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12.8.3  Interactions between directed retry handover procedures and the RAB assignment procedurep. 108  Intra-3G_MSC-B directed retry handoverp. 108

For a description of the directed retry handover procedure see subclause 14.3.
A subsequent channel assignment procedure may be requested by MSC-A/3G_MSC-A after an Inter-MSC GSM to UMTS handover or Inter-MSC SRNS relocation without circuit connection (see subclauses 13.2 and 13.4). If RNS-A replies with an Iu-RAB-ASSIGNMENT-RESPONSE containing the cause value 'Directed Retry' and the subsequent Iu-RELOCATION-REQUIRED indicates that an Intra-3G_MSC-B directed retry handover is required, the 3G_MSC-B shall not forward the result of the RAB assignment procedure to MSC-A/3G_MSC-A, but wait for the outcome of the directed retry handover procedure. If the directed retry handover procedure is completed successfully, the 3G_MSC-B shall construct an A-ASSIGNMENT-COMPLETE or Iu-RAB-ASSIGNMENT-RESPONSE message, dependent on the encapsulated protocol used on the E-interface, and forward this message to MSC-A/3G_MSC-A in the MAP-PREPARE-HANDOVER response.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 23.009, Fig. 35e: Interaction between a RAB assignment procedure and a subsequent Intra-3G_MSC-B directed retry handover i): successful directed retry handover
If the directed retry handover procedure is unsuccessful and the UE is still served by RNS-A, the 3G_MSC-B may optionally take one of a number of actions:
  1. send an Iu-RELOCATION-PREPARATION FAILURE to RNS-A, if an Iu-RELOCATION-COMMAND has not already been sent. Additionally 3G_MSC-B may retry the assignment procedure to RNS-A;
  2. retry the assignment procedure to RNS-A, if the failure message was returned from RNS-A. This option is additional to those for normal handover;
  3. construct an A-ASSIGNMENT-FAILURE message containing the cause value 'Radio interface failure, reversion to old channel' or Iu-RAB-ASSIGNMENT-RESPONSE message containing the cause value 'Failure In The Radio Interface Procedure', dependent on the encapsulated protocol used on the E-interface, and forward this message to MSC-A/3G_MSC-A.
Up  Subsequent Inter-MSC directed retry handoverp. 109

A subsequent channel assignment procedure may be requested by MSC-A/3G_MSC-A after an Inter-MSC GSM to UMTS handover or SRNS relocation without circuit connection (see subclauses 13.2 and 13.4). If RNS-A replies with an Iu-RAB-ASSIGNMENT-RESPONSE containing the cause value 'Directed Retry' and the subsequent Iu-RELOCATION-REQUIRED indicates that a subsequent Inter-MSC directed retry handover is required, the 3G_MSC-B shall not forward the result of the RAB Assignment procedure to MSC-A/3G_MSC-A, but wait for the outcome of the directed retry handover procedure. 3G_MSC-B shall continue with the directed retry handover procedure as described in subclause 14.3.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 23.009, Fig. 35f: Interaction between a RAB assignment procedure and a subsequent Inter-MSC directed retry handover i): successful directed retry handover
If the directed retry handover procedure is unsuccessful and the UE is still served by 3G_MSC-B, the 3G_MSC-B may optionally take one of a number of actions:
  1. send an Iu-RELOCATION-PREPARATION FAILURE to RNS-A, if an Iu-RELOCATION-COMMAND has not already been sen. Additionally 3G_MSC-B may retry the assignment procedure to RNS-A t;
  2. retry the assignment procedure to RNS-A, if the failure message was returned from RNS-A. This option is additional to those for normal handover;
  3. construct an A-ASSIGNMENT-FAILURE message containing the cause value 'Radio interface failure, reversion to old channel' or Iu-RAB-ASSIGNMENT-RESPONSE message containing the cause value 'Failure In The Radio Interface Procedure', dependent on the encapsulated protocol used on the E-interface, and forward this message to MSC-A/3G_MSC-A.

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