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TS 24.166
3GPP IMS Conferencing
Management Object (MO)

V18.0.0 (PDF)  2024/03  14 p.
V17.0.0  2022/03  14 p.
V16.0.0  2018/12  12 p.
V15.0.0  2018/06  12 p.
V14.0.0  2017/03  12 p.
V13.0.0  2015/12  12 p.
V12.0.0  2014/09  11 p.
V11.0.0  2012/09  12 p.
V10.0.0  2011/04  12 p.
V9.2.0  2011/04  12 p.
Mr. Monrad, Atle
Ericsson LM

Content for  TS 24.166  Word version:  18.0.0

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1  Scopep. 5

This document defines the IMS conferencing management object. The management object is compatible with OMA Device Management protocol specifications, version 1.2 and upwards, and is defined using the OMA DM Device Description Framework as described in the Enabler Release Definition OMA-ERELD_DM-V1_2 [3].
The IMS conferencing management object consists of relevant parameters that can be managed for IMS conferencing capabilities.

2  Referencesp. 5

The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.
  • References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific.
  • For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
  • For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document.
TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".
TS 24.147: "Conferencing using the IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Stage 3".
OMA-ERELD-DM-V1_2-20070209-A: "Enabler Release Definition for OMA Device Management, Version 1.2".
RFC 4579  (August 2006): "Session Initiation Protocol Call Control - Conferencing for User Agents".
TS 23.003: "Numbering, addressing and identification".

3  Definitions and abbreviationsp. 5

3.1  Definitionsp. 5

For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in TR 21.905 apply.
The following terms and definitions given in RFC 4579 apply:
Conference Factory URI

3.2  Abbreviationsp. 5

For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
Core Network
Device Description Framework
Device Management
IP Multimedia core network Subsystem
Internet Protocol
Management Object
Open Mobile Alliance
Session Initiation Protocol
User Equipment
Stand-alone Non-Public Network

4  IMS conferencing management objectp. 6

The IMS conferencing management object is used to manage configuration settings of the UE for IMS conferencing. The management object covers parameters for IMS conferencing related capabilities. The management object enables the management of the settings on behalf of the end user.
The Management Object Identifier is:
Protocol compatibility:
This MO is compatible with OMA DM 1.2.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 24.166, Fig. 1: The 3GPP Conferencing Management Object
Figure 1: The 3GPP Conferencing Management Object
(⇒ copy of original 3GPP image)

5  Management object parametersp. 6

5.1  Generalp. 6

This clause describes the parameters for the IMS conferencing management object.

5.2  Node: /<X>p. 6

This interior node acts as a placeholder for one or more accounts for a fixed node.
  • Occurrence: OneOrMore
  • Format: node
  • Access Types: Get
  • Values: N/A
The interior node is mandatory if the UE supports one or more IMS conferencing capabilities. Support for a UE is defined by the related roles as defined by the related IMS conferencing service.

5.3  /<X>/Namep. 7

The Name leaf is a name for the conferencing settings.
  • Occurrence: ZeroOrOne
  • Format: chr
  • Access Types: Get
  • Values: <User displayable name>

5.4  /<X>/Conf_Factory_URIp. 7

The Conf_Factory_URI leaf defines a Conference Factory URI as defined by RFC 4579 that is supported by a subscriber's network as described in TS 24.147.
  • Occurrence: ZeroOrOne
  • Format: chr
  • Access Types: Get, Replace
  • Values: <A Conference Factory URI>

5.5  /<X>/Extp. 7

The Ext is an interior node for where the vendor specific information about the IMS conferencing management is being placed (vendor meaning application vendor, device vendor etc.). Usually the vendor extension is identified by vendor specific name under the ext node. The tree structure under the vendor identified is not defined and can therefore include one or more un-standardized sub-trees.
  • Occurrence: ZeroOrOne
  • Format: node
  • Access Types: Get
  • Values: N/A

5.6  /<X>/SNPN_Configurationp. 7

This interior node contains configuration parameters regarding a UE operating in SNPN access operation mode.
  • Occurrence: ZeroOrOne
  • Format: node
  • Access Types: Get, Replace
  • Values: N/A

5.7  /<X>/SNPN_Configuration/<X>p. 7

This interior node acts as a placeholder for a list of:
  1. SNPN identity; and
  2. configuration parameters.
A configuration parameter in an /<X>/SNPN_Configuration/<X> node other than the SNPN_identifier, is applicable when the UE selects an entry of "list of subscriber data":
  1. with the SNPN identity of the subscribed SNPN which is the same as the SNPN identity in the SNPN_identifier leaf.
    • Occurrence: OneOrMore
    • Format: node
    • Access Types: Get, Replace
    • Values: N/A

5.8  /<X>/SNPN_Configuration/<X>/SNPN_identifierp. 8

This leaf indicates the SNPN identity of the subscribed SNPN for which the list of configuration parameters are applicable.
  • Occurrence: One
  • Format: chr
  • Access Types: Get, Replace
  • Values: <PLMN><NID>
The PLMN and NID are in the format defined by TS 23.003, with each digit of the MCC and MNC of the PLMN and each digit of the assignment mode and NID value of the NID encoded as an ASCII character.

5.9  /<X>/Conf_Factory_URIp. 8

The Conf_Factory_URI leaf defines a Conference Factory URI as defined by IETF RFC 4579 that is supported by a subscriber's network as described in TS 24.147.
  • Occurrence: ZeroOrOne
  • Format: chr
  • Access Types: Get, Replace
  • Values: <A Conference Factory URI>

A  Management object DDFp. 9

This DDF is the standardized minimal set. A vendor can define its own DDF for the complete device. This DDF can include more features than this minimal standardized version.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <Man>--The device manufacturer--</Man>
 <Mod>--The device model--</Mod>
  <NodeName> IMS conferencing </NodeName>
   <Description>IMS conferencing configuration parameters</Description>
   <DFTitle>The IMS conferencing Management Object.</DFTitle>
    <DFTitle>Name for conference settings.</DFTitle>
    <DFTitle>The Confernece Factory URI.</DFTitle>
    <DFTitle>SNPN Configuration.</DFTitle>
     <DFTitle>SNPN fonfiguration parameters.</DFTitle>
      <DFTitle>Identifier of the SNPN.</DFTitle>
      <DFTitle>The Confernece Factory URI.</DFTitle>
   <!-- The Extension node starts here. -->
    <DFTitle>A collection of all Extension objects.</DFTitle>

$  Change historyp. 11

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