
Content for  TR 21.917  Word version:  17.0.1

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19  Features without summaryp. 162

The Features listed below are not summarised in this document because their output is not significant enough. It can e.g. be some minor protocol enhancements.
The corresponding CR(s), if any, can be found by replacing [UID] by the actual UID in the link below, selecting "TSG Status = Approved" in the page:[UID]
The UID is the left-most number in the table below.
UID Name Acronym WG WID WI rapporteur name/company
880020Protocol enhancements for Mission Critical ServicesMCProtoc17C1CP-202193AXELL, Jörgen
880019Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development 175GProtoc17C1CP-201163Sedlacek, Ivo, Ericsson
880044Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development 17 general aspects5GProtoc17C1CP-201163Sedlacek, Ivo, Ericsson
880045Stage-3 5GS NAS protocol development 17 non-IETF aspects5GProtoc17-non3GPPC1CP-201163Sedlacek, Ivo, Ericsson
880021Stage-3 SAE Protocol DevelopmentSAES17C1CP-201165Aghili, Behrouz, InterDigital Communications
880046Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development general aspectsSAES17C1CP-201165Aghili, Behrouz, InterDigital Communications
880047Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development CSFB aspectsSAES17-CSFBC1CP-201165Aghili, Behrouz, InterDigital Communications
880048Stage-3 SAE Protocol Development non 3GPP aspectsSAES17-non3GPPC1CP-201165Aghili, Behrouz, InterDigital Communications
911034IMS Stage-3 IETF Protocol AlignmentIMSProtoc17ctCP-201167Gkatzikis, Lazaros(Nokia)
880023CT1 aspects of IMS Stage-3 IETF Protocol AlignmentIMSProtoc17C1CP-201167Gkatzikis, Lazaros(Nokia)
911035CT3 aspects of IMS Stage-3 IETF Protocol AlignmentIMSProtoc17C3CP-201167Gkatzikis, Lazaros(Nokia)
880013Service Based Interface Protocol Improvements Release 17SBIProtoc17CP-211088Song Yue, China Mobile
880053CT3 aspects of SBIProtoc17SBIProtoc17C3CP-211088Song Yue, China Mobile
880054CT4 aspects of SBIProtoc17SBIProtoc17C4CP-211088Song Yue, China Mobile

$  Change historyp. 163

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