
Content for  TS 23.479  Word version:  18.0.0

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5.6  Application registrationp. 14

5.6.1  Generalp. 14

Registration is required to perform initialization operations for using the MC MBMS API. The purpose of application registration is to allow access of MBMS service on the UE for MC applications. This registration also uniquely identifies each MC application that can access MBMS service on the UE and provides the MC MBMS user agent the call back listeners to receive asynchronous notifications on relevant events.

5.6.2  Proceduresp. 14

Figure 5.6.2-1 illustrates the procedure for application registration. This procedure allows the MC application to register with the MC MBMS user agent to consume MC services delivered over MBMS. It has two purposes:
  1. It identifies the MC application registering with the MC MBMS user agent;
  2. It allows the MC application to identify its callback listeners for the MC MBMS user agent to provide asynchronous notifications on relevant events.
  • The MC application has discovered the availability of the MC MBMS API.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.479, Fig. 5.6.2-1: Application registration procedure
Step 1.
MC application registers to the MC MBMS user agent with the application registration request.
Step 2.
MC MBMS user agent registers the application
Step 3.
Registration result is notified to the MC application.
  • If registration is successful, the MC application can proceed with other MC MBMS API interactions with the MC MBMS user agent.

5.6.3  Information flowsp. 15  Application registration requestp. 15

Table describes the information flow for the application registration request.
Information Element Status Description
Application IDMProvides a unique ID for the application registering with the MC MBMS user agent
Group communication callbackO (see NOTE)Provides the call back listener
Application specific contextOEnables the MC MBMS user agent to distinguish different applications
The callback element is optional and only included when the application development framework supports programmatic callback interfaces. If callbacks are not supported on a given application development framework, the same information content as defined on the callback structures is to be provided to the application via the notification callback available with that development framework when the respective condition is met.
Up  Application registration responsep. 15

Table describes the information flow for the application registration response.
Information Element Status Description
Response codeMProvides the result of the registration request: success, failure or missing parameters
MessageOProvides an associated text description of the error message, if registration failed

5.7  Application deregistrationp. 16

5.7.1  Generalp. 16

The application deregistration allows the MCA to deregister from the MC-MUA.

5.7.2  Proceduresp. 16

Figure 5.7.2-1 illustrates the procedure for application deregistration.
  • The MC application is registered towards the MC MBMS user agent.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.479, Fig. 5.7.2-1: Application deregistration procedure
Step 1.
The MC application deregisters. No additional notification from the MC MBMS user agent is expected by the MC application.
Step 2.
The MC MBMS user agent interrupts all operations previously requested by the MC application and deletes any parameters and/or internal state associated to this application.
  • The MC application can no more proceed any API interactions with the MC MBMS user agent till a new execution of the application registration procedure.

5.7.3  Information flowsp. 16  Application deregistration requestp. 16

There are no information elements within the application deregistration request.

5.8  MBMS bearer registrationp. 16

5.8.1  Generalp. 16

The MBMS bearer registration is used by the MC application to exchange information about an announced MBMS bearer with the MC MBMS client. The MC MBMS user agent checks the availability of this MBMS bearer and, if required, monitors its quality.

5.8.2  Proceduresp. 17

Figure 5.8.2-1 illustrates the procedure for MC MBMS bearer registration. This procedure allows the MC application to inform the MC MBMS user agent about an MBMS bearer announced to the MC application.
  • The MC application is registered towards the MC MBMS user agent.
  • An MC MBMS bearer has been announced to the MC application by the MC service server.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.479, Fig. 5.8.2-1: MC MBMS bearer registration procedure
Step 1.
The MC application registers a newly announced MBMS bearer to the MC MBMS user agent. The MC application informs the MC MBMS user agent if reception quality evaluation is expected from the MC MBMS user agent.
Step 2.
The MC MBMS user agent registers the new MBMS bearer.
3. The MC MBMS user agent notifies the MC application about the registration result.
  • If registration is successful, the MC MBMS user agent checks the MBMS bearer presence and executes MC MBMS bearer availability procedure.

5.8.3  Information flowsp. 17  MC MBMS bearer registration requestp. 17

Table describes the information flow for the MC MBMS bearer registration request.
Information Element Status Description
TMGIMTMGI information
List of service area identifierMA list of service area identifier for the applicable MBMS broadcast area
FrequencyOIdentification of frequency if multi carrier support is provided
Monitoring reception qualityOThis boolean is used to control if the MC MBMS user agent is actively monitoring the MBMS bearer quality or not
Up  MC MBMS bearer registration responsep. 18

Table describes the information flow for the MC MBMS bearer registration response.
Information Element Status Description
TMGIMTMGI information
Response codeMProvides the result of the registration request: success, failure or missing parameters
MessageOAdditional details

5.9  MBMS bearer deregistrationp. 18

5.9.1  Generalp. 18

The MBMS bearer deregistration allows the MC application to deregister an MBMS bearer with the MC MBMS user agent.

5.9.2  Proceduresp. 18

Figure 5.9.2-1 illustrates the procedure for MC MBMS bearer deregistration. The MC application can execute this procedure when this MBMS bearer has been de-announced.
  • The MC application is registered towards the MC MBMS user agent.
  • An MBMS bearer has been announced to the MC application and registered within the MC MBMS user agent.
  • The MBMS bearer is de-announced by the MC service server towards the MC application.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.479, Fig. 5.9.2-1: MC MBMS deregistration procedure
Step 1.
The MC application deregisters the MBMS bearer with the MC MBMS user agent. No additional notification from the MC MBMS user agent is expected by the MC application related to this MBMS bearer.
Step 2.
The MC MBMS user agent interrupts all operations previously requested by the MC application for this MBMS bearer and deletes any parameters and/or internal state associated to this MBMS bearer.
Step 3.
The MC MBMS user agent notifies the MC application about the deregistration result.
  • The MC application can no more proceed any API interactions with the MC MBMS user agent related to this MBMS bearer, e.g. API interactions for media consumption.

5.9.3  Information flowsp. 19  MC MBMS bearer deregistration requestp. 19

Table describes the information flow for the MC MBMS bearer deregistration request.
Information Element Status Description
TMGIMTMGI information
Up  MC MBMS bearer deregistration responsep. 19

Table describes the information flow for the MC MBMS bearer deregistration response.
Information Element Status Description
Response codeMProvides the result of the deregistration request: success, failure or missing parameters
MessageOAdditional details

5.10  MBMS bearer notificationp. 19

5.10.1  Generalp. 19

The MBMS bearer notification is used by the MC MBMS user agent to notify the MC application about events related to the MBMS bearer availability and quality.

5.10.2  Proceduresp. 19  MC MBMS bearer availabilityp. 19

Figure illustrates the procedure for MC MBMS bearer availability. This procedure allows the MC MBMS user agent to notify the MBMS application that a registered MBMS bearer is available within the UE location.
  • The MC application is registered towards the MC MBMS user agent.
  • An MBMS bearer has been announced to the MC application.
  • The MC application has registered this MBMS bearer within the MC MBMS user agent
  • No MBMS bearer availability notification has been sent since the MBMS bearer registration, or the MBMS bearer availability status has changed.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.479, Fig. MC MBMS bearer availability procedure
Step 1.
The MC MBMS user agent continuously checks if the MBMS bearer is available at the UE location.
Step 2.
If the MBMS bearer availability status has changed, the MC MBMS user agent sends a MC MBMS bearer availability notification. If the MBMS bearer is resumed, the MC MBMS bearer availability notification contains the status of MBMS resumption. If the MBMS bearer is suspended, the MC MBMS bearer availability notification contains the status of MBMS suspension.
  • If the MBMS bearer became available and if MBMS bearer quality evaluation is required by the MC application, as asked during the MBMS registration procedure, the MC MBMS user agent executes the MC MBMS bearer quality evaluation procedure.
  • If the MBMS bearer became unavailable, the MBMS bearer quality evaluation procedure, if in execution, is interrupted.
  • If the MBMS bearer is resumed, the MC application may send the MBMS suspension report to the MC service server indicating the MBMS resumption.
  • If the MBMS bearer is suspended, the MC application may send the MBMS suspension report to the MC service server indicating the MBMS suspension.
Up  MC MBMS bearer quality evaluationp. 20

Figure illustrates the procedure for MC MBMS bearer quality evaluation. This procedure allows the MC MBMS user agent to notify the MBMS application about the evaluated quality of the MBMS bearer.
  • The MC application is registered towards the MC MBMS user agent.
  • An MBMS bearer has been announced to the MC application by the MC service server.
  • The MC application has registered this MBMS bearer within the MC MBMS user agent and required quality evaluation.
  • The MBMS bearer is available at the UE location.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.479, Fig. MC MBMS bearer quality evaluation procedure
Step 1.
The MC MBMS user agent continuously evaluates reception for the MBMS bearer.
Step 2.
When reception quality evaluation is done and
  • No notification for the reception quality evaluation has been done since the last MC MBMS bearer availability notification for this given MBMS bearer; or
  • The reception quality evaluation or reception quality level is different to the last reception quality notification.
Then, the MC MBMS user agent notifies the MC application about the reception quality.
  • The MC MBMS user agent keeps executing the MC MBMS bearer quality evaluation procedure.

5.10.3  Information flowsp. 21  MC MBMS bearer availabilityp. 21

Table describes the information flow for the MC MBMS bearer availability notification. This information flow is used for notification about MBMS bearer availability and unavailability.
Information Element Status Description
TMGIMTMGI information
Event codeMCode providing the nature of the event
MessageOAdditional details
Table provides the list of events identified by the event code IE, sent by MC MBMS bearer availability notifications.
Event Description
AvailableThe MBMS bearer is available
ResumedThe MBMS bearer is resumed after suspension
UnavailableThe MBMS bearer is unavailable
SuspendedThe MBMS bearer is suspended
Up  MC MBMS bearer quality evaluationp. 22

Table describes the information flow for the MC MBMS bearer quality evaluation. This information flow is used for notification about MBMS bearer reception quality.
Information Element Status Description
TMGIMTMGI information
Reception quality evaluationMIndicates if the reception quality for the MBMS bearer is evaluated good or bad (binary evaluation)
Reception quality levelOLevel of reception quality (see NOTE)
MessageOAdditional details
The set of discrete quality levels helps enable the make-before-break procedure (subclause of TS 23.468) by the application. How these levels are derived is implementation specific.

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