
Content for  TR 23.856  Word version:  10.0.0

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5  Performance Analysis of Rel-8 SRVCC solutionp. 9

6  Alternativesp. 11

6.1  Alternative 1 - enhancement using delay predictionp. 11

6.2  Alternative 2 - Serial Handoverp. 16


6.4  Alternative 4 - Media anchor in the serving networkp. 17

6.5  Alternative 5 - Remote update optimizationp. 22



6.8  Alternative 8 - SR-VCC Enhancement using anchoring in the home networkp. 23

6.9  Alternative 9 - SR-VCC Enhancement using media detectionp. 34

6.10  Alternatives 10 - eSRVCC with PDN bi-castingp. 37

6.11  Alternative 11 - Media anchoring in the IMS-ALGp. 41

6.12  Alternative 12 - HO enhancement by local anchoring with Indirect Forwarding (Merged alternative of alternatives 6 and 7)p. 44

6.13  Consolidated Alternative - SIP based solution for eSRVCCp. 53

7  Assessmentp. 66

8  Conclusionp. 69

A  Reducing the call drop probabilityp. 70

B  Impacts on nodes of eSRVCC alternativesp. 73

C  Examples of ATCF/ATGW collocation - SIP based solution for eSRVCCp. 77

$  Change historyp. 80

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