
Content for  TS 23.003  Word version:  18.6.0

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28  Numbering, addressing and identification for 5G System (5GS) |R15|p. 110

28.1  Introductionp. 110

This clause describes the format of the parameters, identifiers and information used for the 5G system. For further information on these, see TS 23.501, TS 23.502 and TS 23.503.

28.2  Home Network Domainp. 110

The Home Network Domain for 5GC shall be in the format specified in RFC 1035 and RFC 1123 and shall be structured as:
where "<MNC>" and "<MCC>" fields correspond to the MNC and MCC of the operator's PLMN. Both the "<MNC>" and "<MCC>" fields are 3 digits long. If there are only 2 significant digits in the MNC, one "0" digit shall be inserted at the left side to fill the 3 digits coding of MNC in the NF service endpoint format for inter PLMN routing.
As an example, the Home Network Domain for MCC 345 and MNC 12 is coded as:
The Home Network Domain for a Stand-alone Non-Public Network (SNPN) shall be in the format specified in RFC 1035 and RFC 1123 and, if not pre-configured in the NF, shall be structured as:
where <MNC> and <MCC> shall be encoded as specified above, and the NID shall be encoded as hexadecimal digits as specified in clause 12.7.
As an example, the Home Network Domain for MCC 345, MNC 12 and NID 000007ed9d5 (hexadecimal: assignment mode = 0, PEN = 00007ed9, NID code = d5) is coded as:

28.3  Identifiers for Domain Name System proceduresp. 111

28.3.1  Introductionp. 111

This clause describes Domain Name System (DNS) related identifiers used by the procedures specified in TS 29.303.

28.3.2  Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs)p. 111

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