
Content for  TS 26.114  Word version:  18.6.0

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M  IANA registration information for SDP attributes |R12|p. 392

M.1  Introductionp. 392

This Annex provides the SDP attribute registration information that is referenced from the IANA registry at

M.2  3gpp_sync_infop. 392

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • 3gpp_sync_info
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • 3GPP Synchronization Information attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Media level and Session Level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute specifies whether media streams should be synchronized or not.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
  • The attribute is a value attribute. The defined values are "Sync" and "No Sync".
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.3  3gpp_MaxRecvSDUSizep. 392

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • 3gpp_MaxRecvSDUSize
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • 3GPP Maximum Receive SDU Size attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Media level and Sesssion level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute indicates the maximum SDU size (in octets) of the application data (excluding RTP/UDP/IP headers) that can be transmitted to the receiver without segmentation.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
  • The attribute is a value attribute. The defined values are 1*5DIGIT; 0 to 65535.
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.4  3gpp_mtsi_app_adaptp. 393

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • 3gpp_mtsi_app_adapt
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • 3GPP MTSI RTCP-APP Adaptation attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Media level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used to negotiate which RTCP-APP request messages that can be used in a session.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
  • The attribute is a value attribute. The defined values are: "RedReq", "FrameAggReq", "AmrCmr", "EvsRateReq", "EvsBandwidthReq", "EvsParRedReq", "EvsIoModeReq", "EvsPrimaryModeReq".
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.5  predefined_ROI |R13|p. 394

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • predefined_ROI
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • 3GPP predefined video region-of-interest (ROI) attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Media level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used to negotiate which pre-defined regions of interest can be requested in a video telephony session.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.6  bw-info |R13|p. 394

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • bw-info
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • Additional bandwidth information attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Media level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used to negotiate additional bandwidth information for sessions where the "b="-line bandwidth provides insufficient information or no information at all.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
  • See clause 19.3.
  • Additional attribute values may be defined in the future.
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.7  ccc_list |R14|p. 395

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • ccc_list
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • 3GPP compact concurrent codec capabilities (CCC) attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Session level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used to indicate the concurrent codec capabilities of a terminal in a compact representation.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.8  anbr |R16|p. 395

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • anbr
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • 3GPP access network bitrate recommendation (ANBR) support attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Media level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used to indicate the UE's ability to use ANBR as an adaptation trigger and also its ability to receive ANBR information from the access network.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.9  PLR_adapt |R16|p. 396

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • PLR_adapt
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • Packet Loss Rate Adaptation
Type of Attribute
  • Media level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used to describe the media receiver's ability adapt codec configurations based on packet loss rate.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
  • See TS 26.114 clauses W.1, W.2, and W.3 for ABNF and detailed usage.
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.10  MAXimum-e2e-PLR |R16|p. 397

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • MAXimum-e2e-PLR
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • Maximum end-to-end PLR of the media receiver
Type of Attribute
  • Media level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used to describe the maximum tolerable packet loss rate for the media receiver and a means to negotiate how this loss rate can be distributed across different links.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
  • See TS 26.114 clauses W.4.2 and W.4.3 for ABNF and detailed usage.
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.11  3gpp-qos-hint |R16|p. 397

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • 3gpp-qos-hint
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • 3GPP QoS hint attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Media level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used to describe the UE's desired QoS properties from the local access network.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.12  imageseq |R18|p. 398

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • imageseq
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • 3GPP Image Sequence attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Media level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used to negotiate the usage of still images in a session.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.13  3gpp_360video |R18|p. 398

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • 3gpp_360video
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • 3GPP 360-degree Projected Video attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Media level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used to negotiate the usage of a 360-degree projected video steam in a session .
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
  • See TS 26.114 Annex Y.6.2 for ABNF and detailed usage.
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.14  itt4rt_group |R18|p. 399

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • itt4rt_group
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • 3GPP ITT4RT Group attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Session level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used to group 360-degree media and overlay media using the mid attribute
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.15  3gpp_overlay |R18|p. 400

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • 3gpp_overlay
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • 3GPP Overlay attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Media level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used to indicate one or more parameters for configuring the rendering properties of an overlay.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.16  3gpp_360video_replacement |R18|p. 400

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • 3gpp_360video_replacement
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • 3GPP 360-degree Video Replacement attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Media level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used to indicate that the content captured in the 360-degree video can be replaced.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.17  3gpp_fisheye |R18|p. 401

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • 3gpp_fisheye
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • 3GPP 360-degree Fisheye Video attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Media level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used to indicate a 360-degree fisheye video stream.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.18  3gpp-camera-calibration |R18|p. 401

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • 3gpp-camera-calibration
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • 3GPP Camaera Calibration attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Media level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used for signaling of camera calibration parametres for network-based stitching.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
  • See TS 26.114 Annex Y.6.6 for ABNF and detailed usage.
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.19  stitch_group |R18|p. 402

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • stitch_group
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • 3GPP Stitch Group attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Session level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used to group the to-be-stitched 2D video captures using the mid attribute for network-based stitching.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
  • See TS 26.114 Annex Y.6.6 for ABNF and detailed usage.
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.20  no_other_overlays |R18|p. 402

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • no_other_overlays
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • 3GPP No Other Overlays attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Media level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute?
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used to indicate that the MRF shall not group the 360-degree media stream from that ITT4RT-Tx client with overlay media streams from other ITT4RT clients.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
MUX Category for this Attribute:

M.21  3gpp-req-app |R18|p. 403

Contact name, email address, and telephone number:
  • 3GPP Specifications Manager
  • +33 (0)492944200
Attribute Name (as it will appear in SDP)
  • 3gpp-req-app
Long-form Attribute Name in English:
  • IMS data channel requesting application attribute
Type of Attribute
  • Media level
Is Attribute Value subject to the Charset Attribute
  • This Attribute is not dependent on charset.
Purpose of the attribute:
  • This attribute is used to identify a data channel application that uses application data channels.
Appropriate Attribute Values for this Attribute:
MUX Category for this Attribute:

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