
Content for  TS 33.128  Word version:  18.7.0

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7.14  LI at EESp. 367

7.14.1  Provisioning over LI_X1p. 367  Provisioning of IRI-POI in EESp. 367

The IRI-POI present in the EES is provisioned over LI_X1 by the LIPF using the X1 protocol as described in clause 5.2.2.
The POI in the EES shall support the identifier types given in Table 7.14.1-1.
Identifier Owner ETSI TS 103 221-1 [7] TargetIdentifier type Definition
eECID3GPPTargetIdentifierExtensionSee XSD schema
Table 7.14.1-2 shows the minimum details of the LI_X1 ActivateTask message used for provisioning the IRI-POI in the EES.
If the IRI-POI in the EES receives an ActivateTask message and the ListOfServiceTypes parameter contains a ServiceType that is not supported, the IRI-POI in the EES shall reject the task with an appropriate error as described in ETSI TS 103 221-1 [7] clause
ETSI TS 103 221-1 [7] field name Description M/C/O
XIDXID assigned by LIPF.M
TargetIdentifiersOne of the target identifiers listed in the paragraph above.M
DeliveryType Set to "X2Only". M
ListOfDIDs Delivery endpoints for LI_X2 for the IRI-POI in the EES. These delivery endpoints are configured using the CreateDestination message as described in ETSI TS 103 221-1 [7] clause 6.3.1 prior to the task activation.M
ListOfServiceTypes Shall be included when the task should only intercept specific CSP service types as described in clause 5.2.4. This parameter is defined in ETSI TS 103 221-1 [7] clause, Table 4.C
Up  Provisioning of the MDF2p. 367

The MDF2 listed as the delivery endpoint over LI_X2 for xIRI generated by the EES shall be provisioned over LI_X1 by the LIPF.
The target identities listed in clause shall apply for the provisioning of MDF2.
Table 7.14.1-3 shows the minimum details of the LI_X1 ActivateTask message used for provisioning the MDF2.
ETSI TS 103 221-1 [7] field name Description M/C/O
XIDXID assigned by LIPF.M
TargetIdentifiersOne or more of the target identifiers listed in clause
DeliveryType Set to "X2Only". (Ignored by the MDF2). M
ListOfDIDs Delivery endpoints of LI_HI2. These delivery endpoints shall be configured using the CreateDestination message as described in ETSI TS 103 221-1 [7] clause 6.3.1 prior to first use.M
ListOfMediationDetails Sequence of Mediation Details. See Table 7.14.1-4.M
ETSI TS 103 221-1 [7] field name Description M/C/O
LIIDLawful Intercept ID associated with the task.M
DeliveryType Set to "HI2Only". M
ListOfDIDsDetails of where to send the IRI for this LIID. Shall be included if deviation from the ListofDIDs in the ActivateTask message is necessary. If included, the ListOfDIDs in the Mediation Details shall be used instead of any delivery destinations authorised by the ListOfDIDs field in the ActivateTask Message.C
ServiceScoping Using the format defined in ETSI TS 103 221-1 [7] include the service scoping as applicable to this LIID based on the service scoping listed above the table.C
When an additional warrant is activated on a target UE and the LIPF uses the same XID for the additional warrant, the MDF2 shall be able to generate and deliver IRI message for each additional warrant without receiving a corresponding xIRI.

7.14.2  Generation of xIRI at IRI-POI in EES over LI_X2p. 368  Generalp. 368

The IRI-POI present in the EES shall send the xIRIs over LI_X2 for each of the events listed in clause 7.14.4 of TS 33.127, the details of which are described in the following clauses.  EEC registration and deregistrationp. 368

The IRI-POI in the EES shall generate an xIRI containing an EESEECRegistration record when the IRI-POI present in the EES detects that an EEC has registered, updated its registration or deregistered. The IRI-POI present in the EES shall generate the xIRI for the following events:
  • EES returns Eees_EECRegistration_Request response towards the EEC confirming the registration of the EEC for the target UE to the EES (as defined in clause of TS 24.558).
  • EES returns Eees_EECRegistration_Update response towards the EEC confirming the update of the registration information of the EEC for the target UE at the EES (as defined in clause of TS 24.558).
  • EES returns Eees_EECRegistration_Deregister response towards the EEC confirming the deregistration of the EEC for the target UE from a given EES (as defined in clause of TS 24.558).
Field Name Description M/C/O
registrationType Types of registration. Possible values are: "Registration", "Registration Update", "Deregistration". M
eECIDUnique identifier of the EEC.M
gPSIGPSI of the target UE, if available.C
aCProfiles Profiles of application clients (ACs) for which the EEC provides edge enabling services, if available. See Table 7.14.2-2.C
eECServiceContSupportACR (Application Context Relocation) scenarios supported by the EEC for service continuity if any.C
expirationTime Expiration time for the registration. If absent for registration types "Registration" and "Registration Update", registration of EEC never expires. C
eECContextIDUnique identifier of the EEC context if available.C
srcEESIDIdentifier of the EES providing the EEC context identifier, if available.C
unfulfilledACProfiles If requirements indicated in the AC profile(s) cannot be fulfilled for some of the AC profile(s), the EES shall include "unfulfilledAcProfiles" attribute containing the list of ACIDs of such AC Profile(s) and appropriate reasons, if available. C
failureResponseCause information when the registration, registration update or deregistration has failed, if available.C
Field Name Description M/C/O
aCIDApplication client identity.M
aCTypeCategory or type of application client, if available.C
aCScheduleExpected operation schedule of the AC (e.g. time windows) if available.C
expACGeoServAreaExpected location(s) of the hosting UE during the AC's operation schedule, if available.C
eASsInfo List of EAS that serve the AC along with the service KPIs required by the AC if available. See Table 7.14.2-3.C
aCServiceContSupportACR scenarios supported by the AC for service continuity, if any.C
Field Name Description M/C/O
eASIdEAS identity.M
expectedSvcKPIs KPIs expected in order for Acs to receive currently required services from the EAS. See Table 7.14.2-4.C
minimumReqSvcKPIs Minimum KPIs required in order for Acs to receive meaningful services from the EAS. See Table 7.14.2-4.C
Field Name Description M/C/O
connectionBandwidthRequired connection bandwidth in Kbit/s for the application.C
requestRateRequest rate to be generated by the AC.C
responseTimeResponse time required for the server servicing the requests.C
requestedAvailabilityPercentage of time the server is required to be available for the AC's use.C
requestedComputeCompute resources required by the AC.C
requestedGraphComputeGraphical compute resources required by the AC.C
requestedMemoryMemory resources required by the AC.C
requestedStorageStorage resources required by the AC.C
Up  EAS discoveryp. 369

The IRI-POI in the EES shall generate an xIRI containing an EESEASDiscovery record when the IRI-POI present in the EES detects that an EEC has requested a one-time EAS discovery information. The IRI-POI present in the EES shall generate the xIRI for the following events:
  • EES returns Eees_EASDiscovery_Request response to the EEC containing a one-time EAS discovery information (as defined in clause of TS 24.558).
Field Name Description M/C/O
eECIDUnique identifier of the EEC.M
gPSIGPSI of the target UE, if available.C
eASDiscoveryFilterSet of characteristics to determine required EASs, if available.C
eECServiceContSupportACR scenarios supported by the EEC for service continuity if any.C
locationInfoLocation information of the target UE, if available.C
eASTargetDNAIsTarget DNAI information which can be associated with potential target EAS(s), if available.C
discoveredEASList of discovered EAS(s), if available.C
failureResponseCause information when the discovery request has failed, if available.C
Field Name Description M/C/O
aCCharacteristics Acs for which a matching EAS is needed. See Table 7.14.2-2.C
eASCharacteristics Characteristics of required EASs. See Table 7.14.2-7.C
Either aCCharacteristics or eASCharacteristics shall be present.
Field Name Description M/C/O
eASIDEAS Identity, if available.C
aSPIDIdentity of the ASP which provides the EAS, if available.C
eASTypeEAS type or category, if available.C
eASScheduleAvailability schedule of the EAS (e.g. time windows), if available.C
eASProfile Profiles of the discovered EASs, if available. See Table 7.14.2-8.C
eASServiceAreaList of geographical and topological service areas that the EAS serves, if available.C
eASServicePermLevelLevel of service permissions (e.g. trial, gold-class) supported by the EAS, if available.C
Field Name Description M/C/O
eASProfile Profiles of the discovered EASs. See Table 7.14.2-9.C
lifetimeTime duration in seconds for which the EAS information is valid and supposed to be cached in the EEC.C
Field Name Description M/C/O
eASIDEAS Identity.M
eASEndpointEndpoint information (e.g. URI, FQDN, IP address) used to communicate with the EAS.M
aCIDsIdentities of the AC(s) that can be served by the EAS, if available.C
aSPIDIdentity of the ASP which provides the EAS, if available.C
eASTypeEAS type or category, if available.C
eASDescriptionHuman-readable description of the EAS.C
eASScheduleAvailability schedule of the EAS (e.g. time windows), if available.C
eASServiceAreaList of geographical and topological service areas that the EAS serves, if available.C
eASServiceKPIsService characteristics provided by the EAS.C
eASServicePermLevelLevel of service permissions (e.g. trial, gold-class) supported by the EAS, if available.C
eASServiceFeaturesService features e.g. single vs. multi-player gaming service supported by the EAS, if available.C
eASServiceContSupportACR scenarios supported by the EAS for service continuity if any.C
appLocsList of DNAI(s) and the corresponding N6 traffic routing information/routing profile ID, associated with the EAS, if available.C
eASStatusEAS status (e.g. Enabled, Disabled etc.), if available.C
Up  EAS discovery subscriptionp. 370

The IRI-POI in the EES shall generate an xIRI containing an EESEASDiscoverySubscription record when the IRI-POI present in the EES detects that an EEC has requested to subscribe, update subscription and unsubscribe to EAS discovery information reporting. The IRI-POI present in the EES shall generate the xIRI for the following events:
  • EES returns Eees_EASDiscovery_Subscribe response to the EEC confirming its subscription to EAS discovery information reporting (as defined in clause of TS 24.558).
  • EES returns Eees_EASDiscovery_UpdateSubscription response to the EEC confirming the update of its subscription at the EES for EAS discovery information reporting (as defined in clause of TS 24.558).
  • EES returns Eees_EASDiscovery_Unsubscribe response to the EEC confirming the deletion of an existing subscription at the EES to EAS discovery information reporting (as defined in clause of TS 24.558)
Field Name Description M/C/O
eECIDUnique identifier of the EEC.M
gPSIGPSI of the target UE, if available.C
subscriptionType Subscription type, i.e. "Subscription", "Subscription Update" or "Unsubscription". M
eASEventTypeEvent type for which the EEC shall be notifiedM
eASDiscoveryFilterSet of characteristics to determine required EASs, if available.C
eASDynamicInfoFilter List of EAS dynamic information required by the EEC per EAS, if available. See Table 7.14.2-11.C
eECServiceContSupportACR scenarios supported by the EC for service continuity if any.C
expirationTime Expiration time for the subscription. If absent for subscription types "Subscription" and "Subscription Update", EAS discovery subscription from EEC never expires. C
subscriptionIdSubscription identity, if available.C
failureResponseCause information when the discovery request has failed, if available.C
Field Name Description M/C/O
eASIdEAS identifier.M
eASStatusNotify if EAS status changed.C
eASACIDsNotify if list of AC identifiers changed.C
eASDescriptionNotify if EAS description changed.C
eASEndpointNotify if EAS endpoint changed.C
eASFeatureNotify if EAS feature changed.C
eASScheduleNotify if EAS schedule changed.C
eASServiceAreaNotify if EAS service area changed.C
eASServiceKPIsNotify if EAS KPIs changed.C
eASServiceContinuityNotify if EAS supported ACR changed.C
Up  EAS discovery notificationp. 371

The IRI-POI in the EES shall generate an xIRI containing an EESEASDiscoveryNotification record when the IRI-POI present in the EES detects that the EES has notified a previously subscribed EEC on EAS discovery information. The IRI-POI present in the EES shall generate the xIRI for the following events:
  • EES receives an Eees_EASDiscovery_Notify response from an EEC confirming that the subscribed EEC has received EAS discovey information (as defined in clause of TS 24.558).
Field Name Description M/C/O
subscriptionIDIdentity of the individual subscription for which the notification is delivered.M
eventTypeEvent type for which the notification is delivered;M
discoveredEAS List of EAS discovery information. See Table 7.14.2-8.M
failureResponseCause information when the discovery notification request has failed, if available.C
Up  Application context relocationp. 372

The IRI-POI in the EES shall generate an xIRI containing an EESAppContextRelocation record when the IRI-POI present in the EES detects that an EEC has requested ACR (Application Context Relocation) determination.or ACR initiation. The IRI-POI present in the EES shall generate the xIRI for the following events:
  • EES returns Eees_AppContextRelocation_Determine response to the EEC confirming that EEC has carried out ACR determination (as defined in clause of TS 24.558). EEC requests that the EES evaluates if ACR is needed and subsequently initiate the ACR procedure if required.
  • EES returns Eees_AppContextRelocation_Initiate response to the EEC confirming that EEC has carried out ACR initiation (as defined in clause of TS 24.558). EEC requests initiation of an ACR procedure.
Field name Value M/C/O
eECIDUnique identifier of the EEC.M
gPSIGPSI of the target UE, if available.C
aCRDetermineReq See Table 7.14.2-14.C
aCRInitiateReq See Table 7.14.2-15.C
Field Name Description M/C/O
eASIDIdentifier of the EAS, if available.C
aCIDIdentifier of the AC, if available.C
sEASEndpointEndpoint information of the selected S-EAS.M
Field Name Description M/C/O
eASIDIdentifier of the EAS, if available.C
aCIDIdentifier of the AC, if available.C
tEASEndpointEndpoint information of the T-EAS (target EAS).M
sEASEndpointEndpoint information of the S-EAS (serving EAS).C
previousTEASEndpointEndpoint information of the previous T-EAS.C
routeReqT-EAS's DNAI information and corresponding N6 traffic routing information and/or routing profile ID, if available.C
Up  Application context relocation information subscriptionp. 372

The IRI-POI in the EES shall generate an xIRI containing an EESACRSubscription record when the IRI-POI present in the EES detects that an EEC has requested to subscribe, update subscription and unsubscribe to ACR events. The IRI-POI present in the EES shall generate the xIRI for the following events:
  • EES returns Eees_ACREvents_Subscribe response to the EEC confirming its subscription for reporting of ACR information notification (as defined in clause of TS 24.558).
  • EES returns Eees_ACREvents_UpdateSubscription response to the EEC confirming the update of its subscription for reporting of ACR information notification (as defined in clause of TS 24.558).
  • EES returns Eees_ACREvents_Unsubscribe response to the EEC confirming the deletion of an existing subscription at the EES to ACR events (as defined in clause of TS 24.558)
Field Name Description M/C/O
eECIDUnique identifier of the EEC.M
gPSIGPSI of the target UE, if available.C
subscriptionType Subscription type, i.e. "Subscription", "Subscription Update" or "Unsubscription". M
expirationTime Expiration time for the subscription. If absent for subscription types "Subscription" and "Subscription Update", application context relocation subscription from EEC never expires. C
eASIDsList of identifier of the EASs, if available.M
aCIDsList of identifier of the ACs, if available.C
eventIDsSpecifies the events for which EEC is subscribing.M
subscriptionIdSubscription identity, if availableC
failureResponseCause information when the discovery request has failed, if available.C
Up  Application context relocation information notificationp. 373

The IRI-POI in the EES shall generate an xIRI containing an EESACRNotification record when the IRI-POI present in the EES detects that the EES has notify a previously subscribed EEC on EAS discovery information. The IRI-POI present in the EES shall generate the xIRI for the following events:
  • EES receives an Eees_ACREvents_Notify response from an EEC confirming that the subscribed EEC has received a notification of the ACR information events from EES (as defined in clause of TS 24.558).
Field Name Description M/C/O
subscriptionIDIdentity of the individual subscription for which the notification is delivered.M
eASIDIdentifier of the EAS.M
eventIDsSpecifies the events for which notification is sent.M
targetInfo Details of the selected T-EAS and the T-EES. It is present when EventID indicates "TARGET_INFORMATION" event. C
aCRRes Indicates whether the ACR is successful or has failed. It is present when EventID indicates "ACR_COMPLETE" event. C
failReasonIndicates the cause information for the failure when the ACRRes attribute is present and indicates failure, if available.C
Up  EEC context relocationp. 373

The IRI-POI in the EES shall generate an xIRI containing an EESEECContextRelocation record when the IRI-POI present in the EES detects that the EES has sent or received the EEC context relocation information. The IRI-POI present in the EES shall generate the xIRI for the following events according to its new serving EE (referred to as target EES in TS 24.558 or current serving EES (referred to as source EES in TS 24.558) role:
  • Target EES (T-EES) receives an Eees_EECContextRelocation_Pull response from a Source EES (S-EES) upon request from the T-EES to S-EES (as defined in clause of TS 29.558).
  • T-EES sends an Eees_EECContextRelocation_Push response to a S-EES upon request from the S-EES to T-EES (as defined in clause of TS 29.558).
  • S-EES sends an Eees_EECContextRelocation_Pull response to a T-EES.
  • S-EES receives an Eees_EECContextRelocation_Push response from a T-EES.
Field Name Description M/C/O
eECIDUnique identifier of the EEC.M
gPSIGPSI of the target UE, if available.C
cntxtIDUnique identifier of the EEC context.M
uELocLatest location information of the target UE, that is available at the EES, if available.C
aCProfiles Profiles of application clients (ACs) for which the EEC provides edge enabling services, if available. See Table 7.14.2-2.C
Up  Start of interception with registered EECp. 374

The IRI-POI in the AES shall generate an xIRI containing an EESStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredEEC record when the IRI-POI present in the EES detects that interception is activated on a UE which EEC has already registered with an EES.
Field Name Description M/C/O
eECIDUnique identifier of the EEC.M
gPSIGPSI of the target UE, if available.C
aCProfiles Profiles of application clients (ACs) for which the EEC provides edge enabling services, if available. See Table 7.14.2-2.C
eECServiceContSupportACR scenarios supported by the EEC for service continuity if any.C
expirationTime Expiration time for the registration. If absent for registration types "Registration" and "Registration Update", registration of EEC never expires. C
eECContextIDUnique identifier of the EEC context, if available.C
srcEESIDIdentifier of the EES providing the EEC context identifier, if available.C
unfulfilledACProfiles If requirements indicated in the AC profile(s) cannot be fulfilled for some of the AC profile(s), the EES shall include "unfulfilledAcProfiles" attribute containing the list of ACIDs of such AC Profile(s) and appropriate reasons, if available. C
timeOfRegistrationTime at which the last registration occurred, if available.C
Up  Generation of IRI over LI_HI2p. 374

When an xIRI is received over LI_X2 from the IRI-POI in the EES, the MDF2 shall send the IRI message over LI_HI2 without undue delay. The IRI message shall contain a copy of the relevant record received from LI_X2. The record may be enriched by other information available at the MDF (e.g. additional location information).
The timestamp field of the ETSI TS 102 232-1 [9] PSHeader structure shall be set to the time at which the EES event was observed (i.e. the timestamp field of the xIRI).
The IRI type parameter (see ETSI TS 102 232-1 [9] clause 5.2.10) shall be included and coded according to Table 7.14.2-19.
IRI message Record type
The threeGPP33128DefinedIRI field (see ETSI TS 102 232-7 [10] clause 15) shall be populated with the BER-encoded IRIPayload.
When an additional warrant is activated on a target UE and the LIPF uses the same XID for the additional warrant, the MDF2 shall be able to generate and deliver the IRI message containing the EESStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredEEC record to the LEMF associated with the additional warrant without receiving a corresponding xIRI. The payload of the EESStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredEEC record is specified in Table 7.14.2-18. The MDF2 shall generate and deliver the IRI message containing the EESStartOfInterceptionWithRegistered record for each of the registrations to the LEMF associated with the new warrant.
MDF2 delivers the IRI to the LEMF with GPSI as the target identity if and only if GPSI is present in the xIRI.

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