData server.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user
Object IdentifierMThe object identifier that will be used to retrieve this object in the MCData message store directly. If this information element is empty it means the object is not stored
Up  MCData copy a stored object requestp. 173
Table describes the information flow for the MCData copy a stored object request sent from the message store client to the MCData message store.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user
Object identifierMThe object identifier of the object stored in the MCData message store
Destination folder identifierMIndicates where the object will be copied to
Up  MCData copy a stored object responsep. 173
Table describes the information flow for the MCData copy a stored object response sent from the MCData message store to the message store client.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user
ResultMThe result if the operation is success or failure
Up  MCData move a stored object requestp. 173
Table describes the information flow for the MCData move a stored object request sent from the message store client to the MCData message store.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user
Object identifierMThe object identifier of the object stored in the MCData message store
Destination folder identifierMIndicates where the object will be moved to
Up  MCData move a stored object responsep. 173
Table describes the information flow for the MCData move a stored object response sent from the MCData message store to the message store client.
Information Element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user
ResultMThe result if the operation is success or failure

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