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TS 24.315
IMS ODB (Operator Determined Barring) –
Stage 3

V18.0.0 (PDF)  2024/03  17 p.
V17.0.0  2022/03  17 p.
V16.0.0  2020/06  17 p.
V15.0.0  2018/06  17 p.
V14.0.0  2017/03  17 p.
V13.0.0  2015/12  17 p.
V12.1.0  2014/12  17 p.
V11.2.0  2014/12  17 p.
Mr. Skrocki, Mariusz

Content for  TS 24.315  Word version:  18.0.0

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1  Scopep. 4

The present document specifies the stage three, Protocol Description of the network feature Operator Determined Barring (ODB) of IMS Multimedia Telephony Services. It is based on the requirements described in TS 22.041. It provides the protocol details in the IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Session Description Protocol (SDP). ). In addition, it provides protocol details for XCAP for barring of supplementary services configuration.
The present document is applicable to:
  • the Application Server (AS) intended to support Operator Determined Barring for communications;
  • the AS that provides the XCAP based interface for manipulation of the settings for a supplementary service as defined in TS 24.623; and
  • the AS that supports the SIP based configuration for a supplementary service as defined in TS 24.238.

2  Referencesp. 4

The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.
  • References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific.
  • For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
  • For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document.
TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".
TS 24.229: "Internet Protocol (IP) multimedia call control protocol based on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session Description Protocol (SDP); Stage 3.
RFC 3261  (June 2002): "SIP: Session Initiation Protocol".
RFC 3264  (June 2002): "An Offer/Answer Model with Session Description Protocol (SDP)".
ITU-T Recommendation I.210: "Principles of telecommunication services supported by an ISDN and the means to describe them".
TS 24.628: "Common Basic Communication procedures using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Protocol specification".
RFC 4566:  "SDP: Session Description Protocol".
TS 24.238: "Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) based user configuration; stage 3".
TS 24.623: "Extensible Markup Language (XML) Configuration Access Protocol (XCAP) over the Ut interface for Manipulating Supplementary Services".
TS 24.604: "Communication Diversion (CDIV); using IP Multimedia (IM)Core Network (CN) subsystem; Protocol specification".
TS 22.041: "Operator Determined Barring (ODB)".
TS 29.329: "Sh interface based on the Diameter protocol; Protocol detail".
TS 29.228: "IP Multimedia (IM) Subsystem Cx and Dx Interfaces; Signalling flows and message contents".
TS 23.228: "IP multimedia subsystem; Stage 2".
TS 24.629: "Explicit Communication Transfer (ECT) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Protocol specification".
RFC 5031  (January 2008): "A Uniform Resource Name (URN) for Services Emergency and Other Well-Known Services".
RFC 7315  (July 2014): "Private Header (P-Header) Extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for the 3GPP".

3  Definitions and abbreviationsp. 5

3.1  Definitionsp. 5

For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in TR 21.905 and the following apply. A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in TR 21.905.
B2BUA, dialog, header, header field, SIP response, SIP request, session:
definitions in RFC 3261 apply.
incoming initial request:
all requests intended to initiate either a dialog or a standalone transaction terminated by the served user
incoming communication:
communication destined to the served user
indication that this communication is a Premium Rate Communication:
the Request-URI of the received INVITE request includes the " premium-rate" tel URI parameter set to either the value "information" or the value "entertainment".
in progress communication:
outgoing or incoming communication for which the initiating request has been forwarded to the terminating UE.
outgoing communication:
communication outgoing from the user side of the interface
supplementary service:
see ITU-T Recommendation I.210 [5], clause 2.4.

3.2  Abbreviationsp. 6

For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
Application Server
Communication Barring
Communication DIVersion services
Explicit Communication Transfer
Home Public Land Mobile Network
Home Subscriber Server
Internet Protocol
Operator Determined Barring
Session Description Protocol
Session Initiation Protocol
User Equipment

4  Operator Determined Barring Service Descriptionp. 6

The network feature Operator Determined Barring (ODB) as specified TS 22.041 and in this specification allows a network operator or service provider to regulate access to IM CN subsystem services, by the barring of certain categories of incoming or outgoing communications, the barring of certain categories of roaming and the barring of certain categories of supplementary services configuration and invocation. When barring of an incoming or outgoing category of communications is configured all in progress communications belonging to that category are released.
The SIP related procedures for support of ODB of Communication Barring are realized in an Application Server (AS) as defined in TS 24.229, which depending on the use case, is to be provided on the originating side or the terminating side.
The SIP related procedures for support of ODB of the SIP based configuration of a supplementary service, as defined in TS 24.238, are realized by the AS which provides the function of SIP based configuration for that supplementary service.
The XCAP related procedures for support of ODB of the XCAP based configuration of a supplementary service, as defined in TS 24.623, are realized by the AS which provides the function of XCAP based configuration for that supplementary service.
ODB based barring is applied to a subscription by administrative action in the HSS. In order to get the information about the ODB settings for a subscriber an AS can subscribe to notification on such changes via Sh interface as specified in TS 29.329. The HSS contains the ODB categories that apply to the subscriber. The URIs for premium numbers for entertainment, the URIs for premium numbers for information and the conditions for operator specific categories are locally configured in the AS providing the ODB services. It shall be possible for the operator to use patterns and regular expression to configure the URIs for premium numbers in the AS.
ODB categories cannot be configured by the user.

5  Barring of Communicationp. 6

5.1  Barring of outgoing Communicationp. 6

5.1.1  Generalp. 6

Barring of outgoing communication is invoked in the AS performing ODB service.
Barring of outgoing communication includes one of the following categories:
  • barring outgoing communication;
  • barring outgoing international communications;
  • barring outgoing international communications except those directed to the home PLMN country; or
  • barring of outgoing communications when roaming outside the home PLMN country;
and one or more of the following categories:
  • barring of outgoing Premium Rate Communications (Information);
  • barring of outgoing Premium Rate Communications (Entertainment);
  • barring of outgoing Premium Rate Communications (Information) when roaming outside the home PLMN country; or
  • barring of outgoing Premium Rate Communications (Entertainment) when roaming outside the home PLMN country.
and one or more of the following categories:
  • when registered in the HPLMN, Operator Specific Barring (Type 1);
  • when registered in the HPLMN, Operator Specific Barring (Type 2);
  • when registered in the HPLMN, Operator Specific Barring (Type 3); or
  • when registered in the HPLMN, Operator Specific Barring (Type 4).
Barring of outgoing communications does not apply to emergency communications.

5.1.2  Procedures in the Application Serverp. 7

The AS providing the ODB service shall operate as a routeing B2BUA as specified in subclause 5.7.5 of TS 24.229. An AS providing the ODB service and rejecting a request shall operate as a terminating UA, as specified in subclause 5.7.2 of TS 24.229.
On reception of an initial SIP INVITE request or SIP MESSAGE request initiated by the UE, which contain in the Request-URI neither a service URN with a top-level service type of "sos" as specified in RFC 5031 nor a number recognized as an emergency number based on local configuration, an AS providing the ODB service needs to determine whether ODB is applied to the SIP request. In order to do so the AS providing the ODB service shall:
  1. identify the served user as specified in TS 24.229 for communication initiated by the UE;
  2. determine whether the subscription profile for the served user contains ODB categories as listed in subclause 5.1.1; and
  3. use the rules defined in subclause 5.1.3 to determine whether any of the categories apply to the communication.
When a barring category applies to a communication, the AS shall, based on operator local policy, either:
  1. reject the SIP request, and send an indication to the originating UE by sending a SIP 603 (Decline) response. In addition, based on configuration prior to terminate the communication the AS can provide an announcement to the originating user. The procedure of invoking an announcement is described within TS 24.628; or
  2. forward the SIP request to a pre-configured destination using normal SIP procedures as defined in TS 24.229.
When a new barring category is set for a user, the AS providing the ODB shall determine whether the category applies to any communication of the served user using the rules defined in subclause 5.1.3. When a barring category applies to a communication, the AS providing ODB shall:
  1. if two dialogs have been established, then simultaneously send a SIP BYE request for both dialogs managed by the AS, as specified in subclause of TS 24.229; or
  2. if a communication is currently being established, then simultaneously send a SIP 603 (Decline) response to the served user and a SIP CANCEL request towards the called user, as specified in TS 24.229.

5.1.3  Determining whether a category applies to a communicationp. 8

In order to determine whether an ODB category applies for a communication the following applies:
  1. outgoing communication: this evaluates to true for all outgoing communication.
  2. outgoing international communications: this evaluates to true when the request URI of the outgoing SIP request:
    1. corresponds to a telephone number, i.e. a SIP URI with a "user" URI parameter set to "phone" or a tel URI; and
    2. does not point to a destination served by a network within the country where the originating user is located when initiating the call.
  3. outgoing international communications except those directed to the home PLMN country: this evaluates to true when the request URI of the outgoing SIP request:
    1. corresponds to a telephone number, i.e. a SIP URI with a "user" URI parameter set to "phone" or a tel URI;
    2. does not point to a destination served by a network within the country where the originating user is located when initiating the call; and
    3. does not point to a destination served within the served users home network.
  4. outgoing communications when roaming outside the home PLMN country: this evaluates to true when the served user is registered from an access network other than the served user home network and when the access network is outside the home PLMN country.
  5. outgoing Premium Rate Communications (Information): this evaluates to true when the canonical form of the request URI of the outgoing SIP request matches an entry in the locally configured list of URIs for premium rate communications for information.
  6. outgoing Premium Rate Communications (Entertainment): this evaluates to true when the when the canonical form of request URI of the outgoing SIP request matches an entry in the locally configured list of URIs for premium rate communications for entertainment.
  7. outgoing Premium Rate Communications (Information) when roaming outside the home PLMN country: this evaluates to true when
  8. the SIP request from the UE includes an indication that this communication is a Premium Rate Communication (information); and
  9. the served user is registered from an access network other than the served user home network and when the access network is outside the home PLMN country.
  10. outgoing Premium Rate Communications (Entertainment) when roaming outside the home PLMN country: this evaluates to true when
    1. the SIP request from the UE includes an indication that this communication is a Premium Rate Communication (entertainment); and
    2. the served user is registered from an access network other than the served user home network and when the access network is outside the home PLMN country.
  11. when registered in the HPLMN, Operator Specific Barring (Type 1): this evaluates to true when the request matches the locally configured conditions for operator specific barring type 1.
  12. when registered in the HPLMN, Operator Specific Barring (Type 2): this evaluates to true when the request matches the locally configured conditions for operator specific barring type 2.
  13. when registered in the HPLMN, Operator Specific Barring (Type 3): this evaluates to true when the request matches the locally configured conditions for operator specific barring type 3.
  14. when registered in the HPLMN, Operator Specific Barring (Type 4): this evaluates to true when the request matches the locally configured conditions for operator specific barring type 4.
The Operator specific barring definition for type 1, type 2, type 3, and type 4 is locally configured in the AS providing the ODB service. For operator specific barring the criteria that can be used by the operator to define conditions that are used to determine whether the category applies may be based on any signalling information from the incoming request. Examples of such criteria are:
  1. destination type e.g. international numbers or specific numbers;
  2. media used in the communication, e.g. audio, video, or text.
    When any of the items 1) to 12) evaluates to true then the ODB category applies for a communication.

5.2  Barring of incoming Communicationp. 9

5.2.1  Generalp. 9

Barring of incoming communication is invoked in the AS performing the ODB service.
Barring of incoming communication includes one of the following categories:
  • barring incoming communications;
  • barring incoming communications when roaming outside the home PLMN country;
and one or more of the following categories:
  • when registered in the HPLMN, Operator Specific Barring (Type 1);
  • when registered in the HPLMN, Operator Specific Barring (Type 2);
  • when registered in the HPLMN, Operator Specific Barring (Type 3);
  • when registered in the HPLMN, Operator Specific Barring (Type 4).

5.2.2  Procedures in the Application Serverp. 9

The AS providing the ODB service shall operate as a routeing B2BUA, as specified in subclause 5.7.5 of TS 24.229. An AS providing the ODB service and rejecting a request shall operate as a terminating UA, as specified in subclause 5.7.2 of TS 24.229.
On reception of an initial SIP INVITE request or SIP MESSAGE request terminated at the UE an AS providing the ODB service needs to determine whether the SIP request is rejected due to ODB. In order to do so the AS providing the ODB service shall:
  1. identify the served user as specified in TS 24.229 for terminating communication; and
  2. determine whether the subscription profile for the served user contains ODB categories as listed in subclause 5.2.1; and
  3. use the rules in subclause 5.2.3 to determine whether any of the categories apply to the communication.
When a barring category applies to a communication, the AS shall, based on operator local policy, either:
  1. reject the SIP request, and send an indication to the originating UE by sending a SIP 603 (Decline) response. In addition, based on configuration prior to terminate the communication the AS can provide an announcement to the originating user. The procedure of invoking an announcement is described within TS 24.628; or
  2. forward the SIP request to a pre-configured destination using normal SIP procedures as defined in TS 24.229.
When a new barring category is set for a user, the AS providing the ODB shall determine whether the category applies to any communication of the served user using the rules defined in subclause 5.2.3. When a barring category applies to a communication, the AS providing ODB shall:
  1. if two dialogs have been established, then send simultaneously a SIP BYE request for both dialogs managed by the AS as specified in subclause of TS 24.229; or
  2. if a communication is currently being established, then simultaneously send a SIP 603 (Decline) response to the served user and a SIP CANCEL request towards the called user, as specified in TS 24.229.

5.2.3  Determining whether a category applies to a communicationp. 10

When determining whether an ODB category applies for a communication the following applies:
  1. incoming communication: this evaluates to true for all incoming requests.
  2. incoming communications when roaming outside the home PLMN country: this evaluates to true when the served user is registered from an access network other than the served user home network and when the access network is outside the home PLMN country.
  3. when registered in the HPLMN, Operator Specific Barring (Type 1): this evaluates to true when the request matches the locally configured conditions for operator specific barring type 1.
  4. when registered in the HPLMN, Operator Specific Barring (Type 2): this evaluates to true when the request matches the locally configured conditions for operator specific barring type 2.
  5. when registered in the HPLMN, Operator Specific Barring (Type 3): this evaluates to true when the request matches the locally configured conditions for operator specific barring type 3.
  6. when registered in the HPLMN, Operator Specific Barring (Type 4): this evaluates to true when the request matches the locally configured conditions for operator specific barring type 4.
The Operator specific barring definition for type 1, type 2, type 3, and type 4 is locally configured in the AS providing the ODB service. For operator specific barring the criteria that can be used by the operator to define conditions that are used to determine whether the category applies may be based on any signalling information from the incoming request. Examples of such criteria are:
  1. origination information e.g. specific numbers;
  2. media used in the communication, e.g. audio, video, or text.
When any of the items 1) to 6) evaluates to true then the ODB category applies for a communication.

6  Barring of Roamingp. 10

6.1  Generalp. 10

Barring of roaming as specified in TS 22.041. Technical realization is outside the scope of the current specification.

7  Barring of Supplementary Services Configuration and Invocationp. 11

7.1  Barring of Management of supplementary service settings and invocationp. 11

7.1.1  Generalp. 11

Barring of supplementary services access is invoked in the AS that provides the supplementary service and include management of settings of a supplementary service and user invocation of supplementary services.
Barring of Supplementary Services Access includes the following category:
  • Barring of supplementary services management.

7.1.2  XCAP Procedures in the Application Serverp. 11

When an AS that provides an XCAP based interface for configuration of a supplementary service as described in TS 24.623, and supporting ODB receives an XCAP request it needs to determine whether the XCAP request is to be rejected due to ODB. In order to do so, the AS shall:
  1. identify the served user as specified in TS 24.623; and
  2. determine whether the subscription profile for the served user contains the ODB category for barring of supplementary services configuration access.
When the AS decides to reject the XCAP request, the AS shall send a HTTP 403 (Decline) response.

7.1.3  SIP Procedures for service configuration in the Application Serverp. 11

When an AS that provides a SIP based interface for configuration of a supplementary service, and supporting ODB receives an INVITE SIP request for service configuration set as specified in TS 24.238, it needs to determine whether the SIP request is to be rejected due to ODB. In order to do so, the AS shall:
  1. identify the served user as specified in TS 24.229; and
  2. determine whether the subscription profile for the served user contains the ODB category for barring of supplementary services configuration access.
When the AS decides to reject the SIP request, the AS shall send an indication to the originating UE by sending a SIP 603 (Decline) response.

7.1.4  Barring of user invocation of supplementary servicep. 11

Except for the barring of the invocation of certain kinds of communication transfer described in subclause 7.3, the barring of user invocation of supplementary services is out of the scope of this specification.

7.2  Barring of manipulation of communication diversion settingsp. 12

7.2.1  Generalp. 12

Barring of manipulation of communication diversion settings is provided in an AS that provides the communication diversion services as described in TS 24.604.
Barring of manipulation of communication diversion comprises the following categories:
  • Barring of registration of any communication diverted-to address;
  • Barring of registration of any international communication diverted-to address;
  • Barring of registration of any international communication diverted-to address except to an address within the HPLMN country.
When determining whether an ODB category applies for a request for setting the registration of a communication diversion, following applies:
  1. registration of any communication diverted-to address: this evaluates to true for all registrations for a communication diversion.
  2. registration of any international communication diverted-to address: this evaluates to true when the diverted-to address:
  3. corresponds to a telephone number, i.e. a SIP URI with a "user" URI parameter set to "phone" or a tel URI; and
  4. does not point to a destination served by a network within the country where the originating user is located when initiating the call.
  5. registration of any international communication diverted-to address except to an address within the HPLMN country: this evaluates to true when the diverted-to address
    1. corresponds to a telephone number, i.e. a SIP URI with a "user" URI parameter set to "phone" or a tel URI;
    2. does not point to a destination served by a network within the country where the originating user is located when initiating the call; and
    3. does not point to a destination served within the served users home network.
When a barring category for communication diversion registration is set all the previously registered communication diversions that overlap with this category shall be deactivated.

7.2.2  XCAP Procedures in the Application Serverp. 12

When an AS that provides an XCAP based interface for configuration of communication diversion as described in TS 24.238 and TS 24.604, and supporting ODB receives an XCAP request it needs to determine whether the XCAP request is to be rejected due to ODB. In order to do so, the AS shall:
  1. identify the served user as specified in TS 24.623; and
  2. determine whether the subscription profile for the served user contains ODB categories as listed in subclause 7.2.1 and whether these categories apply to the received XCAP request.
When the AS decides to reject the XCAP request, the AS shall send a HTTP 403 (Decline) response.

7.2.3  SIP Procedures in the Application Serverp. 12

When an AS that provides a SIP based interface for configuration of communication diversion as described in TS 24.604 and supporting ODB receives a SIP request it needs to determine whether the SIP request is to be rejected due to ODB. In order to do so, the AS shall:
  1. identify the served user as specified in TS 24.229; and
  2. determine whether the subscription profile for the served user contains ODB categories as listed in subclause 7.2.1 and whether these categories apply to the received SIP request.
When the AS decides to reject the SIP request, the AS shall send an indication to the originating UE by sending a SIP 603 (Decline) response.

7.3  Barring of invocation of call transferp. 13

7.3.1  Generalp. 13

Barring of invocation of communication transfer is provided in an AS serving that provides the explicit communication transfer service as described in TS 24.629.
Barring of invocation of communication transfer includes one of the following categories:
  • Barring of invocation of communication transfer;
  • Barring of invocation of communication transfer where at least one of the two communications is a communication charged to the served subscriber; i.e. the communication is either an outgoing communication or an incoming communication when the served subscriber roams outside the HPLMN;
  • Barring of invocation of communication transfer where at least one of the two communications is a communication charged to the served subscriber at international rates, i.e. the communication is either an outgoing international communication or an incoming communication when the served subscriber roams outside the HPLMN country;
and one of the following categories:
  • Barring of invocation of communication transfer where both communications are communications charged to the served subscriber, i.e. both communications are either outgoing communications or incoming communications when the served subscriber roams outside the HPLMN;
and one of the following categories:
  • Barring of further invocation of communication transfer if there is already one ongoing transferred communication for the served subscriber.

7.3.2  SIP Procedures in the Application Serverp. 13

When an AS that provides the explicit communication transfer service as described in TS 24.629, and supporting ODB receives a SIP REFER request for initiating a Call Transfer as defined TS 24.629 it needs to determine whether the SIP REFER request is to be rejected due to ODB. In order to do so, the AS shall:
  1. identify the served user as specified in TS 24.229; and
  2. determine whether the subscription profile for the served user contains ODB categories as listed in subclause 7.3.1 and whether these categories apply to the received SIP REFER request.
When the AS decides to reject the SIP REFER request, the AS shall send an indication to the originating UE by sending a SIP 603 (Decline) response.

$  Change historyp. 14

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