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TR 21.910
Multi-mode UE issues: categories, principles and procedures

V3.0.0 (PDF)  2000/03  12 p.
Mr. Hietalahti, Hannu

full Table of Contents for  TR 21.910  Word version:  3.0.0

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0  IntroductionWord‑p. 4

1  ScopeWord‑p. 5

2  ReferencesWord‑p. 5

3  Definitions, symbols and abbreviationsWord‑p. 6

3.1  DefinitionsWord‑p. 6

3.2  AbbreviationsWord‑p. 6

4  General AspectsWord‑p. 7

4.1  Types of UEsWord‑p. 7

4.1.1  Type 1Word‑p. 7

4.1.2  Type 2Word‑p. 7

4.1.3  Type 3Word‑p. 7

4.1.4  Type 4Word‑p. 8

5  Multi-mode operationWord‑p. 8

$  Change historyWord‑p. 10

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