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TR 33.928
ADMF Logic for provisioning Lawful Interception (LI)

V18.4.0 (PDF)2024/06  … p.
Mr. Rao, Nagaraja
Nokia Corporation

full Table of Contents for  TR 33.928  Word version:  18.1.0

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0  Introductionp. 5

The LI technical specifications (TS 33.126, TS 33.127, TS 33.128) contain the normative part of the LI requirements and the technical report TR 33.929 [5] contains additional information as an implementation guidance for LI. The ADMF that receives the warrant information from the Law Enforcement Agencies has the task of provisioning the LI functions present in various Network Functions (NFs) of the serving CSP network. Upon provisioning, the LI is activated in those NFs, and accordingly, the LI functions within those NFs monitor the target's communications and provide the LI as required by the warrant.
The scope of the NFs that provide the LI functions within the CSP network is determined based on various factors such as LI service type, CSP deployment choice, scope of LI as authorized in the warrant. The present document provides the logic used within the ADMF in provisioning the LI functions considering those points.

1  Scopep. 6

The present document provides ADMF provisioning logic for LI in association with the LI functions defined in TS 33.126, TS 33.127 and TS 33.128.

2  Referencesp. 6

3  Definitions of terms, symbols and abbreviationsp. 6

3.1  Termsp. 6

3.2  Symbolsp. 6

3.3  Abbreviationsp. 6

4  ADMF and provisioningp. 7

4.1  Overviewp. 7

4.2  Generalp. 7

5  LIPF logicp. 10

5.1  Backgroundp. 10

5.2  Governing scenariosp. 10

5.3  Top-level LIPF provisioning logicp. 11

5.4  Datap. 12

5.5  Voicep. 28

5.6  Messagingp. 46

5.7  PTCp. 52

5.8  LALSp. 54

5.9  Location Acquisitionp. 54

5.10  RCSp. 55

$  Change historyp. 62

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