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TS 33.527
Security Assurance Specification (SCAS) for
3GPP Virtualized Network products

V18.3.0 (PDF)2024/06  20 p.
Mr. Qi, Minpeng
China Mobile Com. Corporation

full Table of Contents for  TS 33.527  Word version:  18.3.0

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1  Scopep. 7

The present document contains objectives, requirements and test cases to virtualized network product classes.
Several virtualized network product classes share very similar if not identical security requirements for some aspects. Therefore, these are collected in the present document applicable to many virtualized network product classes. In addition to this catalogue, requirements specific to different network product classes will be captured in separate documents.

2  Referencesp. 7

3  Definitions of terms, symbols and abbreviationsp. 7

3.1  Termsp. 7

3.2  Symbolsp. 7

3.3  Abbreviationsp. 8

4  Catalogue of security requirements and related test cases for virtualized network productp. 8

4.1  Introductionp. 8

4.2  Security functional requirements and related test casesp. 9

4.3  Security requirements and related test cases related to hardeningp. 15

4.4  Basic vulnerability testing requirementsp. 17

$  Change historyp. 18

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