
Content for  TS 33.128  Word version:  18.6.0

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7.7.4  LI for MSISDN-less MO SMSp. 257  Generation of xIRI LI_X2 at IRI-POI in NEF over LI_X2p. 257  Generalp. 257
The IRI-POI present in the NEF shall send the xIRIs over LI_X2 for each of the events listed in clause of TS 33.127, the details of which are described in the following clauses.  MSISDN-less MO SMSp. 257
The IRI-POI in the NEF shall generate an xIRI containing a NEFMSISDNLessMOSMS record when the IRI-POI present in the NEF detects that a target UE has sent a MSISDN-less MO SMS to an AF.
Accordingly, the IRI-POI in the NEF generates the xIRI when any of the following events is detected:
  • NEF receives a SGd MO-Forward-Short-Message-Request (OFR) from an SM-SC with SUPI matching the target identifier (see clause 6.2.1 of TS 29.338).
  • NEF sends a Nnef_MSISDN-less_MO_SMSNotify service operation to the AF with the GPSI of the target UE sending the MSISDN-less SMS as described in clause 4.4.10 of TS 29.522.
Field name Value M/C/O
sUPISUPI associated with the target UE.M
gPSIGPSI in the form of an external identifier as username@realm and corresponding to the identity of the originating SMS party.M
terminatingSMSPartyIdentity of the AF receiving the SMS.M
sourcePortport identifying the application of the target UE sending the MSISN-less MO SMS.C
destinationPortport identifying the application of the AF which is the recipient of the MSISN-less MO SMS.C
Up  Generation of IRI over LI_HI2p. 257

When an xIRI is received over LI_X2 from the IRI-POI in the NEF, the MDF2 shall send the IRI message over LI_HI2 without undue delay. The IRI message shall contain a copy of the relevant record received from LI_X2. The record may be enriched by other information available at the MDF (e.g. additional location information).
The timestamp field of the ETSI TS 102 232-1 [9] PSHeader structure shall be set to the time at which the NEF event was observed (i.e. the timestamp field of the xIRI).
The IRI type parameter (see ETSI TS 102 232-1 [9] clause 5.2.10) shall be included and coded according to Table 7.7.4-2.
IRI message Record type

7.7.5  LI for parameter provisioningp. 258  Generation of xIRI LI_X2 at IRI-POI in NEF over LI_X2p. 258  Generalp. 258
The IRI-POI present in the NEF shall send the xIRIs over LI_X2 for each of the events listed in clause of TS 33.127, the details of which are described in the following clauses.  Expected UE behavior updatep. 258
The IRI-POI in the NEF shall generate an xIRI containing an NEFExpectedUEBehaviorUpdate record when the IRI-POI present in the NEF detects that an AF has updated the UE Expected behavior data.
Accordingly, the IRI-POI in the NEF generates the xIRI when any of the following events is detected (see clauses and of TS 29.503):
  • NEF receives a NEF_ParameterProvision_Create Request or NEF_ParameterProvision_Update Request from an AF, related to the target UE.
  • NEF receives a NEF_ParameterProvision_Delete Request from an AF to delete the existing UE Expected Behaviour parameters related to the target UE.
  • NEF returns a NEF_ParameterProvision_Get Response containing the UE Expected Behavior of the target UE to the querying AF.
Field name Value M/C/O
gPSIGPSI of the target UE to which the expected UE behavior applies.M
expectedUEMovingTrajectoryIdentifies the UE's expected geographical movement.O
stationaryIndicationIdentifies whether the UE is stationary or mobile.O
communicationDurationTimeIndicates for how long the UE will normally stay in CM-Connected for data transmission expressed in seconds.O
periodicTimeInterval Time of periodic communication in seconds.O
scheduledCommunicationTimeTime and day of the week when the UE is available for communication, as defined in TS 29.571.O
batteryIndicationIdentifies power consumption criticality for the UE: if the UE is battery powered but the battery is not rechargeable/not replaceable, battery powered with rechargeable/replaceable battery, or not battery powered.O
trafficProfileIdentifies the type of data transmission: single packet transmission (UL or DL), dual packet transmission (UL with subsequent DL or DL with subsequent UL), multiple packets transmission.O
scheduledCommunicationTypeIndicates that the Scheduled Communication Type is Downlink only or Uplink only or Bi-directional.O
expectedTimeAndDayOfWeekInTrajectoryIdentifies the time and day of week when the UE is expected to be at each location included in the Expected UE Moving Trajectory.O
aFIDAF identity requesting expected UE behavior update.M
validityTimeIdentifies when the expected UE behavior parameter set expires and shall be deleted. If absent, it indicates that there is no expiration time for this parameter set.O
Up  Generation of IRI over LI_HI2p. 258

When an xIRI is received over LI_X2 from the IRI-POI in the NEF, the MDF2 shall send the IRI message over LI_HI2 without undue delay. The IRI message shall contain a copy of the relevant record received from LI_X2. The record may be enriched by other information available at the MDF (e.g. additional location information).
The timestamp field of the ETSI TS 102 232-1 [9] PSHeader structure shall be set to the time at which the NEF event was observed (i.e. the timestamp field of the xIRI).
The IRI type parameter (see ETSI TS 102 232-1 [9] clause 5.2.10) shall be included and coded according to Table 7.7.5-2.
IRI message Record type

7.7.6  LI for AF session with QoSp. 259  Generation of xIRI at IRI-POI in NEF over LI_X2p. 259  Generalp. 259
The IRI-POI present in the NEF shall send the xIRIs over LI_X2 for each of the events listed in clause of TS 33.127, the details of which are described in the following clauses.  AF session with QoS provisionp. 259
The IRI-POI in the NEF shall generate an xIRI containing an NEFAFSessionWithQoSProvision record when the IRI-POI present in the NEF detects that an AF has requested the NEF to provide, update or revoke a specific QoS for an AF session.
Accordingly, the IRI-POI in the NEF generates the xIRI when any of the following events is detected (see clause 4.4.9 of TS 29.522):
  • NEF returns a Nnef_AFsessionWithQoS_Create Response in response to Nnef_AFsessionWithQoS_Create Request received from an AF to provide a specific QoS for an AF session related to a target UE.
  • NEF returns a Nnef_AFsessionWithQoS_Update Response in response toNnef_ AFsessionWithQoS_Update Request received from an AF to update the QoS for an AF session related to a target UE.
  • NEF returns a Nnef_AFsessionWithQoS_Revoke Response in response to Nnef_ AFsessionWithQoS_Revoke Request received from an AF to revoke the QoS for an AF session related to a target UE.
Field name Value M/C/O
gPSIGPSI of the target UE the AF session with required QoS applies to.M
aFIDAF identity requesting AF session with required QoS.M
aFSessionWithQoSOpTypeType of operation for AF session with required QoS : POST to provision, PUT and PATCH to update and DELETE to revoke.M
aFSessionWithQoSSubscription Includes an ASSessionWithQoSSubscription resource according to clause A.14 of TS 29.122. The SBIReference for this parameter shall be populated with 'TS29122_AsSessionWithQoS.yaml#/­components/­schemas/­­AsSessionWithQoSSubscription'. Present only if the aFSessionWithQoSOpType is set to "POST" or "PUT". C
aFSessionWithQoSSubscriptionPatch Includes a ASSessionWithQoSSubscriptionPatch resource according to clause A.14 of TS 29.122. The SBIReference for this parameter shall be populated with 'TS29122_AsSessionWithQoS.yaml#/­components/­schemas/­AsSessionWithQoSSubscriptionPatch'. Present only if the aFSessionWithQoSOpType is set to "PATCH". C
aFSessionWithQoSResponseCodeIdentifies the response code associated to the AFSessionWithQoS operation executed by the NEF.M
Up  AF session with QoS notificationp. 260
The IRI-POI in the NEF shall generate an xIRI containing an NEFAFSessionWithQoSNotification record when the IRI-POI present in the NEF detects that the NEF has notified the AF about the outcome of QoS reservation or update.
Accordingly, the IRI-POI in the NEF generates the xIRI when any of the following events is detected (see clauses 4.4.9 of TS 29.522):
  • NEF receives a Nnef_AFsessionWithQoS_Notify Response in response to Nnef_AFsessionWithQoS_Notify Request sent to AF to notify changes in the transmission resource status of an AF session associated with the target UE.
Field name Value M/C/O
gPSIGPSI of the target UE the AF session with required QoS applies to.M
userPlaneNotificationData Includes a userPlaneNotificationData resource according to clause A.14 of TS 29.122. The SBIReference for this parameter shall be populated with 'TS29122_AsSessionWithQoS.yaml#/components/schemas/ UserPlaneNotificationData'. M
aFSessionWithQoSResponseCodeIdentifies the response code returned by AF associated to the AFSessionWithQoS notification sent by NEF to AF.M
Up  Generation of IRI over LI_HI2p. 260

When an xIRI is received over LI_X2 from the IRI-POI in the NEF, the MDF2 shall send the IRI message over LI_HI2 without undue delay. The IRI message shall contain a copy of the relevant record received from LI_X2. The record may be enriched by other information available at the MDF (e.g. additional location information).
The timestamp field of the ETSI TS 102 232-1 [9] PSHeader structure shall be set to the time at which the NEF event was observed (i.e. the timestamp field of the xIRI).
The IRI type parameter (see ETSI TS 102 232-1 [9] clause 5.2.10) shall be included and coded according to Table
IRI message Record type

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