
Content for  TS 23.479  Word version:  18.0.0

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5  Mission critical MBMS application programming interfacesp. 9

5.1  Generalp. 9

This clause defines the MC MBMS API that enables the MC applications to get access to MBMS capabilities exposed by MC MBMS user agent, corresponding to the function models defined in clause 4. The MC MBMS API supports the use of MBMS transmission for mission critical services as defined in TS 23.280, TS 23.379, TS 23.281 and TS 23.282; and these API functions comply with multicast group communications enabled by GCSE as defined in TS 23.468.

5.2  Get MBMS SAIp. 10

5.2.1  Generalp. 10

This subclause defines API functions of get MBMS SAI request and get MBMS SAI response.
The get MBMS SAI request is asynchronous API function call and the get MBMS SAI response providing the result is sent via callback mechanism.
The MC application uses this API function call to obtain the MBMS SAI(s) of which the UE is currently located.

5.2.2  Proceduresp. 10

Figure 5.2.2-1 illustrates the procedure of get MBMS SAI by which the MC application queries the current MBMS SAI(s) that the MC service UE is located.
  • The MC application has registered towards the MC MBMS user agent.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.479, Fig. 5.2.2-1: Get MBMS SAI procedure
Step 1.
The MC application queries the MBMS SAI information from the MC MBMS user agent.
Step 2.
The MC MBMS user agent responds with the SAI(s) of which the UE is currently located.
  • The MC application is able to report the MBMS SAI information.

5.2.3  Information flowsp. 10  Get MBMS SAI requestp. 10

The get MBMS SAI request does not have input parameters.  Get MBMS SAI responsep. 10

Table describes the information flow for the get MBMS SAI response.
Information Element Status Description
MBMS SAIsMA list of MBMS SAIs that are available where the MC service UE is currently located
ResultMResult of the API call (success or failure)
Reason codeOThe code for failure

5.3  MBMS SAI update notificationp. 11

5.3.1  Generalp. 11

This subclause defines API function of MBMS SAI update notification.
The SAI update notification is a callback function that notifies about the updated MBMS SAI(s) detected by MC MBMS user agent.
The MC application receives the notification when the MBMS SAI(s) of the UE changed.
The subscription for the notification is performed with the registration of the MC application.

5.3.2  Proceduresp. 11

Figure 5.3.2-1 illustrates the procedure of MBMS SAI update notification by which the MC application is notified about the updated MBMS SAIs upon the occurrence of the MBMS SAI change.
  • The MC application has registered towards the MC MBMS user agent.
  • The MBMS SAI(s) where the MC service UE is located has changed.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.479, Fig. 5.3.2-1: MBMS SAI update notification procedure
Step 1.
The MC MBMS user agent detects the MBMS SAI(s) of which the MC service UE resides on has changed.
Step 2.
The MC MBMS user agent notifies the MC application about the updated SAI information.
  • The MC application is able to report the MBMS SAI information.

5.3.3  Information flowsp. 12  MBMS SAI update notificationp. 12

Table describes the information flow for the MBMS SAI update notification.
Information Element Status Description
MBMS SAIsMA list of MBMS SAIs that are available where the MC service UE is currently located

5.4  Get cell infop. 12

5.4.1  Generalp. 12

This subclause defines API functions of get cell info request and get cell info response.
The get cell info request is an asynchronous API function call and the get cell info response providing the result is sent via callback mechanism.
The MC application uses this API function call to obtain the information of the cell where the UE is currently located.

5.4.2  Proceduresp. 12

Figure 5.4.2-1 illustrates the procedure of get cell info by which the MC application queries the current cell information of the MC service UE.
  • The MC application has registered towards the MC MBMS user agent.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.479, Fig. 5.4.2-1: Get cell info procedure
Step 1.
The MC application queries the cell information from the MC MBMS user agent.
Step 2.
The MC MBMS user agent responds with the cell information of which the UE is currently located.
  • The MC application is able to report the cell location information.

5.4.3  Information flowsp. 13  Get cell info requestp. 13

The get cell info request does not have input parameters.  Get cell info responsep. 13

Table describes the information flow for the get cell info response.
Information Element Status Description
Cell InfoMECGI of the cell where the MC service UE is currently located
ResultMResult of the API call (success or failure)
Reason codeOThe code for failure

5.5  Cell update notificationp. 13

5.5.1  Generalp. 13

This subclause defines API function of cell update notification.
The cell update notification is a callback function that notifies about the updated cell location detected by MC MBMS user agent.
The MC application receives the notification when the cell location of the UE changed.
The subscription for the notification is performed with the registration of the MC application.

5.5.2  Proceduresp. 13

Figure 5.5.2-1 illustrates the procedure of cell update notification by which the MC application is notified about the updated cell information upon the occurrence of cell change.
  • The MC application has registered towards the MC MBMS user agent.
  • The cell of the MC service UE has changed.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.479, Fig. 5.5.2-1: Cell update notification procedure
Step 1.
The MC MBMS user agent detects the cell change on the MC service UE.
Step 2.
The MC MBMS user agent notifies the MC application about the updated cell information.
  • The MC application is able to report the cell information update.

5.5.3  Information flowsp. 14  Cell update notificationp. 14

Table describes the information flow for the cell update notification.
Information Element Status Description
Cell InfoMECGI of the cell where the MC service UE is currently located

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