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C.4  Enhanced 5G control plane steering of roaming for the UE in connected mode |R17|p. 116

C.4.1  Generalp. 116

The HPLMN or subscribed SNPN, based on operator policy, may provide the UE with SOR-CMCI to control the timing when the UE enters idle mode and performs higher priority PLMN/access technology or SNPN selection. This is achieved by the HPLMN indicating to the UE the criteria for releasing specific PDU session(s) or services and entering idle mode.
The HPLMN or subscribed SNPN may configure the SOR-CMCI in the UE, and may also provide the SOR-CMCI to the UE over N1 NAS signalling. The SOR-CMCI received over N1 NAS signalling takes precedence over the SOR-CMCI stored in the non-volatile memory of the ME or stored in the USIM.
If the UE receives SOR information containing the list of preferred PLMN/access technology combinations or SOR-SNPN-SI without SOR-CMCI, or the ME receives USAT REFRESH with command qualifier (see TS 31.111) of type "Steering of Roaming" without SOR-CMCI, or the security check of the received steering of roaming information is not successful as described in clause C.2, clause C.3 and clause C.4.3, then:
  1. if the UE has SOR-CMCI stored in the non-volatile memory of the ME, the UE shall use the SOR-CMCI stored in the non-volatile memory of the ME; and
  2. if the UE has no SOR-CMCI stored in the non-volatile memory of the ME, the UE shall use the SOR-CMCI stored in the USIM, if any.
The UE shall delete the stored SOR-CMCI, if any, in the non-volatile memory of the ME and store the received SOR-CMCI in the non-volatile memory of the ME when:
  1. the ME receives SOR-CMCI in the USAT REFRESH with command qualifier (see TS 31.111) of type "Steering of Roaming"; or
  2. the UE receives the steering of roaming information containing the SOR-CMCI in plain text over N1 NAS signalling and the UE receives the "Store SOR-CMCI in ME" indicator set to "Store SOR-CMCI in ME";
The SOR-CMCI shall be stored in the non-volatile memory of the ME together with the SUPI from the USIM. The ME shall not delete the SOR-CMCI when the UE is switched off. The ME shall delete the SOR-CMCI when a new USIM is inserted.
The MS shall be able to handle at least:
  • 4 SOR-CMCI rules for PDU session attribute type criterion DNN of the PDU session;
  • 4 SOR-CMCI rules for PDU session attribute type criterion S-NSSAI STT of the PDU session or S-NSSAI SST and SD of the PDU session; and
  • 6 SOR-CMCI rules for any of the following types: service type criterion, SOR security check criterion or match all type criterion.
If the UE receives the steering of roaming information over N1 NAS signalling containing the SOR-CMCI together with the "Store SOR-CMCI in ME" indicator set to "Do no store SOR-CMCI in ME", the UE shall not overwrite the SOR-CMCI stored in the ME, if any, with the received SOR-CMCI, and shall apply the received SOR-CMCI for the procedure triggered by receiving the steering of roaming information containing that SOR-CMCI. If there is an ongoing SOR procedure, then the UE shall apply the received SOR-CMCI as described in clause C.4.
SOR-CMCI consists of SOR-CMCI rules. Each SOR-CMCI rule consists of the following parameters:
  1. a criterion of one of the following types:
    • PDU session attribute type criterion;
    • service type criterion;
    • SOR security check criterion; or
    • match all type criterion; and
  2. a value for Tsor-cm timer associated with each criterion presented in i) indicating the time the UE shall wait before releasing the PDU sessions or the services and entering idle mode.
SOR-CMCI contains zero, one or more SOR-CMCI rules with PDU session attribute type criterion, zero, one or more SOR-CMCI rules with service type criterion, zero or one SOR-CMCI rule with SOR security check criterion and zero or one SOR-CMCI rule with match all type criterion.
PDU session attribute type criterion consists of one of the following:
  1. DNN of the PDU session;
  2. S-NSSAI STT of the PDU session; or
  3. S-NSSAI SST and SD of the PDU session.
Service type criterion consists of one of the following:
  1. IMS registration related signalling;
  2. MMTEL voice call;
  3. MMTEL video call; or
  4. SMS over NAS or SMSoIP.
SOR security check criterion consists of:
  1. SOR security check not successful.
Match all type criterion consists of:
  1. match all.
When the SOR-CMCI received by the UE over N1 NAS signalling contains no SOR-CMCI rules, the UE shall stop all running Tsor-cm timers, if any, and shall not follow the procedure described in clause C.4.2. Additionally:
  • if the SOR-CMCI is received in plain text and it also contains the "Store SOR-CMCI in ME" indicator set to "Store SOR-CMCI in ME", the UE shall delete the stored SOR-CMCI in the non-volatile memory of the ME, if any; and
  • if the SOR-CMCI is received in a secured packet, and the USIM provides the ME with the SOR-CMCI in the USAT REFRESH with command qualifier of type "Steering of Roaming" (see TS 31.111), then the UE shall delete the stored SOR-CMCI in the non-volatile memory of the ME, if any.
The HPLMN may update the SOR-CMCI in the USIM such that it contains no SOR-CMCI rules, in which case the UE behaviour described in clause C.4.2 applies. Also the HPLMN may make the SOR-CMCI file in the USIM unavailable (see TS 31.102).
If there are more than one criterion applicable for a PDU session (e.g., a criterion for the PDU session and another one for the service) then the Tsor-cm timer with the highest value shall apply.
If there are more than one criterion applicable to different ongoing PDU sessions or services leading to multiple applicable Tsor-cm timers, then all the applicable Tsor-cm timers shall be started. Further handling of such cases is described in clause C.4.2.
If the value for Tsor-cm timer equals "infinity" then the UE shall wait until the PDU session is released or the service is stopped.
The Tsor-cm timer is applicable only if the UE is in automatic network selection mode.
Upon switching to the manual network selection mode, the UE shall stop any Tsor-cm timer, if running. In this case, the UE is not required to enter idle mode and perform the de-registration procedure.
The UE shall consider the following services as exempted from being forced to release the related established PDU session, if any, enter idle mode and perform high priority PLMN/access technology or SNPN selection. These services are known to the UE by default and the UE shall not follow the SOR-CMCI criteria even if configured to interrupt such services:
  1. emergency services.
The UE configured with high priority access in the selected PLMN or SNPN shall consider all services and all related established PDU sessions, if any, to be exempted from being forced to be released to enter idle mode and perform high priority PLMN/access technology or SNPN selection.

C.4.2  Applying SOR-CMCI in the UEp. 118

During SOR procedure and while applying SOR-CMCI, the UE shall determine the time to release the PDU session(s) or the services as follows:
  • If the UE encounters SOR security check not successful on the received steering of roaming information, and:
    • if a matching criterion "SOR security check not successful" is included in the stored SOR-CMCI, then the UE shall:
      • if the timer value is not zero, start an associated Tsor-cm timer with the value included in the SOR-CMCI;
      • stop all other running Tsor-cm timers, if any; and
      • not start any new Tsor-cm timer while Tsor-cm timer associated with "SOR security check not successful" criterion is running;
    • otherwise, the UE shall keep the Tsor-cm timers running, if any, and apply actions when the timers expire as described in this clause.
  • If the UE encounters SOR security check successful on the received steering of roaming information and one or more SOR-CMCI rules are included in SOR-CMCI, where for each criterion:
    DNN of the PDU session:
    the UE shall check whether it has a PDU session with a DNN matching to the DNN included in SOR-CMCI, and if any, the UE shall, if the timer value is not zero, start an associated Tsor-cm timer with the value included in the SOR-CMCI;
    S-NSSAI SST of the PDU session:
    the UE shall check whether it has a PDU session with a S-NSSAI SST matching the S-NSSAI SST included in SOR-CMCI, and if any, the UE shall, if the timer value is not zero, start an associated Tsor-cm timer with the value included in the SOR-CMCI;
    S-NSSAI SST and SD of the PDU session:
    the UE shall check whether it has a PDU session with a S-NSSAI SST and SD matching the S-NSSAI SST and SD included in SOR-CMCI, and if any, the UE shall, if the timer value is not zero, start an associated Tsor-cm timer with the value included in the SOR-CMCI;
    IMS registration related signalling:
    the UE shall check whether IMS registration related signalling is ongoing, and if it is ongoing, the UE shall, if the timer value is not zero, start an associated Tsor-cm timer with the value included in the SOR-CMCI;
    MMTEL voice call:
    the UE shall check whether MMTEL voice call is ongoing, and if it is ongoing, the UE shall, if the timer value is not zero, start an associated Tsor-cm timer with the value included in the SOR-CMCI;
    MMTEL video call:
    the UE shall check whether MMTEL video call is ongoing, and if it is ongoing, the UE shall, if the timer value is not zero, start an associated Tsor-cm timer with the value included in the SOR-CMCI;
    SMS over NAS or SMSoIP:
    the UE shall check whether SMS over NAS or SMSoIP services is ongoing, and if it is ongoing, the UE shall, if the timer value is not zero, start an associated Tsor-cm timer with the value included in the SOR-CMCI; or
    match all:
    the UE shall check whether there are any PDU sessions or services for which there is no matching criterion in a) to f) above. If such PDU session or service exists, then for each of these PDU sessions or services, the UE shall, if the timer value is not zero, start an associated Tsor-cm timer with the value included in the SOR-CMCI.
If the SOR-CMCI is available, and:
  • the SOR-CMCI used is in the USIM, contains no SOR-CMCI rule;
  • there are one or more SOR-CMCI rules but there is no criterion matched with any ongoing PDU session or service; or
  • there are one or more SOR-CMCI rules and there is one or more criteria matched with an ongoing PDU session or service, but the highest Tsor-cm timer value associated with the matched criteria is equal to zero;
then there is no Tsor-cm timer started for any PDU session or service.
While one or more Tsor-cm timers are running, the UE shall check the newly established PDU session or service for a matching criterion in the SOR-CMCI:
  • If a matching criterion is found and the applicable Tsor-cm timer indicated the value "infinity" then the UE shall start the Tsor-cm timer associated to the newly established PDU session or service with the value set to infinity; or
  • For all other cases, if a matching criterion is found and the timer value is not zero then the UE shall start the Tsor-cm timer associated to the newly established PDU session or service with the value included in the SOR-CMCI, with the exception that if the value of the Tsor-cm timer included in the SOR-CMCI exceeds the highest value among the current values of all running Tsor-cm timers, then the value of the Tsor-cm timer for the newly established PDU session or service shall be set to the highest value among the current values of all running Tsor-cm timers.
While one or more Tsor-cm timers are running, upon receiving a new SOR-CMCI as described in Annex C.4.3, the UE shall check if there is a matching criterion found for any ongoing PDU session or service in the new SOR-CMCI:
  • if a matching criterion is found and the value of Tsor-cm timer in the new SOR-CMCI indicates the value "infinity", then:
    1. if the Tsor-cm timer associated to the PDU session or service is not running, then the UE shall start the Tsor-cm timer associated to the PDU session or service with the value set to infinity; or
    2. if the Tsor-cm timer associated to the PDU session or service is already running, then the UE shall set the value of the Tsor-cm timer associated to the PDU session or service to infinity without stopping and restarting the timer;
  • if a matching criterion is found and the value of Tsor-cm timer in the new SOR-CMCI is other than infinity and is smaller than the current value of the running Tsor-cm timer for the associated PDU session or service, then the Tsor-cm timer value for the associated PDU session or service shall be replaced with the value in the new SOR-CMCI without stopping and restarting the timer; or
  • for all other cases, the running Tsor-cm timers for the associated PDU sessions or services are kept unchanged.
The Tsor-cm timer shall be stopped when the associated PDU session is released or the associated service is stopped.
If the security check on the received steering of roaming information is successful, the UE shall stop the Tsor-cm timer associated with "SOR security check not successful", if running, and act on the received steering of roaming information. The current PLMN or SNPN is not considered as lowest priority.
If the UE, while one or more Tsor-cm timers are running:
  1. enters idle mode not due to lower layer failure (see TS 24.501);
  2. is not able to successfully recover the N1 NAS signalling connection (see TS 24.501); or
  3. enters 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication (see TS 24.501);
then the UE shall stop the timer(s). In these cases, if:
  1. the UE has a list of available and allowable PLMNs or SNPNs in the area and based on this list or any other implementation specific means, the UE determines that there is a higher priority PLMN or SNPN than the selected VPLMN or non-subscribed SNPN; or
  2. the UE does not have a list of available and allowable PLMNs or SNPNs in the area and is unable to determine whether there is a higher priority PLMN or SNPN than the selected VPLMN or non-subscribed SNPN using any other implementation specific means;
then the UE shall attempt to obtain service on a higher priority PLMN or SNPN as specified in clause by acting as if timer T that controls periodic attempts has expired or as specified in clause 4.9.3.
When the UE determines that no Tsor-cm timer is started for any PDU session or service, the last running Tsor-cm timer is stopped due to release of the associated PDU sessions or stop of the associated services, or the last running Tsor-cm timer expires, if:
  1. the UE has a list of available and allowable PLMNs or SNPNs in the area and based on this list or any other implementation specific means, the UE determines that there is a higher priority PLMN or SNPN than the selected VPLMN or non-subscribed SNPN; or
  2. the UE does not have a list of available and allowable PLMNs or SNPNs in the area and is unable to determine whether there is a higher priority PLMN or SNPN than the selected VPLMN or non-subscribed SNPNusing any other implementation specific means;
then if the UE is in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode, the UE shall perform the de-registration procedure (see clause of TS 23.502) that releases all the established PDU sessions and services, if any, and once the UE enters idle mode it shall attempt to obtain service on a higher priority PLMN or SNPN as specified in clause by acting as if timer T that controls periodic attempts has expired or as specified in clause 4.9.3.
The UE which has an emergency PDU session, receives a request from the upper layers to establish an emergency PDU session or perform emergency services fallback, registers for emergency services, or is configured for high priority access in the selected PLMN or SNPN is not required to enter idle mode if the last running Tsor-cm timer for any PDU session or service stops or expires. In this case, the UE shall attempt to perform the PLMN or SNPN selection after the emergency PDU session or the high priority service is released and after the UE enters idle mode or 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication (see TS 24.501).
If the UE selects a cell of any access technology other than NG-RAN, the ongoing SOR procedure is terminated and the UE shall stop applying SOR-CMCI and stop all running Tsor-cm timers without triggering any further actions.

C.4.3  Stage-2 flow for providing UE with SOR-CMCI in HPLMN, VPLMN, subscribed SNPN or non-subscribed SNPN after registrationp. 121

The stage-2 flow for providing UE with SOR-CMCI in HPLMN, VPLMN, subscribed SNPN or non-subscribed SNPN after registration is indicated in Figure C.4.3.1, when the ME supports the SOR-CMCI. The selected PLMN or SNPN can be the HPLMN, a VPLMN, the subscribed SNPN or a non-subscribed SNPN. The AMF is located in the selected PLMN or SNPN. The UDM is located in the HPLMN or the subscribed SNPN.
In this procedure, the SOR-CMCI is sent without the list of preferred PLMN/access technology combinations and the SOR-SNPN-SI. In this procedure, the SOR-CMCI is sent in plain text or is sent within the secured packet.
The procedure is triggered:
  • If the UDM supports obtaining the parameters of the list of preferred PLMN/access technology combinations, the SOR-SNPN-SI, the SOR-CMCI, and the "Store SOR-CMCI in ME" indicator, if any, or a secured packet from the SOR-AF, the HPLMN or subscribed SNPN policy for the SOR-AF invocation is present in the UDM and the SOR-AF provides the UDM with the SOR-CMCI for a UE identified by SUPI; or
  • When the SOR-CMCI becomes available in the UDM (i.e., retrieved from the UDR).
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.122, Fig. C.4.3.1: Procedure for configuring UE with SOR-CMCI after registration
For the steps below, security protection is described in TS 33.501.
Step 1.
The SOR-AF to the UDM: Nudm_ParameterProvision_Update request is sent to the UDM to trigger the update of the UE with the SOR-CMCI (in plain text or secured packet). In case of providing SOR-CMCI in plain text, include the "Store SOR-CMCI in ME" indicator, if applicable. In case of providing SOR-CMCI in a secured packet, include an indication that "the list of preferred PLMN/access technology combinations is not included in the secured packet".
Step 2.
The UDM to the AMF: The UDM notifies the changes of the user profile to the affected AMF by the means of invoking Nudm_SDM_Notification service operation. The Nudm_SDM_Notification service operation contains the steering of roaming information that needs to be delivered transparently to the UE over NAS within the Access and Mobility Subscription data. If the HPLMN or subscribed SNPN decided that the UE is to acknowledge successful security check of the received steering of roaming information, the Nudm_SDM_Notification service operation also contains an indication that the UDM requests an acknowledgement from the UE as part of the steering of roaming information. The UDM:
  • upon receiving the SOR-CMCI (in plain text), shall:
    1. if the UE is registered in the HPLMN or a VPLMN, include the SOR-CMCI, the "Store SOR-CMCI in ME" indicator, if any, and the HPLMN indication that 'no change of the "Operator Controlled PLMN Selector with Access Technology" list stored in the UE is needed and thus no list of preferred PLMN/access technology combinations is provided';
    2. if the UE is registered in a non-subcribed SNPN, include the SOR-CMCI, the "Store SOR-CMCI in ME" indicator, if any, and the HPLMN or subscribed SNPN indication that 'no change of the SOR-SNPN-SI stored in the UE is needed and thus no SOR-SNPN-SI is provided'; and
    3. if the UE is registered in a subcribed SNPN and the AMF has reported to the UDM that the UE supports SOR-SNPN-SI, include the SOR-CMCI, the "Store SOR-CMCI in ME" indicator, if any, and the HPLMN or subscribed SNPN indication that 'no change of the SOR-SNPN-SI stored in the UE is needed and thus no SOR-SNPN-SI is provided'; or
  • upon receiving the SOR-CMCI in secured packet, shall include the secured packet into the steering of roaming information;
Step 3.
The AMF to the UE: the AMF sends a DL NAS TRANSPORT message to the served UE. The AMF includes in the DL NAS TRANSPORT message the steering of roaming information received from the UDM.
Step 4.
Upon receiving the steering of roaming information containing the SOR-CMCI and the HPLMN indication that 'no change of the "Operator Controlled PLMN Selector with Access Technology" list stored in the UE is needed and thus no list of preferred PLMN/access technology combinations is provided' or the HPLMN or subscribed SNPN indication that 'no change of the SOR-SNPN-SI stored in the UE is needed and thus no SOR-SNPN-SI is provided', or the secured packet, the UE shall perform a security check on the steering of roaming information included in the DL NAS TRANSPORT message to verify that the steering of roaming information is provided by HPLMN or subscribed SNPN, and:
  1. if the security check is successful, the UE shall store the SOR-CMCI according to clause C.4.1. If the UE has one or more Tsor-cm timers running, the UE shall apply the received SOR-CMCI as described in clause C.4.2.
    If the steering of roaming information contains a secured packet and the UDM has requested an acknowledgement from the UE in the DL NAS TRANSPORT message, the UE sends an UL NAS TRANSPORT message to the serving AMF with an SOR transparent container including the UE acknowledgement and the UE shall set the "ME support of SOR-CMCI" indicator to "supported" only after the ME receives UICC responses indicating that the UICC has received the secured packet successfully. Otherwise, if the UDM has requested an acknowledgement from the UE in the DL NAS TRANSPORT message, the UE sends an UL NAS TRANSPORT message to the serving AMF with an SOR transparent container including the UE acknowledgement and the UE shall set the "ME support of SOR-CMCI" indicator to "supported". Additionally, if the UE supports access to an SNPN using credentials from a credentials holder and the UE is in a PLMN, the UE may set the "ME support of SOR-SNPN-SI" indicator to "supported".
    If the UDM has not requested an acknowledgement from the UE then step 5 is skipped; and
  2. if the selected PLMN is a VPLMN or a non-subscribed SNPN, the security check is not successful and the UE is in automatic network selection mode, then:
    • if the UE has a stored SOR-CMCI, the current PLMN is considered as lowest priority and the UE shall apply the actions in clause C.4.2;
    • otherwise, the UE shall wait until it moves to idle mode or 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication (see TS 24.501) before attempting to obtain service on a higher priority PLMN as specified in clause by acting as if timer T that controls periodic attempts has expired, with an exception that the current PLMN is considered as lowest priority, or before attempting to obtain service on a higher priority SNPN as specified in clause 4.9.3, with an exception that the current registered SNPN is considered as lowest priority. If the selected PLMN or SNPN is a VPLMN or a non-subscribed SNPN and the UE has an established emergency PDU session then the UE shall attempt to perform the PLMN selection after the emergency PDU session is released and after the UE enters idle mode or 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication (see TS 24.501).
    Step 5 is skipped;
Step 5.
The AMF to the UDM: If the UL NAS TRANSPORT message with an SOR transparent container is received, the AMF uses the Nudm_SDM_Info service operation to provide the received SOR transparent container to the UDM. If the HPLMN or subscribed SNPN decided that the UE is to acknowledge successful security check of the received steering of roaming information in step 2, the UDM verifies that the acknowledgement is provided by the UE. If:
  • the "ME support of SOR-CMCI" indicator in the header of the SOR transparent container is set to "supported", then the UDM shall store the "ME support of SOR-CMCI" indicator, otherwise the UDM shall delete the stored "ME support of SOR-CMCI" indicator, if any; and
  • the "ME support of SOR-SNPN-SI" indicator in the header of the SOR transparent container is set to "supported", then the UDM shall store the "ME support of SOR-SNPN-SI" indicator, otherwise the UDM shall delete the stored "ME support of SOR-SNPN-SI" indicator, if any; and
Step 6.
The UDM to the SOR-AF: Nsoraf_SoR_Info (SUPI of the UE, successful delivery, "ME support of SOR-CMCI" indicator, "ME support of SOR-SNPN-SI" indicator, if any). If the HPLMN or subscribed SNPN policy for the SOR-AF invocation is present and the UDM received and verified the UE acknowledgement in step 5, then the UDM informs the SOR-AF about successful delivery of the SOR-CMCI to the UE. The UDM shall include the "ME support of SOR-CMCI" indicator. If the "ME support of SOR-SNPN-SI" indicator is stored for the UE, the UDM shall include the "ME support of SOR-SNPN-SI" indicator.
If the selected PLMN is a VPLMN or a non-subscribed SNPN and:
  • the UE in manual mode of operation encounters security check failure of SOR information in DL NAS TRANSPORT message; and
  • upon switching to automatic network selection mode the UE remembers that it is still registered on the PLMN the non-subscribed SNPN where the security check failure of SOR information was encountered;
the UE shall wait until it moves to idle mode or 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication (see TS 24.501) before attempting to obtain service on a higher priority PLMN as specified in clause, by acting as if timer T that controls periodic attempts has expired, with an exception that the current registered PLMN is considered as lowest priority, or before attempting to obtained service on a higher priority SNPN as specified in clause 4.9.3, with an exception that the current registered SNPN is considered as lowest priority. If the selected PLMN is a VPLMN or the selected SNPN is a non-subscribed SNPN and the UE has an established emergency PDU session then the UE shall attempt to perform the PLMN selection after the emergency PDU session is released and after the UE enters idle mode or 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication (see TS 24.501).

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