
Content for  TS 23.008  Word version:  18.1.0

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3.4  Data related S-CSCF selection information |R5|p. 97

3.4.1  Server Capabilitiesp. 97

The Server Capabilities contains information to assist the I-CSCF in the selection of a S-CSCF for an IMS subscriber or a PSI user. For definition and handling of the data see TS 29.228 and TS 29.229.
The Server Capabilities information is permanent data and is stored in HSS.

3.4.2  S-CSCF Reassignment Pending Flag |R8|p. 97

The S-CSCF Reassignment Pending Flag, described in TS 29.228 indicates that the subscription can be reassigned to a new S-CSCF (i.e. the current S-CSCF is not responding).
The S-CSCF Reassignment Pending Flag is temporary data and is stored in the HSS.

3.5  Data related to Application and service triggers |R5|p. 97

For definition and handling of these data see TS 23.218.


3.5.2  Initial Filter Criteriap. 98

A set of Initial Filter Criteria are stored for each user, for each application or service that the user request may invoke. The relevant service points of interest are defined in clause 5.2 7 of TS 23.218.
Each set of filter criteria includes the Application Server Address, AS priority, Default Handling, Subscribed Media, Trigger Points and Optional Service Information.
For a PSI that is routed according to the basic IMS routing principles, Initial Filter criteria is mandatory in order to route towards the AS hosting the PSI.

3.5.3  Application Server Informationp. 98

The HSS may store Application Server specific information for each user. This information may include Service Key, Trigger Points, and Service Scripts etc. (see clause 9.3.1 of TS 23.218)

3.5.4  Service Indicationp. 98

The Service Indication, associated with a public user identity, identifies exactly one set of service related transparent data (see TS 29.328), which is stored in an HSS in an operator network. It is defined in TS 29.328.
The Service Indication is permanent subscriber data and is stored in the HSS and one or more ASs.

3.5.5  Shared iFC Set Identifierp. 98

Shared iFC Set Identifier identify sets of Initial Filter Criteria that may be shared by more than one IMS subscriber or PSI user. The translation from a Shared iFC Set Identifier to the set of initial Filter Criteria is performed in the S-CSCF based on operator configuration. The Shared iFC Set Identifier are permanent data stored in the HSS and in the S-CSCF.

3.5.6  Transparent Datap. 98

The Transparent Data is information stored in the HSS by the AS per Service Indication and Public User Identity or Public Service Identity (Repository Data). It is defined in TS 29.328. If the Public Service Identity matches a Wildcarded Public Service Identity, the transparent data shall be stored per Wildcarded PSI, and not for each specific Public Service Identity matching that Wildcarded PSI. Transparent Data for Wildcarded Public User Identities shall also be stored per Wildcarded Public User Identity, and not for each identity matching that Wildcarded Public User Identity. Transparent data for an Alias Public User Identity Set shall be stored and shared by each and every Public User Identity within the same Public User Identity Set.
The Transparent Data is temporary subscriber data and is stored in the HSS and one or more ASs.

3.5.7  Application Server Identity List |R6|p. 98

The Application Server Identity List is stored in the HSS per Public User Identity or Public Service Identity and per requested user data (data-reference) for a given expiration time. It identifies the application servers which subscribed to notifications of the user data updates and need to be notified when the data subscribed changes.
Application Server Identity List is temporary data and is stored in the HSS.

3.6  Data related to Core Network Services Authorization |R5|p. 99

3.6.1  Subscribed Media Profile Identifier |R6|p. 99

The Subscribed Media Profile Identifier identifies a set of session description parameters that the IMS subscriber or PSI user is authorized to request. The translation from the Profile Identifier to the set of subscribed media is performed in the S-CSCF based on operator configuration. The Subscribed Media Profile Identifier is permanent data stored in the HSS and in the S-CSCF.

3.6.2  List of Subscribed IMS Communication Service Identifiers |R7|p. 99

The list of subscribed IMS Communication Service Identifiers is associated with the IMS Public Identity and identifies the list of IMS communication services that the subscriber is authorized to use as specified in TS 23.228. The syntax of the IMS Communication Service Identifier is defined in TS 24.229. The usage of IMS Communication Service Identifier for policing the allowed IMS communication service is performed in the S-CSCF and in the AS based on operator configuration.
The List of Subscribed IMS Communication Service Identifiers is permanent data stored in the HSS and conditionally in the S-CSCF and AS.

3.7  Data related to Charging |R5|p. 99

The following charging function names shall be common to the entire IMS Subscription i.e. the same set of charging function names shall be returned for all the identities inside the same IMS Subscription.

3.7.1  Primary Event Charging Function Namep. 99

The Primary Event Charging Function Name identifies the primary Online Charging Function, which performs on-line charging. The format is specified in TS 29.229.
The Primary Event Charging Function Name is permanent data stored in the HSS and in the S-CSCF.

3.7.2  Secondary Event Charging Function Namep. 99

The Secondary Event Charging Function Name identifies the secondary Online Charging Function, which performs on-line charging. The format is specified in TS 29.229.
The Secondary Event Charging Function Name is permanent data stored in the HSS and in the S-CSCF.

3.7.3  Primary Charging Collection Function Namep. 99

The Primary Charging Collection Function Name identifies the primary Charging Data Function, which provides off-line charging support for IMS subscribers and PSIs. The format is specified in TS 29.229.
The Primary Charging Collection Function Name is permanent data stored in the HSS and in the S-CSCF.

3.7.4  Secondary Charging Collection Function Namep. 99

The Secondary Charging Collection Function Name identifies the secondary Charging Data Function, which provides off-line charging support for IMS subscribers and PSIs. The format is specified in TS 29.229.
The Secondary Charging Collection Function Name is permanent data stored in the HSS and in the S-CSCF.

3.8  Data related to CAMEL Support of IMS Services |R5|p. 99

The Data related to CAMEL Support of IMS Services are applicable to IMS subscribers only.

3.8.1  Originating IP Multimedia CAMEL Subscription Information (O-IM-CSI)p. 100

This data defines the contents of the Originating IP Multimedia CAMEL subscription information used to interwork with the gsmSCF for originating IP multimedia sessions. It consists of:
  • A TDP list. The TDP list is a list of TDP descriptions. Each TDP description contains the following elements:
    1. DP Value. The DP value identifies the DP in the O-IM-BCSM where service triggering may take place. For O-IM-CSI, the allowed DP values are DP Collected_info, DP Route_Select_Failure.
    2. A gsmSCF address. It is the gsmSCF address (E.164 number) where the CAMEL service is treated for the subscriber. A gsmSCF address is associated to each serviceKey.
    3. A serviceKey. The serviceKey identifies to the gsmSCF the service logic. A serviceKey is associated to each TDP.
    4. A default Call Handling. The default call handling indicates whether the IP Multimedia session shall be released or continued as requested in case of error in the IM-SSF to gsmSCF dialogue. A default Call Handling is associated to each serviceKey.
    5. DP criteria. The DP criteria indicates on which criteria the IM-SSF shall access the gsmSCF. DP criteria is associated to each TDP.
TDP Triggering Criteria (*) ServiceKey gsmSCF address Default Call Handling
DP Collected_ Info No Criterion
Number criteria
One ServiceKeyOne E.164 gsmSCF addressOne Default call handling
DP Route_Select_Failure No criterion
Cause value criteria
One ServiceKeyOne E.164 gsmSCF addressOne Default call handling
  • CAMEL capability handling. It gives the CAMEL phase associated to the O-IM-CSI (phase 4).
  • The CSI state. The CSI state indicates whether the O-IM-CSI is active or not. The CSI state is not sent to the IM-SSF.
  • The notification flag, the notification flag indicates whether changes of the O-IM-CSI shall trigger Notification on Change of Subscriber Data towards the gsmSCF and IM-SSF. The notification flag is not sent to the IM-SSF.

3.8.2  Terminating IP Multimedia CAMEL Subscription Information (VT-IM-CSI)p. 101

This data defines the contents of the terminating IP Multimedia CAMEL subscription information used to interwork with the gsmSCF for terminating IP multimedia sessions. It consists of:
  • A TDP list. The TDP list is a list of TDP descriptions. Each TDP description contains the following elements:
    1. DP Value. The DP value identifies the DP in the T-IM-BCSM where service triggering may take place. For VT-IM-CSI, the allowed DP values are DP Terminating_Attempt_Authorised, DP T_Busy, DP T_No_Answer.
    2. A gsmSCF address. It is the gsmSCF address (E.164 number) where the CAMEL service is treated for the subscriber. A gsmSCF address is associated to each serviceKey.
    3. A serviceKey. The serviceKey identifies to the gsmSCF the service logic. A serviceKey is associated to each TDP.
    4. A default Call Handling. The default call handling indicates whether the IP Multimedia session shall be released or continued as requested in case of error in the IM-SFF to gsmSCF dialogue. A default Call Handling is associated to each serviceKey.
    5. DP criteria. The DP criteria indicates on which criteria the IM-SSF shall access the gsmSCF. DP criteria is associated to each TDP.
TDP Triggering Criteria (*) ServiceKey gsmSCF address Default Call Handling
DP Terminating_ Attempt_AuthorisedNo CriterionOne serviceKeyOne E.164 gsmSCF addressOne Default call handling
DP T_Busy No criterion
Cause value criteria
One serviceKeyOne E.164 gsmSCF addressOne Default call handling
DP T_No_Answer No criterion
Cause value criteria
One service KeyOne E.164 gsmSCF addressOne Default call handling
  • CAMEL capability handling. It gives the CAMEL phase associated to the VT-IM-CSI (CAMEL phase 4).
  • The CSI state indicates whether the VT-IM-CSI is active or not. The CSI state is not sent to the IM-SSF.
  • Notification flag. The notification flag indicates whether the change of the VT-IM-CSI shall trigger Notification on Change of Subscriber data towards the gsmSCF and IM-SSF. The notification flag is not sent to the IM-SSF.

3.8.3  Dialled Services IP Multimedia CAMEL Subscription Information (D-IM-CSI)p. 102

This data defines the contents of the dialled service CAMEL subscription information used to interwork with the gsmSCF for originating and forwarded IP Multimedia sessions. It is applicable at TDP Analysed Info. It consists of:
  • DP Criteria list. This consists of 1 to 10 entries. Each entry shall contain the following items:
    1. DP Criterion. It indicates when the IM-SSF shall request gsmSCF for instructions. It is a destination number.
    2. A gsmSCF address. It is the gsmSCF address (E.164 number) where this Subscribed Dialled CAMEL service is treated for the subscriber. A gsmSCF address is associated to each DP Criterion.
    3. A serviceKey. The serviceKey identifies to the gsmSCF the service logic. A serviceKey is associated to each DP Criterion.
    4. A default Call Handling. It indicates whether the IP Multimedia session shall be released or continued as requested in case of error in the IM-SSF to gsmSCF dialogue. A default Call Handling is associated to each DP Criterion.
  • CAMEL capability handling. It indicates the CAMEL phase associated to the D-IM-CSI (CAMEL phase 4).
  • CSI state: indicates whether the D-IM-CSI is active or not. The CSI state is not sent to the IM-SSF.
  • Notification Flag. It indicates whether the change of the D-IM-CSI shall trigger the Notification on Change of Subscriber Data towards the gsmSCF and IM-SSF. The notification flag is not sent to the IM-SSF.

3.8.4  gsmSCF address for IM-CSIp. 102

This information element contains the list of gsmSCF address (E.164 address) to which Notification on Change of Subscriber Data is to be sent.

3.8.5  IM-SSF address for IM-CSIp. 102

This information element contains the IM-SSF address to which Notification on Change of Subscriber Data is to be sent. The IM-SSF address is entered in the HSS/HLR at UE registration and is deleted when the HSS/HLR initiates or is notified of the UE deregistration.

3.9  Data related to IMS Service Level Trace |R14|p. 102

3.9.1  IMS Service Level Trace Informationp. 102

The IMS Service Level Trace Information is utilised by the S-CSCF and the Application Server to enable service level tracing within the IMS Core Network. The content of the IMS Service Level Trace Information is defined in the management object specified in TS 24.323.
The IMS Service Level Trace Information is temporary subscriber data and is stored in the HSS, S-CSCF and Application Server.

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