
Content for  TR 23.862  Word version:  12.0.0

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4  Scenarios for interworking between mobile operators and data application providersp. 6

5  Architectural Requirementsp. 9

6  Solutions for interworking between mobile operators and data application providersp. 9

6.1  Architecture #1p. 9

6.1.1  Architecture Principlesp. 9

6.1.2  Architecture Descriptionp. 9

6.1.3  Interface Enhancementsp. 13

6.1.4  Impacts on existing nodes or functionalityp. 13

6.1.5  Non-IMS Procedures for Non-roaming Casesp. 13

6.1.6  Non-IMS Procedures for Home-routed Roaming Casep. 21

6.1.7  Evaluationp. 22

7  Conclusionp. 22

$  Change historyp. 23

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