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7.4  Application layerp. 56

7.4.0  Overall descriptionp. 56

The application protocol consists of an ordered set of exchanges between the application layer and the transport layer of the terminal. Application protocols are defined in subsequent parts of the present document.
Each step in an application layer exchange consists of a command-response pair, where the application layer of the terminal sends a command to the UICC via the transport layer of the terminal, and the UICC processes it and sends a response to application layer of terminal using the transport layer of the UICC and the transport layer of terminal. Each specific command (C-APDU) has a specific response (R-APDU). The commands and responses are called command messages and response messages. The structure of the C-APDU can be found in clause 10.2. The structure of the R-APDU can be found in clause 10.2.
Both command and response messages may contain data. Thus, four cases shall be managed by the transmission protocols via the transport layer, as shown in Table 7.11.
Case Command data Response data

7.4.1  Exchange of APDUsp. 56

Figure 7.14 shows the principle exchange of command/response pairs.
Reproduction of ETSI TS 31.ETSI-102-221, Fig. 7.14:

7.4.2  CAT layerp. 56  Overviewp. 56

The CAT layer uses application status words to indicate:
  • the availability of a proactive command for the terminal ('91XX');
  • the usage of response data to an envelope command by the terminal (nominal '9000', warning '62XX' or '63XX', checking error '6FXX');
  • the temporary unavailability of the CAT to handle an envelope command ('9300'), see clause 14.6.6.
Up  Proactive commandp. 56

Where the status word SW1-SW2 is equal to '9000', the card can reply '91XX' to indicate that a proactive command is pending. The terminal uses the FETCH C-APDU to get the pending proactive command. The terminal sends to the UICC the response of the proactive command execution with the TERMINAL RESPONSE C-APDU.
Even if the command to which the card replied with '91 XX' was sent on a logical channel different from the basic channel, the terminal shall send the FETCH and TERMINAL RESPONSE commands on the basic channel.
The mechanism, described hereafter for a case 4 C-APDU, is independent from the transport protocol.
Reproduction of ETSI TS 31.ETSI-102-221, Fig. 7.15:
Up  ENVELOPE Commandsp. 57

The ENVELOPE C-APDU is used to transmit data to the CAT as specified in in ETSI TS 102 223 [4]. For some command data, the card may send back response data.
This command is case 3 or 4 and is described hereafter for the different options.
Case 3:
negative acknowledgement
Reproduction of ETSI TS 31.ETSI-102-221, Fig. 7.16:
The terminal shall consider the status word received as a negative acknowledgement when the status word present in the
Case 4:
positive acknowledgement
Reproduction of ETSI TS 31.ETSI-102-221, Fig. 7.16a:
The terminal shall consider the data field received as a positive acknowledgement when the status word present in the
Case 4:
negative acknowledgement
Reproduction of ETSI TS 31.ETSI-102-221, Fig. 7.16b:
The terminal shall consider the data field received as a negative acknowledgement when the status word present in the R-APDU is either '62XX' or '63XX'.

7.4.3  Application executionp. 58

When a Network Access Application (NAA) is selected on a logical channel, the UICC-Terminal interface should also enable execution of commands for other applications in order to minimize the impacts on service provisioning to the user. Terminals shall set the time-out before terminating a command being processed by the UICC to a value of at least what is specified in Table 7.12.
Case Time-out
The terminal indicates a maximum available power supply in the terminal power supply of TERMINAL CAPABILITY command that is greater than or equal to the UICC Maximum Power Consumption as indicated in EFUMPC. 20 seconds
The terminal is not able to supply the UICC Maximum Power Consumption as indicated in EFUMPC. T_OP value from EFUMPC
UICC Maximum Power Consumption (EFUMPC) is not present on the UICC.Not specified
Application providers are advised to give appropriate warnings to the user before starting an operation that may impact user experience.

7.5  Logical secure element Interfacesp. 58

A UICC may support LSIs. If supported by the UICC, this shall be indicated in the ATR.
LSIs provide a multiplexing mechanism which allows the terminal to communicate with multiple LSEs over one physical interface.
LSIs supported by the UICC and the terminal shall be identified by consecutive numbers starting from zero. The maximum value for the LSI is '1F'.
Management of LSIs is done via a dedicated command MANAGE LSI which allows:
  • selection of an LSI for subsequent APDUs (mandatory for protocol T = 0, optional for protocol T = 1);
  • resetting an LSE without affecting other LSEs; and
  • setup of the LSI configuration to be used during the card session.
When the protocol T = 1 is used, the selection of an LSI may be performed using the NAD byte, as defined in clause
Terminal and UICC shall agree on using LSIs as follows:
  • The UICC indicates support for LSIs in the ATR.
  • If indicated by the UICC, the terminal shall indicate in PPS2 if LSIs shall be used for the card session.
  • If LSIs are used for the card session, LSI 0 is selected after the PPS.
  • Before sending a command on an LSI different from 0 or sending any other MANAGE LSI command, the terminal shall perform the setup of the LSI configuration by sending a MANAGE LSI (configure LSIs) APDU to the UICC.
If a terminal uses a non-removable UICC and the LSI configuration to be used is pre-agreed between terminal and UICC (by a mechanism out of scope of the present document), the setup may be skipped.
After the setup, the terminal can use the mechanisms for the management of LSIs.

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