
Content for  TS 24.525  Word version:  18.0.0

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5  Functional architecturep. 12

6  Proceduresp. 18

6.1  Subscription based business trunkingp. 18

6.1.1  Introductionp. 18

6.1.2  Identificationp. 18

6.1.3  Registrationp. 18

6.1.4  Requests originating from an NGCN user entering NGNp. 19

6.1.5  Requests terminating to an NGCN user leaving NGNp. 22

6.1.6  Business trunking applicationsp. 24

6.1.7  Signalling transparencyp. 25

6.1.8  Involvement of functions on the media pathp. 25  Generalp. 25  DTMFp. 25  Codecsp. 26

6.1.9  Handling of the P-Access-Network-Info header fieldp. 26

6.1.10  Emergency callsp. 26

6.1.11  Chargingp. 27

6.1.12  Advice of Chargep. 27

6.1.13  NAT traversalp. 27

6.1.14  Private network trafficp. 27

6.1.15  P-CSCF and IP-CAN redundancyp. 28

6.2  Peering-based business trunkingp. 28

6.3  Session-level virtual leased line between NGCN sitesp. 33

6.4  NGCN user roaming into NGN public networkp. 35

7  Use of transport functionsp. 37

8  Securityp. 37

9  Managementp. 38

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