
Content for  TS 38.106  Word version:  18.5.0

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1  Scopep. 31

The present document establishes the minimum RF characteristics of NR Repeater and network controlled repeater. For network controlled repeater (NCR), requirements for NCR-Fwd and NCR-MT apply. In this version of the specification mixed type NCR are not considered.

2  Referencesp. 31

The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.
  • References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific.
  • For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
  • For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document.
TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".
TS 38.104: "NR; Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception".
TR 25.942: "RF system scenarios".
Recommendation ITU-R SM.328: "Spectra and bandwidth of emissions".
ITU-R Recommendation SM.329: "Unwanted emissions in the spurious domain".
ITU-R Recommendation M.1545: "Measurement uncertainty as it applies to test limits for the terrestrial component of International Mobile Telecommunications - 2000".
TS 38.115-1: "NR; Repeater conformance testing - Part 1: Conducted conformance testing".
TS 38.115-2: "NR; Repeater conformance testing - Part 2: Radiated conformance testing".
ERC Recommendation 74-01, "Unwanted emissions in the spurious domain".
"Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)", Federal Communications Commission.
[11]  Void
[12]  Void
TS 38.101-1: "NR User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception; Part 1: Range 1 Standalone".
TS 38.101-2: "NR User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception: Part 2: Range 2 Standalone".
[15]  Void
[16]  Void
[17]  Void
[18]  Void
[19]  Void
TS 36.104: "Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception"
[21]  Void
TS 38.174: "NR; Integrated Access and Backhaul (IAB) radio transmission and reception".
TS 38.331: "NR; Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification".
TS 38.213: "NR; Physical layer procedures for control".
TS 38.321: "NR; Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol specification".
TS 38.211: "NR; Physical channels and modulation".
TS 38.306: "NR; User Equipment (UE) radio access capabilities".
TS 38.214: "NR; Physical layer procedures for data".
TR 38.901: "Study on channel model for frequencies from 0.5 to 100 GHz"

3  Definitions of terms, symbols and abbreviationsp. 32

3.1  Termsp. 32

For the purposes of the present document, the terms given in TR 21.905 and the following apply. A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in TR 21.905.
Antenna connector:
connector at the conducted interface of the repeater type 1-C
beam (of the antenna) is the main lobe of the radiation pattern of an antenna array
Beam centre direction:
direction equal to the geometric centre of the half-power contour of the beam
Beam direction pair:
data set consisting of the beam centre direction and the related beam peak direction
Beam peak direction:
direction where the maximum EIRP is found
beam which has a half-power contour that is essentially elliptical, the half-power beamwidths in the two pattern cuts that respectively contain the major and minor axis of the ellipse
Directional requirement:
requirement which is applied in a specific direction within the OTA coverage range.
Equivalent isotropic radiated power:
equivalent power radiated from an isotropic directivity device producing the same field intensity at a point of observation as the field intensity radiated in the direction of the same point of observation by the discussed device
Fractional bandwidth:
fractional bandwidth FBW is defined as
FBW = 200 ∙ (FFBWhigh – FFBWlow) / (FFBWhigh + FFBWlow)%
Gap between passbands:
frequency gap between two consecutive passbands that belong to the same operating band, where the RF requirements in the gap are based on co-existence for un-coordinated operation
Inter-passband gap:
The frequency gap between two supported consecutive passbands that belong to different operating bands.
Maximum passband output power:
mean power level measured per passband at the antenna connector, during the transmitter ON state in a specified reference condition
Maximum passband TRP output power:
mean power level measured per passband during the transmitter ON state in a specified reference condition and corresponding to the declared rated passband TRP output power (Prated,p,,TRP)
Measurement bandwidth:
RF bandwidth in which an emission level is specified
Multi-band connector:
Antenna Connector for a Multi-band repeater.
Multi-band repeater:
Repeater Type 1-C whose antenna connector is associated with a transmitter and/or receiver that is characterized by the ability to process two or more passband(s) in common active RF components simultaneously, where at least one passband is configured at a different operating band than the other passband(s) and where this different operating band is not a sub-band or superseding-band of another supported operating band
NCR type 1-C:
NCR-MT or NCR-Fwd at FR1 with a requirement set consisting only of conducted requirements defined at individual antenna connectors.
NCR type 1-H:
NCR-MT or NCR-Fwd operating at FR1 with a requirement set consisting of conducted requirements defined at individual TAB connectors and OTA requirements defined at RIB.
NCR type 2-O:
NCR-MT or NCR-Fwd operating at FR2 with a requirement set consisting only of OTA requirements defined at the RIB.
Nominal channel bandwidth:
Bandwidth calculated as min(100MHz, BWpassband) in FR1 or min(400MHz, BWpassband) in FR2. If this bandwidth is not defined for BS channel bandwidth for the operating band, nominal channel bandwidth shall be defined as the widest BS channel bandwidth for the operating band which is narrower than BWpassband.
Non-contiguous spectrum:
spectrum consisting of two or more passbands separated by inter-passband gap(s).
Operating band:
frequency range in which NR operates (paired or unpaired), that is defined with a specific set of technical requirements
OTA coverage range:
a common range of directions within which OTA requirements that are neither specified in the OTA peak directions sets nor as TRP requirement are intended to be met
OTA peak directions set:
set(s) of beam peak directions within which certain OTA requirements are intended to be met, where all OTA peak directions set(s) are subsets of the OTA coverage range
The frequency range in which the repeater operates in with operational configuration, this frequency range can correspond to one or several consecutive nominal channels, if they are not consecutive each subset of channels shall be considered as an individual passband, a repeater can have one or several passbands, all channels within the passband(s) shall belong to a single operator or collaborating operators.
Passband edge:
Frequency at the edge of the passband.
Radiated interface boundary:
operating band specific radiated requirements reference where the radiated requirements apply
Rated beam EIRP:
For a declared beam and beam direction pair, the rated beam EIRP level is the maximum power that the repeater is declared to radiate at the associated beam peak direction during the transmitter ON state.
Rated passband output power:
mean power level associated with a passband the manufacturer has declared to be available at the antenna connector, during the transmitter ON state in a specified reference condition.
Rated passband TRP output power:
mean power level declared by the manufacturer per passband, that the manufacturer has declared to be available at the RIB during the transmitter ON state
Rated total output power:
mean power level associated with a particular operating band the manufacturer has declared to be available at the antenna connector, during the transmitter ON state in a specified reference condition
Rated total TRP output power:
mean power level associated with a particular operating band, that the manufacturer has declared to be available at the RIB during the transmitter ON state in a specified reference condition
Reference beam direction pair:
Beam direction pair in the reference direction declared by the manufacturer.
Repeater type 1-C:
Repeater operating at FR1 with a requirement set consisting only of conducted requirements defined at individual antenna connectors.
Repeater type 2-O:
Repeater operating at FR2 with a requirement set consisting only of OTA requirements defined at the RIB.
Requirement set:
one of the NR requirements set as defined for NR repeater
Single-band connector:
Repeater type 1-C antenna connector supporting operation either in a single operating band only, or in multiple operating bands but does not meet the conditions for a multi-band connector.
A sub-band of an operating band contains a part of the uplink and downlink frequency range of the operating band.
one contiguous allocated block of spectrum for transmission and reception by the repeater.
A superseding-band of an operating band includes the whole of the uplink and downlink frequency range of the operating band.
Total radiated power:
is the total power radiated by the antenna
Transmitter OFF state:
Time period during which the repeater downlink or uplink is not allowed to transmit in the corresponding direction.
Transmitter ON state:
Time period during which the repeater is transmitting downlink or uplink signals in the corresponding direction.
Transmitter transient period:
Time period during which the repeater is changing from the OFF state to the ON state or vice versa.

3.2  Symbolsp. 35

For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:
Transmission bandwidth configuration, where BWConfig = NRB x SCS x 12
Nominal channel bandwidth
Passband bandwidth
Separation between the passband edge frequency and the nominal -3 dB point of the measuring filter closest to the carrier frequency
f_offsetmax minus half of the bandwidth of the measuring filter
Maximum offset of the operating band unwanted emissions mask from the operating band edge
The lowest frequency of the downlink operating band
The highest frequency of the downlink operating band
Highest supported frequency within supported operating band, for which fractional bandwidth support was declared
Lowest supported frequency within supported operating band, for which fractional bandwidth support was declared
Filter centre frequency
Frequency offset from FC,high to the upper passband edge
Frequency offset from FC,low to the lower passband edge
Separation between the passband edge frequency and the centre of the measuring
The offset to the frequency ΔfOBUE outside the operating band
Frequency steps for the OTA transmitter spurious emissions (Category B)
The lowest frequency of the uplink operating band
The highest frequency of the uplink operating band
Declared emission level for Band n50/n75; ind = a, b
Declared emission level for Band n54; ind = a, b, c, d, e, f
Rated passband output power per antenna connector
Rated total output power declared per antenna connector
Rated passband EIRP output power
Rated passband TRP output power declared per RIB
Rated total TRP output power declared per RIB
Input power intended to produce the maximum rated output power (Prated,p,AC) at the antenna connector
Input power intended to produce the maximum rated output power (Prated,p,TRP) at the RIB
The rated output EIRP for the higher supported frequency range within supported operating band, for which fractional bandwidth support was declared
The rated output EIRP for the lower supported frequency range within supported operating band, for which fractional bandwidth support was declared
Maximum passband output power measured per antenna connector
Maximum passband EIRP output power when repeater is configured at the rated passband TRP output power (Prated,p,TRP)
Maximum passband TRP output power measured per RIB
Inter passband Bandwidth gap size

3.3  Abbreviationsp. 36

For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in TR 21.905 and the following apply. An abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in TR 21.905.
Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio
Angle of Arrival
Beam Failure Detection
Bandwidth Part
Cumulative ACLR
Candidate Beam Detection
Cyclic Prefix-OFDM
Channel State Information - Reference Signal
Discrete Fourier Transform-spread-OFDM
Demodulation Reference Signal
Effective Isotropic Radiated Power
Error Vector Magnitude
Fractional Bandwidth
Frequency Range
Radiocommunication Sector of the International Telecommunication Union
Local Area
Medium Range
Network Controlled Repeater
NCR Mobile Termination
NCR Forward
New Radio
Operating Band Unwanted Emissions
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
Quasi Co-Location
Radio Frequency
Radiated Interface Boundary
Radio Link Monitoring
Reference Signal for RLM
Remaining Minimum System Information
Reference Signal Received Power
Standalone operation mode
Sub-Carrier Spacing
SSB-based Measurement Timing configuration
Synchronization Signal based Reference Signal Received Power
Synchronization Signal Block
Secondary Synchronization Signal
Transmission Configuration Indicator
Tracking Reference Signal
Total Radiated Power
Wide Area

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